// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package auto import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/blang/semver" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/apitype" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/common/workspace" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/pulumi" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/go/auto/optremove" ) // LocalWorkspace is a default implementation of the Workspace interface. // A Workspace is the execution context containing a single Pulumi project, a program, // and multiple stacks. Workspaces are used to manage the execution environment, // providing various utilities such as plugin installation, environment configuration // ($PULUMI_HOME), and creation, deletion, and listing of Stacks. // LocalWorkspace relies on Pulumi.yaml and Pulumi..yaml as the intermediate format // for Project and Stack settings. Modifying ProjectSettings will // alter the Workspace Pulumi.yaml file, and setting config on a Stack will modify the Pulumi..yaml file. // This is identical to the behavior of Pulumi CLI driven workspaces. type LocalWorkspace struct { workDir string pulumiHome string program pulumi.RunFunc envvars map[string]string secretsProvider string pulumiVersion semver.Version } var settingsExtensions = []string{".yaml", ".yml", ".json"} var skipVersionCheckVar = "PULUMI_AUTOMATION_API_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK" // ProjectSettings returns the settings object for the current project if any // LocalWorkspace reads settings from the Pulumi.yaml in the workspace. // A workspace can contain only a single project at a time. func (l *LocalWorkspace) ProjectSettings(ctx context.Context) (*workspace.Project, error) { return readProjectSettingsFromDir(ctx, l.WorkDir()) } // SaveProjectSettings overwrites the settings object in the current project. // There can only be a single project per workspace. Fails is new project name does not match old. // LocalWorkspace writes this value to a Pulumi.yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) SaveProjectSettings(ctx context.Context, settings *workspace.Project) error { pulumiYamlPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), "Pulumi.yaml") return settings.Save(pulumiYamlPath) } // StackSettings returns the settings object for the stack matching the specified stack name if any. // LocalWorkspace reads this from a Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) StackSettings(ctx context.Context, stackName string) (*workspace.ProjectStack, error) { name := getStackSettingsName(stackName) for _, ext := range settingsExtensions { stackPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s%s", name, ext)) if _, err := os.Stat(stackPath); err != nil { proj, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(stackPath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "found stack settings, but failed to load") } return proj, nil } } return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to find stack settings in workspace for %s", stackName) } // SaveStackSettings overwrites the settings object for the stack matching the specified stack name. // LocalWorkspace writes this value to a Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir() func (l *LocalWorkspace) SaveStackSettings( ctx context.Context, stackName string, settings *workspace.ProjectStack, ) error { name := getStackSettingsName(stackName) stackYamlPath := filepath.Join(l.WorkDir(), fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi.%s.yaml", name)) err := settings.Save(stackYamlPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to save stack setttings for %s", stackName) } return nil } // SerializeArgsForOp is hook to provide additional args to every CLI commands before they are executed. // Provided with stack name, // returns a list of args to append to an invoked command ["--config=...", ] // LocalWorkspace does not utilize this extensibility point. func (l *LocalWorkspace) SerializeArgsForOp(ctx context.Context, stackName string) ([]string, error) { // not utilized for LocalWorkspace return nil, nil } // PostCommandCallback is a hook executed after every command. Called with the stack name. // An extensibility point to perform workspace cleanup (CLI operations may create/modify a Pulumi.stack.yaml) // LocalWorkspace does not utilize this extensibility point. func (l *LocalWorkspace) PostCommandCallback(ctx context.Context, stackName string) error { // not utilized for LocalWorkspace return nil } // GetConfig returns the value associated with the specified stack name and key, // scoped to the current workspace. LocalWorkspace reads this config from the matching Pulumi.stack.yaml file. func (l *LocalWorkspace) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string, key string) (ConfigValue, error) { var val ConfigValue stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "config", "get", key, "--json", "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return val, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &val) if err != nil { return val, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to unmarshal config value") } return val, nil } // GetAllConfig returns the config map for the specified stack name, scoped to the current workspace. // LocalWorkspace reads this config from the matching Pulumi.stack.yaml file. func (l *LocalWorkspace) GetAllConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string) (ConfigMap, error) { var val ConfigMap stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "config", "--show-secrets", "--json", "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return val, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to read config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &val) if err != nil { return val, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to unmarshal config value") } return val, nil } // SetConfig sets the specified key-value pair on the provided stack name. // LocalWorkspace writes this value to the matching Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string, key string, val ConfigValue) error { secretArg := "--plaintext" if val.Secret { secretArg = "--secret" } stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "config", "set", key, val.Value, secretArg, "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to set config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // SetAllConfig sets all values in the provided config map for the specified stack name. // LocalWorkspace writes the config to the matching Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetAllConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string, config ConfigMap) error { args := []string{"config", "set-all", "--stack", stackName} for k, v := range config { secretArg := "--plaintext" if v.Secret { secretArg = "--secret" } args = append(args, secretArg, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v.Value)) } stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, args...) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to set config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // RemoveConfig removes the specified key-value pair on the provided stack name. // It will remove any matching values in the Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) RemoveConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string, key string) error { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "config", "rm", key, "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not remove config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // RemoveAllConfig removes all values in the provided key list for the specified stack name // It will remove any matching values in the Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) RemoveAllConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string, keys []string) error { args := []string{"config", "rm-all", "--stack", stackName} args = append(args, keys...) stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, args...) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "unable to set config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // RefreshConfig gets and sets the config map used with the last Update for Stack matching stack name. // It will overwrite all configuration in the Pulumi..yaml file in Workspace.WorkDir(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) RefreshConfig(ctx context.Context, stackName string) (ConfigMap, error) { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "config", "refresh", "--force", "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return nil, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not refresh config"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } cfg, err := l.GetAllConfig(ctx, stackName) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not fetch config after refresh") } return cfg, nil } // GetEnvVars returns the environment values scoped to the current workspace. func (l *LocalWorkspace) GetEnvVars() map[string]string { if l.envvars == nil { return nil } return l.envvars } // SetEnvVars sets the specified map of environment values scoped to the current workspace. // These values will be passed to all Workspace and Stack level commands. func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetEnvVars(envvars map[string]string) error { return setEnvVars(l, envvars) } func setEnvVars(l *LocalWorkspace, envvars map[string]string) error { if envvars == nil { return errors.New("unable to set nil environment values") } if l.envvars == nil { l.envvars = map[string]string{} } for k, v := range envvars { l.envvars[k] = v } return nil } // SetEnvVar sets the specified environment value scoped to the current workspace. // This value will be passed to all Workspace and Stack level commands. func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetEnvVar(key, value string) { if l.envvars == nil { l.envvars = map[string]string{} } l.envvars[key] = value } // UnsetEnvVar unsets the specified environment value scoped to the current workspace. // This value will be removed from all Workspace and Stack level commands. func (l *LocalWorkspace) UnsetEnvVar(key string) { if l.envvars == nil { return } delete(l.envvars, key) } // WorkDir returns the working directory to run Pulumi CLI commands. // LocalWorkspace expects that this directory contains a Pulumi.yaml file. // For "Inline" Pulumi programs created from NewStackInlineSource, a Pulumi.yaml // is created on behalf of the user if none is specified. func (l *LocalWorkspace) WorkDir() string { return l.workDir } // PulumiHome returns the directory override for CLI metadata if set. // This customizes the location of $PULUMI_HOME where metadata is stored and plugins are installed. func (l *LocalWorkspace) PulumiHome() string { return l.pulumiHome } // PulumiVersion returns the version of the underlying Pulumi CLI/Engine. func (l *LocalWorkspace) PulumiVersion() string { return l.pulumiVersion.String() } // WhoAmI returns the currently authenticated user func (l *LocalWorkspace) WhoAmI(ctx context.Context) (string, error) { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "whoami") if err != nil { return "", newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not determine authenticated user"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return strings.TrimSpace(stdout), nil } // Stack returns a summary of the currently selected stack, if any. func (l *LocalWorkspace) Stack(ctx context.Context) (*StackSummary, error) { stacks, err := l.ListStacks(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not determine selected stack") } for _, s := range stacks { if s.Current { return &s, nil } } return nil, nil } // CreateStack creates and sets a new stack with the stack name, failing if one already exists. func (l *LocalWorkspace) CreateStack(ctx context.Context, stackName string) error { args := []string{"stack", "init", stackName} if l.secretsProvider != "" { args = append(args, "--secrets-provider", l.secretsProvider) } stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, args...) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // SelectStack selects and sets an existing stack matching the stack name, failing if none exists. func (l *LocalWorkspace) SelectStack(ctx context.Context, stackName string) error { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "select", stackName) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select stack"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // RemoveStack deletes the stack and all associated configuration and history. func (l *LocalWorkspace) RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stackName string, opts ...optremove.Option) error { args := []string{"stack", "rm", "--yes", stackName} optRemoveOpts := &optremove.Options{} for _, o := range opts { o.ApplyOption(optRemoveOpts) } if optRemoveOpts.Force { args = append(args, "--force") } stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, args...) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to remove stack"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // ListStacks returns all Stacks created under the current Project. // This queries underlying backend and may return stacks not present in the Workspace (as Pulumi..yaml files). func (l *LocalWorkspace) ListStacks(ctx context.Context) ([]StackSummary, error) { var stacks []StackSummary stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "ls", "--json") if err != nil { return stacks, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not list stacks"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &stacks) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to unmarshal config value") } return stacks, nil } // InstallPlugin acquires the plugin matching the specified name and version. func (l *LocalWorkspace) InstallPlugin(ctx context.Context, name string, version string) error { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "plugin", "install", "resource", name, version) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to install plugin"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // RemovePlugin deletes the plugin matching the specified name and verision. func (l *LocalWorkspace) RemovePlugin(ctx context.Context, name string, version string) error { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "plugin", "rm", "resource", name, version, "--yes") if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to remove plugin"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // ListPlugins lists all installed plugins. func (l *LocalWorkspace) ListPlugins(ctx context.Context) ([]workspace.PluginInfo, error) { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "plugin", "ls", "--json") if err != nil { return nil, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not list list"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } var plugins []workspace.PluginInfo err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &plugins) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to unmarshal plugin response") } return plugins, nil } // Program returns the program `pulumi.RunFunc` to be used for Preview/Update if any. // If none is specified, the stack will refer to ProjectSettings for this information. func (l *LocalWorkspace) Program() pulumi.RunFunc { return l.program } // SetProgram sets the program associated with the Workspace to the specified `pulumi.RunFunc`. func (l *LocalWorkspace) SetProgram(fn pulumi.RunFunc) { l.program = fn } // ExportStack exports the deployment state of the stack matching the given name. // This can be combined with ImportStack to edit a stack's state (such as recovery from failed deployments). func (l *LocalWorkspace) ExportStack(ctx context.Context, stackName string) (apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) { var state apitype.UntypedDeployment stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "export", "--show-secrets", "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return state, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not export stack."), stdout, stderr, errCode) } err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(stdout), &state) if err != nil { return state, newAutoError( errors.Wrap(err, "failed to export stack, unable to unmarshall stack state."), stdout, stderr, errCode, ) } return state, nil } // ImportStack imports the specified deployment state into a pre-existing stack. // This can be combined with ExportStack to edit a stack's state (such as recovery from failed deployments). func (l *LocalWorkspace) ImportStack(ctx context.Context, stackName string, state apitype.UntypedDeployment) error { f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "") if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "could not import stack. failed to allocate temp file.") } defer func() { contract.IgnoreError(os.Remove(f.Name())) }() bytes, err := json.Marshal(state) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "could not import stack, failed to marshal stack state.") } _, err = f.Write(bytes) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "could not import stack. failed to write out stack intermediate.") } stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "import", "--file", f.Name(), "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not import stack."), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return nil } // Outputs get the current set of Stack outputs from the last Stack.Up(). func (l *LocalWorkspace) StackOutputs(ctx context.Context, stackName string) (OutputMap, error) { // standard outputs outStdout, outStderr, code, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "output", "--json", "--stack", stackName) if err != nil { return nil, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not get outputs"), outStdout, outStderr, code) } // secret outputs secretStdout, secretStderr, code, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "stack", "output", "--json", "--show-secrets", "--stack", stackName, ) if err != nil { return nil, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not get secret outputs"), outStdout, outStderr, code) } var outputs map[string]interface{} var secrets map[string]interface{} if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(outStdout), &outputs); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshalling outputs: %s", secretStderr) } if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(secretStdout), &secrets); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error unmarshalling secret outputs: %s", secretStderr) } res := make(OutputMap) for k, v := range secrets { isSecret := outputs[k] == secretSentinel res[k] = OutputValue{ Value: v, Secret: isSecret, } } return res, nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) getPulumiVersion(ctx context.Context) (semver.Version, error) { stdout, stderr, errCode, err := l.runPulumiCmdSync(ctx, "version") if err != nil { return semver.Version{}, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not determine pulumi version"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } version, err := semver.ParseTolerant(stdout) if err != nil { return semver.Version{}, newAutoError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not determine pulumi version"), stdout, stderr, errCode) } return version, nil } //nolint:lll func validatePulumiVersion(minVersion semver.Version, currentVersion semver.Version, optOut bool) error { if optOut { return nil } if minVersion.Major < currentVersion.Major { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Major version mismatch. You are using Pulumi CLI version %s with Automation SDK v%v. Please update the SDK.", currentVersion, minVersion.Major)) } if minVersion.GT(currentVersion) { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Minimum version requirement failed. The minimum CLI version requirement is %s, your current CLI version is %s. Please update the Pulumi CLI.", minimumVersion, currentVersion)) } return nil } func (l *LocalWorkspace) runPulumiCmdSync( ctx context.Context, args ...string, ) (string, string, int, error) { var env []string if l.PulumiHome() != "" { homeEnv := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", pulumiHomeEnv, l.PulumiHome()) env = append(env, homeEnv) } if envvars := l.GetEnvVars(); envvars != nil { for k, v := range envvars { e := []string{k, v} env = append(env, strings.Join(e, "=")) } } return runPulumiCommandSync(ctx, l.WorkDir(), nil /* additionalOutputs */, env, args...) } // NewLocalWorkspace creates and configures a LocalWorkspace. LocalWorkspaceOptions can be used to // configure things like the working directory, the program to execute, and to seed the directory with source code // from a git repository. func NewLocalWorkspace(ctx context.Context, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption) (Workspace, error) { lwOpts := &localWorkspaceOptions{} // for merging options, last specified value wins for _, opt := range opts { opt.applyLocalWorkspaceOption(lwOpts) } var workDir string if lwOpts.WorkDir != "" { workDir = lwOpts.WorkDir } else { dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "pulumi_auto") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to create tmp directory for workspace") } workDir = dir } if lwOpts.Repo != nil { // now do the git clone projDir, err := setupGitRepo(ctx, workDir, lwOpts.Repo) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace, unable to enlist in git repo") } workDir = projDir } var program pulumi.RunFunc if lwOpts.Program != nil { program = lwOpts.Program } l := &LocalWorkspace{ workDir: workDir, program: program, pulumiHome: lwOpts.PulumiHome, } v, err := l.getPulumiVersion(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace, unable to get pulumi version") } l.pulumiVersion = v optOut := os.Getenv(skipVersionCheckVar) != "" if val, ok := lwOpts.EnvVars[skipVersionCheckVar]; ok { optOut = optOut || val != "" } if err = validatePulumiVersion(minimumVersion, l.pulumiVersion, optOut); err != nil { return nil, err } if lwOpts.Project != nil { err := l.SaveProjectSettings(ctx, lwOpts.Project) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace, unable to save project settings") } } for stackName := range lwOpts.Stacks { s := lwOpts.Stacks[stackName] err := l.SaveStackSettings(ctx, stackName, &s) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create workspace") } } // setup if lwOpts.Repo != nil && lwOpts.Repo.Setup != nil { err := lwOpts.Repo.Setup(ctx, l) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error while running setup function") } } // Secrets providers if lwOpts.SecretsProvider != "" { l.secretsProvider = lwOpts.SecretsProvider } // Environment values if lwOpts.EnvVars != nil { if err := setEnvVars(l, lwOpts.EnvVars); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set environment values") } } return l, nil } type localWorkspaceOptions struct { // WorkDir is the directory to execute commands from and store state. // Defaults to a tmp dir. WorkDir string // Program is the Pulumi Program to execute. If none is supplied, // the program identified in $WORKDIR/Pulumi.yaml will be used instead. Program pulumi.RunFunc // PulumiHome overrides the metadata directory for pulumi commands. // This customizes the location of $PULUMI_HOME where metadata is stored and plugins are installed. PulumiHome string // Project is the project settings for the workspace. Project *workspace.Project // Stacks is a map of [stackName -> stack settings objects] to seed the workspace. Stacks map[string]workspace.ProjectStack // Repo is a git repo with a Pulumi Project to clone into the WorkDir. Repo *GitRepo // Secrets Provider to use with the current Stack SecretsProvider string // EnvVars is a map of environment values scoped to the workspace. // These values will be passed to all Workspace and Stack level commands. EnvVars map[string]string } // LocalWorkspaceOption is used to customize and configure a LocalWorkspace at initialization time. // See Workdir, Program, PulumiHome, Project, Stacks, and Repo for concrete options. type LocalWorkspaceOption interface { applyLocalWorkspaceOption(*localWorkspaceOptions) } type localWorkspaceOption func(*localWorkspaceOptions) func (o localWorkspaceOption) applyLocalWorkspaceOption(opts *localWorkspaceOptions) { o(opts) } // GitRepo contains info to acquire and setup a Pulumi program from a git repository. type GitRepo struct { // URL to clone git repo URL string // Optional path relative to the repo root specifying location of the pulumi program. // Specifying this option will update the Workspace's WorkDir accordingly. ProjectPath string // Optional branch to checkout. Branch string // Optional commit to checkout. CommitHash string // Optional function to execute after enlisting in the specified repo. Setup SetupFn // GitAuth is the different Authentication options for the Git repository Auth *GitAuth } // GitAuth is the authentication details that can be specified for a private Git repo. // There are 3 different authentication paths: // * PersonalAccessToken // * SSHPrivateKeyPath (and it's potential password) // * Username and Password // Only 1 authentication path is valid. If more than 1 is specified it will result in an error type GitAuth struct { // The absolute path to a private key for access to the git repo // When using `SSHPrivateKeyPath`, the URL of the repository must be in the format // git@github.com:org/repository.git - if the url is not in this format, then an error // `unable to clone repo: invalid auth method` will be returned SSHPrivateKeyPath string // The (contents) private key for access to the git repo. // When using `SSHPrivateKey`, the URL of the repository must be in the format // git@github.com:org/repository.git - if the url is not in this format, then an error // `unable to clone repo: invalid auth method` will be returned SSHPrivateKey string // The password that pairs with a username or as part of an SSH Private Key Password string // PersonalAccessToken is a Git personal access token in replacement of your password PersonalAccessToken string // Username is the username to use when authenticating to a git repository Username string } // SetupFn is a function to execute after enlisting in a git repo. // It is called with the workspace after all other options have been processed. type SetupFn func(context.Context, Workspace) error // WorkDir is the directory to execute commands from and store state. func WorkDir(workDir string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.WorkDir = workDir }) } // Program is the Pulumi Program to execute. If none is supplied, // the program identified in $WORKDIR/Pulumi.yaml will be used instead. func Program(program pulumi.RunFunc) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Program = program }) } // PulumiHome overrides the metadata directory for pulumi commands. func PulumiHome(dir string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.PulumiHome = dir }) } // Project sets project settings for the workspace. func Project(settings workspace.Project) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Project = &settings }) } // Stacks is a list of stack settings objects to seed the workspace. func Stacks(settings map[string]workspace.ProjectStack) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Stacks = settings }) } // Repo is a git repo with a Pulumi Project to clone into the WorkDir. func Repo(gitRepo GitRepo) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.Repo = &gitRepo }) } // SecretsProvider is the secrets provider to use with the current // workspace when interacting with a stack func SecretsProvider(secretsProvider string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.SecretsProvider = secretsProvider }) } // EnvVars is a map of environment values scoped to the workspace. // These values will be passed to all Workspace and Stack level commands. func EnvVars(envvars map[string]string) LocalWorkspaceOption { return localWorkspaceOption(func(lo *localWorkspaceOptions) { lo.EnvVars = envvars }) } // NewStackLocalSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // from the specified WorkDir. This Workspace will pick up // any available Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml). func NewStackLocalSource(ctx context.Context, stackName, workDir string, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, WorkDir(workDir)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return NewStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // UpsertStackLocalSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // from the specified WorkDir. If the Stack already exists, it will not error // and proceed to selecting the Stack.This Workspace will pick up any available // Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml). func UpsertStackLocalSource( ctx context.Context, stackName, workDir string, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, WorkDir(workDir)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return UpsertStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // SelectStackLocalSource selects an existing Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // from the specified WorkDir. This Workspace will pick up // any available Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml). func SelectStackLocalSource( ctx context.Context, stackName, workDir string, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, WorkDir(workDir)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select stack") } return SelectStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // NewStackRemoteSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with source code cloned from the specified GitRepo. This Workspace will pick up // any available Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml) that are cloned into the Workspace. // Unless a WorkDir option is specified, the GitRepo will be clone into a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func NewStackRemoteSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, repo GitRepo, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, Repo(repo)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return NewStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // UpsertStackRemoteSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with source code cloned from the specified GitRepo. If the Stack already exists, // it will not error and proceed to selecting the Stack. This Workspace will pick up // any available Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml) that are cloned // into the Workspace. Unless a WorkDir option is specified, the GitRepo will be clone // into a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func UpsertStackRemoteSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, repo GitRepo, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, Repo(repo)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return UpsertStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // SelectStackRemoteSource selects an existing Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with source code cloned from the specified GitRepo. This Workspace will pick up // any available Settings files (Pulumi.yaml, Pulumi..yaml) that are cloned into the Workspace. // Unless a WorkDir option is specified, the GitRepo will be clone into a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func SelectStackRemoteSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, repo GitRepo, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { opts = append(opts, Repo(repo)) w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) var stack Stack if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select stack") } return SelectStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // NewStackInlineSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with the specified program. If no Project option is specified, default project settings will be created // on behalf of the user. Similarly, unless a WorkDir option is specified, the working directory will default // to a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func NewStackInlineSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, projectName string, program pulumi.RunFunc, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { var stack Stack opts = append(opts, Program(program)) proj, err := getProjectSettings(ctx, projectName, opts) if err != nil { return stack, err } if proj != nil { opts = append(opts, Project(*proj)) } w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return NewStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // UpsertStackInlineSource creates a Stack backed by a LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with the specified program. If the Stack already exists, it will not error and // proceed to selecting the Stack. If no Project option is specified, default project // settings will be created on behalf of the user. Similarly, unless a WorkDir option // is specified, the working directory will default to a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func UpsertStackInlineSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, projectName string, program pulumi.RunFunc, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { var stack Stack opts = append(opts, Program(program)) proj, err := getProjectSettings(ctx, projectName, opts) if err != nil { return stack, err } if proj != nil { opts = append(opts, Project(*proj)) } w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create stack") } return UpsertStack(ctx, stackName, w) } // SelectStackInlineSource selects an existing Stack backed by a new LocalWorkspace created on behalf of the user, // with the specified program. If no Project option is specified, default project settings will be created // on behalf of the user. Similarly, unless a WorkDir option is specified, the working directory will default // to a new temporary directory provided by the OS. func SelectStackInlineSource( ctx context.Context, stackName string, projectName string, program pulumi.RunFunc, opts ...LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (Stack, error) { var stack Stack opts = append(opts, Program(program)) proj, err := getProjectSettings(ctx, projectName, opts) if err != nil { return stack, err } if proj != nil { opts = append(opts, Project(*proj)) } w, err := NewLocalWorkspace(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { return stack, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to select stack") } return SelectStack(ctx, stackName, w) } func defaultInlineProject(projectName string) (workspace.Project, error) { var proj workspace.Project cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return proj, err } proj = workspace.Project{ Name: tokens.PackageName(projectName), Runtime: workspace.NewProjectRuntimeInfo("go", nil), Main: cwd, } return proj, nil } // stack names come in many forms: // s, o/p/s, u/p/s o/s // so just return the last chunk which is what will be used in pulumi..yaml func getStackSettingsName(stackName string) string { parts := strings.Split(stackName, "/") if len(parts) < 1 { return stackName } return parts[len(parts)-1] } const pulumiHomeEnv = "PULUMI_HOME" func readProjectSettingsFromDir(ctx context.Context, workDir string) (*workspace.Project, error) { for _, ext := range settingsExtensions { projectPath := filepath.Join(workDir, fmt.Sprintf("Pulumi%s", ext)) if _, err := os.Stat(projectPath); err == nil { proj, err := workspace.LoadProject(projectPath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "found project settings, but failed to load") } return proj, nil } } return nil, errors.New("unable to find project settings in workspace") } func getProjectSettings( ctx context.Context, projectName string, opts []LocalWorkspaceOption, ) (*workspace.Project, error) { var optsBag localWorkspaceOptions for _, opt := range opts { opt.applyLocalWorkspaceOption(&optsBag) } // If the Project is included in the opts, just use that. if optsBag.Project != nil { return optsBag.Project, nil } // If WorkDir is specified, try to read any existing project settings before resorting to // creating a default project. if optsBag.WorkDir != "" { _, err := readProjectSettingsFromDir(ctx, optsBag.WorkDir) if err == nil { return nil, nil } if err.Error() == "unable to find project settings in workspace" { proj, err := defaultInlineProject(projectName) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create default project") } return &proj, nil } return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load project settings") } // If there was no workdir specified, create the default project. proj, err := defaultInlineProject(projectName) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create default project") } return &proj, nil }