// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "sort" "time" humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend/display" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend/httpstate" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/go/common/resource" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" ) func newStackCmd() *cobra.Command { var showIDs bool var showURNs bool var showSecrets bool var stackName string var startTime string cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "stack", Short: "Manage stacks", Long: "Manage stacks\n" + "\n" + "An stack is a named update target, and a single project may have many of them.\n" + "Each stack has a configuration and update history associated with it, stored in\n" + "the workspace, in addition to a full checkpoint of the last known good update.\n", Args: cmdutil.NoArgs, Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { opts := display.Options{ Color: cmdutil.GetGlobalColorization(), } s, err := requireStack(stackName, true, opts, true /*setCurrent*/) if err != nil { return err } snap, err := s.Snapshot(commandContext()) if err != nil { return err } // First print general info about the current stack. fmt.Printf("Current stack is %s:\n", s.Ref()) be := s.Backend() cloudBe, isCloud := be.(httpstate.Backend) if !isCloud || cloudBe.CloudURL() != httpstate.PulumiCloudURL { fmt.Printf(" Managed by %s\n", be.Name()) } if isCloud { if cs, ok := s.(httpstate.Stack); ok { fmt.Printf(" Owner: %s\n", cs.OrgName()) // If there is an in-flight operation, provide info. if currentOp := cs.CurrentOperation(); currentOp != nil { fmt.Printf(" Update in progress:\n") startTime = humanize.Time(time.Unix(currentOp.Started, 0)) fmt.Printf(" Started: %v\n", startTime) fmt.Printf(" Requested By: %s\n", currentOp.Author) } } } if snap != nil { if t := snap.Manifest.Time; t.IsZero() && startTime == "" { fmt.Printf(" Last update time unknown\n") } else if startTime == "" { fmt.Printf(" Last updated: %s (%v)\n", humanize.Time(t), t) } var cliver string if snap.Manifest.Version == "" { cliver = "?" } else { cliver = snap.Manifest.Version } fmt.Printf(" Pulumi version: %s\n", cliver) for _, plugin := range snap.Manifest.Plugins { var plugver string if plugin.Version == nil { plugver = "?" } else { plugver = plugin.Version.String() } fmt.Printf(" Plugin %s [%s] version: %s\n", plugin.Name, plugin.Kind, plugver) } } else { fmt.Printf(" No updates yet; run 'pulumi up'\n") } // Now show the resources. var rescnt int if snap != nil { rescnt = len(snap.Resources) } fmt.Printf("Current stack resources (%d):\n", rescnt) if rescnt == 0 { fmt.Printf(" No resources currently in this stack\n") } else { rows, ok := renderTree(snap, showURNs, showIDs) if !ok { for _, res := range snap.Resources { rows = append(rows, renderResourceRow(res, "", " ", showURNs, showIDs)) } } cmdutil.PrintTable(cmdutil.Table{ Headers: []string{"TYPE", "NAME"}, Rows: rows, Prefix: " ", }) outputs, err := getStackOutputs(snap, showSecrets) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("\n") printStackOutputs(outputs) } } // Add a link to the pulumi.com console page for this stack, if it has one. if cs, ok := s.(httpstate.Stack); ok { if consoleURL, err := cs.ConsoleURL(); err == nil { fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("More information at: %s\n", consoleURL) } } fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("Use `pulumi stack select` to change stack; `pulumi stack ls` lists known ones\n") return nil }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &stackName, "stack", "s", "", "The name of the stack to operate on. Defaults to the current stack") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &showIDs, "show-ids", "i", false, "Display each resource's provider-assigned unique ID") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &showURNs, "show-urns", "u", false, "Display each resource's Pulumi-assigned globally unique URN") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &showSecrets, "show-secrets", false, "Display stack outputs which are marked as secret in plaintext") cmd.AddCommand(newStackExportCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackGraphCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackImportCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackInitCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackLsCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackOutputCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackRmCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackSelectCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackTagCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newStackRenameCmd()) return cmd } func printStackOutputs(outputs map[string]interface{}) { fmt.Printf("Current stack outputs (%d):\n", len(outputs)) if len(outputs) == 0 { fmt.Printf(" No output values currently in this stack\n") } else { var outkeys []string for outkey := range outputs { outkeys = append(outkeys, outkey) } sort.Strings(outkeys) rows := []cmdutil.TableRow{} for _, key := range outkeys { rows = append(rows, cmdutil.TableRow{Columns: []string{key, stringifyOutput(outputs[key])}}) } cmdutil.PrintTable(cmdutil.Table{ Headers: []string{"OUTPUT", "VALUE"}, Rows: rows, Prefix: " ", }) } } // stringifyOutput formats an output value for presentation to a user. We use JSON formatting, except in the case // of top level strings, where we just return the raw value. func stringifyOutput(v interface{}) string { s, ok := v.(string) if ok { return s } b, err := json.Marshal(v) if err != nil { return "error: could not format value" } return string(b) } type treeNode struct { res *resource.State children []*treeNode } func renderNode(node *treeNode, padding, branch string, showURNs, showIDs bool, rows *[]cmdutil.TableRow) { padBranch := "" switch branch { case "├─ ": padBranch = "│ " case "└─ ": padBranch = " " } childPadding := padding + padBranch infoBranch := " " if len(node.children) > 0 { infoBranch = "│ " } infoPadding := childPadding + infoBranch *rows = append(*rows, renderResourceRow(node.res, padding+branch, infoPadding, showURNs, showIDs)) for i, child := range node.children { childBranch := "├─ " if i == len(node.children)-1 { childBranch = "└─ " } renderNode(child, childPadding, childBranch, showURNs, showIDs, rows) } } func renderTree(snap *deploy.Snapshot, showURNs, showIDs bool) ([]cmdutil.TableRow, bool) { var root *treeNode var orphans []*treeNode nodes := make(map[resource.URN]*treeNode) for _, res := range snap.Resources { node, ok := nodes[res.URN] if !ok { node = &treeNode{res: res} nodes[res.URN] = node } else { node.res = res } switch { case res.Parent != "": p, ok := nodes[res.Parent] if !ok { p = &treeNode{} nodes[res.Parent] = p } p.children = append(p.children, node) case res.Type == resource.RootStackType: root = node default: orphans = append(orphans, node) } } // If we don't have a root, we can't display the tree. if root == nil { return nil, false } // Make sure all of our nodes have states. for _, n := range nodes { if n.res == nil { return nil, false } } // Parent all of our orphans to the root. root.children = append(root.children, orphans...) var rows []cmdutil.TableRow renderNode(root, "", "", showURNs, showIDs, &rows) return rows, true } func renderResourceRow(res *resource.State, prefix, infoPrefix string, showURN, showID bool) cmdutil.TableRow { columns := []string{prefix + string(res.Type), string(res.URN.Name())} additionalInfo := "" // If the ID and/or URN is requested, show it on the following line. It would be nice to do // this on a single line, but this can get quite lengthy and so this formatting is better. if showURN { additionalInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" %sURN: %s\n", infoPrefix, res.URN) } if showID && res.ID != "" { additionalInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" %sID: %s\n", infoPrefix, res.ID) } return cmdutil.TableRow{Columns: columns, AdditionalInfo: additionalInfo} }