Rearrange some VariableLike and FunctionLike code sharing

The old way we shared code between VariableLike and FunctionLike cases --
across module, class, and locals -- was slightly confusing, and required a
lot of dynamic object property copying, etc.  This change is a little bit
easier on the eyes, correctly handles variable initializers more uniformly,
and prepares us for class properties (the next change to land).
This commit is contained in:
joeduffy 2017-01-11 07:13:59 -08:00
parent 7db6f12d6f
commit dbce1d5170
3 changed files with 248 additions and 167 deletions

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@ -79,28 +79,60 @@ let postfixUnaryOperators = new Map<ts.SyntaxKind, ast.UnaryOperator>([
[ ts.SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken, "--" ],
// A top-level module element is either a definition or a statement.
type ModuleElement = ast.Definition | ast.Statement;
// A top-level module element is either a module member (definition) or a statement (initializer).
type ModuleElement = ast.ModuleMember | VariableDeclaration<ast.ModuleProperty> | ast.Statement;
// A top-level class element is either a class member (definition) or a statement (initializer).
type ClassElement = ast.ClassMember | VariableDeclaration<ast.ClassProperty>;
function isVariableDeclaration(element: ModuleElement | ClassElement): boolean {
return !!(element instanceof VariableDeclaration);
// A variable is a MuIL variable with an optional initializer expression. This is required because MuIL doesn't support
// complex initializers on the Variable AST node -- they must be explicitly placed into an initializer section.
interface VariableDeclaration {
node: ts.Node; // the source node.
local: ast.LocalVariable; // the MuIL variable information.
legacyVar?: boolean; // true if we should mimick legacy ECMAScript "var" behavior; false for "let".
initializer?: ast.Expression; // an optional initialization expression.
class VariableDeclaration<TVariable extends ast.Variable> {
public node: ts.Node, // the source node.
public variable: TVariable, // the MuIL variable information.
public legacyVar?: boolean, // true to mimick legacy ECMAScript "var" behavior; false for "let".
public initializer?: ast.Expression, // an optional initialization expression.
) { }
// A variable declaration isn't yet known to be a module or class property, and so it just contains the subset in common
// between them. This facilitates code reuse in the translation passes.
interface VariableLikeDeclaration {
name: ast.Identifier;
type: symbols.TypeToken;
readonly?: boolean;
legacyVar?: boolean;
initializer?: ast.Expression;
// A function declaration isn't yet known to be a module or class method, and so it just contains the subset that is
// common between them. This facilitates code reuse in the translation passes.
interface FunctionDeclaration {
node: ts.Node;
interface FunctionLikeDeclaration {
name: ast.Identifier;
parameters: ast.LocalVariable[];
body?: ast.Block;
returnType?: symbols.TypeToken;
function ident(id: string): ast.Identifier {
return {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: id,
function isComputed(name: ts.Node | undefined): boolean {
if (name) {
return (name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName);
return false;
// A transpiler is responsible for transforming TypeScript program artifacts into MuPack/MuIL AST forms.
export class Transpiler {
private meta: pack.Metadata; // the package's metadata.
@ -167,24 +199,12 @@ export class Transpiler {
return dst;
/** AST queries **/
private isComputed(name: ts.Node | undefined): boolean {
if (name) {
return (name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName);
return false;
/** Transformations **/
/** Symbols **/
private transformIdentifier(node: ts.Identifier): ast.Identifier {
return this.copyLocation(node, {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: node.text,
return this.copyLocation(node, ident(node.text));
/** Modules **/
@ -204,11 +224,23 @@ export class Transpiler {
for (let statement of node.statements) {
let elements: ModuleElement[] = this.transformSourceFileStatement(statement);
for (let element of elements) {
if (ast.isDefinition(element)) {
let defn: ast.Definition = <ast.Definition>element;
members[] = defn;
if (isVariableDeclaration(element)) {
// This is a module property with a possible initializer. The property should get registered as a
// member in this module's member map, and the initializer must happen in the module initializer.
// TODO(joe): respect legacyVar to emulate "var"-like scoping.
let decl = <VariableDeclaration<ast.ModuleProperty>>element;
if (decl.initializer) {
members[] = decl.variable;
else if (ast.isDefinition(<ast.Node>element)) {
// This is a module member; simply add it to the list.
let member = <ast.ModuleMember>element;
members[] = member;
else {
// This is a top-level module statement; place it into the module initializer.
@ -218,10 +250,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
if (statements.length > 0) {
let initializer: ast.ModuleMethod = {
kind: ast.moduleMethodKind,
name: {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: symbols.specialFunctionInitializer,
name: ident(symbols.specialFunctionInitializer),
access: symbols.publicAccessibility,
body: {
kind: ast.blockKind,
@ -241,10 +270,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
return this.copyLocation(node, {
kind: ast.moduleKind,
name: <ast.Identifier>{
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: moduleName,
name: ident(moduleName),
members: members,
@ -289,11 +315,9 @@ export class Transpiler {
// function or class is permitted, and specifically not interface or let. Then smash the name with "default".
if (ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node) & ts.ModifierFlags.Default) {
contract.assert(elements.length === 1);
contract.assert(elements[0].kind === ast.moduleMethodKind || elements[0].kind === ast.classKind);
(<ast.Definition>elements[0]).name = {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: defaultExport,
let defn = <ast.Definition>elements[0];
contract.assert(defn.kind === ast.moduleMethodKind || defn.kind === ast.classKind); = ident(defaultExport);
return elements;
@ -395,8 +419,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
return [ this.transformClassDeclaration(<ts.ClassDeclaration>node, access) ];
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
return [ this.transformFunctionDeclaration<ast.ModuleMethod>(
<ts.FunctionDeclaration>node, ast.moduleMethodKind, access) ];
return [ this.transformModuleFunctionDeclaration(<ts.FunctionDeclaration>node, access) ];
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
return [ this.transformInterfaceDeclaration(<ts.InterfaceDeclaration>node, access) ];
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
@ -437,21 +460,63 @@ export class Transpiler {
name = this.transformIdentifier(;
else {
name = {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: defaultExport,
name = ident(defaultExport);
// Transform all non-semicolon members for this declaration.
let members: ast.ClassMembers = {};
// Transform all non-semicolon members for this declaration into ClassMembers.
let elements: ClassElement[] = [];
for (let member of node.members) {
if (member.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement) {
let result: ast.ClassMember = this.transformClassElement(member);
members[] = result;
// Now create a member map for this class by translating the ClassMembers created during the translation.
let members: ast.ClassMembers = {};
// First do a pass over all methods (including constructor methods).
for (let element of elements) {
if (!isVariableDeclaration(element)) {
let method = <ast.ClassMethod>element;
members[] = method;
// For all class properties with default values, we need to spill the initializer into the constructor. This
// is non-trivial, because the class may not have an explicit constructor. If it doesn't we need to generate
// one. In either case, we must be careful to respect initialization order with respect to super calls.
// Namely, all property initializers must occur *after* the invocation of `super()`.
let propertyInitializers: ast.Statement[] = [];
for (let element of elements) {
if (isVariableDeclaration(element)) {
let decl = <VariableDeclaration<ast.ClassProperty>>element;
if (decl.initializer) {
members[] = decl.variable;
if (propertyInitializers.length > 0) {
// Locate the constructor, possibly fabricating one if necessary.
let ctor: ast.ClassMethod | undefined =
if (!ctor) {
// TODO: once we support base classes, inject a call to super() at the front.
ctor = members[symbols.specialFunctionConstructor] = <ast.ClassMethod>{
kind: ast.classMethodKind,
name: ident(symbols.specialFunctionConstructor),
if (!ctor.body) {
ctor.body = <ast.Block>{
kind: ast.blockKind,
statements: [],
// TODO: once we support base classes, search for the super() call and append afterwards.
ctor.body.statements = propertyInitializers.concat(ctor.body.statements);
let mods: ts.ModifierFlags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node);
return this.copyLocation(node, {
kind: ast.classKind,
@ -486,7 +551,9 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration): FunctionDeclaration {
// A common routine for transforming FunctionLikeDeclarations. The return is specialized per callsite, since it
// will differ slightly between module methods, class methods, lambdas, and so on.
private transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration): FunctionLikeDeclaration {
// Ensure we are dealing with the supported subset of functions.
// TODO: turn these into real errors.
if (ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node) & ts.ModifierFlags.Async) {
@ -502,21 +569,13 @@ export class Transpiler {
if ( {
name = this.transformPropertyName(;
else if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor) {
// Constructors have a special name.
name = ident(symbols.specialFunctionConstructor);
else {
// Create a default identifier name.
let ident: string;
if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor) {
// Constructors have a special name.
ident = symbols.specialFunctionConstructor;
else {
// All others are assumed to be default exports.
ident = defaultExport;
name = {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: ident,
// All others are assumed to be default exports.
name = ident(defaultExport);
// Now visit the body; it can either be a block or a free-standing expression.
@ -545,7 +604,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
// Next transform the parameter variables into locals.
let parameters: VariableDeclaration[] =
let parameters: VariableDeclaration<ast.LocalVariable>[] =
(param: ts.ParameterDeclaration) => this.transformParameterDeclaration(param));
// If there are any initializers, make sure to prepend them (in order) to the body block.
@ -555,20 +614,20 @@ export class Transpiler {
// Delegate to the factory method to turn this into a real function object.
return {
node: node,
name: name,
parameters: VariableDeclaration) => p.local),
parameters: VariableDeclaration<ast.LocalVariable>) => p.variable),
body: body,
returnType: "TODO",
private transformFunctionDeclaration<TFunction extends ast.Function>(
node: ts.FunctionDeclaration, kind: ast.NodeKind, access: symbols.Accessibility): TFunction {
let decl: FunctionDeclaration = this.transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
return this.copyLocation(node, <TFunction><any>{
kind: kind,
private transformModuleFunctionDeclaration(
node: ts.FunctionDeclaration, access: symbols.Accessibility): ast.ModuleMethod {
let decl: FunctionLikeDeclaration = this.transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
return this.copyLocation(node, <ast.ModuleMethod>{
kind: ast.moduleMethodKind,
access: access,
parameters: decl.parameters,
@ -585,7 +644,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformParameterDeclaration(node: ts.ParameterDeclaration): VariableDeclaration {
private transformParameterDeclaration(node: ts.ParameterDeclaration): VariableDeclaration<ast.LocalVariable> {
// Validate that we're dealing with the supported subset.
// TODO(joe): turn these into real error messages.
if (!!node.dotDotDotToken) {
@ -600,8 +659,8 @@ export class Transpiler {
initializer = this.transformExpression(node.initializer);
return {
node: node,
local: {
node: node,
variable: {
kind: ast.localVariableKind,
name: name,
type: "TODO",
@ -614,52 +673,58 @@ export class Transpiler {
private makeVariableInitializer(variable: VariableDeclaration): ast.Statement {
contract.requires(!!variable.initializer, "variable", "Expected variable to have an initializer");
return this.copyLocation(variable.node, {
private makeVariableInitializer(decl: VariableDeclaration<ast.Variable>): ast.Statement {
contract.requires(!!decl.initializer, "decl", "Expected variable declaration to have an initializer");
return this.copyLocation(decl.node, {
kind: ast.binaryOperatorExpressionKind,
left: <ast.LoadLocationExpression>{
kind: ast.loadLocationExpressionKind,
operator: "=",
right: variable.initializer,
right: decl.initializer,
private transformVariableStatement(node: ts.VariableStatement): VariableDeclaration[] {
let variables: VariableDeclaration[] =
(decl: ts.VariableDeclaration) => this.transformVariableDeclaration(decl));
// If the node is marked "const", tag all variables as readonly.
if (!!(node.declarationList.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Const)) {
for (let variable of variables) {
variable.local.readonly = true;
// If the node isn't marked "let", we must mark all variables to use legacy "var" behavior.
if (!(node.declarationList.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Let)) {
for (let variable of variables) {
variable.legacyVar = true;
return variables;
private transformVariableStatement(node: ts.VariableStatement): VariableLikeDeclaration[] {
(decl: ts.VariableDeclaration) => {
let like: VariableLikeDeclaration = this.transformVariableDeclaration(decl);
// If the node is marked "const", tag all variables as readonly.
if (!!(node.declarationList.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Const)) {
like.readonly = true;
// If the node isn't marked "let", we must mark all variables to use legacy "var" behavior.
if (!(node.declarationList.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Let)) {
like.legacyVar = true;
return like;
private transformLocalVariableStatement(node: ts.VariableStatement): ast.Statement {
// For variables, we need to append initializers as assignments if there are any.
// TODO: emulate "var"-like scoping.
let statements: ast.Statement[] = [];
let variables: VariableDeclaration[] = this.transformVariableStatement(node);
for (let variable of variables) {
let decls: VariableLikeDeclaration[] = this.transformVariableStatement(node);
for (let decl of decls) {
let local = <ast.LocalVariable>{
kind: ast.localVariableKind,
type: decl.type,
readonly: decl.readonly,
kind: ast.localVariableDeclarationKind,
local: variable.local,
local: local,
if (variable.initializer) {
if (decl.initializer) {
let vdecl = new VariableDeclaration<ast.LocalVariable>(
node, local, decl.legacyVar, decl.initializer);
if (statements.length === 1) {
@ -675,25 +740,24 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformModuleVariableStatement(
node: ts.VariableStatement, access: symbols.Accessibility): ModuleElement[] {
let elements: ModuleElement[] = [];
let variables: VariableDeclaration[] = this.transformVariableStatement(node);
for (let variable of variables) {
// First transform the local varaible into a module property.
// TODO(joe): emulate "var"-like scoping.
elements.push(object.extend(variable.local, {
kind: ast.modulePropertyKind,
access: access,
// Next, if there is an initializer, use it to initialize the variable in the module initializer.
if (variable.initializer) {
return elements;
let decls: VariableLikeDeclaration[] = this.transformVariableStatement(node);
return VariableLikeDeclaration) =>
new VariableDeclaration<ast.ModuleProperty>(
kind: ast.modulePropertyKind,
access: access,
readonly: decl.readonly,
type: decl.type,
private transformVariableDeclaration(node: ts.VariableDeclaration): VariableDeclaration {
private transformVariableDeclaration(node: ts.VariableDeclaration): VariableLikeDeclaration {
// TODO[marapongo/mu#43]: parameters can be any binding name, including destructuring patterns. For now,
// however, we only support the identifier forms.
let name: ast.Identifier = this.transformDeclarationIdentifier(;
@ -702,17 +766,13 @@ export class Transpiler {
initializer = this.transformExpression(node.initializer);
return {
node: node,
local: {
kind: ast.localVariableKind,
name: name,
type: "TODO",
name: name,
type: "TODO",
initializer: initializer,
private transformVariableDeclarationList(node: ts.VariableDeclarationList): VariableDeclaration[] {
private transformVariableDeclarationList(node: ts.VariableDeclarationList): VariableLikeDeclaration[] {
return ts.VariableDeclaration) => this.transformVariableDeclaration(decl));
@ -742,29 +802,31 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformClassElementFunctionLike(node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration): ast.Definition {
private getClassAccessibility(node: ts.Node): symbols.ClassMemberAccessibility {
let mods: ts.ModifierFlags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node);
if (!!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Private)) {
return symbols.privateAccessibility;
else if (!!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Protected)) {
return symbols.protectedAccessibility;
else {
// All members are public by default in ECMA/TypeScript.
return symbols.publicAccessibility;
private transformClassElementFunctionLike(node: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration): ast.ClassMethod {
// Get/Set accessors aren't yet supported.
contract.assert(node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor, "GetAccessor NYI");
contract.assert(node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor, "SetAccessor NYI");
let mods: ts.ModifierFlags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node);
let decl: FunctionDeclaration = this.transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
let access: symbols.ClassMemberAccessibility;
if (!!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Private)) {
access = symbols.privateAccessibility;
else if (!!(mods & ts.ModifierFlags.Protected)) {
access = symbols.protectedAccessibility;
else {
// All members are public by default in ECMA/TypeScript.
access = symbols.publicAccessibility;
return this.copyLocation(node, {
let decl: FunctionLikeDeclaration = this.transformFunctionLikeDeclaration(node);
return this.copyLocation(node, <ast.ClassMethod>{
kind: ast.classMethodKind,
access: access,
access: this.getClassAccessibility(node),
parameters: decl.parameters,
body: decl.body,
returnType: decl.returnType,
@ -1173,10 +1235,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformSuperExpression(node: ts.SuperExpression): ast.LoadLocationExpression {
return {
kind: ast.loadLocationExpressionKind,
name: {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: symbols.specialVariableSuper,
name: ident(symbols.specialVariableSuper),
@ -1191,10 +1250,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformThisExpression(node: ts.ThisExpression): ast.LoadLocationExpression {
return {
kind: ast.loadLocationExpressionKind,
name: {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: symbols.specialVariableThis,
name: ident(symbols.specialVariableThis),
@ -1284,10 +1340,7 @@ export class Transpiler {
private transformIdentifierExpression(node: ts.Identifier): ast.Identifier {
return this.copyLocation(node, {
kind: ast.identifierKind,
ident: node.text,
return this.copyLocation(node, ident(node.text));
private transformObjectBindingPattern(node: ts.ObjectBindingPattern): ast.Expression {

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"type": "TODO",
"access": "private"
"access": "private",
"type": "TODO"
".init": {
"kind": "ModuleMethod",
@ -41,8 +41,22 @@
"kind": "BinaryOperatorExpression",
"left": {
"kind": "LoadVariableExpression",
"variable": "x"
"kind": "LoadLocationExpression",
"name": {
"kind": "Identifier",
"ident": "x",
"loc": {
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {
"line": 1,
"column": 4
"end": {
"line": 1,
"column": 5
"operator": "=",
"right": {
@ -65,11 +79,11 @@
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {
"line": 1,
"column": 4
"column": 0
"end": {
"line": 1,
"column": 10
"column": 11

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"type": "TODO",
"access": "public"
"access": "public",
"type": "TODO"
".init": {
"kind": "ModuleMethod",
@ -41,8 +41,22 @@
"kind": "BinaryOperatorExpression",
"left": {
"kind": "LoadVariableExpression",
"variable": "x"
"kind": "LoadLocationExpression",
"name": {
"kind": "Identifier",
"ident": "x",
"loc": {
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {
"line": 1,
"column": 11
"end": {
"line": 1,
"column": 12
"operator": "=",
"right": {
@ -65,11 +79,11 @@
"file": "index.ts",
"start": {
"line": 1,
"column": 11
"column": 0
"end": {
"line": 1,
"column": 17
"column": 18