// Copyright 2016-2021, Pulumi Corporation using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Pulumi.Testing; using Pulumi.Tests.Mocks; using Xunit; namespace Pulumi.Tests { public class DeploymentTests { [Fact] public async Task DeploymentInstancePropertyIsProtected() { // confirm we cannot retrieve deployment instance early Assert.Throws( () => _ = Deployment.Instance); // confirm we cannot set deployment instance from downstream execution var deployment = new Deployment(new MockEngine(), new MockMonitor(new MyMocks()), null); var task = Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync( () => deployment, _ => { Deployment.Instance = new DeploymentInstance(deployment); return Task.FromResult(1); }); // should not throw until awaited await Assert.ThrowsAsync( () => task); } [Fact] public async Task DeploymentInstancesAreSeparate() { // this test is more of a sanity check that two separate // executions have their own deployment instance DeploymentInstance? instanceOne = null; DeploymentInstance? instanceTwo = null; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); var runTaskOne = Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync( () => new Deployment(new MockEngine(), new MockMonitor(new MyMocks()), null), runner => { instanceOne = Deployment.Instance; return tcs.Task; }); await Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync( () => new Deployment(new MockEngine(), new MockMonitor(new MyMocks()), null), runner => { instanceTwo = Deployment.Instance; return Task.FromResult(1); }); tcs.SetResult(1); await runTaskOne; Assert.NotNull(instanceOne); Assert.NotNull(instanceTwo); Assert.False(ReferenceEquals(instanceOne, instanceTwo)); } [Fact] public async Task DeploymentInstanceIsProtectedFromParallelSynchronousRunAsync() { // this test is ensuring that CreateRunnerAndRunAsync method is marked async var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); var runTaskOne = Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync( () => new Deployment(new MockEngine(), new MockMonitor(new MyMocks()), null), runner => tcs.Task); // this will throw if we didn't protect // the AsyncLocal scope of Deployment.Instance // by keeping CreateRunnerAndRunAsync marked async await Deployment.CreateRunnerAndRunAsync( () => new Deployment(new MockEngine(), new MockMonitor(new MyMocks()), null), runner => Task.FromResult(1)); tcs.SetResult(1); await runTaskOne; } } }