PROJECT_NAME := Pulumi Python SDK LANGHOST_PKG := VERSION := $(shell cd ../../ && pulumictl get version) PYPI_VERSION := $(shell cd ../../ && pulumictl get version --language python) PROJECT_ROOT := $(realpath ../..) PYENV := ./env PYENVSRC := $(PYENV)/src PROJECT_PKGS := $(shell go list ./cmd/...) TESTPARALLELISM := 10 include ../../build/ # Motivation: running `make TEST_ALL_DEPS= test_all` permits running # `test_all` without the dependencies. TEST_ALL_DEPS = build ensure:: pipenv install --dev mkdir -p $(PYENVSRC) build_package:: rm -rf $(PYENVSRC) && cp -R ./lib/. $(PYENVSRC)/ sed -i.bak "s/\$${VERSION}/$(PYPI_VERSION)/g" $(PYENVSRC)/ && rm $(PYENVSRC)/ cp ../../ $(PYENVSRC) cd $(PYENVSRC) && pipenv run python build bdist_wheel --universal build_plugin:: go install -ldflags "-X${VERSION}" ${LANGHOST_PKG} build:: build_package build_plugin lint:: MYPYPATH=./stubs pipenv run mypy ./lib/pulumi --config-file=mypy.ini pipenv run pylint ./lib/pulumi --rcfile=.pylintrc install_package:: build_package cp ./cmd/pulumi-language-python-exec "$(PULUMI_BIN)" cp ./dist/pulumi-resource-pulumi-python "$(PULUMI_BIN)" cp ./dist/pulumi-analyzer-policy-python "$(PULUMI_BIN)" install_plugin:: build_plugin GOBIN=$(PULUMI_BIN) go install \ -ldflags "-X${VERSION}" ${LANGHOST_PKG} install:: install_package install_plugin test_fast:: $(TEST_ALL_DEPS) $(GO_TEST) ${PROJECT_PKGS} pipenv run pip install ./env/src # TODO the ignored test seems to fail in pytest but not unittest. Need to trackdown why $(RUN_TESTSUITE) python/lib/test pipenv run pytest lib/test --ignore lib/test/automation --ignore lib/test/langhost/resource_thens/ $(RUN_TESTSUITE) python/lib/test/langhost/resource_thens pipenv run python -m unittest lib/test/langhost/resource_thens/ # Using python -m also adds lib/test_with_mocks to sys.path which avoids package resolution issues. pushd lib/test_with_mocks; $(RUN_TESTSUITE) python/lib/test_with_mocks pipenv run python -m pytest; popd test_auto:: test_fast $(TEST_ALL_DEPS) # Note that this target depends on test-fast for the call to `pipenv run pip install` $(RUN_TESTSUITE) auto-python pipenv run pytest lib/test/automation test_all:: test_fast test_auto dist:: go install -ldflags "-X${VERSION}" ${LANGHOST_PKG} cp ./cmd/pulumi-language-python-exec "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ cp ./dist/pulumi-resource-pulumi-python "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ cp ./dist/pulumi-analyzer-policy-python "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ brew:: BREW_VERSION := $(shell ../../scripts/get-version HEAD) brew:: go install -ldflags "-X${BREW_VERSION}" ${LANGHOST_PKG} cp ./cmd/pulumi-language-python-exec "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ cp ./dist/pulumi-resource-pulumi-python "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ cp ./dist/pulumi-analyzer-policy-python "$$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/ publish:: build_package twine upload \ -u pulumi -p "${PYPI_PASSWORD}" \ "env/src/dist"/*.whl \ --skip-existing \ --verbose