// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. package backend import ( "encoding/json" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/engine" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/operations" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/pack" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/config" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/tokens" ) // Stack is a stack associated with a particular backend implementation. type Stack interface { Name() tokens.QName // this stack's name. Config() config.Map // the current config map. Snapshot() *deploy.Snapshot // the latest deployment snapshot. Backend() Backend // the backend this stack belongs to. // Preview changes to this stack. Preview(pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error // Update this stack. Update(pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error // Destroy this stack's resources. Destroy(pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error Remove(force bool) (bool, error) // remove this stack. GetLogs(query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) // list log entries for this stack. ExportDeployment() (json.RawMessage, error) // export this stack's deployment. ImportDeployment(json.RawMessage) error // import the given deployment into this stack. } // RemoveStack returns the stack, or returns an error if it cannot. func RemoveStack(s Stack, force bool) (bool, error) { return s.Backend().RemoveStack(s.Name(), force) } // PreviewStack initiates a preview of the current workspace's contents. func PreviewStack(s Stack, pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error { return s.Backend().Preview(s.Name(), pkg, root, debug, opts, displayOpts) } // UpdateStack updates the target stack with the current workspace's contents (config and code). func UpdateStack(s Stack, pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error { return s.Backend().Update(s.Name(), pkg, root, debug, m, opts, displayOpts) } // DestroyStack destroys all of this stack's resources. func DestroyStack(s Stack, pkg *pack.Package, root string, debug bool, m UpdateMetadata, opts engine.UpdateOptions, displayOpts DisplayOptions) error { return s.Backend().Destroy(s.Name(), pkg, root, debug, m, opts, displayOpts) } // GetStackCrypter fetches the encrypter/decrypter for a stack. func GetStackCrypter(s Stack) (config.Crypter, error) { return s.Backend().GetStackCrypter(s.Name()) } // GetStackLogs fetches a list of log entries for the current stack in the current backend. func GetStackLogs(s Stack, query operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) { return s.Backend().GetLogs(s.Name(), query) } // ExportStackDeployment exports the given stack's deployment as an opaque JSON message. func ExportStackDeployment(s Stack) (json.RawMessage, error) { return s.Backend().ExportDeployment(s.Name()) } // ImportStackDeployment imports the given deployment into the indicated stack. func ImportStackDeployment(s Stack, deployment json.RawMessage) error { return s.Backend().ImportDeployment(s.Name(), deployment) }