// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package plugin import ( "fmt" "strings" "github.com/blang/semver" pbempty "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty" _struct "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct" multierror "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror" "github.com/pkg/errors" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/logging" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/rpcutil/rpcerror" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/workspace" pulumirpc "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/proto/go" ) // The `Type()` for the NodeJS dynamic provider. Logically, this is the same as calling // providers.MakeProviderType(tokens.Package("pulumi-nodejs")), but does not depend on the providers package // (a direct dependency would cause a cyclic import issue. // // This is needed because we have to handle some buggy behavior that previous versions of this provider implemented. const nodejsDynamicProviderType = "pulumi:providers:pulumi-nodejs" // The `Type()` for the Kubernetes provider. Logically, this is the same as calling // providers.MakeProviderType(tokens.Package("kubernetes")), but does not depend on the providers package // (a direct dependency would cause a cyclic import issue. // // This is needed because we have to handle some buggy behavior that previous versions of this provider implemented. const kubernetesProviderType = "pulumi:providers:kubernetes" // provider reflects a resource plugin, loaded dynamically for a single package. type provider struct { ctx *Context // a plugin context for caching, etc. pkg tokens.Package // the Pulumi package containing this provider's resources. plug *plugin // the actual plugin process wrapper. clientRaw pulumirpc.ResourceProviderClient // the raw provider client; usually unsafe to use directly. cfgerr error // non-nil if a configure call fails. cfgknown bool // true if all configuration values are known. cfgdone chan bool // closed when configuration has completed. acceptSecrets bool // true if this provider plugin can consume strongly typed secret. } // NewProvider attempts to bind to a given package's resource plugin and then creates a gRPC connection to it. If the // plugin could not be found, or an error occurs while creating the child process, an error is returned. func NewProvider(host Host, ctx *Context, pkg tokens.Package, version *semver.Version) (Provider, error) { // Load the plugin's path by using the standard workspace logic. _, path, err := workspace.GetPluginPath( workspace.ResourcePlugin, strings.Replace(string(pkg), tokens.QNameDelimiter, "_", -1), version) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if path == "" { return nil, workspace.NewMissingError(workspace.PluginInfo{ Kind: workspace.ResourcePlugin, Name: string(pkg), Version: version, }) } plug, err := newPlugin(ctx, path, fmt.Sprintf("%v (resource)", pkg), []string{host.ServerAddr()}) if err != nil { return nil, err } contract.Assertf(plug != nil, "unexpected nil resource plugin for %s", pkg) return &provider{ ctx: ctx, pkg: pkg, plug: plug, clientRaw: pulumirpc.NewResourceProviderClient(plug.Conn), cfgdone: make(chan bool), }, nil } func (p *provider) Pkg() tokens.Package { return p.pkg } // label returns a base label for tracing functions. func (p *provider) label() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Provider[%s, %p]", p.pkg, p) } // isDiffCheckConfigLogicallyUnimplemented returns true when an rpcerror.Error should be treated as if it was an error // due to a rpc being unimplemented. Due to past mistakes, different providers returned "Unimplemented" in a variaity of // different ways that don't always result in an Uimplemented error code. func isDiffCheckConfigLogicallyUnimplemented(err *rpcerror.Error, providerType tokens.Type) bool { switch string(providerType) { // The NodeJS dynamic provider implementation incorrectly returned an empty message instead of properly implementing // Diff/CheckConfig. This gets turned into a error with type: "Internal". case nodejsDynamicProviderType: if err.Code() == codes.Internal { logging.V(8).Infof("treating error %s as unimplemented error", err) return true } // The Kubernetes provider returned an "Unimplmeneted" message, but it did so by returning a status from a different // package that the provider was expected. That caused the error to be wrapped with an "Unknown" error. case kubernetesProviderType: if err.Code() == codes.Unknown && strings.Contains(err.Message(), "Unimplemented") { logging.V(8).Infof("treating error %s as unimplemented error", err) return true } } return false } // CheckConfig validates the configuration for this resource provider. func (p *provider) CheckConfig(urn resource.URN, olds, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) { label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.CheckConfig(%s)", p.label(), urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d)", label, len(olds), len(news)) // Ensure that all config values are strings or unknowns. var failures []CheckFailure for k, v := range news { // The configure method has to accept strings, so we go through and strip off all the secret markers before // doing our checks (this mimics stripping code we have in Configure itself). for v.IsSecret() { v = v.SecretValue().Element } if !v.IsString() && !v.IsComputed() { failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{ Property: k, Reason: "provider property values must be strings", }) } } if len(failures) != 0 { return nil, failures, nil } molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } resp, err := p.clientRaw.CheckConfig(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.CheckRequest{ Urn: string(urn), Olds: molds, News: mnews, }) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) code := rpcError.Code() if code == codes.Unimplemented || isDiffCheckConfigLogicallyUnimplemented(rpcError, urn.Type()) { // For backwards compatibility, just return the news as if the provider was okay with them. logging.V(7).Infof("%s unimplemented rpc: returning news as is", label) return news, nil, nil } logging.V(8).Infof("%s provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", label, rpcError.Code(), rpcError.Message()) return nil, nil, err } // Unmarshal the provider inputs. var inputs resource.PropertyMap if ins := resp.GetInputs(); ins != nil { inputs, err = UnmarshalProperties(ins, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.inputs", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, RejectUnknowns: !allowUnknowns, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } // Copy over any secret annotations, since we could not pass any to the provider, and return. annotateSecrets(inputs, news) logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: inputs=#%d failures=#%d", label, len(inputs), len(failures)) return inputs, failures, nil } func decodeDetailedDiff(resp *pulumirpc.DiffResponse) map[string]PropertyDiff { if !resp.GetHasDetailedDiff() { return nil } detailedDiff := make(map[string]PropertyDiff) for k, v := range resp.GetDetailedDiff() { var d DiffKind switch v.GetKind() { case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_ADD: d = DiffAdd case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_ADD_REPLACE: d = DiffAddReplace case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_DELETE: d = DiffDelete case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_DELETE_REPLACE: d = DiffDeleteReplace case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_UPDATE: d = DiffUpdate case pulumirpc.PropertyDiff_UPDATE_REPLACE: d = DiffUpdateReplace default: // Consider unknown diff kinds to be simple updates. d = DiffUpdate } detailedDiff[k] = PropertyDiff{ Kind: d, InputDiff: v.GetInputDiff(), } } return detailedDiff } // DiffConfig checks what impacts a hypothetical change to this provider's configuration will have on the provider. func (p *provider) DiffConfig(urn resource.URN, olds, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool, ignoreChanges []string) (DiffResult, error) { label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.DiffConfig(%s)", p.label(), urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d)", label, len(olds), len(news)) molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), KeepUnknowns: true, }) if err != nil { return DiffResult{}, err } mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label), KeepUnknowns: true, }) if err != nil { return DiffResult{}, err } resp, err := p.clientRaw.DiffConfig(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.DiffRequest{ Urn: string(urn), Olds: molds, News: mnews, IgnoreChanges: ignoreChanges, }) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) code := rpcError.Code() if code == codes.Unimplemented || isDiffCheckConfigLogicallyUnimplemented(rpcError, urn.Type()) { logging.V(7).Infof("%s unimplemented rpc: returning DiffUnknown with no replaces", label) // In this case, the provider plugin did not implement this and we have to provide some answer: // // There are two interesting scenarios with the present gRPC interface: // 1. Configuration differences in which all properties are known // 2. Configuration differences in which some new property is unknown. // // In both cases, we return a diff result that indicates that the provider _should not_ be replaced. // Although this decision is not conservative--indeed, the conservative decision would be to always require // replacement of a provider if any input has changed--we believe that it results in the best possible user // experience for providers that do not implement DiffConfig functionality. If we took the conservative // route here, any change to a provider's configuration (no matter how inconsequential) would cause all of // its resources to be replaced. This is clearly a bad experience, and differs from how things worked prior // to first-class providers. return DiffResult{Changes: DiffUnknown, ReplaceKeys: nil}, nil } logging.V(8).Infof("%s provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", label, rpcError.Code(), rpcError.Message()) return DiffResult{}, nil } var replaces []resource.PropertyKey for _, replace := range resp.GetReplaces() { replaces = append(replaces, resource.PropertyKey(replace)) } var stables []resource.PropertyKey for _, stable := range resp.GetStables() { stables = append(stables, resource.PropertyKey(stable)) } var diffs []resource.PropertyKey for _, diff := range resp.GetDiffs() { diffs = append(diffs, resource.PropertyKey(diff)) } changes := resp.GetChanges() deleteBeforeReplace := resp.GetDeleteBeforeReplace() logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: changes=%d #replaces=%v #stables=%v delbefrepl=%v, diffs=#%v", label, changes, replaces, stables, deleteBeforeReplace, diffs) return DiffResult{ Changes: DiffChanges(changes), ReplaceKeys: replaces, StableKeys: stables, ChangedKeys: diffs, DetailedDiff: decodeDetailedDiff(resp), DeleteBeforeReplace: deleteBeforeReplace, }, nil } // getClient returns the client, and ensures that the target provider has been configured. This just makes it safer // to use without forgetting to call ensureConfigured manually. func (p *provider) getClient() (pulumirpc.ResourceProviderClient, error) { if err := p.ensureConfigured(); err != nil { return nil, err } return p.clientRaw, nil } // ensureConfigured blocks waiting for the plugin to be configured. To improve parallelism, all Configure RPCs // occur in parallel, and we await the completion of them at the last possible moment. This does mean, however, that // we might discover failures later than we would have otherwise, but the caller of ensureConfigured will get them. func (p *provider) ensureConfigured() error { <-p.cfgdone return p.cfgerr } // annotateSecrets copies the "secretness" from the ins to the outs. If there are values with the same keys for the // outs and the ins, if they are both objects, they are transformed recursively. Otherwise, if the value in the ins // contains a secret, the entire out value is marked as a secret. This is very close to how we project secrets // in the programming model, with one small difference, which is how we treat the case where both are objects. In the // programming model, we would say the entire output object is a secret. Here, we actually recur in. We do this because // we don't want a single secret value in a rich structure to taint the entire object. Doing so would mean things like // the entire value in the deployment would be encrypted instead of a small chunk. It also means the entire property // would be displayed as `[secret]` in the CLI instead of a small part. // // NOTE: This means that for an array, if any value in the input version is a secret, the entire output array is // marked as a secret. This is actually a very nice result, because often arrays are treated like sets by providers // and the order may not be preserved across an operation. This means we do end up encrypting the entire array // but that's better than accidentally leaking a value which just moved to a different location. func annotateSecrets(outs, ins resource.PropertyMap) { if outs == nil || ins == nil { return } for key, inValue := range ins { outValue, has := outs[key] if !has { continue } if outValue.IsObject() && inValue.IsObject() { annotateSecrets(outValue.ObjectValue(), inValue.ObjectValue()) } else if !outValue.IsSecret() && inValue.ContainsSecrets() { outs[key] = resource.MakeSecret(outValue) } } } // Configure configures the resource provider with "globals" that control its behavior. func (p *provider) Configure(inputs resource.PropertyMap) error { label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Configure()", p.label()) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#vars=%d)", label, len(inputs)) // Convert the inputs to a config map. If any are unknown, do not configure the underlying plugin: instead, leave // the cfgknown bit unset and carry on. config := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range inputs { if k == "version" { continue } // The configure method has to accept strings, so we go through and strip off all the secret markers before // calling configure. for v.IsSecret() { v = v.SecretValue().Element } switch { case v.IsComputed(): p.cfgknown, p.acceptSecrets = false, false close(p.cfgdone) return nil case v.IsString(): // Pass the older spelling of a configuration key across the RPC interface, for now, to support // providers which are on the older plan. config[string(p.Pkg())+":config:"+string(k)] = v.StringValue() default: p.cfgerr = errors.Errorf("provider property values must be strings; '%v' is a %v", k, v.TypeString()) close(p.cfgdone) return p.cfgerr } } // Spawn the configure to happen in parallel. This ensures that we remain responsive elsewhere that might // want to make forward progress, even as the configure call is happening. go func() { resp, err := p.clientRaw.Configure(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.ConfigureRequest{ AcceptSecrets: true, Variables: config, }) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message()) err = createConfigureError(rpcError) } // Acquire the lock, publish the results, and notify any waiters. p.cfgknown, p.acceptSecrets, p.cfgerr = true, resp.GetAcceptSecrets(), err close(p.cfgdone) }() return nil } // Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type. func (p *provider) Check(urn resource.URN, olds, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) { label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Check(%s)", p.label(), urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d", label, len(olds), len(news)) // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // If the configuration for this provider was not fully known--e.g. if we are doing a preview and some input // property was sourced from another resource's output properties--don't call into the underlying provider. if !p.cfgknown { return news, nil, nil } molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } resp, err := client.Check(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.CheckRequest{ Urn: string(urn), Olds: molds, News: mnews, }) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message()) return nil, nil, rpcError } // Unmarshal the provider inputs. var inputs resource.PropertyMap if ins := resp.GetInputs(); ins != nil { inputs, err = UnmarshalProperties(ins, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.inputs", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, RejectUnknowns: !allowUnknowns, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } // If we could not pass secrets to the provider, retain the secret bit on any property with the same name. This // allows us to retain metadata about secrets in many cases, even for providers that do not understand secrets // natively. if !p.acceptSecrets { annotateSecrets(inputs, news) } // And now any properties that failed verification. var failures []CheckFailure for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() { failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason}) } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: inputs=#%d failures=#%d", label, len(inputs), len(failures)) return inputs, failures, nil } // Diff checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties. func (p *provider) Diff(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap, allowUnknowns bool, ignoreChanges []string) (DiffResult, error) { contract.Assert(urn != "") contract.Assert(id != "") contract.Assert(news != nil) contract.Assert(olds != nil) label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Diff(%s,%s)", p.label(), urn, id) logging.V(7).Infof("%s: executing (#olds=%d,#news=%d)", label, len(olds), len(news)) // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return DiffResult{}, err } // If the configuration for this provider was not fully known--e.g. if we are doing a preview and some input // property was sourced from another resource's output properties--don't call into the underlying provider. // Instead, indicate that the diff is unavailable and write a message if !p.cfgknown { logging.V(7).Infof("%s: cannot diff due to unknown config", label) const message = "The provider for this resource has inputs that are not known during preview.\n" + "This preview may not correctly represent the changes that will be applied during an update." return DiffResult{}, DiffUnavailable(message) } molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), ElideAssetContents: true, KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return DiffResult{}, err } mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label), KeepUnknowns: allowUnknowns, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return DiffResult{}, err } resp, err := client.Diff(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.DiffRequest{ Id: string(id), Urn: string(urn), Olds: molds, News: mnews, IgnoreChanges: ignoreChanges, }) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcError.Message()) return DiffResult{}, rpcError } var replaces []resource.PropertyKey for _, replace := range resp.GetReplaces() { replaces = append(replaces, resource.PropertyKey(replace)) } var stables []resource.PropertyKey for _, stable := range resp.GetStables() { stables = append(stables, resource.PropertyKey(stable)) } var diffs []resource.PropertyKey for _, diff := range resp.GetDiffs() { diffs = append(diffs, resource.PropertyKey(diff)) } changes := resp.GetChanges() deleteBeforeReplace := resp.GetDeleteBeforeReplace() logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: changes=%d #replaces=%v #stables=%v delbefrepl=%v, diffs=#%v, detaileddiff=%v", label, changes, replaces, stables, deleteBeforeReplace, diffs, resp.GetDetailedDiff()) return DiffResult{ Changes: DiffChanges(changes), ReplaceKeys: replaces, StableKeys: stables, ChangedKeys: diffs, DetailedDiff: decodeDetailedDiff(resp), DeleteBeforeReplace: deleteBeforeReplace, }, nil } // Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and assigns its unique resource.ID and outputs afterwards. func (p *provider) Create(urn resource.URN, props resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64) (resource.ID, resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) { contract.Assert(urn != "") contract.Assert(props != nil) label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Create(%s)", p.label(), urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#props=%v)", label, len(props)) mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.inputs", label), KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return "", nil, resource.StatusOK, err } // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return "", nil, resource.StatusOK, err } // We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured. contract.Assert(p.cfgknown) var id resource.ID var liveObject *_struct.Struct var resourceError error var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK resp, err := client.Create(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.CreateRequest{ Urn: string(urn), Properties: mprops, Timeout: timeout, }) if err != nil { resourceStatus, id, liveObject, _, resourceError = parseError(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, resourceError) if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure { return "", nil, resourceStatus, resourceError } // Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`. } else { id = resource.ID(resp.GetId()) liveObject = resp.GetProperties() } if id == "" { return "", nil, resource.StatusUnknown, errors.Errorf("plugin for package '%v' returned empty resource.ID from create '%v'", p.pkg, urn) } outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return "", nil, resourceStatus, err } // If we could not pass secrets to the provider, retain the secret bit on any property with the same name. This // allows us to retain metadata about secrets in many cases, even for providers that do not understand secrets // natively. if !p.acceptSecrets { annotateSecrets(outs, props) } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success: id=%s; #outs=%d", label, id, len(outs)) if resourceError == nil { return id, outs, resourceStatus, nil } return id, outs, resourceStatus, resourceError } // read the current live state associated with a resource. enough state must be include in the inputs to uniquely // identify the resource; this is typically just the resource id, but may also include some properties. func (p *provider) Read(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, inputs, state resource.PropertyMap) (ReadResult, resource.Status, error) { contract.Assert(urn != "") contract.Assert(id != "") label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Read(%s,%s)", p.label(), id, urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#inputs=%v, #state=%v)", label, len(inputs), len(state)) // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return ReadResult{}, resource.StatusUnknown, err } // If the provider is not fully configured, return an empty bag. if !p.cfgknown { return ReadResult{ Outputs: resource.PropertyMap{}, Inputs: resource.PropertyMap{}, }, resource.StatusUnknown, nil } // Marshal the resource inputs and state so we can perform the RPC. var minputs *_struct.Struct if inputs != nil { m, err := MarshalProperties(inputs, MarshalOptions{ Label: label, ElideAssetContents: true, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return ReadResult{}, resource.StatusUnknown, err } minputs = m } mstate, err := MarshalProperties(state, MarshalOptions{ Label: label, ElideAssetContents: true, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return ReadResult{}, resource.StatusUnknown, err } // Now issue the read request over RPC, blocking until it finished. var readID resource.ID var liveObject *_struct.Struct var liveInputs *_struct.Struct var resourceError error var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK resp, err := client.Read(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.ReadRequest{ Id: string(id), Urn: string(urn), Properties: mstate, Inputs: minputs, }) if err != nil { resourceStatus, readID, liveObject, liveInputs, resourceError = parseError(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, err) if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure { return ReadResult{}, resourceStatus, resourceError } // Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`. } else { readID = resource.ID(resp.GetId()) liveObject = resp.GetProperties() liveInputs = resp.GetInputs() } // If the resource was missing, simply return a nil property map. if string(readID) == "" { return ReadResult{}, resourceStatus, nil } else if readID != id { return ReadResult{}, resourceStatus, errors.Errorf( "reading resource %s yielded an unexpected ID; expected %s, got %s", urn, id, readID) } // Finally, unmarshal the resulting state properties and return them. newState, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return ReadResult{}, resourceStatus, err } var newInputs resource.PropertyMap if liveInputs != nil { newInputs, err = UnmarshalProperties(liveInputs, MarshalOptions{ Label: label + ".inputs", RejectUnknowns: true, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return ReadResult{}, resourceStatus, err } } // If we could not pass secrets to the provider, retain the secret bit on any property with the same name. This // allows us to retain metadata about secrets in many cases, even for providers that do not understand secrets // natively. if !p.acceptSecrets { annotateSecrets(newInputs, inputs) annotateSecrets(newState, state) } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success; #outs=%d, #inputs=%d", label, len(newState), len(newInputs)) return ReadResult{ Outputs: newState, Inputs: newInputs, }, resourceStatus, resourceError } // Update updates an existing resource with new values. func (p *provider) Update(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64, ignoreChanges []string) (resource.PropertyMap, resource.Status, error) { contract.Assert(urn != "") contract.Assert(id != "") contract.Assert(news != nil) contract.Assert(olds != nil) label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Update(%s,%s)", p.label(), id, urn) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#olds=%v,#news=%v)", label, len(olds), len(news)) molds, err := MarshalProperties(olds, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.olds", label), ElideAssetContents: true, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return nil, resource.StatusOK, err } mnews, err := MarshalProperties(news, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.news", label), KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return nil, resource.StatusOK, err } // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return nil, resource.StatusOK, err } // We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured. contract.Assert(p.cfgknown) var liveObject *_struct.Struct var resourceError error var resourceStatus = resource.StatusOK resp, err := client.Update(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.UpdateRequest{ Id: string(id), Urn: string(urn), Olds: molds, News: mnews, Timeout: timeout, IgnoreChanges: ignoreChanges, }) if err != nil { resourceStatus, _, liveObject, _, resourceError = parseError(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, resourceError) if resourceStatus != resource.StatusPartialFailure { return nil, resourceStatus, resourceError } // Else it's a `StatusPartialFailure`. } else { liveObject = resp.GetProperties() } outs, err := UnmarshalProperties(liveObject, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.outputs", label), RejectUnknowns: true, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return nil, resourceStatus, err } // If we could not pass secrets to the provider, retain the secret bit on any property with the same name. This // allows us to retain metadata about secrets in many cases, even for providers that do not understand secrets // natively. if !p.acceptSecrets { annotateSecrets(outs, news) } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success; #outs=%d", label, len(outs)) if resourceError == nil { return outs, resourceStatus, nil } return outs, resourceStatus, resourceError } // Delete tears down an existing resource. func (p *provider) Delete(urn resource.URN, id resource.ID, props resource.PropertyMap, timeout float64) (resource.Status, error) { contract.Assert(urn != "") contract.Assert(id != "") label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Delete(%s,%s)", p.label(), urn, id) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#props=%d)", label, len(props)) mprops, err := MarshalProperties(props, MarshalOptions{ Label: label, ElideAssetContents: true, KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return resource.StatusOK, err } // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return resource.StatusOK, err } // We should only be calling {Create,Update,Delete} if the provider is fully configured. contract.Assert(p.cfgknown) if _, err := client.Delete(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.DeleteRequest{ Id: string(id), Urn: string(urn), Properties: mprops, Timeout: timeout, }); err != nil { resourceStatus, rpcErr := resourceStateAndError(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcErr) return resourceStatus, rpcErr } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success", label) return resource.StatusOK, nil } // Invoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider. func (p *provider) Invoke(tok tokens.ModuleMember, args resource.PropertyMap) (resource.PropertyMap, []CheckFailure, error) { contract.Assert(tok != "") label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Invoke(%s)", p.label(), tok) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing (#args=%d)", label, len(args)) // Get the RPC client and ensure it's configured. client, err := p.getClient() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // If the provider is not fully configured, return an empty property map. if !p.cfgknown { return resource.PropertyMap{}, nil, nil } margs, err := MarshalProperties(args, MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.args", label), KeepSecrets: p.acceptSecrets, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } resp, err := client.Invoke(p.ctx.Request(), &pulumirpc.InvokeRequest{Tok: string(tok), Args: margs}) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: %v", label, rpcError.Message()) return nil, nil, rpcError } // Unmarshal any return values. ret, err := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetReturn(), MarshalOptions{ Label: fmt.Sprintf("%s.returns", label), RejectUnknowns: true, KeepSecrets: true, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } // And now any properties that failed verification. var failures []CheckFailure for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() { failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{resource.PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason}) } logging.V(7).Infof("%s success (#ret=%d,#failures=%d) success", label, len(ret), len(failures)) return ret, failures, nil } // GetPluginInfo returns this plugin's information. func (p *provider) GetPluginInfo() (workspace.PluginInfo, error) { label := fmt.Sprintf("%s.GetPluginInfo()", p.label()) logging.V(7).Infof("%s executing", label) // Calling GetPluginInfo happens immediately after loading, and does not require configuration to proceed. // Thus, we access the clientRaw property, rather than calling getClient. resp, err := p.clientRaw.GetPluginInfo(p.ctx.Request(), &pbempty.Empty{}) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(7).Infof("%s failed: err=%v", label, rpcError.Message()) return workspace.PluginInfo{}, rpcError } var version *semver.Version if v := resp.Version; v != "" { sv, err := semver.ParseTolerant(v) if err != nil { return workspace.PluginInfo{}, err } version = &sv } return workspace.PluginInfo{ Name: string(p.pkg), Path: p.plug.Bin, Kind: workspace.ResourcePlugin, Version: version, }, nil } func (p *provider) SignalCancellation() error { _, err := p.clientRaw.Cancel(p.ctx.Request(), &pbempty.Empty{}) if err != nil { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(8).Infof("provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", rpcError.Code(), rpcError.Message()) switch rpcError.Code() { case codes.Unimplemented: // For backwards compatibility, do nothing if it's not implemented. return nil } } return err } // Close tears down the underlying plugin RPC connection and process. func (p *provider) Close() error { return p.plug.Close() } // createConfigureError creates a nice error message from an RPC error that // originated from `Configure`. // // If we requested that a resource configure itself but omitted required configuration // variables, resource providers will respond with a list of missing variables and their descriptions. // If that is what occurred, we'll use that information here to construct a nice error message. func createConfigureError(rpcerr *rpcerror.Error) error { var err error for _, detail := range rpcerr.Details() { if missingKeys, ok := detail.(*pulumirpc.ConfigureErrorMissingKeys); ok { for _, missingKey := range missingKeys.MissingKeys { singleError := fmt.Errorf("missing required configuration key \"%s\": %s\n"+ "Set a value using the command `pulumi config set %s `.", missingKey.Name, missingKey.Description, missingKey.Name) err = multierror.Append(err, singleError) } } } if err != nil { return err } return rpcerr } // resourceStateAndError interprets an error obtained from a gRPC endpoint. // // gRPC gives us a `status.Status` structure as an `error` whenever our // gRPC servers serve up an error. Each `status.Status` contains a code // and a message. Based on the error code given to us, we can understand // the state of our system and if our resource status is truly unknown. // // In general, our resource state is only really unknown if the server // had an internal error, in which case it will serve one of `codes.Internal`, // `codes.DataLoss`, or `codes.Unknown` to us. func resourceStateAndError(err error) (resource.Status, *rpcerror.Error) { rpcError := rpcerror.Convert(err) logging.V(8).Infof("provider received rpc error `%s`: `%s`", rpcError.Code(), rpcError.Message()) switch rpcError.Code() { case codes.Internal, codes.DataLoss, codes.Unknown: logging.V(8).Infof("rpc error kind `%s` may not be recoverable", rpcError.Code()) return resource.StatusUnknown, rpcError } logging.V(8).Infof("rpc error kind `%s` is well-understood and recoverable", rpcError.Code()) return resource.StatusOK, rpcError } // parseError parses a gRPC error into a set of values that represent the state of a resource. They // are: (1) the `resourceStatus`, indicating the last known state (e.g., `StatusOK`, representing // success, `StatusUnknown`, representing internal failure); (2) the `*rpcerror.Error`, our internal // representation for RPC errors; and optionally (3) `liveObject`, containing the last known live // version of the object that has successfully created but failed to initialize (e.g., because the // object was created, but app code is continually crashing and the resource never achieves // liveness). func parseError(err error) ( resourceStatus resource.Status, id resource.ID, liveInputs, liveObject *_struct.Struct, resourceErr error, ) { var responseErr *rpcerror.Error resourceStatus, responseErr = resourceStateAndError(err) contract.Assert(responseErr != nil) // If resource was successfully created but failed to initialize, the error will be packed // with the live properties of the object. resourceErr = responseErr for _, detail := range responseErr.Details() { if initErr, ok := detail.(*pulumirpc.ErrorResourceInitFailed); ok { id = resource.ID(initErr.GetId()) liveObject = initErr.GetProperties() liveInputs = initErr.GetInputs() resourceStatus = resource.StatusPartialFailure resourceErr = &InitError{Reasons: initErr.Reasons} break } } return resourceStatus, id, liveObject, liveInputs, resourceErr } // InitError represents a failure to initialize a resource, i.e., the resource has been successfully // created, but it has failed to initialize. type InitError struct { Reasons []string } var _ error = (*InitError)(nil) func (ie *InitError) Error() string { var err error for _, reason := range ie.Reasons { err = multierror.Append(err, errors.New(reason)) } return err.Error() }