package auto import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) type LocalWorkspace struct { workDir string pulumiHome *string program pulumi.RunFunc } var settingsExtensions = []string{".yaml", ".yml", ".json"} func (l *LocalWorkspace) ProjectSettings() (*workspace.Project, error) { for _, ext := range settingsExtensions { projectPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), fmt.Sprintf("pulumi%s", ext)) if _, err := os.Stat(projectPath); err != nil { proj, err := workspace.LoadProject(projectPath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "found project settings, but failed to load") } return proj, nil } } return nil, errors.New("unable to find project settings in workspace") } func (l *LocalWorkspace) WriteProjectSettings(settings *workspace.Project) error { pulumiYamlPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), "pulumi.yaml") return settings.Save(pulumiYamlPath) } func (l *LocalWorkspace) StackSettings(fqsn string) (*workspace.ProjectStack, error) { name, err := GetStackFromFQSN(fqsn) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load stack settings, invalid stack name") } for _, ext := range settingsExtensions { stackPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.%s%s", name, ext)) if _, err := os.Stat(stackPath); err != nil { proj, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(stackPath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "found stack settings, but failed to load") } return proj, nil } } return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to find stack settings in workspace for %s", fqsn) } func (l *LocalWorkspace) WriteStackSettings(fqsn string, settings *workspace.ProjectStack) error { name, err := GetStackFromFQSN(fqsn) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to save stack settings, invalid stack name") } stackYamlPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), fmt.Sprintf("pulumi.%s.yaml:", name)) err = settings.Save(stackYamlPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to save stack setttings for %s", fqsn) } return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) SerializeArgsForOp(fqsn string) ([]string, error) { // not utilized for LocalWorkspace return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) PostOpCallback(fqsn string) error { // not utilized for LocalWorkspace return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) GetConfig(string, config.Key) (config.Value, error) { var val config.Value // pulumi config key --json --show-secrets return val, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) GetAllConfig(string) (config.Map, error) { // pulumi config --json --show-secrets return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetConfig(string, config.Key, config.Value) error { // pulumi config set --json return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetAllConfig(string, config.Map) error { // for each, pulumi config set --json return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) RefreshConfig(string) (config.Map, error) { // pulumi config refresh --force // l.GetAllConfig return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) WorkDir() string { return l.workDir } func (l *LocalWorkspace) PulumiHome() *string { return l.pulumiHome } func (l *LocalWorkspace) Stack() string { // pulumi stack ls --json, followed by filter for current == true // pulumi whoami, also read pulumi.yaml to find project return "" } func (l *LocalWorkspace) CreateStack(string) (Stack, error) { // validate fqsn // pulumi stack init fqsn return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) SelectStack(string) (Stack, error) { // validate fqsn // pulumi stack init fqsn return nil, nil } // func (l *LocalWorkspace) ListStacks(string) ([]string, error) { // pulumi stack ls --json // pulumi whoami, read pulumi.yaml for project return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) InstallPlugin(string, string) error { // pulumi plugin install resource str str return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) RemovePlugin(string, string) error { // pulumi plugin rm return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) ListPlugins() ([]workspace.PluginInfo, error) { // pulumi plugin ls return nil, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) runPulumiCmdSync(args ...string) (string, string, int, error) { /*set work dir, set pulumi home*/ var env []string if l.PulumiHome() != nil { env = append(env, *l.PulumiHome()) } return runPulumiCommandSync(l.WorkDir(), env, args...) } func NewLocalWorkspace(opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption) (Workspace, error) { lwOpts := &localWorkspaceOptions{} // for merging options, last specified value wins for _, opt := range opts { opt.applyLocalWorkspaceOption(lwOpts) } var workDir string if lwOpts.WorkDir != "" { workDir = lwOpts.WorkDir } else { dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "pulumi_auto") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to create tmp directory for workspace") } workDir = dir } if lwOpts.Repo != nil { // now do the git clone projDir, err := setupGitRepo(workDir, lwOpts.Repo) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace, unable to enlist in git repo") } workDir = projDir } var program pulumi.RunFunc if lwOpts.Program != nil { program = lwOpts.Program } var pulumiHome *string if lwOpts.PulumiHome != nil { pulumiHome = lwOpts.PulumiHome } l := &LocalWorkspace{ workDir: workDir, program: program, pulumiHome: pulumiHome, } if lwOpts.Project != nil { err := l.WriteProjectSettings(lwOpts.Project) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace, unable to save project settings") } } for fqsn, ss := range lwOpts.Stacks { err := l.WriteStackSettings(fqsn, &ss) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace") } } return l, nil } type localWorkspaceOptions struct { // WorkDir is the directory to execute commands from and store state. // Defaults to a tmp dir. WorkDir string // Program is the Pulumi Program to execute. If none is supplied, // the program identified in $WORKDIR/pulumi.yaml will be used instead. Program pulumi.RunFunc // PulumiHome overrides the metadata directory for pulumi commands PulumiHome *string // Project is the project settings for the workspace Project *workspace.Project // Stacks is a map of [fqsn -> stack settings objects] to seed the workspace Stacks map[string]workspace.ProjectStack // Repo is a git repo with a Pulumi Project to clone into the WorkDir. Repo *GitRepo } type LocalWorkspaceOption interface { applyLocalWorkspaceOption(*localWorkspaceOptions) } type localWorkspaceOption func(*localWorkspaceOptions) func (o localWorkspaceOption) applyLocalWorkspaceOption(opts *localWorkspaceOptions) { o(opts) } type GitRepo struct { // URL to clone git repo URL string // Optional path relative to the repo root specifying location of the pulumi program. // Specifying this option will update the Worspace's WorkDir accordingly. ProjectPath string // Optional branch to checkout Branch string // Optional commit to checkout CommitHash string // Optional function to execute after enlisting in the specified repo. Setup SetupFn } // SetupFn is a function to execute after enlisting in a git repo. // It is called with a PATH containing the pulumi program post-enlistment. type SetupFn func(string) error // WorkDir is the directory to execute commands from and store state. func WorkDir(workDir string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.WorkDir = workDir }) } // Program is the Pulumi Program to execute. func Program(program pulumi.RunFunc) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Program = program }) } // PulumiHome overrides the metadata directory for pulumi commands func PulumiHome(dir string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.PulumiHome = &dir }) } // Project sets project settings for the workspace func Project(settings workspace.Project) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Project = &settings }) } // Stacks is a list of stack settings objects to seed the workspace func Stacks(settings map[string]workspace.ProjectStack) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Stacks = settings }) } // GitURL is a git repo with a Pulumi Project to clone into the WorkDir. func GitURL(gitRepo GitRepo) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Repo = &gitRepo }) } func GetStackFromFQSN(fqsn string) (string, error) { if err := ValidateFullyQualifiedStackName(fqsn); err != nil { return "", err } return strings.Split(fqsn, "/")[2], nil } func ValidateFullyQualifiedStackName(fqsn string) error { parts := strings.Split(fqsn, "/") if len(parts) != 3 { return errors.Errorf( "invalid fully qualified stack name: %s, expected in the form 'org/project/stack'", fqsn, ) } return nil }