name: Download Pulumi Cron "on": workflow_dispatch: {} schedule: - cron: 0 8 * * * jobs: macos-homebrew-install: name: Install Pulumi with Homebrew on macOS runs-on: macos-latest steps: - name: homedate homebrew formulae run: brew update - name: homebrew install run: brew install pulumi - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1 macOS-direct-install: name: Install Pulumi via script on macOS runs-on: macos-latest steps: - run: curl -fsSL | sh - run: echo "/Users/runner/.pulumi/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - run: which pulumi - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1 macos-verify-download-link: name: Verify Direct Download link on macOS runs-on: macos-latest steps: - name: Direct Download run: curl -L -o pulumi.tar.gz$(curl -sS - run: ls -la linux-direct-install: name: Install Pulumi via script on Ubuntu runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Remove existing version run: sudo rm /usr/local/bin/pulumi - run: curl -fsSL | sh - run: echo "/home/runner/.pulumi/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - run: which pulumi - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1 linux-verify-download-link: name: Verify Direct Download link on Linux runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Direct Download run: curl -L -o pulumi.tar.gz$(curl -sS - run: ls -la windows-choco-install: name: Install Pulumi with Chocolatey on Windows runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: choco install run: choco upgrade pulumi - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars shell: bash run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1 windows-direct-install: name: Install Pulumi via script on Windows runs-on: windows-latest steps: - run: '[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")) && SET \"PATH=%PATH%;%USERPROFILE%\.pulumi\bin\"' shell: pwsh - run: echo "C:\Users\runneradmin\.pulumi\bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH shell: bash - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars shell: bash run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1 windows-verify-download-link: name: Verify Direct Download link on Windows runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Direct Download shell: pwsh run: | $latestVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing $downloadUrl = "${latestVersion}" $tempZip = New-Item -Type File (Join-Path $env:TEMP ([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension(([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()), "zip"))) Invoke-WebRequest${latestVersion} -OutFile $tempZip - run: ls -la shell: bash install-via-gha: name: Install via GHA on ${{ matrix.os }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: ["ubuntu-latest", "windows-latest", "macos-latest"] steps: - name: Install Pulumi CLI uses: pulumi/action-install-pulumi-cli@v1.0.1 - name: Pulumi Version Details id: vars run: | echo ::set-output name=installed-version::$(pulumi version) echo ::set-output name=expected-version::v$(curl -sS - name: Error if incorrect version found if: steps.vars.outputs.expected-version != steps.vars.outputs.installed-version run: | echo "Expected version ${{ steps.vars.outputs.expected-version }} but found ${{ steps.vars.outputs.installed-version }}" exit 1