// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cmd import ( "context" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/engine" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" ) func newRefreshCmd() *cobra.Command { var debug bool var expectNop bool var message string var stack string // Flags for engine.UpdateOptions. var analyzers []string var diffDisplay bool var parallel int var showConfig bool var showReplacementSteps bool var showSames bool var nonInteractive bool var skipPreview bool var yes bool var cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "refresh", Short: "Refresh the resources in a stack", Long: "Refresh the resources in a stack.\n" + "\n" + "This command compares the current stack's resource state with the state known to exist in\n" + "the actual cloud provider. Any such changes are adopted into the current stack. Note that if\n" + "the program text isn't updated accordingly, subsequent updates may still appear to be out of\n" + "synch with respect to the cloud provider's source of truth.\n" + "\n" + "The program to run is loaded from the project in the current directory. Use the `-C` or\n" + "`--cwd` flag to use a different directory.", Args: cmdutil.NoArgs, Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { interactive := isInteractive(nonInteractive) if !interactive { yes = true // auto-approve changes, since we cannot prompt. } opts, err := updateFlagsToOptions(interactive, skipPreview, yes) if err != nil { return err } opts.Display = backend.DisplayOptions{ Color: cmdutil.GetGlobalColorization(), ShowConfig: showConfig, ShowReplacementSteps: showReplacementSteps, ShowSameResources: showSames, IsInteractive: interactive, DiffDisplay: diffDisplay, Debug: debug, } s, err := requireStack(stack, true, opts.Display, true /*setCurrent*/) if err != nil { return err } proj, root, err := readProject() if err != nil { return err } m, err := getUpdateMetadata(message, root) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "gathering environment metadata") } opts.Engine = engine.UpdateOptions{ Analyzers: analyzers, Parallel: parallel, Debug: debug, } changes, err := s.Refresh(commandContext(), proj, root, m, opts, cancellationScopes) switch { case err == context.Canceled: return errors.New("refresh cancelled") case err != nil: return PrintEngineError(err) case expectNop && changes != nil && changes.HasChanges(): return errors.New("error: no changes were expected but changes occurred") default: return nil } }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &debug, "debug", "d", false, "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &expectNop, "expect-no-changes", false, "Return an error if any changes occur during this update") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &stack, "stack", "s", "", "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &message, "message", "m", "", "Optional message to associate with the update operation") // Flags for engine.UpdateOptions. cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar( &analyzers, "analyzer", nil, "Run one or more analyzers as part of this update") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &diffDisplay, "diff", false, "Display operation as a rich diff showing the overall change") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &nonInteractive, "non-interactive", false, "Disable interactive mode") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP( ¶llel, "parallel", "p", defaultParallel, "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (<=1 for no parallelism)") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showReplacementSteps, "show-replacement-steps", false, "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes instead of a single step") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showSames, "show-sames", false, "Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &skipPreview, "skip-preview", false, "Do not perform a preview before performing the refresh") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &yes, "yes", "y", false, "Automatically approve and perform the refresh after previewing it") return cmd }