// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package engine import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "sync" "github.com/blang/semver" "github.com/pkg/errors" resourceanalyzer "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3/resource/analyzer" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/diag" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/resource" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/resource/plugin" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/logging" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/result" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/workspace" ) // RequiredPolicy represents a set of policies to apply during an update. type RequiredPolicy interface { // Name provides the user-specified name of the PolicyPack. Name() string // Version of the PolicyPack. Version() string // Install will install the PolicyPack locally, returning the path it was installed to. Install(ctx context.Context) (string, error) // Config returns the PolicyPack's configuration. Config() map[string]*json.RawMessage } // LocalPolicyPack represents a set of local Policy Packs to apply during an update. type LocalPolicyPack struct { // Name provides the user-specified name of the Policy Pack. Name string // Path of the local Policy Pack. Path string // Path of the local Policy Pack's JSON config file. Config string } // MakeLocalPolicyPacks is a helper function for converting the list of local Policy // Pack paths to list of LocalPolicyPack. The name of the Local Policy Pack is not set // since we must load up the Policy Pack plugin to determine its name. func MakeLocalPolicyPacks(localPaths []string, configPaths []string) []LocalPolicyPack { // If we have any configPaths, we should have already validated that the length of // the localPaths and configPaths are the same. contract.Assert(len(configPaths) == 0 || len(configPaths) == len(localPaths)) r := make([]LocalPolicyPack, len(localPaths)) for i, p := range localPaths { var config string if len(configPaths) > 0 { config = configPaths[i] } r[i] = LocalPolicyPack{ Path: p, Config: config, } } return r } // ConvertLocalPolicyPacksToPaths is a helper function for converting the list of LocalPolicyPacks // to a list of paths. func ConvertLocalPolicyPacksToPaths(localPolicyPack []LocalPolicyPack) []string { r := make([]string, len(localPolicyPack)) for i, p := range localPolicyPack { r[i] = p.Name } return r } // UpdateOptions contains all the settings for customizing how an update (deploy, preview, or destroy) is performed. // // This structure is embedded in another which uses some of the unexported fields, which trips up the `structcheck` // linter. // nolint: structcheck type UpdateOptions struct { // LocalPolicyPacks contains an optional set of policy packs to run as part of this deployment. LocalPolicyPacks []LocalPolicyPack // RequiredPolicies is the set of policies that are required to run as part of the update. RequiredPolicies []RequiredPolicy // the degree of parallelism for resource operations (<=1 for serial). Parallel int // true if debugging output it enabled Debug bool // true if the plan should refresh before executing. Refresh bool // Specific resources to refresh during a refresh operation. RefreshTargets []resource.URN // Specific resources to replace during an update operation. ReplaceTargets []resource.URN // Specific resources to destroy during a destroy operation. DestroyTargets []resource.URN // Specific resources to update during an update operation. UpdateTargets []resource.URN // true if we're allowing dependent targets to change, even if not specified in one of the above // XXXTargets lists. TargetDependents bool // true if the engine should use legacy diffing behavior during an update. UseLegacyDiff bool // true if the engine should disable provider previews. DisableProviderPreview bool // true if the engine should disable resource reference support. DisableResourceReferences bool // true if we should report events for steps that involve default providers. reportDefaultProviderSteps bool // the plugin host to use for this update Host plugin.Host } // ResourceChanges contains the aggregate resource changes by operation type. type ResourceChanges map[deploy.StepOp]int // HasChanges returns true if there are any non-same changes in the resulting summary. func (changes ResourceChanges) HasChanges() bool { var c int for op, count := range changes { if op != deploy.OpSame && op != deploy.OpRead && op != deploy.OpReadDiscard && op != deploy.OpReadReplacement { c += count } } return c > 0 } func Update(u UpdateInfo, ctx *Context, opts UpdateOptions, dryRun bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) { contract.Require(u != nil, "update") contract.Require(ctx != nil, "ctx") defer func() { ctx.Events <- cancelEvent() }() info, err := newDeploymentContext(u, "update", ctx.ParentSpan) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } defer info.Close() emitter, err := makeEventEmitter(ctx.Events, u) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } defer emitter.Close() return update(ctx, info, deploymentOptions{ UpdateOptions: opts, SourceFunc: newUpdateSource, Events: emitter, Diag: newEventSink(emitter, false), StatusDiag: newEventSink(emitter, true), }, dryRun) } // RunInstallPlugins calls installPlugins and just returns the error (avoids having to export pluginSet). func RunInstallPlugins( proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string, target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context) error { _, _, err := installPlugins(proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx, true /*returnInstallErrors*/) return err } func installPlugins( proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string, target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context, returnInstallErrors bool) (pluginSet, map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version, error) { // Before launching the source, ensure that we have all of the plugins that we need in order to proceed. // // There are two places that we need to look for plugins: // 1. The language host, which reports to us the set of plugins that the program that's about to execute // needs in order to create new resources. This is purely advisory by the language host and not all // languages implement this (notably Python). // 2. The snapshot. The snapshot contains plugins in two locations: first, in the manifest, all plugins // that were loaded are recorded. Second, all first class providers record the version of the plugin // to which they are bound. // // In order to get a complete view of the set of plugins that we need for an update or query, we must // consult both sources and merge their results into a list of plugins. languagePlugins, err := gatherPluginsFromProgram(plugctx, plugin.ProgInfo{ Proj: proj, Pwd: pwd, Program: main, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } snapshotPlugins, err := gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(plugctx, target) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } allPlugins := languagePlugins.Union(snapshotPlugins) // If there are any plugins that are not available, we can attempt to install them here. // // Note that this is purely a best-effort thing. If we can't install missing plugins, just proceed; we'll fail later // with an error message indicating exactly what plugins are missing. If `returnInstallErrors` is set, then return // the error. if err := ensurePluginsAreInstalled(allPlugins); err != nil { if returnInstallErrors { return nil, nil, err } logging.V(7).Infof("newUpdateSource(): failed to install missing plugins: %v", err) } // Collect the version information for default providers. defaultProviderVersions := computeDefaultProviderPlugins(languagePlugins, allPlugins) return allPlugins, defaultProviderVersions, nil } func installAndLoadPolicyPlugins(plugctx *plugin.Context, d diag.Sink, policies []RequiredPolicy, localPolicyPacks []LocalPolicyPack, opts *plugin.PolicyAnalyzerOptions) error { var allValidationErrors []string appendValidationErrors := func(policyPackName, policyPackVersion string, validationErrors []string) { for _, validationError := range validationErrors { allValidationErrors = append(allValidationErrors, fmt.Sprintf("validating policy config: %s %s %s", policyPackName, policyPackVersion, validationError)) } } // Install and load required policy packs. for _, policy := range policies { policyPath, err := policy.Install(context.Background()) if err != nil { return err } analyzer, err := plugctx.Host.PolicyAnalyzer(tokens.QName(policy.Name()), policyPath, opts) if err != nil { return err } analyzerInfo, err := analyzer.GetAnalyzerInfo() if err != nil { return err } // Parse the config, reconcile & validate it, and pass it to the policy pack. if !analyzerInfo.SupportsConfig { if len(policy.Config()) > 0 { logging.V(7).Infof("policy pack %q does not support config; skipping configure", analyzerInfo.Name) } continue } configFromAPI, err := resourceanalyzer.ParsePolicyPackConfigFromAPI(policy.Config()) if err != nil { return err } config, validationErrors, err := resourceanalyzer.ReconcilePolicyPackConfig( analyzerInfo.Policies, analyzerInfo.InitialConfig, configFromAPI) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "reconciling config for %q", analyzerInfo.Name) } appendValidationErrors(analyzerInfo.Name, analyzerInfo.Version, validationErrors) if err = analyzer.Configure(config); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuring policy pack %q", analyzerInfo.Name) } } // Load local policy packs. for i, pack := range localPolicyPacks { abs, err := filepath.Abs(pack.Path) if err != nil { return err } analyzer, err := plugctx.Host.PolicyAnalyzer(tokens.QName(abs), pack.Path, opts) if err != nil { return err } else if analyzer == nil { return errors.Errorf("policy analyzer could not be loaded from path %q", pack.Path) } // Update the Policy Pack names now that we have loaded the plugins and can access the name. analyzerInfo, err := analyzer.GetAnalyzerInfo() if err != nil { return err } localPolicyPacks[i].Name = analyzerInfo.Name // Load config, reconcile & validate it, and pass it to the policy pack. if !analyzerInfo.SupportsConfig { if pack.Config != "" { return errors.Errorf("policy pack %q at %q does not support config", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path) } continue } var configFromFile map[string]plugin.AnalyzerPolicyConfig if pack.Config != "" { configFromFile, err = resourceanalyzer.LoadPolicyPackConfigFromFile(pack.Config) if err != nil { return err } } config, validationErrors, err := resourceanalyzer.ReconcilePolicyPackConfig( analyzerInfo.Policies, analyzerInfo.InitialConfig, configFromFile) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "reconciling policy config for %q at %q", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path) } appendValidationErrors(analyzerInfo.Name, analyzerInfo.Version, validationErrors) if err = analyzer.Configure(config); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "configuring policy pack %q at %q", analyzerInfo.Name, pack.Path) } } // Report any policy config validation errors and return an error. if len(allValidationErrors) > 0 { sort.Strings(allValidationErrors) for _, validationError := range allValidationErrors { plugctx.Diag.Errorf(diag.Message("", validationError)) } return errors.New("validating policy config") } return nil } func newUpdateSource( client deploy.BackendClient, opts deploymentOptions, proj *workspace.Project, pwd, main string, target *deploy.Target, plugctx *plugin.Context, dryRun bool) (deploy.Source, error) { // // Step 1: Install and load plugins. // allPlugins, defaultProviderVersions, err := installPlugins(proj, pwd, main, target, plugctx, false /*returnInstallErrors*/) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Once we've installed all of the plugins we need, make sure that all analyzers and language plugins are // loaded up and ready to go. Provider plugins are loaded lazily by the provider registry and thus don't // need to be loaded here. const kinds = plugin.AnalyzerPlugins | plugin.LanguagePlugins if err := ensurePluginsAreLoaded(plugctx, allPlugins, kinds); err != nil { return nil, err } // // Step 2: Install and load policy plugins. // // Decrypt the configuration. config, err := target.Config.Decrypt(target.Decrypter) if err != nil { return nil, err } analyzerOpts := plugin.PolicyAnalyzerOptions{ Project: proj.Name.String(), Stack: target.Name.String(), Config: config, DryRun: dryRun, } if err := installAndLoadPolicyPlugins(plugctx, opts.Diag, opts.RequiredPolicies, opts.LocalPolicyPacks, &analyzerOpts); err != nil { return nil, err } // If we are connecting to an existing client, stash the address of the engine in its arguments. var args []string if proj.Runtime.Name() == clientRuntimeName { args = []string{plugctx.Host.ServerAddr()} } // If that succeeded, create a new source that will perform interpretation of the compiled program. // TODO[pulumi/pulumi#88]: we are passing `nil` as the arguments map; we need to allow a way to pass these. return deploy.NewEvalSource(plugctx, &deploy.EvalRunInfo{ Proj: proj, Pwd: pwd, Program: main, Args: args, Target: target, }, defaultProviderVersions, dryRun), nil } func update(ctx *Context, info *deploymentContext, opts deploymentOptions, preview bool) (ResourceChanges, result.Result) { // Refresh and Import do not execute Policy Packs. policies := map[string]string{} if !opts.isRefresh && !opts.isImport { for _, p := range opts.RequiredPolicies { policies[p.Name()] = p.Version() } for _, pack := range opts.LocalPolicyPacks { path := abbreviateFilePath(pack.Path) packName := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", pack.Name, path) policies[packName] = "(local)" } } // Create an appropriate set of event listeners. var actions runActions if preview { actions = newPreviewActions(opts) } else { actions = newUpdateActions(ctx, info.Update, opts) } deployment, err := newDeployment(ctx, info, opts, preview) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } defer contract.IgnoreClose(deployment) return deployment.run(ctx, actions, policies, preview) } // abbreviateFilePath is a helper function that cleans up and shortens a provided file path. // If the path is long, it will keep the first two and last two directories and then replace the // middle directories with `...`. func abbreviateFilePath(path string) string { path = filepath.Clean(path) if len(path) > 75 { // Do some shortening. separator := "/" dirs := strings.Split(path, separator) // If we get no splits, we will try to use the backslashes in support of a Windows path. if len(dirs) == 1 { separator = `\` dirs = strings.Split(path, separator) } if len(dirs) > 4 { back := dirs[len(dirs)-2:] dirs = append(dirs[:2], "...") dirs = append(dirs, back...) } path = strings.Join(dirs, separator) } return path } // updateActions pretty-prints the plan application process as it goes. type updateActions struct { Context *Context Steps int Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int Seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step MapLock sync.Mutex Update UpdateInfo Opts deploymentOptions maybeCorrupt bool } func newUpdateActions(context *Context, u UpdateInfo, opts deploymentOptions) *updateActions { return &updateActions{ Context: context, Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int), Seen: make(map[resource.URN]deploy.Step), Update: u, Opts: opts, } } func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceStepPre(step deploy.Step) (interface{}, error) { // Ensure we've marked this step as observed. acts.MapLock.Lock() acts.Seen[step.URN()] = step acts.MapLock.Unlock() // Skip reporting if necessary. if shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) { acts.Opts.Events.resourcePreEvent(step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) } // Inform the snapshot service that we are about to perform a step. return acts.Context.SnapshotManager.BeginMutation(step) } func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceStepPost( ctx interface{}, step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) error { acts.MapLock.Lock() assertSeen(acts.Seen, step) acts.MapLock.Unlock() // If we've already been terminated, exit without writing the checkpoint. We explicitly want to leave the // checkpoint in an inconsistent state in this event. if acts.Context.Cancel.TerminateErr() != nil { return nil } reportStep := shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) // Report the result of the step. if err != nil { if status == resource.StatusUnknown { acts.maybeCorrupt = true } errorURN := resource.URN("") if reportStep { errorURN = step.URN() } // Issue a true, bonafide error. acts.Opts.Diag.Errorf(diag.GetResourceOperationFailedError(errorURN), err) if reportStep { acts.Opts.Events.resourceOperationFailedEvent(step, status, acts.Steps, acts.Opts.Debug) } } else if reportStep { op, record := step.Op(), step.Logical() if acts.Opts.isRefresh && op == deploy.OpRefresh { // Refreshes are handled specially. op, record = step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp(), true } if step.Op() == deploy.OpRead { record = ShouldRecordReadStep(step) } if record { // Increment the counters. acts.MapLock.Lock() acts.Steps++ acts.Ops[op]++ acts.MapLock.Unlock() } // Also show outputs here for custom resources, since there might be some from the initial registration. We do // not show outputs for component resources at this point: any that exist must be from a previous execution of // the Pulumi program, as component resources only report outputs via calls to RegisterResourceOutputs. if step.Res().Custom || acts.Opts.Refresh && step.Op() == deploy.OpRefresh { acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(op, step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) } } // See pulumi/pulumi#2011 for details. Terraform always returns the existing state with the diff applied to it in // the event of an update failure. It's appropriate that we save this new state in the output of the resource, but // it is not appropriate to save the inputs, because the resource that exists was not created or updated // successfully with those inputs. // // If we were doing an update and got a `StatusPartialFailure`, the resource that ultimately gets persisted in the // snapshot should be old inputs and new outputs. We accomplish that here by clobbering the new resource's inputs // with the old inputs. // // This is a little kludgy given that these resources are global state. However, given the way that we have // implemented the snapshot manager and engine today, it's the easiest way to accomplish what we are trying to do. if status == resource.StatusPartialFailure && step.Op() == deploy.OpUpdate { logging.V(7).Infof( "OnResourceStepPost(%s): Step is partially-failed update, saving old inputs instead of new inputs", step.URN()) new := step.New() old := step.Old() contract.Assert(new != nil) contract.Assert(old != nil) new.Inputs = make(resource.PropertyMap) for key, value := range old.Inputs { new.Inputs[key] = value } } // Write out the current snapshot. Note that even if a failure has occurred, we should still have a // safe checkpoint. Note that any error that occurs when writing the checkpoint trumps the error // reported above. return ctx.(SnapshotMutation).End(step, err == nil || status == resource.StatusPartialFailure) } func (acts *updateActions) OnResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error { acts.MapLock.Lock() assertSeen(acts.Seen, step) acts.MapLock.Unlock() // Skip reporting if necessary. if shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) { acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(step.Op(), step, false /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) } // There's a chance there are new outputs that weren't written out last time. // We need to perform another snapshot write to ensure they get written out. return acts.Context.SnapshotManager.RegisterResourceOutputs(step) } func (acts *updateActions) OnPolicyViolation(urn resource.URN, d plugin.AnalyzeDiagnostic) { acts.Opts.Events.policyViolationEvent(urn, d) } func (acts *updateActions) MaybeCorrupt() bool { return acts.maybeCorrupt } func (acts *updateActions) Changes() ResourceChanges { return ResourceChanges(acts.Ops) } type previewActions struct { Ops map[deploy.StepOp]int Opts deploymentOptions Seen map[resource.URN]deploy.Step MapLock sync.Mutex } func shouldReportStep(step deploy.Step, opts deploymentOptions) bool { return step.Op() != deploy.OpRemovePendingReplace && (opts.reportDefaultProviderSteps || !isDefaultProviderStep(step)) } func ShouldRecordReadStep(step deploy.Step) bool { contract.Assertf(step.Op() == deploy.OpRead, "Only call this on a Read step") // If reading a resource didn't result in any change to the resource, we then want to // record this as a 'same'. That way, when things haven't actually changed, but a user // app did any 'reads' these don't show up in the resource summary at the end. return step.Old() != nil && step.New() != nil && step.Old().Outputs != nil && step.New().Outputs != nil && step.Old().Outputs.Diff(step.New().Outputs) != nil } func newPreviewActions(opts deploymentOptions) *previewActions { return &previewActions{ Ops: make(map[deploy.StepOp]int), Opts: opts, Seen: make(map[resource.URN]deploy.Step), } } func (acts *previewActions) OnResourceStepPre(step deploy.Step) (interface{}, error) { acts.MapLock.Lock() acts.Seen[step.URN()] = step acts.MapLock.Unlock() // Skip reporting if necessary. if !shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) { return nil, nil } acts.Opts.Events.resourcePreEvent(step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) return nil, nil } func (acts *previewActions) OnResourceStepPost(ctx interface{}, step deploy.Step, status resource.Status, err error) error { acts.MapLock.Lock() assertSeen(acts.Seen, step) acts.MapLock.Unlock() reportStep := shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) if err != nil { // We always want to report a failure. If we intend to elide this step overall, though, we report it as a // global message. reportedURN := resource.URN("") if reportStep { reportedURN = step.URN() } acts.Opts.Diag.Errorf(diag.GetPreviewFailedError(reportedURN), err) } else if reportStep { op, record := step.Op(), step.Logical() if acts.Opts.isRefresh && op == deploy.OpRefresh { // Refreshes are handled specially. op, record = step.(*deploy.RefreshStep).ResultOp(), true } if step.Op() == deploy.OpRead { record = ShouldRecordReadStep(step) } // Track the operation if shown and/or if it is a logically meaningful operation. if record { acts.MapLock.Lock() acts.Ops[op]++ acts.MapLock.Unlock() } acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(op, step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) } return nil } func (acts *previewActions) OnResourceOutputs(step deploy.Step) error { acts.MapLock.Lock() assertSeen(acts.Seen, step) acts.MapLock.Unlock() // Skip reporting if necessary. if !shouldReportStep(step, acts.Opts) { return nil } // Print the resource outputs separately. acts.Opts.Events.resourceOutputsEvent(step.Op(), step, true /*planning*/, acts.Opts.Debug) return nil } func (acts *previewActions) OnPolicyViolation(urn resource.URN, d plugin.AnalyzeDiagnostic) { acts.Opts.Events.policyViolationEvent(urn, d) } func (acts *previewActions) MaybeCorrupt() bool { return false } func (acts *previewActions) Changes() ResourceChanges { return ResourceChanges(acts.Ops) }