// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package codegen import ( "regexp" "github.com/pgavlin/goldmark/ast" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/codegen/schema" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/util/contract" ) var ( // IMPORTANT! The following regexp's contain named capturing groups. // It's the `?P` where group_name can be any name. // When changing the group names, be sure to change the reference to // the corresponding group name below where they are used as well. // SurroundingTextRE is regexp to match the content between the {{% examples %}} short-code // including the short-codes themselves. SurroundingTextRE = regexp.MustCompile("({{% examples %}}(.|\n)*?{{% /examples %}})") // IndividualExampleRE is a regexp to match a single example section surrounded by the {{% example %}} short-code. IndividualExampleRE = regexp.MustCompile( "(?P{{% example %}})(?P(.|\n)*?)(?P{{% /example %}})") // H3TitleRE is a regexp to match an h3 title tag. H3TitleRE = regexp.MustCompile("(### .*)") // The following regexp's match the code snippet blocks in a single example section. // TSCodeSnippetRE is a regexp to match a TypeScript code snippet. TSCodeSnippetRE = regexp.MustCompile("(```(typescript))((.|\n)*?)(```)") // GoCodeSnippetRE is a regexp to match a Go code snippet. GoCodeSnippetRE = regexp.MustCompile("(```(go))((.|\n)*?)(```)") // PythonCodeSnippetRE is a regexp to match a Python code snippet. PythonCodeSnippetRE = regexp.MustCompile("(```(python))((.|\n)*?)(```)") // CSharpCodeSnippetRE is a regexp to match a C# code snippet. CSharpCodeSnippetRE = regexp.MustCompile("(```(csharp))((.|\n)*?)(```)") ) // DocLanguageHelper is an interface for extracting language-specific information from a Pulumi schema. // See the implementation for this interface under each of the language code generators. type DocLanguageHelper interface { GetPropertyName(p *schema.Property) (string, error) GetDocLinkForResourceType(pkg *schema.Package, moduleName, typeName string) string GetDocLinkForPulumiType(pkg *schema.Package, typeName string) string GetDocLinkForResourceInputOrOutputType(pkg *schema.Package, moduleName, typeName string, input bool) string GetDocLinkForFunctionInputOrOutputType(pkg *schema.Package, moduleName, typeName string, input bool) string GetDocLinkForBuiltInType(typeName string) string GetLanguageTypeString(pkg *schema.Package, moduleName string, t schema.Type, input, optional bool) string GetFunctionName(modName string, f *schema.Function) string // GetResourceFunctionResultName returns the name of the result type when a static resource function is used to lookup // an existing resource. GetResourceFunctionResultName(modName string, f *schema.Function) string // GetModuleDocLink returns the display name and the link for a module (including root modules) in a given package. GetModuleDocLink(pkg *schema.Package, modName string) (string, string) } // GetFirstMatchedGroupsFromRegex returns the groups for the first match of a regexp. func GetFirstMatchedGroupsFromRegex(regex *regexp.Regexp, str string) map[string]string { groups := map[string]string{} // Get all matching groups. matches := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(str, -1) if len(matches) == 0 { return groups } firstMatch := matches[0] // Get the named groups in our regex. groupNames := regex.SubexpNames() for i, value := range firstMatch { groups[groupNames[i]] = value } return groups } // GetAllMatchedGroupsFromRegex returns all matches and the respective groups for a regexp. func GetAllMatchedGroupsFromRegex(regex *regexp.Regexp, str string) map[string][]string { // Get all matching groups. matches := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(str, -1) // Get the named groups in our regex. groupNames := regex.SubexpNames() groups := map[string][]string{} for _, match := range matches { for j, value := range match { if existing, ok := groups[groupNames[j]]; ok { existing = append(existing, value) groups[groupNames[j]] = existing continue } groups[groupNames[j]] = []string{value} } } return groups } // ExtractExamplesSection returns the content available between the first {{% examples %}} shortcode. // If no such section exists, the second return value will be false. func ExtractExamplesSection(description string) (string, bool) { if description == "" { return "", false } source := []byte(description) parsed := schema.ParseDocs(source) var examples ast.Node err := ast.Walk(parsed, func(n ast.Node, enter bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) { if shortcode, ok := n.(*schema.Shortcode); ok && string(shortcode.Name) == schema.ExamplesShortcode { examples = shortcode return ast.WalkStop, nil } return ast.WalkContinue, nil }) contract.AssertNoError(err) if examples == nil || !examples.HasChildren() { return "", false } doc := ast.NewDocument() var c, next ast.Node for c = examples.FirstChild(); c != nil; c = next { next = c.NextSibling() doc.AppendChild(doc, c) } return schema.RenderDocsToString(source, doc), true } func stripNonRelevantExamples(source []byte, node ast.Node, lang string) { var c, next ast.Node for c = node.FirstChild(); c != nil; c = next { stripNonRelevantExamples(source, c, lang) next = c.NextSibling() switch c := c.(type) { case *ast.FencedCodeBlock: if string(c.Language(source)) != lang { node.RemoveChild(node, c) } case *schema.Shortcode: switch string(c.Name) { case schema.ExampleShortcode: hasCode := false for gc := c.FirstChild(); gc != nil; gc = gc.NextSibling() { if gc.Kind() == ast.KindFencedCodeBlock { hasCode = true break } } if hasCode { var grandchild, nextGrandchild ast.Node for grandchild = c.FirstChild(); grandchild != nil; grandchild = nextGrandchild { nextGrandchild = grandchild.NextSibling() node.InsertBefore(node, c, grandchild) } } node.RemoveChild(node, c) case schema.ExamplesShortcode: if first := c.FirstChild(); first != nil { first.SetBlankPreviousLines(c.HasBlankPreviousLines()) } var grandchild, nextGrandchild ast.Node for grandchild = c.FirstChild(); grandchild != nil; grandchild = nextGrandchild { nextGrandchild = grandchild.NextSibling() node.InsertBefore(node, c, grandchild) } node.RemoveChild(node, c) } } } } // StripNonRelevantExamples strips the non-relevant language snippets from a resource's description. func StripNonRelevantExamples(description string, lang string) string { if description == "" { return "" } source := []byte(description) parsed := schema.ParseDocs(source) stripNonRelevantExamples(source, parsed, lang) return schema.RenderDocsToString(source, parsed) }