// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package resource import ( "archive/tar" "archive/zip" "bytes" "compress/gzip" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "time" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/httputil" ) const ( // BookkeepingDir is the name of our bookkeeping folder, we store state here (like .git for git). // Copied from workspace.BookkeepingDir to break import cycle. BookkeepingDir = ".pulumi" ) // Asset is a serialized asset reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several helper // routines exist as members in order to easily interact with the assets referenced by an instance of this type. type Asset struct { // Sig is the unique asset type signature (see properties.go). Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"` // Hash is the SHA256 hash of the asset's contents. Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"` // Text is set to a non-empty value for textual assets. Text string `json:"text,omitempty" yaml:"text,omitempty"` // Path will contain a non-empty path to the file on the current filesystem for file assets. Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` // URI will contain a non-empty URI (file://, http://, https://, or custom) for URI-backed assets. URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"` } const ( AssetSig = "c44067f5952c0a294b673a41bacd8c17" // a randomly assigned type hash for assets. AssetHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an asset's hash. AssetTextProperty = "text" // the dynamic property for an asset's text. AssetPathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an asset's path. AssetURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an asset's URI. ) // NewTextAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given text. func NewTextAsset(text string) (*Asset, error) { a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Text: text} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } // NewPathAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given filesystem path. func NewPathAsset(path string) (*Asset, error) { a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, Path: path} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } // NewURIAsset produces a new asset and its corresponding SHA256 hash from the given network URI. func NewURIAsset(uri string) (*Asset, error) { a := &Asset{Sig: AssetSig, URI: uri} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } func (a *Asset) IsText() bool { return !a.IsPath() && !a.IsURI() } func (a *Asset) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" } func (a *Asset) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" } func (a *Asset) GetText() (string, bool) { if a.IsText() { return a.Text, true } return "", false } func (a *Asset) GetPath() (string, bool) { if a.IsPath() { return a.Path, true } return "", false } func (a *Asset) GetURI() (string, bool) { if a.IsURI() { return a.URI, true } return "", false } var ( functionRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`function __.*`) withRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(` with\({ .* }\) {`) environmentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(` }\).apply\(.*\).apply\(this, arguments\);`) preambleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile( `function __.*\(\) {\n return \(function\(\) {\n with \(__closure\) {\n\nreturn `) postambleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile( `;\n\n }\n }\).apply\(__environment\).apply\(this, arguments\);\n}`) ) // IsUserProgramCode checks to see if this is the special asset containing the users's code func (a *Asset) IsUserProgramCode() bool { if !a.IsText() { return false } text := a.Text return functionRegexp.MatchString(text) && withRegexp.MatchString(text) && environmentRegexp.MatchString(text) } // MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset takes the text for a function and cleans it up a bit to make the // user visible diffs less noisy. Specifically: // 1. it tries to condense things by changling multiple blank lines into a single blank line. // 2. it normalizs the sha hashes we emit so that changes to them don't appear in the diff. // 3. it elides the with-capture headers, as changes there are not generally meaningful. // // TODO(https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/592) this is baking in a lot of knowledge about // pulumi serialized functions. We should try to move to an alternative mode that isn't so brittle. // Options include: // 1. Have a documented delimeter format that plan.go will look for. Have the function serializer // emit those delimeters around code that should be ignored. // 2. Have our resource generation code supply not just the resource, but the "user presentable" // resource that cuts out a lot of cruft. We could then just diff that content here. func MassageIfUserProgramCodeAsset(asset *Asset, debug bool) *Asset { if debug { return asset } // Only do this for strings that match our serialized function pattern. if !asset.IsUserProgramCode() { return asset } text := asset.Text replaceNewlines := func() { for { newText := strings.Replace(text, "\n\n\n", "\n\n", -1) if len(newText) == len(text) { break } text = newText } } replaceNewlines() firstFunc := functionRegexp.FindStringIndex(text) text = text[firstFunc[0]:] text = withRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, " with (__closure) {") text = environmentRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, " }).apply(__environment).apply(this, arguments);") text = preambleRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, "") text = postambleRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, "") replaceNewlines() return &Asset{Text: text} } // GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it // will be returned as a non-nil error object. func (a *Asset) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) { if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri { url, err := url.Parse(uri) if err != nil { return nil, true, err } return url, true, nil } return nil, false, nil } // Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other. In this case, value equality is determined only by the hash: even // if the contents of two assets come from different sources, they are treated as equal if their hashes match. // Similarly, if the contents of two assets come from the same source but the assets have different hashes, the assets // are not equal. func (a *Asset) Equals(other *Asset) bool { if a == nil { return other == nil } else if other == nil { return false } // If we can't get a hash for both assets, treat them as differing. if err := a.EnsureHash(); err != nil { return false } if err := other.EnsureHash(); err != nil { return false } return a.Hash == other.Hash } // Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes. func (a *Asset) Serialize() map[string]interface{} { result := map[string]interface{}{ SigKey: AssetSig, } if a.Hash != "" { result[AssetHashProperty] = a.Hash } if a.Text != "" { result[AssetTextProperty] = a.Text } if a.Path != "" { result[AssetPathProperty] = a.Path } if a.URI != "" { result[AssetURIProperty] = a.URI } return result } // DeserializeAsset checks to see if the map contains an asset, using its signature, and if so deserializes it. func DeserializeAsset(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Asset, bool, error) { // If not an asset, return false immediately. if obj[SigKey] != AssetSig { return &Asset{}, false, nil } // Else, deserialize the possible fields. var hash string if v, has := obj[AssetHashProperty]; has { h, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset hash of type %T", v) } hash = h } var text string if v, has := obj[AssetTextProperty]; has { t, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset text of type %T", v) } text = t } var path string if v, has := obj[AssetPathProperty]; has { p, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset path of type %T", v) } path = p } var uri string if v, has := obj[AssetURIProperty]; has { u, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Asset{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected asset URI of type %T", v) } uri = u } return &Asset{Hash: hash, Text: text, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil } // HasContents indicates whether or not an asset's contents can be read. func (a *Asset) HasContents() bool { return a.IsText() || a.IsPath() || a.IsURI() } // Bytes returns the contents of the asset as a byte slice. func (a *Asset) Bytes() ([]byte, error) { // If this is a text asset, just return its bytes directly. if text, istext := a.GetText(); istext { return []byte(text), nil } blob, err := a.Read() if err != nil { return nil, err } return ioutil.ReadAll(blob) } // Read begins reading an asset. func (a *Asset) Read() (*Blob, error) { if a.IsText() { return a.readText() } else if a.IsPath() { return a.readPath() } else if a.IsURI() { return a.readURI() } return nil, errors.New("unrecognized asset type") } func (a *Asset) readText() (*Blob, error) { text, istext := a.GetText() contract.Assertf(istext, "Expected a text-based asset") return NewByteBlob([]byte(text)), nil } func (a *Asset) readPath() (*Blob, error) { path, ispath := a.GetPath() contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset") file, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to open asset file '%v'", path) } // Do a quick check to make sure it's a file, so we can fail gracefully if someone passes a directory. info, err := file.Stat() if err != nil { contract.IgnoreClose(file) return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to stat asset file '%v'", path) } if info.IsDir() { contract.IgnoreClose(file) return nil, errors.Errorf("asset path '%v' is a directory; try using an archive", path) } blob := &Blob{ rd: file, sz: info.Size(), } return blob, nil } func (a *Asset) readURI() (*Blob, error) { url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL() if err != nil { return nil, err } contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset") switch s := url.Scheme; s { case "http", "https": resp, err := httputil.GetWithRetry(url.String(), http.DefaultClient) if err != nil { return nil, err } return NewReadCloserBlob(resp.Body) case "file": contract.Assert(url.User == nil) contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "") contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "") if url.Host != "" && url.Host != "localhost" { return nil, errors.Errorf("file:// host '%v' not supported (only localhost)", url.Host) } f, err := os.Open(url.Path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return NewFileBlob(f) default: return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s) } } // EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the asset's contents and stores it on the object. func (a *Asset) EnsureHash() error { if a.Hash == "" { blob, err := a.Read() if err != nil { return err } defer contract.IgnoreClose(blob) hash := sha256.New() _, err = io.Copy(hash, blob) if err != nil { return err } a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) } return nil } // Blob is a blob that implements ReadCloser and offers Len functionality. type Blob struct { rd io.ReadCloser // an underlying reader. sz int64 // the size of the blob. } func (blob *Blob) Close() error { return blob.rd.Close() } func (blob *Blob) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return blob.rd.Read(p) } func (blob *Blob) Size() int64 { return blob.sz } // NewByteBlob creates a new byte blob. func NewByteBlob(data []byte) *Blob { return &Blob{ rd: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), sz: int64(len(data)), } } // NewFileBlob creates a new asset blob whose size is known thanks to stat. func NewFileBlob(f *os.File) (*Blob, error) { stat, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Blob{ rd: f, sz: stat.Size(), }, nil } // NewReadCloserBlob turn any old ReadCloser into an Blob, usually by making a copy. func NewReadCloserBlob(r io.ReadCloser) (*Blob, error) { if f, isf := r.(*os.File); isf { // If it's a file, we can "fast path" the asset creation without making a copy. return NewFileBlob(f) } // Otherwise, read it all in, and create a blob out of that. defer contract.IgnoreClose(r) data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return nil, err } return NewByteBlob(data), nil } // Archive is a serialized archive reference. It is a union: thus, only one of its fields will be non-nil. Several // helper routines exist as members in order to easily interact with archives of different kinds. type Archive struct { // Sig is the unique archive type signature (see properties.go). Sig string `json:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d" yaml:"4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d"` // Hash contains the SHA256 hash of the archive's contents. Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty" yaml:"hash,omitempty"` // Assets, when non-nil, is a collection of other assets/archives. Assets map[string]interface{} `json:"assets,omitempty" yaml:"assets,omitempty"` // Path is a non-empty string representing a path to a file on the current filesystem, for file archives. Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"` // URI is a non-empty URI (file://, http://, https://, etc), for URI-backed archives. URI string `json:"uri,omitempty" yaml:"uri,omitempty"` } const ( ArchiveSig = "0def7320c3a5731c473e5ecbe6d01bc7" // a randomly assigned archive type signature. ArchiveHashProperty = "hash" // the dynamic property for an archive's hash. ArchiveAssetsProperty = "assets" // the dynamic property for an archive's assets. ArchivePathProperty = "path" // the dynamic property for an archive's path. ArchiveURIProperty = "uri" // the dynamic property for an archive's URI. ) func NewAssetArchive(assets map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, error) { // Ensure all elements are either assets or archives. for _, asset := range assets { switch t := asset.(type) { case *Asset, *Archive: // ok default: return &Archive{}, errors.Errorf("type %v is not a valid archive element", t) } } a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Assets: assets} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } func NewPathArchive(path string) (*Archive, error) { a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, Path: path} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } func NewURIArchive(uri string) (*Archive, error) { a := &Archive{Sig: ArchiveSig, URI: uri} err := a.EnsureHash() return a, err } func (a *Archive) IsAssets() bool { return a.Assets != nil } func (a *Archive) IsPath() bool { return a.Path != "" } func (a *Archive) IsURI() bool { return a.URI != "" } func (a *Archive) GetAssets() (map[string]interface{}, bool) { if a.IsAssets() { return a.Assets, true } return nil, false } func (a *Archive) GetPath() (string, bool) { if a.IsPath() { return a.Path, true } return "", false } func (a *Archive) GetURI() (string, bool) { if a.IsURI() { return a.URI, true } return "", false } // GetURIURL returns the underlying URI as a parsed URL, provided it is one. If there was an error parsing the URI, it // will be returned as a non-nil error object. func (a *Archive) GetURIURL() (*url.URL, bool, error) { if uri, isuri := a.GetURI(); isuri { url, err := url.Parse(uri) if err != nil { return nil, true, err } return url, true, nil } return nil, false, nil } // Equals returns true if a is value-equal to other. In this case, value equality is determined only by the hash: even // if the contents of two archives come from different sources, they are treated as equal if their hashes match. // Similarly, if the contents of two archives come from the same source but the archives have different hashes, the // archives are not equal. func (a *Archive) Equals(other *Archive) bool { if a == nil { return other == nil } else if other == nil { return false } // If we can't get a hash for both archives, treat them as differing. if err := a.EnsureHash(); err != nil { return false } if err := other.EnsureHash(); err != nil { return false } return a.Hash == other.Hash } // Serialize returns a weakly typed map that contains the right signature for serialization purposes. func (a *Archive) Serialize() map[string]interface{} { result := map[string]interface{}{ SigKey: ArchiveSig, } if a.Hash != "" { result[ArchiveHashProperty] = a.Hash } if a.Assets != nil { assets := make(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range a.Assets { switch t := v.(type) { case *Asset: assets[k] = t.Serialize() case *Archive: assets[k] = t.Serialize() default: contract.Failf("Unrecognized asset map type %v", reflect.TypeOf(t)) } } result[ArchiveAssetsProperty] = assets } if a.Path != "" { result[ArchivePathProperty] = a.Path } if a.URI != "" { result[ArchiveURIProperty] = a.URI } return result } // DeserializeArchive checks to see if the map contains an archive, using its signature, and if so deserializes it. func DeserializeArchive(obj map[string]interface{}) (*Archive, bool, error) { // If not an archive, return false immediately. if obj[SigKey] != ArchiveSig { return &Archive{}, false, nil } var hash string if v, has := obj[ArchiveHashProperty]; has { h, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive hash of type %T", v) } hash = h } var assets map[string]interface{} if v, has := obj[ArchiveAssetsProperty]; has { assets = make(map[string]interface{}) if v != nil { m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive contents of type %T", v) } for k, elem := range m { switch t := elem.(type) { case *Asset: assets[k] = t case *Archive: assets[k] = t case map[string]interface{}: a, isa, err := DeserializeAsset(t) if err != nil { return &Archive{}, false, err } else if isa { assets[k] = a } else { arch, isarch, err := DeserializeArchive(t) if err != nil { return &Archive{}, false, err } else if !isarch { return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("archive member '%v' is not an asset or archive", k) } assets[k] = arch } default: return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("archive member '%v' is not an asset or archive", k) } } } } var path string if v, has := obj[ArchivePathProperty]; has { p, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive path of type %T", v) } path = p } var uri string if v, has := obj[ArchiveURIProperty]; has { u, ok := v.(string) if !ok { return &Archive{}, false, errors.Errorf("unexpected archive URI of type %T", v) } uri = u } return &Archive{Hash: hash, Assets: assets, Path: path, URI: uri}, true, nil } // HasContents indicates whether or not an archive's contents can be read. func (a *Archive) HasContents() bool { return a.IsAssets() || a.IsPath() || a.IsURI() } // ArchiveReader presents the contents of an archive as a stream of named blobs. type ArchiveReader interface { // Next returns the name and contents of the next member of the archive. If there are no more members in the // archive, this function returns ("", nil, io.EOF). The blob returned by a call to Next() must be read in full // before the next call to Next(). Next() (string, *Blob, error) // Close terminates the stream. Close() error } // Open returns an ArchiveReader that can be used to iterate over the named blobs that comprise the archive. func (a *Archive) Open() (ArchiveReader, error) { contract.Assertf(a.HasContents(), "cannot read an archive that has no contents") if a.IsAssets() { return a.readAssets() } else if a.IsPath() { return a.readPath() } else if a.IsURI() { return a.readURI() } return nil, errors.New("unrecognized archive type") } // assetsArchiveReader is used to read an Assets archive. type assetsArchiveReader struct { assets map[string]interface{} keys []string archive ArchiveReader archiveRoot string } func (r *assetsArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) { for { // If we're currently flattening out a subarchive, first check to see if it has any more members. If it does, // return the next member. if r.archive != nil { name, blob, err := r.archive.Next() switch { case err == io.EOF: // The subarchive is complete. Nil it out and continue on. r.archive = nil case err != nil: // The subarchive produced a legitimate error; return it. return "", nil, err default: // The subarchive produced a valid blob. Return it. return filepath.Join(r.archiveRoot, name), blob, nil } } // If there are no more members in this archive, return io.EOF. if len(r.keys) == 0 { return "", nil, io.EOF } // Fetch the next key in the archive and slice it off of the list. name := r.keys[0] r.keys = r.keys[1:] asset := r.assets[name] switch t := asset.(type) { case *Asset: // An asset can be produced directly. blob, err := t.Read() if err != nil { return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand archive asset '%v'", name) } return name, blob, nil case *Archive: // An archive must be flattened into its constituent blobs. Open the archive for reading and loop. archive, err := t.Open() if err != nil { return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to expand sub-archive '%v'", name) } r.archive = archive r.archiveRoot = name } } } func (r *assetsArchiveReader) Close() error { if r.archive != nil { return r.archive.Close() } return nil } func (a *Archive) readAssets() (ArchiveReader, error) { // To read a map-based archive, just produce a map from each asset to its associated reader. m, isassets := a.GetAssets() contract.Assertf(isassets, "Expected an asset map-based archive") // Calculate and sort the list of member names s.t. it is deterministically orderered. keys := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) r := &assetsArchiveReader{ assets: m, keys: keys, } return r, nil } // directoryArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is represented by a directory in the host filesystem. type directoryArchiveReader struct { directoryPath string assetPaths []string } func (r *directoryArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) { // If there are no more members in this archive, return io.EOF. if len(r.assetPaths) == 0 { return "", nil, io.EOF } // Fetch the next path in the archive and slice it off of the list. assetPath := r.assetPaths[0] r.assetPaths = r.assetPaths[1:] // Crop the asset's path s.t. it is relative to the directory path. name, err := filepath.Rel(r.directoryPath, assetPath) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } name = filepath.Clean(name) // Replace Windows separators with Linux ones (ToSlash is a no-op on Linux) name = filepath.ToSlash(name) // Open and return the blob. blob, err := (&Asset{Path: assetPath}).Read() if err != nil { return "", nil, err } return name, blob, nil } func (r *directoryArchiveReader) Close() error { return nil } func (a *Archive) readPath() (ArchiveReader, error) { // To read a path-based archive, read that file and use its extension to ascertain what format to use. path, ispath := a.GetPath() contract.Assertf(ispath, "Expected a path-based asset") format := detectArchiveFormat(path) if format == NotArchive { // If not an archive, it could be a directory; if so, simply expand it out uncompressed as an archive. info, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't read archive path '%v'", path) } else if !info.IsDir() { return nil, errors.Errorf("'%v' is neither a recognized archive type nor a directory", path) } // Accumulate the list of asset paths. This list is ordered deterministically by filepath.Walk. assetPaths := []string{} if walkerr := filepath.Walk(path, func(filePath string, f os.FileInfo, fileerr error) error { // If there was an error, exit. if fileerr != nil { return fileerr } // If this is a .pulumi directory, we will skip this by default. // TODO[pulumi/pulumi#122]: when we support .pulumiignore, this will be customizable. if f.Name() == BookkeepingDir { if f.IsDir() { return filepath.SkipDir } return nil } // If this was a directory, skip it. if f.IsDir() { return nil } // If this is a symlink and it points at a directory, skip it. Otherwise continue along. This will mean // that the file will be added to the list of files to archive. When you go to read this archive, you'll // get a copy of the file (instead of a symlink) to some other file in the archive. if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { fileInfo, statErr := os.Stat(filePath) if statErr != nil { return statErr } if fileInfo.IsDir() { return nil } } // Otherwise, add this asset to the list of paths and keep going. assetPaths = append(assetPaths, filePath) return nil }); walkerr != nil { return nil, walkerr } r := &directoryArchiveReader{ directoryPath: path, assetPaths: assetPaths, } return r, nil } // Otherwise, it's an archive file, and we will go ahead and open it up and read it. file, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return readArchive(file, format) } func (a *Archive) readURI() (ArchiveReader, error) { // To read a URI-based archive, fetch the contents remotely and use the extension to pick the format to use. url, isurl, err := a.GetURIURL() if err != nil { return nil, err } contract.Assertf(isurl, "Expected a URI-based asset") format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path) if format == NotArchive { // IDEA: support (a) hints and (b) custom providers that default to certain formats. return nil, errors.Errorf("file at URL '%v' is not a recognized archive format", url) } ar, err := a.openURLStream(url) if err != nil { return nil, err } return readArchive(ar, format) } func (a *Archive) openURLStream(url *url.URL) (io.ReadCloser, error) { switch s := url.Scheme; s { case "http", "https": resp, err := httputil.GetWithRetry(url.String(), http.DefaultClient) if err != nil { return nil, err } return resp.Body, nil case "file": contract.Assert(url.Host == "") contract.Assert(url.User == nil) contract.Assert(url.RawQuery == "") contract.Assert(url.Fragment == "") return os.Open(url.Path) default: return nil, errors.Errorf("Unrecognized or unsupported URI scheme: %v", s) } } // Bytes fetches the archive contents as a byte slices. This is almost certainly the least efficient way to deal with // the underlying streaming capabilities offered by assets and archives, but can be used in a pinch to interact with // APIs that demand []bytes. func (a *Archive) Bytes(format ArchiveFormat) ([]byte, error) { var data bytes.Buffer if err := a.Archive(format, &data); err != nil { return nil, err } return data.Bytes(), nil } // Archive produces a single archive stream in the desired format. It prefers to return the archive with as little // copying as is feasible, however if the desired format is different from the source, it will need to translate. func (a *Archive) Archive(format ArchiveFormat, w io.Writer) error { // If the source format is the same, just return that. if sf, ss, err := a.ReadSourceArchive(); sf != NotArchive && sf == format { if err != nil { return err } _, err := io.Copy(w, ss) return err } switch format { case TarArchive: return a.archiveTar(w) case TarGZIPArchive: return a.archiveTarGZIP(w) case ZIPArchive: return a.archiveZIP(w) default: contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format) return nil } } // addNextFileToTar adds the next file in the given archive to the given tar file. Returns io.EOF if the archive // contains no more files. func addNextFileToTar(r ArchiveReader, tw *tar.Writer, seenFiles map[string]bool) error { file, data, err := r.Next() if err != nil { return err } defer contract.IgnoreClose(data) // It's possible to run into the same file multiple times in the list of archives we're passed. // For example, if there is an archive pointing to foo/bar and an archive pointing to // foo/bar/baz/quux. Because of this only include the file the first time we see it. if _, has := seenFiles[file]; has { return nil } seenFiles[file] = true sz := data.Size() if err = tw.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{ Name: file, Mode: 0600, Size: sz, }); err != nil { return err } n, err := io.Copy(tw, data) if err == tar.ErrWriteTooLong { return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("incorrect blob size for %v: expected %v, got %v", file, sz, n)) } return err } func (a *Archive) archiveTar(w io.Writer) error { // Open the archive. reader, err := a.Open() if err != nil { return err } defer contract.IgnoreClose(reader) // Now actually emit the contents, file by file. tw := tar.NewWriter(w) seenFiles := make(map[string]bool) for err == nil { err = addNextFileToTar(reader, tw, seenFiles) } if err != io.EOF { return err } return tw.Close() } func (a *Archive) archiveTarGZIP(w io.Writer) error { z := gzip.NewWriter(w) return a.archiveTar(z) } // addNextFileToZIP adds the next file in the given archive to the given ZIP file. Returns io.EOF if the archive // contains no more files. func addNextFileToZIP(r ArchiveReader, zw *zip.Writer, seenFiles map[string]bool) error { file, data, err := r.Next() if err != nil { return err } defer contract.IgnoreClose(data) // It's possible to run into the same file multiple times in the list of archives we're passed. // For example, if there is an archive pointing to foo/bar and an archive pointing to // foo/bar/baz/quux. Because of this only include the file the first time we see it. if _, has := seenFiles[file]; has { return nil } seenFiles[file] = true fh := &zip.FileHeader{ // These are the two fields set by zw.Create() Name: file, Method: zip.Deflate, } // Set a nonzero -- but constant -- modification time. Otherwise, some agents (e.g. Azure // websites) can't extract the resulting archive. The date is comfortably after 1980 because // the ZIP format includes a date representation that starts at 1980. Use `SetModTime` to // remain compatible with Go 1.9. // nolint: megacheck fh.SetModTime(time.Date(1990, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)) fw, err := zw.CreateHeader(fh) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.Copy(fw, data) return err } func (a *Archive) archiveZIP(w io.Writer) error { // Open the archive. reader, err := a.Open() if err != nil { return err } defer contract.IgnoreClose(reader) // Now actually emit the contents, file by file. zw := zip.NewWriter(w) seenFiles := make(map[string]bool) for err == nil { err = addNextFileToZIP(reader, zw, seenFiles) } if err != io.EOF { return err } return zw.Close() } // ReadSourceArchive returns a stream to the underlying archive, if there is one. func (a *Archive) ReadSourceArchive() (ArchiveFormat, io.ReadCloser, error) { if path, ispath := a.GetPath(); ispath { if format := detectArchiveFormat(path); format != NotArchive { f, err := os.Open(path) return format, f, err } } else if url, isurl, urlerr := a.GetURIURL(); urlerr == nil && isurl { if format := detectArchiveFormat(url.Path); format != NotArchive { s, err := a.openURLStream(url) return format, s, err } } return NotArchive, nil, nil } // EnsureHash computes the SHA256 hash of the archive's contents and stores it on the object. func (a *Archive) EnsureHash() error { if a.Hash == "" { hash := sha256.New() // Attempt to compute the hash in the most efficient way. First try to open the archive directly and copy it // to the hash. This avoids traversing any of the contents and just treats it as a byte stream. f, r, err := a.ReadSourceArchive() if err != nil { return err } if f != NotArchive && r != nil { defer contract.IgnoreClose(r) _, err = io.Copy(hash, r) if err != nil { return err } } else { // Otherwise, it's not an archive; we'll need to transform it into one. Pick tar since it avoids // any superfluous compression which doesn't actually help us in this situation. err := a.Archive(TarArchive, hash) if err != nil { return err } } // Finally, encode the resulting hash as a string and we're done. a.Hash = hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) } return nil } // ArchiveFormat indicates what archive and/or compression format an archive uses. type ArchiveFormat int const ( NotArchive = iota // not an archive. TarArchive // a POSIX tar archive. TarGZIPArchive // a POSIX tar archive that has been subsequently compressed using GZip. ZIPArchive // a multi-file ZIP archive. JARArchive // a Java JAR file ) // ArchiveExts maps from a file extension and its associated archive and/or compression format. var ArchiveExts = map[string]ArchiveFormat{ ".tar": TarArchive, ".tgz": TarGZIPArchive, ".tar.gz": TarGZIPArchive, ".zip": ZIPArchive, ".jar": JARArchive, } // detectArchiveFormat takes a path and infers its archive format based on the file extension. func detectArchiveFormat(path string) ArchiveFormat { for ext, typ := range ArchiveExts { if strings.HasSuffix(path, ext) { return typ } } return NotArchive } // readArchive takes a stream to an existing archive and returns a map of names to readers for the inner assets. // The routine returns an error if something goes wrong and, no matter what, closes the stream before returning. func readArchive(ar io.ReadCloser, format ArchiveFormat) (ArchiveReader, error) { switch format { case TarArchive: return readTarArchive(ar) case TarGZIPArchive: return readTarGZIPArchive(ar) case ZIPArchive, JARArchive: // Unfortunately, the ZIP archive reader requires ReaderAt functionality. If it's a file, we can recover this // with a simple stat. Otherwise, we will need to go ahead and make a copy in memory. var ra io.ReaderAt var sz int64 if f, isf := ar.(*os.File); isf { stat, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } ra = f sz = stat.Size() } else if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(ar); err != nil { return nil, err } else { ra = bytes.NewReader(data) sz = int64(len(data)) } return readZIPArchive(ra, sz) default: contract.Failf("Illegal archive type: %v", format) return nil, nil } } // tarArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is stored in tar format. type tarArchiveReader struct { ar io.ReadCloser tr *tar.Reader } func (r *tarArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) { for { file, err := r.tr.Next() if err != nil { return "", nil, err } switch file.Typeflag { case tar.TypeDir: continue // skip directories case tar.TypeReg: // Return the tar reader for this file's contents. data := &Blob{ rd: ioutil.NopCloser(r.tr), sz: file.Size, } name := filepath.Clean(file.Name) return name, data, nil default: contract.Failf("Unrecognized tar header typeflag: %v", file.Typeflag) } } } func (r *tarArchiveReader) Close() error { return r.ar.Close() } func readTarArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (ArchiveReader, error) { r := &tarArchiveReader{ ar: ar, tr: tar.NewReader(ar), } return r, nil } func readTarGZIPArchive(ar io.ReadCloser) (ArchiveReader, error) { // First decompress the GZIP stream. gz, err := gzip.NewReader(ar) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Now read the tarfile. return readTarArchive(gz) } // zipArchiveReader is used to read an archive that is stored in ZIP format. type zipArchiveReader struct { ar io.ReaderAt zr *zip.Reader index int } func (r *zipArchiveReader) Next() (string, *Blob, error) { for r.index < len(r.zr.File) { file := r.zr.File[r.index] r.index++ // Skip directories, since they aren't included in TAR and other archives above. if file.FileInfo().IsDir() { continue } // Open the next file and return its blob. body, err := file.Open() if err != nil { return "", nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read ZIP inner file %v", file.Name) } blob := &Blob{ rd: body, sz: int64(file.UncompressedSize64), } name := filepath.Clean(file.Name) return name, blob, nil } return "", nil, io.EOF } func (r *zipArchiveReader) Close() error { if c, ok := r.ar.(io.Closer); ok { return c.Close() } return nil } func readZIPArchive(ar io.ReaderAt, size int64) (ArchiveReader, error) { zr, err := zip.NewReader(ar, size) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read ZIP") } r := &zipArchiveReader{ ar: ar, zr: zr, } return r, nil }