Commit graph

18 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
joeduffy e137837455 Revert back to T[], instead of []T, for array syntax
This change reverts the syntax for arrays back to T[] from []T.  The main
reason is that YAML doesn't permit unquoted strings beginning with [], meaning
any array type needs to be quoted as in "[]T", which is annoying compared to all
other primitive types which don't require quotes.  And, anyway, this syntax is
more familiar too.

I've also added a number of tests.
2016-12-07 13:24:05 -08:00
joeduffy 5b791aab77 Introduce intrinsic types
This change eliminates the special type mu/extension in favor of extensible
intrinsic types.  This subsumes the previous functionality while also fixing
a number of warts with the old model.

In particular, the old mu/extension approach deferred property binding until
very late in the compiler.  In fact, too late.  The backend provider for an
extension simply received an untyped bag of stuff, which it then had to
deal with.  Unfortunately, some operations in the binder are inaccessible
at this point because doing so would cause a cycle.  Furthermore, some
pertinent information is gone at this point, like the scopes and symtables.

The canonical example where we need this is binding services names to the
services themselves; e.g., the AWS CloudFormation "DependsOn" property should
resolve to the actual service names, not the string values.  In the limit,
this requires full binding information.

There were a few solutions I considered, including ones that've required
less code motion, however this one feels the most elegant.

Now we permit types to be marked as "intrinsic."  Binding to these names
is done exactly as ordinary name binding, unlike the special mu/extension
provider name.  In fact, just about everything except code-generation for
these types is the same as ordinary types.  This is perfect for the use case
at hand, which is binding properties.

After this change, for example, "DependsOn" is expanded to real service
names precisely as we need.

As part of this change, I added support for three new basic schema types:

* ast.StringList ("string[]"): a list of strings.
* ast.StringMap ("map[string]any"): a map of strings to anys.
* ast.ServiceList ("service[]"): a list of service references.

Obviously we need to revisit this and add a more complete set.  This work
is already tracked by marapongo/mu#9.

At the end of the day, it's likely I will replace all hard-coded predefined
types with intrinsic types, for similar reasons to the above.
2016-12-05 13:46:18 -08:00
joeduffy e3a2002155 Support binding to arbitrary service types
This implements support for arbitrary service types on properties,
not just the weakly typed "service".  For example, in the AWS stacks,
the aws/ec2/route type requires a routeTable, among other things:

        name: aws/ec2/route
                        type: aws/ec2/routeTable

This not only binds the definition of such properties, but also the
callsites of those creating stacks and supplying values for them.
This includes checking for concrete, instantiated, and even base
types, so that, for instance, if a custom stack derived from
aws/ec2/routeTable using the base property, in the above example
it could be supplied as a legal value for the routeTable property.
2016-12-03 13:00:08 -08:00
joeduffy 4cf6be0f07 Add some property binding tests
This change adds a handful of property binding tests.

It also fixes:

* AsName should assert IsName.

* Enumerate properties stably, so that it is deterministic.

* Do not issue errors about unrecognized properties for the special
  `mu/extension` type.  It's entire purpose in life is to offer an
  entirely custom set of properties, which the provider is meant to

* Default to an empty map if properties are missing.

* Add a "/" to the end of the namespace from the workspace, if present.

And rearranges some code:

* Rename the LiteralX types to XLiteral; e.g., StringLiteral instead of
  LiteralString.  I kept typing XLiteral erroneously.

* Eliminate the Mu prefix on all of the predefined type and service
  functions and types.  It's superfluous and reads nicer this way.

* Swap the order of "expected" vs. "got" in the error message about
  incorrect property types.  It used to say "got %v, expected %v"; I
  personally find that it is more helpful if it says "expected %v,
  got %v".  YMMV.
2016-12-02 14:33:22 -08:00
joeduffy 370b0a1406 Implement property binding and typechecking
This is an initial pass at property binding.  For all stack instantiations,
we must verify that the set of properties supplied are correct.  We also must
remember the bound property information so that code-generation has all of
the information it needs to generate correct code (including capability refs).

This entails:

* Ensuring required properties are provided.

* Expanding missing properties that have Default values.

* Type-checking that supplied properties are of the right type.

* Expanding property values into AST literal nodes.

To do this requires a third AST pass in the semantic analysis part of the
compiler.  In the 1st pass, dependencies aren't even known yet; in the 2nd
pass, dependencies have not yet been bound; therefore, we need a 3rd pass,
which can depend on the full binding information for the transitive closure
of AST nodes and dependencies to have been populated with types.

There are a few loose ends in here:

* We don't yet validate top-level stack properties.

* We don't yet validate top-level stack base type properties.

* We don't yet support complex schema property types.

* We don't yet support even "simple" complex property types, like `[ string ]`.

* We don't yet support strongly typed capability property types (just `service`).

That said, I am going to turn to writing a few tests for the basic cases, and then
resume to finishing this afterwards (tracked by marapongo/mu#25).
2016-12-02 13:23:18 -08:00
joeduffy 9f2b737715 Clean up workspace file naming
This change makes workspace file naming a little more consistent with respect
to Mufile naming.  Instead of having a .mu/ directory, under which a workspace.yaml
and/or a stacks directory might exist, we now have a Muspace.yaml (or .json) file,
and a .Mudeps/ directory.  This has nicer symmetric with respect to Mu.yaml files.
2016-11-29 20:07:27 -08:00
joeduffy c1b5239667 Detect target cloud earlier on
This change detects the target cloud earlier on in the compilation process.
Prior to this change, we didn't know this information until the backend code-generation.
Clearly we need to know this at least by then, however, templates can specialize on this
information, so we actually need it sooner.  This change moves it into the frontend part.

Note that to support this we now eliminate the ability to specify target clusters in
the Mufile alone.  That "feels" right to me anyway, since Mufiles are supposed to be
agnostic to their deployment environment, other than template specialization.  Instead,
this information can come from the CLI and/or the workspace settings file.
2016-11-29 13:42:39 -08:00
joeduffy c84512510a Implement dependency versions
This change implements dependency versions, including semantic analysis, per the
checkin 83030685c3.

There's quite a bit in here but at a top-level this parses and validates dependency
references of the form


and verifies that the components are correct, as well as binding them to symbols.

These references can appear in two places at the moment:

* Service types.
* Cluster dependencies.

As part of this change, a number of supporting changes have been made:

* Parse Workspaces using a full-blown parser, parser analysis, and semantic analysis.
  This allows us to share logic around the validation of common AST types.  This also
  moves some of the logic around loading workspace.yaml files back to the parser, where
  it can be unified with the way we load Mu.yaml files.

* New ast.Version and ast.VersionSpec types.  The former represents a precise version
  -- either a specific semantic version or a short or long Git SHA hash -- and the
  latter represents a range -- either a Version, "latest", or a semantic range.

* New ast.Ref and ast.RefParts types.  The former is an unparsed string that is
  thought to contain a Ref, while the latter is a validated Ref that has been parsed
  into its components (Proto, Base, Name, and Version).

* Added some type assertions to ensure certain structs implement certain interfaces,
  to speed up finding errors.  (And remove the coercions that zero-fill vtbl slots.)

* Be consistent about prefixing error types with Error or Warning.

* Organize the core compiler driver's logic into three methods, FE, sema, and BE.

* A bunch of tests for some of the above ...  more to come in an upcoming change.
2016-11-22 16:58:23 -08:00
joeduffy 47f7b0e609 Rearrange workspace logic
This change moves the workspace and Mufile detection logic out of the compiler
package and into the workspace one.

This also sketches out the overall workspace structure.  A workspace is "delimited"
by the presence of a .mu/ directory anywhere in the parent ancestry.  Inside of that
directory we have an optional .mu/clusters.yaml (or .json) file containing cluster
settings shared among the whole workspace.  We also have an optional .mu/stacks/
directory that contains dependencies used during package management.

The notion of a "global" workspace will also be present, which is essentially just
a .mu/ directory in your home, ~/.mu/, that has an equivalent structure, but can be
shared among all workspaces on the same machine.
2016-11-20 08:20:19 -08:00
joeduffy 54148c67e4 Bind predefined stack types
This prepopulates the symbol table with our predefined "primitive" types
like mu/container, mu/gateway, mu/func, and the like.  Also added a positive
test case to ensure the full set works; this will obviously need updating as
we embellish the predefined types with things like required parameters.
2016-11-17 06:10:23 -08:00
joeduffy 9c0c6e6916 Add rudimentary type binding
This change adds rudimentary type binding to phase 2 of the binder.  Note that
we still don't have the notion of predefined types (for the primitives), so this
basically rejects any well-formed Mufile.  Primitives are on deck.
2016-11-16 18:55:20 -08:00
joeduffy b2d529a6f8 Place stack services underneath a "services" property
Instead of:

        name: mystack

we want it to be:

        name: mystack

I had always intended it to be this way, but coded up the ASTs wrong.
2016-11-16 17:30:03 -08:00
joeduffy c080ddbf46 Eliminate pointers from the parse tree
Neither the YAML nor JSON decoders appreciate having pointers in the AST
structures.  This is unfortunate because we end up mutating them later on.
Perhaps we will need separate parse trees and ASTs after all ...
2016-11-16 17:00:58 -08:00
joeduffy 832ef1f743 Lay some groundwork for symbol binding
This change lays some groundwork that registers symbols when doing semantic
analysis of the resulting AST.  For now, that just entails detecting duplicate
services by way of symbol registration.

Note that we've also split binding into two phases to account for the fact
that intra-stack dependencies are wholly legal.
2016-11-16 13:11:58 -08:00
joeduffy 2665a1a4c4 Check dependencies for validity
This change introduces a check during parse-tree analysis that dependencies
are valid, along with some tests.  Note that this could technically happen later
during semantic analysis and I will likely move it so that we can get better
diagnostics (more errors before failing).  I've also cleaned up and unified some
of the logic by introducing the general notion of a Visitor interface, which the
parse tree analyzer, binder, and analyzers to come will all implement.
2016-11-16 11:09:45 -08:00
joeduffy e2d04f7754 Add tests for parse tree validation
This adds a few tests for parse tree validation, and further restructures
the existing test logic.  The common_test.go file now contains helper methods
common to all tests in the mu/compiler package.  I've also adopted a naming
convention for the testdata/ directory to keep some sanity; namely, each
directory uses "(good|bad)_testname[_seqnum]" as a naming scheme.
2016-11-16 10:02:34 -08:00
joeduffy 60a1f02666 Add more compiler tests
This change adds a few more compiler tests and rearranges some bits and pieces
that came up while doing so.  For example, we now issue warnings for incorrect
casing and/or extensions of the Mufile (and test these conditions).  As part of
doing that, it became clear the layering between the mu/compiler and mu/workspace
packages wasn't quite right, so some logic got moved around; additionally, the
separation of concerns between mu/workspace and mu/schema wasn't quite right, so
this has been fixed also (workspace just understands Mufile related things while
schema understands how to unmarshal the specific supported extensions).
2016-11-16 08:19:26 -08:00
joeduffy 38c73b2e6a Add a simple compiler test
This change adds a compiler test that just checks the basic "Mufile is missing"
error checking.  The test itself is mostly uninteresting; what's more interesting
is the addition of some basic helper functionality that can be used for future
compiler tests, like capturing of compiler diagnostics for comparisons.
2016-11-15 19:16:02 -08:00