## 0.17.10 (Unreleased) ### Improvements - Warnings from `npm` about missing description, repository, and license fields in package.json are now suppressed when `npm install` is run from `pulumi new` (via `npm install --loglevel=error`). ## 0.17.9 (Released April 30, 2019) ### Improvements - `pulumi login` now supports `s3://`, `azblob://` and `gs://` paths (on top of `file://`) for storing stack information. These are passed the location of a desired bucket for each respective cloud provider (i.e. `pulumi login s3://mybucket`). Pulumi artifacts (like the `xxx.checkpoint.json` file) will then be stored in that bucket. Credentials for accessing the bucket operate in the normal manner for each cloud provider. i.e. for AWS this can come from the environment, or your `.aws/credentials` file, etc. - The pulumi version update check can be skipped by setting the environment variable `PULUMI_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK` to `1` or `true`. - Fix an issue where the stack would not be selected when an existing stack is specified when running `pulumi new