using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Pulumi; using Aws = Pulumi.Aws; class MyStack : Stack { public MyStack() { var dict = Output.Create(Initialize()); this.ClusterName = dict.Apply(dict => dict["clusterName"]); this.Kubeconfig = dict.Apply(dict => dict["kubeconfig"]); } private async Task>> Initialize() { // VPC var eksVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("eksVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs { CidrBlock = "", InstanceTenancy = "default", EnableDnsHostnames = true, EnableDnsSupport = true, Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-eks-vpc" }, }, }); var eksIgw = new Aws.Ec2.InternetGateway("eksIgw", new Aws.Ec2.InternetGatewayArgs { VpcId = eksVpc.Id, Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-vpc-ig" }, }, }); var eksRouteTable = new Aws.Ec2.RouteTable("eksRouteTable", new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableArgs { VpcId = eksVpc.Id, Routes = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.RouteTableRouteArgs { CidrBlock = "", GatewayId = eksIgw.Id, }, }, Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-vpc-rt" }, }, }); // Subnets, one for each AZ in a region var zones = await Aws.GetAvailabilityZones.InvokeAsync(); var vpcSubnet = new List(); foreach (var range in zones.Names.Select((v, k) => new { Key = k, Value = v })) { vpcSubnet.Add(new Aws.Ec2.Subnet($"vpcSubnet-{range.Key}", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs { AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation = false, VpcId = eksVpc.Id, MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true, CidrBlock = $"10.100.{range.Key}.0/24", AvailabilityZone = range.Value, Tags = { { "Name", $"pulumi-sn-{range.Value}" }, }, })); } var rta = new List(); foreach (var range in zones.Names.Select((v, k) => new { Key = k, Value = v })) { rta.Add(new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"rta-{range.Key}", new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs { RouteTableId = eksRouteTable.Id, SubnetId = vpcSubnet[range.Key].Id, })); } var subnetIds = vpcSubnet.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList(); var eksSecurityGroup = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("eksSecurityGroup", new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { VpcId = eksVpc.Id, Description = "Allow all HTTP(s) traffic to EKS Cluster", Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-cluster-sg" }, }, Ingress = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { CidrBlocks = { "", }, FromPort = 443, ToPort = 443, Protocol = "tcp", Description = "Allow pods to communicate with the cluster API Server.", }, new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { CidrBlocks = { "", }, FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, Protocol = "tcp", Description = "Allow internet access to pods", }, }, }); // EKS Cluster Role var eksRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("eksRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary { { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, { "Statement", new[] { new Dictionary { { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Principal", new Dictionary { { "Service", "" }, } }, { "Effect", "Allow" }, { "Sid", "" }, }, } }, }), }); var servicePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("servicePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = eksRole.Id, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy", }); var clusterPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("clusterPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = eksRole.Id, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy", }); // EC2 NodeGroup Role var ec2Role = new Aws.Iam.Role("ec2Role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary { { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, { "Statement", new[] { new Dictionary { { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Principal", new Dictionary { { "Service", "" }, } }, { "Effect", "Allow" }, { "Sid", "" }, }, } }, }), }); var workerNodePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("workerNodePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = ec2Role.Id, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy", }); var cniPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("cniPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = ec2Role.Id, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSCNIPolicy", }); var registryPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("registryPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = ec2Role.Id, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly", }); // EKS Cluster var eksCluster = new Aws.Eks.Cluster("eksCluster", new Aws.Eks.ClusterArgs { RoleArn = eksRole.Arn, Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-eks-cluster" }, }, VpcConfig = new Aws.Eks.Inputs.ClusterVpcConfigArgs { PublicAccessCidrs = { "", }, SecurityGroupIds = { eksSecurityGroup.Id, }, SubnetIds = subnetIds, }, }); var nodeGroup = new Aws.Eks.NodeGroup("nodeGroup", new Aws.Eks.NodeGroupArgs { ClusterName = eksCluster.Name, NodeGroupName = "pulumi-eks-nodegroup", NodeRoleArn = ec2Role.Arn, SubnetIds = subnetIds, Tags = { { "Name", "pulumi-cluster-nodeGroup" }, }, ScalingConfig = new Aws.Eks.Inputs.NodeGroupScalingConfigArgs { DesiredSize = 2, MaxSize = 2, MinSize = 1, }, }); var clusterName = eksCluster.Name; var kubeconfig = Output.Tuple(eksCluster.Endpoint, eksCluster.CertificateAuthority, eksCluster.Name).Apply(values => { var endpoint = values.Item1; var certificateAuthority = values.Item2; var name = values.Item3; return JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary { { "apiVersion", "v1" }, { "clusters", new[] { new Dictionary { { "cluster", new Dictionary { { "server", endpoint }, { "certificate-authority-data", certificateAuthority.Data }, } }, { "name", "kubernetes" }, }, } }, { "contexts", new[] { new Dictionary { { "contest", new Dictionary { { "cluster", "kubernetes" }, { "user", "aws" }, } }, }, } }, { "current-context", "aws" }, { "kind", "Config" }, { "users", new[] { new Dictionary { { "name", "aws" }, { "user", new Dictionary { { "exec", new Dictionary { { "apiVersion", "" }, { "command", "aws-iam-authenticator" }, } }, { "args", new[] { "token", "-i", name, } }, } }, }, } }, }); }); return new Dictionary> { { "clusterName", clusterName }, { "kubeconfig", kubeconfig }, }; } [Output("clusterName")] public Output ClusterName { get; set; } [Output("kubeconfig")] public Output Kubeconfig { get; set; } }