// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. import * as minimist from "minimist"; import * as path from "path"; import * as dynamic from "../../dynamic"; import * as resource from "../../resource"; import { version } from "../../version"; const requireFromString = require("require-from-string"); const grpc = require("grpc"); const emptyproto = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/empty_pb.js"); const structproto = require("google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb.js"); const provproto = require("../../proto/provider_pb.js"); const provrpc = require("../../proto/provider_grpc_pb.js"); const plugproto = require("../../proto/plugin_pb.js"); const providerKey: string = "__provider"; function getProvider(props: any): dynamic.ResourceProvider { // TODO[pulumi/pulumi#414]: investigate replacing requireFromString with eval return requireFromString(props[providerKey]).handler(); } // Each of the *RPC functions below implements a single method of the resource provider gRPC interface. The CRUD // functions--checkRPC, diffRPC, createRPC, updateRPC, and deleteRPC--all operate in a similar fashion: // 1. Deserialize the dyanmic provider for the resource on which the function is operating // 2. Call the dynamic provider's corresponding {check,diff,create,update,delete} method // 3. Convert and return the results // In all cases, the dynamic provider is available in its serialized form as a property of the resource; // getProvider` is responsible for handling its deserialization. In the case of diffRPC, if the provider itself // has changed, `diff` reports that the resource requires replacement and does not delegate to the dynamic provider. // This allows the creation of the replacement resource to use the new provider while the deletion of the old // resource uses the provider with which it was created. function configureRPC(call: any, callback: any): void { callback(undefined, new emptyproto.Empty()); } async function invokeRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { const req: any = call.request; // TODO[pulumi/pulumi#406]: implement this. callback(new Error(`unknown function ${req.getTok()}`), undefined); } async function checkRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { try { const req: any = call.request; const resp = new provproto.CheckResponse(); const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript(); const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript(); const provider = getProvider(news); let inputs: any = {}; let failures: any[] = []; if (provider.check) { const result = await provider.check(olds, news); if (result.inputs) { inputs = result.inputs; } if (result.failures) { failures = result.failures; } } inputs[providerKey] = news[providerKey]; resp.setInputs(structproto.Struct.fromJavaScript(inputs)); if (failures.length !== 0) { const failureList = []; for (const f of failures) { const failure = new provproto.CheckFailure(); failure.setProperty(f.property); failure.setReason(f.reason); failureList.push(failure); } resp.setFailuresList(failureList); } callback(undefined, resp); } catch (e) { console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`); callback(e, undefined); } } async function diffRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { try { const req: any = call.request; const resp = new provproto.DiffResponse(); // If the provider itself has changed, do not delegate to the dynamic provider. Instead, simply report that the // resource requires replacement. This allows the new resource to be created using the new provider and the old // resource to be deleted using the old provider. const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript(); const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript(); if (olds[providerKey] !== news[providerKey]) { resp.setReplacesList([ providerKey ]); } else { const provider = getProvider(olds); if (provider.diff) { const result: any = await provider.diff(req.getId(), olds, news); if (result.replaces && result.replaces.length !== 0) { resp.setReplacesList(result.replaces); } if (result.deleteBeforeReplace) { resp.setDeleteBeforeReplace(result.deleteBeforeReplace); } } } callback(undefined, resp); } catch (e) { console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`); callback(e, undefined); } } async function createRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { try { const req: any = call.request; const resp = new provproto.CreateResponse(); const props = req.getProperties().toJavaScript(); const provider = getProvider(props); const result = await provider.create(props); resp.setId(result.id); if (result.outs) { resp.setProperties(structproto.Struct.fromJavaScript(result.outs)); } callback(undefined, resp); } catch (e) { console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`); callback(e, undefined); } } async function updateRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { try { const req: any = call.request; const resp = new provproto.UpdateResponse(); const olds = req.getOlds().toJavaScript(); const news = req.getNews().toJavaScript(); if (olds[providerKey] !== news[providerKey]) { throw new Error("changes to provider should require replacement"); } const provider = getProvider(olds); if (provider.update) { const result: any = await provider.update(req.getId(), olds, news); if (result.outs) { resp.setProperties(structproto.Struct.fromJavaScript(result.outs)); } } callback(undefined, resp); } catch (e) { console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`); callback(e, undefined); } } async function deleteRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { try { const req: any = call.request; const props: any = req.getProperties().toJavaScript(); const provider: any = await getProvider(props); if (provider.delete) { await provider.delete(req.getId(), props); } callback(undefined, new emptyproto.Empty()); } catch (e) { console.error(`${e}: ${e.stack}`); callback(e, undefined); } } async function getPluginInfoRPC(call: any, callback: any): Promise { const resp: any = new plugproto.PluginInfo(); resp.setVersion(version); callback(undefined, resp); } export function main(args: string[]): void { // The program requires a single argument: the address of the RPC endpoint for the engine. It // optionally also takes a second argument, a reference back to the engine, but this may be missing. if (args.length === 0) { console.error("fatal: Missing address"); process.exit(-1); return; } const engineAddr: string = args[0]; // Finally connect up the gRPC client/server and listen for incoming requests. const server = new grpc.Server(); server.addService(provrpc.ResourceProviderService, { configure: configureRPC, invoke: invokeRPC, check: checkRPC, diff: diffRPC, create: createRPC, update: updateRPC, delete: deleteRPC, getPluginInfo: getPluginInfoRPC, }); const port: number = server.bind(``, grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure()); server.start(); // Emit the address so the monitor can read it to connect. The gRPC server will keep the message loop alive. console.log(port); } main(process.argv.slice(2));