# Mu Package Metadata (MuPack) This document describes the overall concepts, capabilities, and serialization format for MuPack. It also describes the intermediate language (IL) and type system for MuPack, something we refer to as MuIL. ## Overview Each MuPack file is called a MuPackage and contains four things: * Package metadata. * Symbol names and tokens. * Module, type, function, and variable definitions. * Data and computations encoded in an intermediate language (IL). The metadata section describes attributes about the overall MuPackage, like its name and version. All data and computations are fully bound to types, and ready for interpretation/execution. Higher level MetaMu language compilers are responsible for performing this binding, and encoding the results. Those results are symbol names and tokens that are registered and available for lookup within any given MuPackage. These symbols provide a quick, and binding logic-free, way of resolving any bound node to its target abstraction (module, type, or function). From there, any data or computations associated with those abstractions may be retrieved thanks to the definitions. Mu's type system was designed to be supported by a broad cross-section of modern programming languages. That said, it's entirely possible that MuPack exposes a construct that a certain language doesn't support. Because MuIL is designed for interpretation, determinism, and predictability -- and not runtime speed -- all type coercions are checked and fail-fast if an illegal coercion is attempted. It is obviously a better choice to verify such conversions where possible in the MetaMu compilers themselves, however this approach naturally accomodates dynamic languages. MuPack is serialized in JSON/YAML form, although in the future we may explore more efficient file formats. Examples in this document will use a YAML syntax for brevity's sake. TODO: hello, world. ## Metadata Each package may contain self-describing metadata, such as a name, and optional attributes that are common in package managers, like a description, author, website, license, and so on. For example: name: acmecorp/elk description: A fully functioning ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana). author: Joe Smith website: https://github.com/joesmith/elk TODO(joe): describe the full informational attributes available. Most of this information is taken from the source MetaMu program and carried forward during compilation. Note that a version number is *not* part of the metadata prelude. The version number is managed by a version management system outside of the purview of the package contents. For example, packages checked into Git are managed by SHA1 hashes and tags, while packages registered with a traditional package management system might be versioned manually. ## Names As with most metadata formats, names are central to how things reference one another. The two key concepts to understand in how MuPack and MuIL encode such references are *symbols* and *tokens*. ### Symbols Each symbol represents one of four kinds of abstractions: module, variable, function, or a class: * A *module* represents a collection of said abstractions. No type, function, or const can exist outside of one. Every MuPackage consists of at least one top-level module, with optional nested modules inside of it. * A *variable* represents a named, typed storage location. * A *function* represents a named computation with typed parameters and an optional typed return value. * A *class* is a named abstraction that contains properties (variables) and methods (functions). Classes have been designed to support both nominal and structural typing, catering to a subset of most dynamic and static languages. ### Tokens Each symbol is keyed by a token, which is a unique identifier used to reference the symbol from elsewhere inside and/or outside of the defining module. Each token is just a string name that encodes the entire context necessary to resolve it to a concrete module and, within that module, its corresponding definition: * A protocol (e.g., `https://`). * A base URL (e.g., `hub.mu.com/`, `github.com/`, etc). * A fully qualified name (e.g., `acmecorp`, `aws/s3/Bucket`, etc). For example, `https://hub.mu.com/acmecorp#latest` refers to the latest version of the `acmecorp` module, while `https://github.com/aws/s3/Bucket` refers to the `Bucket` class exported from the `aws/s3` module (itself exported from the `aws` package). The URLs are present so that package managers can download dependencies appropriately. Each MuPackage contains a concrete list of module dependencies. For example: dependencies: - https://hub.mu.com/aws#^1.0.6 - https://hub.mu.com/github#~1.5.2 Now, throughout the rest of the MuPackage, any symbol tokens prefixed with `https://hub.mu.com/aws` and `https://hub.mu.com/github` will be resolved to the artifacts exported by the repsective packages. Note that dependencies are required to be acyclic. Notice that dependency names are like ordinary token names, but must also carry a version number: * An `#` followed by version number (e.g., `#^1.0.6`, `#6f99088`, `#latest`, etc). This version number ensures that the same dependency used for compilation is used during evaluation. Mu supports multiple versioning formats (semantic versioning, Git SHA1 hash versioning, and "tip" (`latest`)). Please refer to [Mu Dependencies](deps.md) for more information about token and dependency names and the resolution process. MuPackages may export other symbols in the form of modules, types, variables, and functions as members. ### Naming Conventions TODO: talk about casing. ## Types This section describes the core aspects of MuIL's type system. There is a single top-type that may refer to any record or class value: the `any` type. All instances of classes in MuIL are called *objects*. They are allocated on the heap, in map-like data structures that have strong type identity, facilitating dynamic and structural conversions, in addition to classical RTTI and OOP patterns. In a sense, this is a lot like how ECMAScript works. Furthermore, there is no notion of a pointer in MuIL and so the exact storage location is kept hidden from MetaMu languages and their semantics. Because all instances are objects, we must talk about `null`. By default, types do not include the special value `null` in their domain. To include it in a type's domain, suffix athat type `T` with a question mark, as in `T?`. ### Primitives At the core, all types are built out of the primitives: * The basic primitive types: `bool`, `number`, and `string`. * Any record `S` can be modified by appending `[]` to make an array type `S[]`: e.g., `number[]` and `string[]`. * Similarly, two types can be paired up to make a map type using `map[K]V`, where `K` is the type of keys used to index into the map and `V` is the type of value inside: e.g., `map[string]number` and `map[string]record`, and so on. Note that only the primtive types `bool`, `number`, and `string` can be used as keys for a map type. A map type with a value type `V` that belongs to the `record` subset of types is also a `record`; otherwise, it is a `class`. As with JSON, all numbers are [IEEE 754 64-bit floating point numbers]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point). TODO(joe): we likely want ints/longs. Perhaps not in the JSON-like subset, however. Maybe even bignum. In addition to the above types, function types are available, in support of lambdas. Such a type has an optional comma-delimited list of parameter types with an optional return type: `func(PT0,...,PTN)RT`. For example, `func(string,number)bool` is a function that takes a `string` and `number`, and returns a `bool`. Function types are unique in that they can only appear in module properties, arguments, local variables, but not class properties. This ensures that all data structures are serializable as JSON, an important property to the interoperability of Mu data. ## Definitions Each package contains a definitions map containing all modules, variables, functions, and classes: definitions: This map is laid out in a hierarchical manner, so that any types belonging to a module are nested underneath it, etc., making the name resolution process straightforward. It contains both internal and exported members. ### Modules Because each package has an implicit top-level module, the `definitions:` element itself is actually a module specification. Every module specification may contain up to the four kinds of members underneath it listed earlier: definitions: modules: # submodules, keyed by name variables: # variables, keyed by name functions: # functions, keyed by name classes: # classes, keyed by name Each of these elements may be made accessible outside of the package by attaching the `export: true` attribute: export: true A module may contain definitions that aren't exported simply by leaving off `export: true` or explicitly marking a definition as `export: false`. These are for use within the package only. No additional accessibility level is available at the MuPack level of abstraction, although of course MetaMu languages may project things however they wish. Modules may contain a single special function, called its "initializer", to run code at module load time. It is denoted by the special name `.init`. Any variables with complex initialization must be written to from this initializer. The sole top-level module for an executable MuPackage may also contain a special entrypoint function that is used to perform graph evaluation. It is denoted by the special name `.main`. It is illegal for non-executable MuPackages to contain such a function, just as it is for a submodule to contain one (versus the MuPackage's top-level module). Note that it is up to a MetaMu compiler to decide how to partition code between `.init` and `.main`. For languages that allow "open-ended" coding in a module definition, it is likely that such statements would appear in the `.main` method, and that library-only MuPackages containing such code would be rejected outright. ### Variables A variable is a typed, named storage location. As we will see, variables show up in several places: as module properties, struct and class properties, function parameters, and function local variables. Each variable definition, no matter which of the above places it appears, shares the following attributes: * A `name` (its key). * An required `type` token. * An optional `default` value. * An optional `readonly` indicator. * An optional informative `description`. A class property can be marked `static` to indicate that it belongs to the class itself and not an instance object. TODO(joe): `secret` keyword for Amazon NoEcho-like cases. The following is an example variable that demonstrates several of these attributes: availabilityZoneCounts: description: A map from AZ to the count of its subzones. type: map[string]number default: "us-east-1": 3 "us-east-2": 3 "us-west-1": 3 "us-west-2": 3 "eu-west-1": 3 "eu-central-1": 2 "ap-northeast-1": 2 "ap-southeast-1": 2 "ap-southeast-2": 3 A variable can be given a `default` value if it can be represented using a simple serialized literal value. For more complex cases, such as using arbitrary expressions, initialization must happen in a function somewhere. For module properties, for instance, this occurs in the module initialzer; for class properties, in its constructor; and so on. By default, each variable is mutable. The `readonly` attribute indicates that it isn't: availabilityZoneCounts: type: map[string]number readonly: true # ... As with most uses of `readonly` in other programming languages, it is shallow (that is, the property value cannot be changed by if the target is a mutable record, properties on *that* record can be). All variables are initialized to `null` by default. Problems may arise if the type is not nullable (more on this later). All loads guard against this possibility, however loading a `null` value from a non-null location will lead to runtime failure (which can be difficult to diagnose). It is better if MetaMu compilers ensure this cannot happen. ### Functions A function is a named executable computation, with typed parameters, and an optional typed return value. As we will see, functions show up in a few places: as module functions, class methods, and lambdas. All function definitions have two following common attributes: * An optional list of parameters, each of which is a variable. * An optional return type. Module functions and class methods are required to also carry a `name` (the function's key). Lambdas do not have one. Class methods have a few additional optional attributes that may be set: * An optional `static` attribute. * An optional `sealed` attribute. * An optional `abstract` attribute. A `static` method does not have access to an enclosing `this` instance; instead, it is defined at the class scope. All methods are virtual by default (and hence may be overridden), however the `sealed` attribute prevents overrides. Conversely, the `abstract` annotation indicates that a method must be overridden by a concrete subclass. Any class containing even a single abstract method must itself be marked `abstract` (more on this shortly). It is illegal to mark a `static` method as either `sealed` or `abstract`. Module functions and lambdas are required to define a `body`, which is a MuIL block. Class methods often have one, but it can be omitted, in which case the method must be abstract and concrete subclasses must provide a `body` block. ### Classes New named `class` types can be created by composing primitives and other `class` types. Classes are capable of representing a multitude of constructs, from data-only, to pure interfaces, and everything in between. Because Mu's primitive type system is restricted to JSON-like types, all instances can be serialized as [JSON]( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159), ensuring interoperability with languages and Internet protocols. There may be additional constraints placed on classes to enforce contracts, but this does not alter their runtime representation. Each custom `class` type has the following attributes: * A `name` (its key). * An optional `extends` listing base type(s). * An optional informative `description`. * An optional set of `properties` and/or `methods`. * An optional `sealed` attribute. * An optional `abstract` attribute. * An optional `record` attribute, indicating that a class is data-only. * An optional `interface` attribute, indicating that a class has only pure functions. For instance, here is an example of a pure data-only `Person` class: Person: description: A person. properties: firstName: type: string description: The person's given name. lastName: type: string description: The person's family name. age: type: number description: The person's current age. All properties are variable definitions and methods are function definitions, per the earlier descriptions. A class can have a constructor, which is a special method named `.ctor`, that is invoked during initialization. A class may also contain a class initializer that runs code to initialize static variables. It is denoted by the special name `.init`. Any of the class's static variables with complex initialization must be written to from this initializer. Class properties are special in one important way: each property is, by default, a so-called *primary property*. Although classes can have constructors, they are not required to, and primary properties are set by the calling object initializer *before* invoking that constructor. In fact, unless the type of a property is nullable, or marked `computed: true`, a value will be *required* at initialization time. This reinforces Mu's data-oriented viewpoint. In pseudo-code, it is as though constructing a `Person` object is done as thus: new Person { firstName: "Alexander", lastName: "Hamilton", age: 47, }; This is in contrast to a constructor, and/or even a hybrid between the two approaches, again in pseudo-code: new Person("Alexander", "Hamilton", 47); new Person(47) { firstName: "Alexander", lastName: "Hamilton", }; A class marked `sealed` may not be subclassed. Any attempt to do so leads to failure at load time. A class may be marked `abstract` to disallow creating new instances. A class with only primary properties and no constructor may be marked as a `record`. A class with no properties, no constructor, and only abstract methods may be marked as an `interface`. This is a superset of `abstract`. A class without a constructor and only primary properties is called a *conjurable* type. Conjurability is helpful because instances can be "conjured" out of thin air without regard for invariants. Both records and interfaces are conjurable. Both enjoy certain benefits that will become apparent later, like structural duck typing. ### Subclassing Classes may subclass other types using `extends`. For example, imagine we want an `Employee` which is a special kind of `Person`: Employee: description: An employee person. extends: Person properties: company: type: string description: The employee's current employer. title: type: string description: The employee's current title. This facilitates easy conversion from an `employee` value to a `person`. Because MuIL leverages a nominal type system, the parent/child relationship between these types is preserved at runtime for purposes of RTTI. This caters to MetaMu languages that use nominal type systems as well as MetaMu languages that use structural ones. TODO: multiple-inheritance: restrict to pure classes? If yes, should those be implementation-free? At the moment, there is no support for redeclaration of properties, and therefore no support for covariance (i.e., strengthening property types). All base-type properties are simply inherited "as-is". ### Conversions The MuIL type system uses a combination of subtyping and structural conversions. At its core, MuIL is a nominal static type system. As such, it obeys the usual subtyping relations: upcasting from a subclass to its superclass can be done without any explicit action; downcasting from a superclass to a given subclass can be done explicitly with a MuIL instruction, and it might fail should the cast be wrong. Imagining that `Base` is the superclass and `Derived` is the subclass, then in pseudo-code: Base b = new Base(); Derived d = new Derived(); d = b; // Error at compile-time, requires an explicit cast. d = (D)b; // Error at runtime, Base is not an instance of Derived. b = d; // OK. MuIL also supports a dynamic `isinst` operator, to check whether a given object is of a certain class. In addition, however, MuIL supports structural "duck typed" conversions between conjurable types (records and interfaces). Recall that a conjurable type is one with only primary properties and no constructor. Such types do not have invariants that might be violated by free coercions between such types. So long as the source and target are "compatible" at compile-time, duck-type conversions between them work just fine. What does it mean for two classes to be "compatible?" Given a source `S` and destination `T`: * Either: - `T` is an interface; or, - `S` and `T` are both conjurable. * For all functions in `T`, there exists a like-named, compatible function in `S`. * For all non-nullable properties in `T`, there exists a like-named, like-typed property in `S`. A compatible function is one whose signature is structurally compatible through the usual subtyping rules (parameter types are contravariant (equal or relaxed), return types are covariant (equal or strengthened). Properties, on the other hand, are invariant, since they are both input and output. This is the same for lambda conversions. MuIL also supports purely dynamic property and method operations against objects, as though the object were a map indexed by the desired member's string name. This is often used in conjunction with the untyped `any` type. These operations may, of course, fail at runtime, as is usual in dynamic languages. They are described in the MuIL section. ### Advanced Types MuIL supports some additional "advanced" type system features. #### Constraints To support rich validation, even in the presence of representations that faciliate data interoperability, MuIL supports additional constraints on `number`, `string`, and array types, inspired by [JSON Schema](http://json-schema.org/): * For `number`s: - Minimum: `number`, where `M` is a constant `number` of the minimum (inclusive) value. - Maximum: `number<:N>`, where `N` is a constant `number` of the maximum (inclusive) value. - Both minimum and maximum: `number`. * For `string`s: - Exact length in characters: `string`, where `L` is a constant `number` of the exact length. - Minimum length in characters: `string`, where `M` is a constant `number` of the minimum (inclusive) length. - Minimum length in characters: `string<:N>`, where `N` is a constant `number` of the maximum (inclusive) length. - Both minimum and maximum: `string`. - A regex pattern for legal values: `string<"R">`, where `"R"` is a regex representing valid patterns. * For arrays: - Exact length: `T[L]`, where `L` is a constant `number` of the exact length. - Minimum length: `T[M:]`, where `M` is a constant `number` of the minimum (inclusive) length. - Maximum length: `T[:N]`, where `N` is a constant `number` of the maximum (inclusive) length. - Both minimum and maximum: `T[N:M]`. As examples of these, consider: number<512:> // min 512 (incl) number<:1024> // max 1024 (incl) number<512:1024> // min 512, max 1024 (both incl) string<8> // exactly 8 chars string<2:> // min 2 chars (incl) string<:8> // max 8 chars (incl) string<2:8> // min 2, max 8 chars (incl) string<"a-zA-Z0-9"> // regex only permits alphanumerics number[16] // exactly 16 numbers number[8:] // min 8 numbers (incl) number[:16] // max 16 numbers (incl) number[8:16] // min 8, max 16 numbers (incl) These constructs are frequently useful for validating properties of schemas without needing custom code. #### Union and Literal Types A union type is simply an array containing all possible types that a value might resolve to. For example, the type `[ string, number ]` resolves to either a string or number value at runtime. A literal type is a type with an arbitrary string value. A literal type is silly to use on its own, however, when combined with union types, this provides everything we need for strongly typed enums. For example, imaging we wish our `state` property to be confined to the 50 states: properties: state: type: [ "AL", "AK", ..., "WI", "WY" ] A compiler should check that any value for the `state` property has one of the legal string values. If it doesn't, MuIL runtime validation will ensure that it is the case. #### Type Aliases Any type `A` can be used as an alias for another type `B`, simply by listing `B` as `A`'s base type. For instance, imagine we want to alias `Employees` to mean an array of `Employee` records, or `Employee[]`: Employees: base: Employee[] This can be particularly useful for union/literal enum types, such as our state example above: State: base: [ "AL", "AK", ..., "WI", "WY" ] Now, given this new `State` type, we can simplify our `state` property example from the previous section: properties: state: type: State ## Mu Intermediate Language (MuIL) Loads/stores Load constants (null, number, string) Load/store variable (modvar, this, field, local) Load/store map element (same as variable?) Load/store array element Array and map intrinsics (ldlen) Different for static vs. dynamic load? Branches (ble, bge, lt) Calls Lambdas New (records and classes) / init Conversion, isinst, casts(structural plus nominal) Throw Try/Catch/Finally Operators ## Possibly-Controversial Decisions It's worth describing for a moment some possibly-controversial decisions about MuPack and MuIL. These might come as a surprise to higher level programmers, however, it is worth remembering that MuIL is attempting to strike a balance between high- and low-level multi-language representations. In doing so, some opinions had to be discard, while others were strengthened. And some of them aren't set in stone and may be something we revisit later. ### Values MuIL does not support unboxed values. This is entirely a performance and low-level interop concern. ### Pointers On one hand, MuIL supports pointers everywhere, since all values are actually references to values. But, MuIL does not support an explicit pointer type with associated indirection, arithmetic, and dereferencing operations. Runtime functionality can be written in Go, which leverages pointers, but MuIL itself is not for systems programming. ### Generics MuIL does not support generics. MetaMu languages are free to, however they must be erased at compile-time. This admittedly sacrifices some amount of generality. But it does so at the benefit of simplicity. Some MetaMu languages simply do not support generics, and so admitting them to the core would be problematic. Furthermore, languages like Go demonstrate that modern cloud programs of considerable complexity can be written without them. Perhaps the most unfortunate and apparent aspect of MuIL's lack of generics is the consequently missing composable collection types. To soften the blow of this, MuIL has built-in array, map, and enumerable object types. ### Operators MuIL does come with a number of built-in operators. MuIL does not care about operator precedence, however. All expressions are evaluated in the exact order in which they appear in the tree. Parenthesis nodes may be used to group expressions so that they are evaluated in a specific order. MuIL does not support operator overloading. The set of operators is fixed and cannot be overridden, although a higher-level MetaMu compiler may decide to emit calls to intrinsic functions rather than depending on MuIL operators. ### Overloading MuIL does not support function overloading. ### Threading/Async/Await There is no multithreading in MuIL. And there is no I/O. As a result, there are neither multithreading facilities nor the commonly found `async` and `await` features in modern programming languages. ### Smaller Items MuIL doesn't currently support "attributes" (a.k.a., decorators). This isn't for any principled reason other than the lack of a need for them and, as such, attributes may be something we consider adding at a later date. MuIL doesn't support varargs; instead, just use arrays. The benefit of true varargs is twofold: usability -- something that doesn't matter at the MuIL level -- and runtime performance -- something MuIL is less concerned about. ## Open Questions Exceptions: fail-fast Numeric types (long, int, etc) Intrinsics: do they appear in MuIL? Or just in MuGL?