#!/bin/bash # make_release.sh will create a build package ready for publishing. set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail ROOT=$(dirname $0)/.. PUBDIR=$(mktemp -du) GITHASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) PUBFILE=$(dirname ${PUBDIR})/${GITHASH}.tgz VERSION=$($ROOT/scripts/get-version) # Figure out which branch we're on. Prefer $TRAVIS_BRANCH, if set, since # Travis leaves us at detached HEAD and `git rev-parse` just returns "HEAD". BRANCH=${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)} declare -a PUBTARGETS=(${GITHASH} ${VERSION} ${BRANCH}) # usage: run_go_build function run_go_build() { local bin_suffix="" local output_name=$(basename $(cd "$1" ; pwd)) if [ "$(go env GOOS)" = "windows" ]; then bin_suffix=".exe" fi mkdir -p "${PUBDIR}/bin" go build \ -ldflags "-X github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/version.Version=${VERSION}" \ -o "${PUBDIR}/bin/${output_name}${bin_suffix}" \ "$1" } # usage: copy_package copy_package() { local module_root=${PUBDIR}/node_modules/$2 mkdir -p "${module_root}" cp -R "$1" "${module_root}/" if [ -e "${module_root}/node_modules" ]; then rm -rf "${module_root}/node_modules" fi if [ -e "${module_root}/tests" ]; then rm -rf "${module_root}/tests" fi } # Build binaries run_go_build "${ROOT}" run_go_build "${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/cmd/pulumi-language-nodejs" run_go_build "${ROOT}/sdk/python/cmd/pulumi-language-python" run_go_build "${ROOT}/sdk/go/pulumi-language-go" # Copy over the language and dynamic resource providers. cp ${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/dist/pulumi-resource-pulumi-nodejs ${PUBDIR}/bin/ cp ${ROOT}/sdk/python/cmd/pulumi-language-python-exec ${PUBDIR}/bin/ # Copy packages copy_package "${ROOT}/sdk/nodejs/bin/." "@pulumi/pulumi" # Tar up the file and then print it out for use by the caller or script. tar -czf ${PUBFILE} -C ${PUBDIR} . echo ${PUBFILE} ${PUBTARGETS[@]}