#!/bin/bash # install.sh will download and install the current bits from the usual share location and binplace them. # The first argument is the Git commit hash to fetch and the second is the target location to install them into. set -e GITVER=${1} INSTALLDIR=${2} if [ -z "${GITVER}" ]; then echo error: missing Git commit/tag/branch argument exit 1 fi if [ -z "${INSTALLDIR}" ]; then echo error: missing target installation directory exit 2 fi # Make the directory, download the bits, and unzip/tar them in place. RELEASE=s3://eng.pulumi.com/releases/lumi/${GITVER}.tgz echo Installing ${RELEASE} to: ${PUBTARGET} mkdir -p ${INSTALLDIR} aws s3 cp ${RELEASE} ${INSTALLDIR} tar -xzf ${INSTALLDIR}/${GITVER}.tgz -C ${INSTALLDIR} # Finally, link the bits so that NPM packages link to the right place. for pack in ${INSTALLDIR}/packs/*; do cd ${pack} && yarn link done