# Pulumi Node.js SDK :warning: **Pulumi is in private beta. This package may not work unless you are already participating. Please visit [pulumi.com](https://pulumi.com/) to register for access.** The Pulumi Node.js SDK lets you write cloud programs in JavaScript. ## Installation Using npm: ```bash $ npm install --save @pulumi/pulumi ``` Using yarn: ```bash $ yarn add @pulumi/pulumi ``` This SDK is meant for use with the Pulumi CLI. Please visit [docs.pulumi.com](https://docs.pulumi.com) for installation instructions. ## Building and Testing For anybody who wants to build from source, here is how you do it. ### Prerequisites This SDK uses Node.js and we support the Active LTS and Current releases, as defined by [this table](https://github.com/nodejs/Release#release-schedule). We support both [NPM](https://npmjs.org) and [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/) for package management. At the moment, we only support building on macOS and Linux, where standard GNU tools like `make` are available. ### Make Targets The first time you build, run `make ensure` to install and prepare native plugins for V8: $ make ensure This is only necessary if you intend to produce a build that is capable of running older versions of the SDK contained in this directory. If you do intend to do this, you must have node `6.10.2` installed. To build the SDK, simply run `make` from the root directory (where this `README` lives, at `sdk/nodejs/` from the repo's root). This will build the code, run tests, and install the package and its supporting artifacts. At the moment, for local development, we install everything into `/opt/pulumi`. You will want this on your `$PATH`. The tests will verify that everything works, but feel free to try running `pulumi preview` and/or `pulumi update` from the `examples/minimal/` directory. Remember to run `tsc` first, since `pulumi` expects JavaScript, not TypeScript.