// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "sort" "strconv" goerr "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/compiler/errors" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/diag" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/diag/colors" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/graph/dotconv" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/resource" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/util/contract" ) func newPlanCmd() *cobra.Command { var analyzers []string var dotOutput bool var env string var showConfig bool var showReplaceSteps bool var showUnchanged bool var summary bool var output string var cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "plan [] [-- []]", Aliases: []string{"dryrun"}, Short: "Show a plan to update, create, and delete an environment's resources", Long: "Show a plan to update, create, and delete an environment's resources\n" + "\n" + "This command displays a plan to update an existing environment whose state is represented by\n" + "an existing snapshot file. The new desired state is computed by compiling and evaluating an\n" + "executable package, and extracting all resource allocations from its resulting object graph.\n" + "This graph is compared against the existing state to determine what operations must take\n" + "place to achieve the desired state. No changes to the environment will actually take place.\n" + "\n" + "By default, the package to execute is loaded from the current directory. Optionally, an\n" + "explicit path can be provided using the [package] argument.", Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { info, err := initEnvCmdName(tokens.QName(env), args) if err != nil { return err } defer info.Close() deploy(cmd, info, deployOptions{ Delete: false, DryRun: true, Analyzers: analyzers, ShowConfig: showConfig, ShowReplaceSteps: showReplaceSteps, ShowUnchanged: showUnchanged, Summary: summary, DOT: dotOutput, Output: output, }) return nil }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar( &analyzers, "analyzer", []string{}, "Run one or more analyzers as part of this deployment") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &dotOutput, "dot", false, "Output the plan as a DOT digraph (graph description language)") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &env, "env", "e", "", "Choose an environment other than the currently selected one") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showConfig, "show-config", false, "Show configuration keys and variables") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showReplaceSteps, "show-replace-steps", false, "Show detailed resource replacement creates and deletes; normally shows as a single step") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showUnchanged, "show-unchanged", false, "Show resources that needn't be updated because they haven't changed, alongside those that do") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &summary, "summary", "s", false, "Only display summarization of resources and plan operations") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &output, "output", "o", "", "Serialize the resulting plan to a file instead of simply printing it") return cmd } // plan just uses the standard logic to parse arguments, options, and to create a snapshot and plan. func plan(cmd *cobra.Command, info *envCmdInfo, opts deployOptions) *planResult { // If deleting, there is no need to create a new snapshot; otherwise, we will need to compile the package. var new resource.Snapshot var result *compileResult var analyzers []tokens.QName if !opts.Delete { // First, compile; if that yields errors or an empty heap, exit early. if result = compile(cmd, info.Args, info.Env.Config); result == nil || result.Heap == nil { return nil } // Next, if a DOT output is requested, generate it and quite right now. // TODO: generate this DOT from the snapshot/diff, not the raw object graph. if opts.DOT { // Convert the output to a DOT file. if err := dotconv.Print(result.Heap.G, os.Stdout); err != nil { cmdutil.Sink().Errorf(errors.ErrorIO, goerr.Errorf("failed to write DOT file to output: %v", err)) } return nil } // Create a resource snapshot from the compiled/evaluated object graph. var err error new, err = resource.NewGraphSnapshot( info.Ctx, info.Env.Name, result.Pkg.Tok, result.C.Ctx().Opts.Args, result.Heap, info.Old) if err != nil { result.C.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantCreateSnapshot, err) return nil } else if !info.Ctx.Diag.Success() { return nil } // If there are any analyzers to run, queue them up. for _, a := range opts.Analyzers { analyzers = append(analyzers, tokens.QName(a)) // from the command line. } if as := result.Pkg.Node.Analyzers; as != nil { for _, a := range *as { analyzers = append(analyzers, a) // from the project file. } } } // Generate a plan; this API handles all interesting cases (create, update, delete). plan, err := resource.NewPlan(info.Ctx, info.Old, new, analyzers) if err != nil { result.C.Diag().Errorf(errors.ErrorCantCreateSnapshot, err) return nil } if !info.Ctx.Diag.Success() { return nil } return &planResult{ compileResult: result, Info: info, New: new, Plan: plan, } } type planResult struct { *compileResult Info *envCmdInfo // plan command information. Old resource.Snapshot // the existing snapshot (if any). New resource.Snapshot // the new snapshot for this plan (if any). Plan resource.Plan // the plan created by this command. } func checkEmpty(d diag.Sink, plan resource.Plan) bool { // If we are doing an empty update, say so. if plan.Empty() { d.Infof(diag.Message("no resources need to be updated")) return true } return false } func printPlan(d diag.Sink, result *planResult, opts deployOptions) { // First print config/unchanged/etc. if necessary. var prelude bytes.Buffer printPrelude(&prelude, result, opts, true) // Now walk the plan's steps and and pretty-print them out. prelude.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vPlanned changes:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset)) fmt.Printf(colors.Colorize(&prelude)) // Print a nice message if the update is an empty one. if empty := checkEmpty(d, result.Plan); !empty { var summary bytes.Buffer step := result.Plan.Steps() counts := make(map[resource.StepOp]int) for step != nil { op := step.Op() // Print this step information (resource and all its properties). // TODO: it would be nice if, in the output, we showed the dependencies a la `git log --graph`. if opts.ShowReplaceSteps || (op != resource.OpReplaceCreate && op != resource.OpReplaceDelete) { printStep(&summary, step, opts.Summary, true, "") } counts[step.Op()]++ step = step.Next() } // Print a summary of operation counts. printSummary(&summary, counts, opts.ShowReplaceSteps, true) fmt.Printf(colors.Colorize(&summary)) } } func printPrelude(b *bytes.Buffer, result *planResult, opts deployOptions, planning bool) { // If there are configuration variables, show them. if opts.ShowConfig { printConfig(b, result.compileResult) } // If show-sames was requested, walk the sames and print them. if opts.ShowUnchanged { printUnchanged(b, result.Plan, opts.Summary, planning) } } func printConfig(b *bytes.Buffer, result *compileResult) { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vConfiguration:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset)) if result != nil && result.ConfigVars != nil { var toks []string for tok := range result.ConfigVars { toks = append(toks, string(tok)) } sort.Strings(toks) for _, tok := range toks { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v: %v\n", detailsIndent, tok, result.ConfigVars[tokens.Token(tok)])) } } } func printSummary(b *bytes.Buffer, counts map[resource.StepOp]int, showReplaceSteps bool, plan bool) { total := 0 for op, c := range counts { if !showReplaceSteps && (op == resource.OpReplaceCreate || op == resource.OpReplaceDelete) { continue // skip counting replacement steps unless explicitly requested. } total += c } var planned string if plan { planned = "planned " } var colon string if total != 0 { colon = ":" } b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v total %v%v%v\n", total, planned, plural("change", total), colon)) var planTo string var pastTense string if plan { planTo = "to " } else { pastTense = "d" } for _, op := range resource.StepOps() { if !showReplaceSteps && (op == resource.OpReplaceCreate || op == resource.OpReplaceDelete) { // Unless the user requested it, don't show the fine-grained replacement steps; just the logical ones. continue } if c := counts[op]; c > 0 { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %v%v %v %v%v%v%v\n", op.Prefix(), c, plural("resource", c), planTo, op, pastTense, colors.Reset)) } } } func plural(s string, c int) string { if c != 1 { s += "s" } return s } const detailsIndent = " " // 4 spaces, plus 2 for "+ ", "- ", and " " leaders func printUnchanged(b *bytes.Buffer, plan resource.Plan, summary bool, planning bool) { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%vUnchanged resources:%v\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset)) for _, res := range plan.Unchanged() { b.WriteString(" ") // simulate the 2 spaces for +, -, etc. printResourceHeader(b, res, nil, "") printResourceProperties(b, res, nil, nil, nil, summary, planning, "") } } func printStep(b *bytes.Buffer, step resource.Step, summary bool, planning bool, indent string) { // First print out the operation's prefix. b.WriteString(step.Op().Prefix()) // Next print the resource URN, properties, etc. printResourceHeader(b, step.Old(), step.New(), indent) b.WriteString(step.Op().Suffix()) var replaces []resource.PropertyKey if step.Old() != nil { m := step.Old().URN() replaceMap := step.Plan().Replaces() replaces = replaceMap[m] } printResourceProperties(b, step.Old(), step.New(), step.NewProps(), replaces, summary, planning, indent) // Finally make sure to reset the color. b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } func printResourceHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, old resource.Resource, new resource.Resource, indent string) { var t tokens.Type if old == nil { t = new.Type() } else { t = old.Type() } // The primary header is the resource type (since it is easy on the eyes). b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n", string(t))) } func printResourceProperties(b *bytes.Buffer, old resource.Resource, new resource.Resource, computed resource.PropertyMap, replaces []resource.PropertyKey, summary bool, planning bool, indent string) { indent += detailsIndent // Print out the URN and, if present, the ID, as "pseudo-properties". var id resource.ID var URN resource.URN if old == nil { id = new.ID() URN = new.URN() } else { id = old.ID() URN = old.URN() } if id != "" { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[id=%s]\n", indent, string(id))) } b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s[urn=%s]\n", indent, URN.Name())) if !summary { // Print all of the properties associated with this resource. if old == nil && new != nil { printObject(b, new.Properties(), planning, indent) } else if new == nil && old != nil { printObject(b, old.Properties(), planning, indent) } else { contract.Assert(computed != nil) // use computed properties for diffs. printOldNewDiffs(b, old.Properties(), computed, replaces, planning, indent) } } } func maxKey(keys []resource.PropertyKey) int { maxkey := 0 for _, k := range keys { if len(k) > maxkey { maxkey = len(k) } } return maxkey } func printObject(b *bytes.Buffer, props resource.PropertyMap, planning bool, indent string) { // Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything. keys := resource.StablePropertyKeys(props) maxkey := maxKey(keys) // Now print out the values intelligently based on the type. for _, k := range keys { if v := props[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(v, planning) { printPropertyTitle(b, k, maxkey, indent) printPropertyValue(b, v, planning, indent) } } } func printResourceOutputProperties(b *bytes.Buffer, step resource.Step, indent string) { indent += detailsIndent b.WriteString(step.Op().Color()) b.WriteString(step.Op().Suffix()) olds := step.Old().Properties() news := step.New().Properties() keys := resource.StablePropertyKeys(olds) maxkey := maxKey(keys) for _, k := range keys { v := news[k] if olds.NeedsValue(k) && shouldPrintPropertyValue(v, true) { printPropertyTitle(b, k, maxkey, indent) printPropertyValue(b, v, false, indent) } } b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } func shouldPrintPropertyValue(v resource.PropertyValue, outs bool) bool { if v.IsNull() { // by default, don't print nulls (they just clutter up the output) return false } if v.IsOutput() && !outs { // also don't show output properties until the outs parameter tells us to. return false } return true } func printPropertyTitle(b *bytes.Buffer, k resource.PropertyKey, align int, indent string) { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%-"+strconv.Itoa(align)+"s: ", indent, k)) } func printPropertyValue(b *bytes.Buffer, v resource.PropertyValue, planning bool, indent string) { if v.IsNull() { b.WriteString("") } else if v.IsBool() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%t", v.BoolValue())) } else if v.IsNumber() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.NumberValue())) } else if v.IsString() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%q", v.StringValue())) } else if v.IsResource() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("&%s", v.ResourceValue())) } else if v.IsArray() { b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[\n")) for i, elem := range v.ArrayValue() { newIndent := printArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent) printPropertyValue(b, elem, planning, newIndent) } b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s]", indent)) } else if v.IsComputed() || v.IsOutput() { b.WriteString(v.TypeString()) } else { contract.Assert(v.IsObject()) b.WriteString("{\n") printObject(b, v.ObjectValue(), planning, indent+" ") b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}", indent)) } b.WriteString("\n") } func getArrayElemHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, i int, indent string) (string, string) { prefix := fmt.Sprintf(" %s[%d]: ", indent, i) return prefix, fmt.Sprintf("%-"+strconv.Itoa(len(prefix))+"s", "") } func printArrayElemHeader(b *bytes.Buffer, i int, indent string) string { prefix, newIndent := getArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent) b.WriteString(prefix) return newIndent } func printOldNewDiffs(b *bytes.Buffer, olds resource.PropertyMap, news resource.PropertyMap, replaces []resource.PropertyKey, planning bool, indent string) { // Get the full diff structure between the two, and print it (recursively). if diff := olds.Diff(news); diff != nil { printObjectDiff(b, *diff, replaces, false, planning, indent) } else { printObject(b, news, planning, indent) } } func printObjectDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, diff resource.ObjectDiff, replaces []resource.PropertyKey, causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent string) { contract.Assert(len(indent) > 2) // Compute the maximum with of property keys so we can justify everything. keys := diff.Keys() maxkey := maxKey(keys) // If a list of what causes a resource to get replaced exist, create a handy map. var replaceMap map[resource.PropertyKey]bool if len(replaces) > 0 { replaceMap = make(map[resource.PropertyKey]bool) for _, k := range replaces { replaceMap[k] = true } } // To print an object diff, enumerate the keys in stable order, and print each property independently. for _, k := range keys { title := func(id string) { printPropertyTitle(b, k, maxkey, id) } if add, isadd := diff.Adds[k]; isadd { if shouldPrintPropertyValue(add, planning) { b.WriteString(colors.SpecAdded) title(addIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, add, planning, addIndent(indent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } } else if delete, isdelete := diff.Deletes[k]; isdelete { if shouldPrintPropertyValue(delete, planning) { b.WriteString(colors.SpecDeleted) title(deleteIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, delete, planning, deleteIndent(indent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } } else if update, isupdate := diff.Updates[k]; isupdate { if !causedReplace && replaceMap != nil { causedReplace = replaceMap[k] } printPropertyValueDiff(b, title, update, causedReplace, planning, indent) } else if same := diff.Sames[k]; shouldPrintPropertyValue(same, planning) { title(indent) printPropertyValue(b, diff.Sames[k], planning, indent) } } } func printPropertyValueDiff(b *bytes.Buffer, title func(string), diff resource.ValueDiff, causedReplace bool, planning bool, indent string) { contract.Assert(len(indent) > 2) if diff.Array != nil { title(indent) b.WriteString("[\n") a := diff.Array for i := 0; i < a.Len(); i++ { _, newIndent := getArrayElemHeader(b, i, indent) title := func(id string) { printArrayElemHeader(b, i, id) } if add, isadd := a.Adds[i]; isadd { b.WriteString(resource.OpCreate.Color()) title(addIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, add, planning, addIndent(newIndent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } else if delete, isdelete := a.Deletes[i]; isdelete { b.WriteString(resource.OpDelete.Color()) title(deleteIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, delete, planning, deleteIndent(newIndent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } else if update, isupdate := a.Updates[i]; isupdate { title(indent) printPropertyValueDiff(b, func(string) {}, update, causedReplace, planning, newIndent) } else { title(indent) printPropertyValue(b, a.Sames[i], planning, newIndent) } } b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s]\n", indent)) } else if diff.Object != nil { title(indent) b.WriteString("{\n") printObjectDiff(b, *diff.Object, nil, causedReplace, planning, indent+" ") b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s}\n", indent)) } else if diff.Old.IsResource() && diff.New.IsResource() && diff.New.ResourceValue().Replacement() { // If the old and new are both resources, and the new is a replacement, show this in a special way (+-). b.WriteString(resource.OpReplace.Color()) title(updateIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, diff.Old, planning, updateIndent(indent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } else { // If we ended up here, the two values either differ by type, or they have different primitive values. We will // simply emit a deletion line followed by an addition line. if shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.Old, false) { var color string if causedReplace { color = resource.OpDelete.Color() // this property triggered replacement; color as a delete } else { color = resource.OpUpdate.Color() } b.WriteString(color) title(deleteIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, diff.Old, planning, deleteIndent(indent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } if shouldPrintPropertyValue(diff.New, false) { var color string if causedReplace { color = resource.OpCreate.Color() // this property triggered replacement; color as a create } else { color = resource.OpUpdate.Color() } b.WriteString(color) title(addIndent(indent)) printPropertyValue(b, diff.New, planning, addIndent(indent)) b.WriteString(colors.Reset) } } } func addIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "+ " } func deleteIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "- " } func updateIndent(indent string) string { return indent[:len(indent)-2] + "+-" }