// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { RunError } from "./errors"; import * as runtime from "./runtime"; import { readResource, registerResource, registerResourceOutputs, } from "./runtime/resource"; import { getRootResource } from "./runtime/settings"; export type ID = string; // a provider-assigned ID. export type URN = string; // an automatically generated logical URN, used to stably identify resources. /** * Resource represents a class whose CRUD operations are implemented by a provider plugin. */ export abstract class Resource { /** * A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name /* @internal */ private readonly __pulumiResource: boolean = true; /** * urn is the stable logical URN used to distinctly address a resource, both before and after * deployments. */ public readonly urn: Output; public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Resource { return obj && obj.__pulumiResource; } /** * Creates and registers a new resource object. t is the fully qualified type token and name is * the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object. * dependsOn is an optional list of other resources that this resource depends on, controlling * the order in which we perform resource operations. * * @param t The type of the resource. * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource. * @param custom True to indicate that this is a custom resource, managed by a plugin. * @param props The arguments to use to populate the new resource. * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. */ constructor(t: string, name: string, custom: boolean, props: Inputs = {}, opts: ResourceOptions = {}) { if (!t) { throw new RunError("Missing resource type argument"); } if (!name) { throw new RunError("Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)"); } // If there wasn't an explicit parent, and a root resource exists, parent to that. if (!opts.parent) { opts.parent = getRootResource(); } if (opts.parent && !Resource.isInstance(opts.parent)) { throw new RunError(`Resource parent is not a valid Resource: ${opts.parent}`); } if (opts.id) { // If this resource already exists, read its state rather than registering it anew. if (!custom) { throw new RunError("Cannot read an existing resource unless it has a custom provider"); } readResource(this, t, name, props, opts); } else { // Kick off the resource registration. If we are actually performing a deployment, this // resource's properties will be resolved asynchronously after the operation completes, so // that dependent computations resolve normally. If we are just planning, on the other // hand, values will never resolve. registerResource(this, t, name, custom, props, opts); } } } (Resource).doNotCapture = true; /** * ResourceOptions is a bag of optional settings that control a resource's behavior. */ export interface ResourceOptions { /** * An optional existing ID to load, rather than create. */ id?: Input; /** * An optional parent resource to which this resource belongs. */ parent?: Resource; /** * An optional additional explicit dependencies on other resources. */ dependsOn?: Resource[]; /** * When set to true, protect ensures this resource cannot be deleted. */ protect?: boolean; } /** * CustomResource is a resource whose create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations are managed * by performing external operations on some physical entity. The engine understands how to diff * and perform partial updates of them, and these CRUD operations are implemented in a dynamically * loaded plugin for the defining package. */ export abstract class CustomResource extends Resource { /** * A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name /* @internal */ private readonly __pulumiCustomResource: boolean = true; /** * id is the provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource. It is set during * deployments and may be missing (undefined) during planning phases. */ public readonly id: Output; /** * Returns true if the given object is an instance of CustomResource. This is designed to work even when * multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process. */ public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is CustomResource { return obj && obj.__pulumiCustomResource; } /** * Creates and registers a new managed resource. t is the fully qualified type token and name * is the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object. * dependsOn is an optional list of other resources that this resource depends on, controlling * the order in which we perform resource operations. Creating an instance does not necessarily * perform a create on the physical entity which it represents, and instead, this is dependent * upon the diffing of the new goal state compared to the current known resource state. * * @param t The type of the resource. * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource. * @param props The arguments to use to populate the new resource. * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. */ constructor(t: string, name: string, props?: Inputs, opts?: ResourceOptions) { super(t, name, true, props, opts); } } (CustomResource).doNotCapture = true; /** * ComponentResource is a resource that aggregates one or more other child resources into a higher * level abstraction. The component resource itself is a resource, but does not require custom CRUD * operations for provisioning. */ export class ComponentResource extends Resource { /** * Creates and registers a new component resource. t is the fully qualified type token and name * is the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object. parent * is the optional parent for this component, and dependsOn is an optional list of other * resources that this resource depends on, controlling the order in which we perform resource * operations. * * @param t The type of the resource. * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource. * @param props The arguments to use to populate the new resource. * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. * @param protect True to ensure this resource cannot be deleted. */ constructor(t: string, name: string, props?: Inputs, opts?: ResourceOptions) { super(t, name, false, props, opts); } // registerOutputs registers synthetic outputs that a component has initialized, usually by allocating // other child sub-resources and propagating their resulting property values. protected registerOutputs(outputs: Inputs | undefined): void { if (outputs) { registerResourceOutputs(this, outputs); } } } (ComponentResource).doNotCapture = true; (ComponentResource.prototype).registerOutputs.doNotCapture = true; /** * Output helps encode the relationship between Resources in a Pulumi application. Specifically an * Output holds onto a piece of Data and the Resource it was generated from. An Output value can * then be provided when constructing new Resources, allowing that new Resource to know both the * value as well as the Resource the value came from. This allows for a precise 'Resource * dependency graph' to be created, which properly tracks the relationship between resources. */ export class Output { /** * A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios. * * This is internal instead of being truly private, to support mixins and our serialization model. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name /* @internal */ public readonly __pulumiOutput?: boolean = true; /** * Whether or not this 'Output' should actually perform .apply calls. During a preview, * an Output value may not be known (because it would have to actually be computed by doing an * 'update'). In that case, we don't want to perform any .apply calls as the callbacks * may not expect an undefined value. So, instead, we just transition to another Output * value that itself knows it should not perform .apply calls. */ /* @internal */ public isKnown: Promise; /** * Method that actually produces the concrete value of this output, as well as the total * deployment-time set of resources this output depends on. * * Only callable on the outside. */ /* @internal */ public readonly promise: () => Promise; /** * The list of resource that this output value depends on. * * Only callable on the outside. */ /* @internal */ public readonly resources: () => Set; /** * Transforms the data of the output with the provided func. The result remains a * Output so that dependent resources can be properly tracked. * * 'func' is not allowed to make resources. * * 'func' can return other Outputs. This can be handy if you have a Output * and you want to get a transitive dependency of it. i.e. * * ```ts * var d1: Output; * var d2 = d1.apply(v => v.x.y.OtherOutput); // getting an output off of 'v'. * ``` * * In this example, taking a dependency on d2 means a resource will depend on all the resources * of d1. It will *not* depend on the resources of v.x.y.OtherDep. * * Importantly, the Resources that d2 feels like it will depend on are the same resources as d1. * If you need have multiple Outputs and a single Output is needed that combines both * set of resources, then 'pulumi.all' should be used instead. * * This function will only be called execution of a 'pulumi update' request. It will not run * during 'pulumi preview' (as the values of resources are of course not known then). It is not * available for functions that end up executing in the cloud during runtime. To get the value * of the Output during cloud runtime execution, use `get()`. */ public readonly apply: (func: (t: T) => Input) => Output; /** * Retrieves the underlying value of this dependency. * * This function is only callable in code that runs in the cloud post-deployment. At this * point all Output values will be known and can be safely retrieved. During pulumi deployment * or preview execution this must not be called (and will throw). This is because doing so * would allow Output values to flow into Resources while losing the data that would allow * the dependency graph to be changed. */ public readonly get: () => T; // Statics /** * Returns true if the given object is an instance of Output. This is designed to work even when * multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process. */ public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Output { return obj && obj.__pulumiOutput; } /* @internal */ public static create( resource: Resource, promise: Promise, isKnown: Promise): Output { return new Output(new Set([resource]), promise, isKnown); } /* @internal */ public constructor( resources: Set, promise: Promise, isKnown: Promise) { this.isKnown = isKnown; // Always create a copy so that no one accidentally modifies our Resource list. this.resources = () => new Set(resources); this.promise = () => promise; this.apply = (func: (t: T) => Input) => { return new Output(resources, promise.then(async v => { // During previews do not perform the apply if the engine was not able to // give us an actual value for this Output. const perform = await isKnown; if (runtime.isDryRun() && !perform) { return undefined; } const transformed = await func(v); if (Output.isInstance(transformed)) { // Note: if the func returned a Output, we unwrap that to get the inner value // returned by that Output. Note that we are *not* capturing the Resources of // this inner Output. That's intentional. As the Output returned is only // supposed to be related this *this* Output object, those resources should // already be in our transitively reachable resource graph. return await transformed.promise(); } else { return transformed; } }), isKnown); }; this.get = () => { throw new RunError(`Cannot call during deployment or preview. To manipulate the value of this dependency, use 'apply' instead.`); }; } } export function output(cv: Input): Output; export function output(cv: Input | undefined): Output; export function output(cv: Input): Output { // outputs created from simply inputs are always stable. return Output.isInstance(cv) ? cv : new Output(new Set(), Promise.resolve(cv), Promise.resolve(true)); } /** * Allows for multiple Output objects to be combined into a single Output object. The single Output * will depend on the union of Resources that the individual dependencies depend on. * * This can be used in the following manner: * * ```ts * var d1: Output; * var d2: Output; * * var d3: Output = Output.all([d1, d2]).apply(([s, n]) => ...); * ``` * * In this example, taking a dependency on d3 means a resource will depend on all the resources of * d1 and d2. * */ // tslint:disable:max-line-length export function all(val: { [key: string]: Input }): Output<{ [key: string]: T }>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3, T4]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2, T3]>; export function all(values: [Input | undefined, Input | undefined]): Output<[T1, T2]>; export function all(ds: (Input | undefined)[]): Output; export function all(val: Input[] | { [key: string]: Input }): Output { if (val instanceof Array) { const allOutputs = val.map(v => output(v)); const resources = allOutputs.reduce((arr, o) => (arr.push(...o.resources()), arr), []); const promises = allOutputs.map(o => o.promise()); // A merged output is known if all of its inputs are known. const isKnown = Promise.all(allOutputs.map(o => o.isKnown)).then(ps => ps.every(b => b)); return new Output(new Set(resources), Promise.all(promises), isKnown); } else { const array = Object.keys(val).map(k => output(val[k]).apply(v => ({ key: k, value: v}))); return all(array).apply(keysAndValues => { const result: { [key: string]: T } = {}; for (const kvp of keysAndValues) { result[kvp.key] = kvp.value; } return result; }); } } /** * Input is a property input for a resource. It may be a promptly available T, a promise * for one, or the output from a existing Resource. */ export type Input = T | Promise | Output; /** * Inputs is a map of property name to property input, one for each resource * property value. */ export type Inputs = Record>;