#!/bin/bash # This is an entrypoint for our Docker image that does some minimal bootstrapping before executing. set -e # If the PULUMI_CI variable is set, we'll do some extra things to make common tasks easier. if [ ! -z "$PULUMI_CI" ]; then # Detect the CI system and configure variables so that we get good Pulumi workflow and GitHub App support. if [ ! -z "$GITHUB_WORKFLOW" ]; then export PULUMI_CI_SYSTEM="GitHub" export PULUMI_CI_BUILD_ID= export PULUMI_CI_BUILD_TYPE= export PULUMI_CI_BUILD_URL= export PULUMI_CI_PULL_REQUEST_SHA="$GITHUB_SHA" # For PR events, we want to take the ref of the target branch, not the current. This ensures, for # instance, that a PR for a topic branch merging into `master` will use the `master` branch as the # target for a preview. Note that for push events, we of course want to use the actual branch. if [ "$PULUMI_CI" = "pr" ]; then # Not all PR events warrant running a preview. Many of them pertain to changes in assignments # and ownership, but we only want to run the preview if the action is "opened" or "edited". PR_ACTION=$(jq -r ".action" < $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) if [ "$PR_ACTION" != "opened" ] && [ "$PR_ACTION" != "edited" ]; then echo -e "PR event ($PR_ACTION) contains no changes and does not warrant a Pulumi Preview" echo -e "Skipping Pulumi action altogether..." exit 0 fi BRANCH=$(jq -r ".pull_request.base.ref" < $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH) else BRANCH="$GITHUB_REF" fi BRANCH=$(echo $BRANCH | sed "s/refs\/heads\///g") fi # Respect the branch mappings file for stack selection. Note that this is *not* required, but if the file # is missing, the caller of this script will need to pass `-s ` to specify the stack explicitly. if [ ! -z "$BRANCH" ] && [ -e .pulumi/ci.json ]; then PULUMI_STACK_NAME=$(cat .pulumi/ci.json | jq -r ".\"$BRANCH\"") if [ "$PULUMI_STACK_NAME" != "null" ]; then pulumi stack select $PULUMI_STACK_NAME else echo -e "No stack configured for branch '$BRANCH'" echo -e "" echo -e "To configure this branch, please" echo -e "\t1) Run 'pulumi stack init '" echo -e "\t2) Associated the stack with the branch by adding" echo -e "\t\t{" echo -e "\t\t\t\"$BRANCH\": \"\"" echo -e "\t\t}" echo -e "\tto your .pulumi/ci.json file" echo -e "" echo -e "For now, exiting cleanly without doing anything..." exit 0 fi fi fi # Next, lazily install packages if required. if [ -e package.json ] && [ ! -d node_modules ]; then npm install fi # Now just pass along all arguments to the Pulumi CLI. pulumi "$@"