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4 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pat Gavlin
Update the copyright end date to 2018. (#1068)
Just what it says on the tin.
2018-03-21 12:43:21 -07:00
Joe Duffy
Make cloud authentication more intuitive (#738)
The prior behavior with cloud authentication was a bit confusing
when authenticating against anything but  This
change fixes a few aspects of this:

* Improve error messages to differentiate between "authentication
  failed" and "you haven't logged into the target cloud URL."

* Default to the cloud you're currently authenticated with, rather
  than unconditionally selecting  This ensures

      $ pulumi login -c
      $ pulumi stack ls

  works, versus what was currently required

      $ pulumi login -c
      $ pulumi stack ls -c

  with confusing error messages if you forgot the second -c.

* To do this, our default cloud logic changes to

    1) Prefer the explicit -c if supplied;

    2) Otherwise, pick the "currently authenticated" cloud; this is
       the last cloud to have been targeted with pulumi login, or
       otherwise the single cloud in the list if there is only one;

    3) otherwise.
2017-12-16 07:49:41 -08:00
Joe Duffy
Make config a little less error prone
As articulated in #714, the way config defaults to workspace-local
configuration is a bit error prone, especially now with the cloud
workflow being the default.  This change implements several improvements:

* First, --save defaults to true, so that configuration changes will
  persist into your project file.  If you want the old local workspace
  behavior, you can specify --save=false.

* Second, the order in which we applied configuration was a little
  strange, because workspace settings overwrote project settings.
  The order is changed now so that we take most specific over least
  specific configuration.  Per-stack is considered more specific
  than global and project settings are considered more specific
  than workspace.

* We now warn anytime workspace local configuration is used.  This
  is a developer scenario and can have subtle effects.  It is simply
  not safe to use in a team environment.  In fact, I lost an arm
  this morning due to workspace config... and that's why you always
  issue warnings for unsafe things.
2017-12-13 10:46:54 -08:00
Joe Duffy
Add a logout --all command (#673)
If a cloud you've previously authenticated with goes away -- as ours
sort of did, because the cloud endpoing in the CLI changed (to actually
be correct) -- then you can't logout without manually editing the
credentials file in your workspace.  This is a little annoying.  So,
rather than that, let's have a `pulumi logout --all` command that just
logs out of all clouds you are presently authenticated with.
2017-12-08 12:14:14 -08:00