// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import * as assert from "assert"; import * as childProcess from "child_process"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import { ID, runtime, URN } from "../../../index"; import { asyncTest } from "../../util"; const enginerpc = require("../../../proto/engine_grpc_pb.js"); const engineproto = require("../../../proto/engine_pb.js"); const gempty = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/empty_pb.js"); const gstruct = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js"); const grpc = require("grpc"); const langrpc = require("../../../proto/language_grpc_pb.js"); const langproto = require("../../../proto/language_pb.js"); const resrpc = require("../../../proto/resource_grpc_pb.js"); const resproto = require("../../../proto/resource_pb.js"); interface RunCase { project?: string; stack?: string; pwd?: string; program?: string; args?: string[]; config?: {[key: string]: any}; expectError?: string; expectResourceCount?: number; expectedLogs?: { count?: number; ignoreDebug?: boolean; }; skipRootResourceEndpoints?: boolean; showRootResourceRegistration?: boolean; invoke?: (ctx: any, tok: string, args: any) => { failures: any, ret: any }; readResource?: (ctx: any, t: string, name: string, id: string, par: string, state: any) => { urn: URN | undefined, props: any | undefined }; registerResource?: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any, dependencies?: string[], custom?: boolean, protect?: boolean, parent?: string, provider?: string) => { urn: URN | undefined, id: ID | undefined, props: any | undefined }; registerResourceOutputs?: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, urn: URN, t: string, name: string, res: any, outputs: any | undefined) => void; log?: (ctx: any, severity: any, message: string, urn: URN, streamId: number) => void; getRootResource?: (ctx: any) => { urn: string }; setRootResource?: (ctx: any, urn: string) => void; } function makeUrn(t: string, name: string): URN { return `${t}::${name}`; } describe("rpc", () => { const base: string = path.join(path.dirname(__filename), "cases"); const cases: {[key: string]: RunCase} = { // An empty program. "empty": { program: path.join(base, "000.empty"), expectResourceCount: 0, }, // The same thing, just using pwd rather than an absolute program path. "empty.pwd": { pwd: path.join(base, "000.empty"), program: "./", expectResourceCount: 0, }, // The same thing, just using pwd and the filename rather than an absolute program path. "empty.pwd.index.js": { pwd: path.join(base, "000.empty"), program: "./index.js", expectResourceCount: 0, }, // A program that allocates a single resource. "one_resource": { program: path.join(base, "001.one_resource"), expectResourceCount: 1, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "testResource1"); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, // A program that allocates ten simple resources. "ten_resources": { program: path.join(base, "002.ten_resources"), expectResourceCount: 10, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); if (ctx.seen) { assert(!ctx.seen[name], `Got multiple resources with same name ${name}`); } else { ctx.seen = {}; } const prefix = "testResource"; assert.strictEqual(name.substring(0, prefix.length), prefix, `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing prefix`); const seqnum = parseInt(name.substring(prefix.length), 10); assert(!isNaN(seqnum), `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing N seqnum`); ctx.seen[name] = true; return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, // A program that allocates a complex resource with lots of input and output properties. "one_complex_resource": { program: path.join(base, "003.one_complex_resource"), expectResourceCount: 1, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "testResource1"); assert.deepEqual(res, { inpropB1: false, inpropB2: true, inpropN: 42, inpropS: "a string", inpropA: [ true, 99, "what a great property" ], inpropO: { b1: false, b2: true, n: 42, s: "another string", a: [ 66, false, "strings galore" ], o: { z: "x" }, }, }); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: name, props: { outprop1: "output properties ftw", outprop2: 998.6, }, }; }, }, // A program that allocates 10 complex resources with lots of input and output properties. "ten_complex_resources": { program: path.join(base, "004.ten_complex_resources"), expectResourceCount: 10, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); if (ctx.seen) { assert(!ctx.seen[name], `Got multiple resources with same name ${name}`); } else { ctx.seen = {}; } const prefix = "testResource"; assert.strictEqual(name.substring(0, prefix.length), prefix, `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing prefix`); const seqnum = parseInt(name.substring(prefix.length), 10); assert(!isNaN(seqnum), `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing N seqnum`); ctx.seen[name] = true; assert.deepEqual(res, { inseq: seqnum, inpropB1: false, inpropB2: true, inpropN: 42, inpropS: "a string", inpropA: [ true, 99, "what a great property" ], inpropO: { b1: false, b2: true, n: 42, s: "another string", a: [ 66, false, "strings galore" ], o: { z: "x" }, }, }); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: name, props: { outseq: seqnum, outprop1: "output properties ftw", outprop2: 998.6, }, }; }, }, // A program that allocates a single resource. "resource_thens": { program: path.join(base, "005.resource_thens"), expectResourceCount: 2, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any, dependencies: string[]) => { let id: ID | undefined; let props: any | undefined; switch (t) { case "test:index:ResourceA": { assert.strictEqual(name, "resourceA"); assert.deepEqual(res, { inprop: 777 }); if (!dryrun) { id = name; props = { outprop: "output yeah" }; } break; } case "test:index:ResourceB": { assert.strictEqual(name, "resourceB"); assert.deepEqual(dependencies, ["test:index:ResourceA::resourceA"]); if (dryrun) { // If this is a dry-run, we will have the values of the original // resource copied over as outputs. Note: this should really // only be done for values known to be stable. This is tracked // by: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1055 assert.deepEqual(res, { otherIn: 777, otherOut: runtime.unknownValue, }); } else { // Otherwise, we will: assert.deepEqual(res, { otherIn: 777, otherOut: "output yeah", }); } if (!dryrun) { id = name; } break; } default: assert.fail(`Unrecognized resource type ${t}`); throw new Error(); } return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: id, props: props, }; }, }, "input_output": { pwd: path.join(base, "006.asset"), expectResourceCount: 1, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:FileResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "file1"); assert.deepEqual(res, { data: { [runtime.specialSigKey]: runtime.specialAssetSig, __pulumiAsset: true, path: "./testdata.txt", }, }); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, "promises_io": { pwd: path.join(base, "007.promises_io"), expectResourceCount: 1, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:FileResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "file1"); assert.deepEqual(res, { data: "The test worked!\n\nIf you can see some data!\n\n", }); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, // A program that allocates ten simple resources that use dependsOn to depend on one another. "ten_depends_on_resources": { program: path.join(base, "008.ten_depends_on_resources"), expectResourceCount: 10, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); if (ctx.seen) { assert(!ctx.seen[name], `Got multiple resources with same name ${name}`); } else { ctx.seen = {}; } const prefix = "testResource"; assert.strictEqual(name.substring(0, prefix.length), prefix, `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing prefix`); const seqnum = parseInt(name.substring(prefix.length), 10); assert(!isNaN(seqnum), `Expected ${name} to be of the form ${prefix}N; missing N seqnum`); ctx.seen[name] = true; return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, // A simple test of the invocation RPC pathways. "invoke": { program: path.join(base, "009.invoke"), expectResourceCount: 0, invoke: (ctx: any, tok: string, args: any) => { assert.strictEqual(tok, "invoke:index:echo"); assert.deepEqual(args, { a: "hello", b: true, c: [ 0.99, 42, { z: "x" } ], id: "some-id", urn: "some-urn", }); return { failures: undefined, ret: args }; }, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "testResource1"); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, // Simply test that certain runtime properties are available. "runtimeSettings": { project: "runtimeSettingsProject", stack: "runtimeSettingsStack", config: { "myBag:A": "42", "myBag:bbbb": "a string o' b's", }, program: path.join(base, "010.runtime_settings"), expectResourceCount: 0, }, // A program that throws an ordinary unhandled error. "unhandled_error": { program: path.join(base, "011.unhandled_error"), expectResourceCount: 0, expectError: "Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1", }, // A program that creates one resource that contains an assets archive. "assets_archive": { program: path.join(base, "012.assets_archive"), expectResourceCount: 1, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: res }; }, }, // A program that contains an unhandled promise rejection. "unhandled_promise_rejection": { program: path.join(base, "013.unhandled_promise_rejection"), expectResourceCount: 0, expectError: "Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1", }, // A simple test of the read resource behavior. "read_resource": { program: path.join(base, "014.read_resource"), expectResourceCount: 0, readResource: (ctx: any, t: string, name: string, id: string, par: string, state: any) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "test:read:resource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "foo"); assert.strictEqual(id, "abc123"); assert.deepEqual(state, { a: "fizzz", b: false, c: [ 0.73, "x", { zed: 923 } ], }); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), props: { b: true, d: "and then, out of nowhere ...", }, }; }, }, // Test that the runtime can be loaded twice. "runtime_sxs": { program: path.join(base, "015.runtime_sxs"), config: { "sxs:message": "SxS config works!", }, expectResourceCount: 2, expectedLogs: { count: 2, ignoreDebug: true, }, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: name, props: undefined }; }, log: (ctx: any, severity: number, message: string, urn: URN, streamId: number) => { assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.INFO); assert.strictEqual(/logging via (.*) works/.test(message), true); }, }, // Test that leaked debuggable promises fail the deployment. "promise_leak": { program: path.join(base, "016.promise_leak"), expectError: "Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1", }, // A test of parent default behaviors. "parent_defaults": { program: path.join(base, "017.parent_defaults"), expectResourceCount: 240, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any, dependencies?: string[], custom?: boolean, protect?: boolean, parent?: string, provider?: string) => { if (custom && !t.startsWith("pulumi:providers:")) { let expectProtect = false; let expectProviderName = ""; const rpath = name.split("/"); for (let i = 1; i < rpath.length; i++) { switch (rpath[i]) { case "c0": case "r0": // Pass through parent values break; case "c1": case "r1": // Force protect to false expectProtect = false; break; case "c2": case "r2": // Force protect to true expectProtect = true; break; case "c3": // Force provider expectProviderName = `${rpath.slice(0, i).join("/")}-p`; break; case "r3": // Do nothing. break; default: assert.fail(`unexpected path element in name: ${rpath[i]}`); } } // r3 explicitly overrides its provider. if (rpath[rpath.length-1] === "r3") { expectProviderName = `${rpath.slice(0, rpath.length-1).join("/")}-p`; } const providerName = provider!.split("::").reduce((_, v) => v); assert.strictEqual(protect!, expectProtect); assert.strictEqual(providerName, expectProviderName); } return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: name, props: {} }; }, }, "logging": { program: path.join(base, "018.logging"), expectResourceCount: 1, expectedLogs: { count: 5, ignoreDebug: true, }, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any) => { // "test" is the one resource this test creates - save the URN so we can assert // it gets passed to log later on. if (name === "test") { ctx.testUrn = makeUrn(t, name); } return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: name, props: res}; }, log: (ctx: any, severity: number, message: string, urn: URN, streamId: number) => { switch (message) { case "info message": assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.INFO); return; case "warning message": assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.WARNING); return; case "error message": assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.ERROR); return; case "attached to resource": assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.INFO); assert.strictEqual(urn, ctx.testUrn); return; case "with streamid": assert.strictEqual(severity, engineproto.LogSeverity.INFO); assert.strictEqual(urn, ctx.testUrn); assert.strictEqual(streamId, 42); return; default: assert.fail("unexpected message: " + message); break; } }, }, // Test stack outputs via exports. "stack_exports": { program: path.join(base, "019.stack_exports"), expectResourceCount: 0, registerResourceOutputs: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, urn: URN, t: string, name: string, res: any, outputs: any | undefined) => { assert.strictEqual(t, "pulumi:pulumi:Stack"); assert.strictEqual(outputs, { a: { x: 99, y: "z", }, b: 42, c: { d: "a", e: false, }, }); }, }, "root_resource": { program: path.join(base, "001.one_resource"), expectResourceCount: 2, showRootResourceRegistration: true, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any, deps: string[], custom: boolean, protect: boolean, parent: string) => { if (t === "pulumi:pulumi:Stack") { ctx.stackUrn = makeUrn(t, name); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; } assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "testResource1"); assert.strictEqual(parent, ctx.stackUrn); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, "backcompat_root_resource": { program: path.join(base, "001.one_resource"), expectResourceCount: 2, skipRootResourceEndpoints: true, showRootResourceRegistration: true, registerResource: (ctx: any, dryrun: boolean, t: string, name: string, res: any, deps: string[], custom: boolean, protect: boolean, parent: string) => { if (t === "pulumi:pulumi:Stack") { ctx.stackUrn = makeUrn(t, name); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; } assert.strictEqual(t, "test:index:MyResource"); assert.strictEqual(name, "testResource1"); assert.strictEqual(parent, ctx.stackUrn); return { urn: makeUrn(t, name), id: undefined, props: undefined }; }, }, }; for (const casename of Object.keys(cases)) { const opts: RunCase = cases[casename]; it(`run test: ${casename} (pwd=${opts.pwd},prog=${opts.program})`, asyncTest(async () => { // For each test case, run it twice: first to preview and then to update. for (const dryrun of [ true, false ]) { console.log(dryrun ? "PREVIEW:" : "UPDATE:"); // First we need to mock the resource monitor. const ctx: any = {}; const regs: any = {}; let rootResource: string | undefined; let regCnt = 0; let logCnt = 0; const monitor = createMockEngine(opts, // Invoke callback (call: any, callback: any) => { const resp = new resproto.InvokeResponse(); if (opts.invoke) { const req: any = call.request; const args: any = req.getArgs().toJavaScript(); const { failures, ret } = opts.invoke(ctx, req.getTok(), args); resp.setFailuresList(failures); resp.setReturn(gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(ret)); } callback(undefined, resp); }, // ReadResource callback. (call: any, callback: any) => { const req: any = call.request; const resp = new resproto.ReadResourceResponse(); if (opts.readResource) { const t = req.getType(); const name = req.getName(); const id = req.getId(); const par = req.getParent(); const state = req.getProperties().toJavaScript(); const { urn, props } = opts.readResource(ctx, t, name, id, par, state); resp.setUrn(urn); resp.setProperties(gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(props)); } callback(undefined, resp); }, // RegisterResource callback (call: any, callback: any) => { const resp = new resproto.RegisterResourceResponse(); const req: any = call.request; // Skip the automatically generated root component resource. if (req.getType() !== runtime.rootPulumiStackTypeName || opts.showRootResourceRegistration) { if (opts.registerResource) { const t = req.getType(); const name = req.getName(); const res: any = req.getObject().toJavaScript(); const deps: string[] = req.getDependenciesList(); const custom: boolean = req.getCustom(); const protect: boolean = req.getProtect(); const parent: string = req.getParent(); const provider: string = req.getProvider(); const { urn, id, props } = opts.registerResource(ctx, dryrun, t, name, res, deps, custom, protect, parent, provider); resp.setUrn(urn); resp.setId(id); resp.setObject(gstruct.Struct.fromJavaScript(props)); if (urn) { regs[urn] = { t: t, name: name, props: props }; } } regCnt++; } callback(undefined, resp); }, // RegisterResourceOutputs callback (call: any, callback: any) => { const req: any = call.request; const urn = req.getUrn(); const res = regs[urn]; if (res) { if (opts.registerResourceOutputs) { const outs: any = req.getOutputs().toJavaScript(); opts.registerResourceOutputs(ctx, dryrun, urn, res.t, res.name, res.props, outs); } } callback(undefined, new gempty.Empty()); }, // Log callback (call: any, callback: any) => { const req: any = call.request; const severity = req.getSeverity(); const message = req.getMessage(); const urn = req.getUrn(); const streamId = req.getStreamid(); if (severity === engineproto.LogSeverity.ERROR) { console.log("log: " + message); } if (opts.expectedLogs) { if (!opts.expectedLogs.ignoreDebug || severity !== engineproto.LogSeverity.DEBUG) { logCnt++; if (opts.log) { opts.log(ctx, severity, message, urn, streamId); } } } callback(undefined, new gempty.Empty()); }, // GetRootResource callback (call: any, callback: any) => { let root: { urn: string }; if (opts.getRootResource) { root = opts.getRootResource(ctx); } else { root = { urn: rootResource! }; } const resp = new engineproto.GetRootResourceResponse(); resp.setUrn(root.urn); callback(undefined, resp); }, // SetRootResource callback (call: any, callback: any) => { const req: any = call.request; const urn: string = req.getUrn(); if (opts.setRootResource) { opts.setRootResource(ctx, urn); } else { rootResource = urn; } callback(undefined, new engineproto.SetRootResourceResponse()); }, ); // Next, go ahead and spawn a new language host that connects to said monitor. const langHost = serveLanguageHostProcess(monitor.addr); const langHostAddr: string = await langHost.addr; // Fake up a client RPC connection to the language host so that we can invoke run. const langHostClient = new langrpc.LanguageRuntimeClient( langHostAddr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure()); // Invoke our little test program; it will allocate a few resources, which we will record. It will // throw an error if anything doesn't look right, which gets reflected back in the run results. const runError: string | undefined = await mockRun(langHostClient, monitor.addr, opts, dryrun); // Validate that everything looks right. let expectError: string | undefined = opts.expectError; if (expectError === undefined) { expectError = ""; } assert.strictEqual(runError, expectError, `Expected an error of "${expectError}"; got "${runError}"`); let expectResourceCount: number | undefined = opts.expectResourceCount; if (expectResourceCount === undefined) { expectResourceCount = 0; } assert.strictEqual(regCnt, expectResourceCount, `Expected exactly ${expectResourceCount} resource registrations; got ${regCnt}`); if (opts.expectedLogs) { const logs = opts.expectedLogs; if (logs.count) { assert.strictEqual(logCnt, logs.count, `Expected exactly ${logs.count} logs; got ${logCnt}`); } } // Finally, tear down everything so each test case starts anew. await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { langHost.proc.kill(); langHost.proc.on("close", () => { resolve(); }); }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { monitor.server.tryShutdown((err: Error) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } })); } }); function mockRun(langHostClient: any, monitor: string, opts: RunCase, dryrun: boolean): Promise { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { const runReq = new langproto.RunRequest(); runReq.setMonitorAddress(monitor); runReq.setProject(opts.project || "project"); runReq.setStack(opts.stack || "stack"); if (opts.pwd) { runReq.setPwd(opts.pwd); } runReq.setProgram(opts.program); if (opts.args) { runReq.setArgsList(opts.args); } if (opts.config) { const cfgmap = runReq.getConfigMap(); for (const cfgkey of Object.keys(opts.config)) { cfgmap.set(cfgkey, opts.config[cfgkey]); } } runReq.setDryrun(dryrun); langHostClient.run(runReq, (err: Error, res: any) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { // The response has a single field, the error, if any, that occurred (blank means success). resolve(res.getError()); } }); }, ); } // Despite the name, the "engine" RPC endpoint is only a logging endpoint. createMockEngine fires up a fake // logging server so tests can assert that certain things get logged. function createMockEngine( opts: RunCase, invokeCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, readResourceCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, registerResourceCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, registerResourceOutputsCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, logCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, getRootResourceCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any, setRootResourceCallback: (call: any, request: any) => any): { server: any, addr: string } { // The resource monitor is hosted in the current process so it can record state, etc. const server = new grpc.Server(); server.addService(resrpc.ResourceMonitorService, { invoke: invokeCallback, readResource: readResourceCallback, registerResource: registerResourceCallback, registerResourceOutputs: registerResourceOutputsCallback, }); let engineImpl: Object = { log: logCallback, }; if (!opts.skipRootResourceEndpoints) { engineImpl = { ... engineImpl, getRootResource: getRootResourceCallback, setRootResource: setRootResourceCallback, }; } server.addService(enginerpc.EngineService, engineImpl); const port = server.bind("", grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure()); server.start(); return { server: server, addr: `${port}` }; } function serveLanguageHostProcess(engineAddr: string): { proc: childProcess.ChildProcess, addr: Promise } { // A quick note about this: // // Normally, `pulumi-language-nodejs` launches `./node-modules/@pulumi/pulumi/cmd/run` which is responsible // for setting up some state and then running the actual user program. However, in this case, we don't // have a folder structure like the above because we are seting the package as we've built it, not it installed // in another application. // // `pulumi-language-nodejs` allows us to set `PULUMI_LANGUAGE_NODEJS_RUN_PATH` in the environment, and when // set, it will use that path instead of the default value. For our tests here, we set it and point at the // just built version of run. process.env.PULUMI_LANGUAGE_NODEJS_RUN_PATH = "./bin/cmd/run"; const proc = childProcess.spawn("pulumi-language-nodejs", [engineAddr]); // Hook the first line so we can parse the address. Then we hook the rest to print for debugging purposes, and // hand back the resulting process object plus the address we plucked out. let addrResolve: ((addr: string) => void) | undefined; const addr = new Promise((resolve) => { addrResolve = resolve; }); proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => { const dataString: string = stripEOL(data); if (addrResolve) { // The first line is the address; strip off the newline and resolve the promise. addrResolve(`${dataString}`); addrResolve = undefined; } console.log(`langhost.stdout: ${dataString}`); }); proc.stderr.on("data", (data) => { console.error(`langhost.stderr: ${stripEOL(data)}`); }); return { proc: proc, addr: addr }; } function stripEOL(data: string | Buffer): string { let dataString: string; if (typeof data === "string") { dataString = data; } else { dataString = data.toString("utf-8"); } const newLineIndex = dataString.lastIndexOf(os.EOL); if (newLineIndex !== -1) { dataString = dataString.substring(0, newLineIndex); } return dataString; }