// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Package tokens contains the core symbol and token types for referencing resources and related entities. package tokens import ( "strings" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/contract" ) // Token is a qualified name that is capable of resolving to a symbol entirely on its own. Most uses of tokens are // typed based on the context, so that a subset of the token syntax is permissible (see the various typedefs below). // However, in its full generality, a token can have a package part, a module part, a module-member part, and a // class-member part. Obviously tokens that are meant to address just a module won't have the module-member part, and // tokens addressing module members won't have the class-member part, etc. // // Token's grammar is as follows: // // Token = | // | // // Identifier = // QualifiedToken = [ ":" [ ":" [ ":" ] ] ] // PackageName = ... similar to , except dashes permitted ... // ModuleName = // ModuleMemberName = // ClassMemberName = // // A token may be a simple identifier in the case that it refers to a built-in symbol, like a primitive type, or a // variable in scope, rather than a qualified token that is to be bound to a symbol through package/module resolution. // // Notice that both package and module names may be qualified names (meaning they can have "/"s in them; see QName's // comments), and that module and class members must use unqualified, simple names (meaning they have no delimiters). // The specialized token kinds differ only in what elements they require as part of the token string. // // Finally, a token may also be a decorated type. This is for built-in array, map, pointer, and function types: // // DecoratedType = "*" | // "[]" | // "map[" "]" | // "(" [ [ "," ]* ] ")" ? // // Notice that a recursive parsing process is required to extract elements from a token. type Token string const TokenDelimiter string = ":" // the character delimiting portions of a qualified token. func (tok Token) Delimiters() int { return strings.Count(string(tok), TokenDelimiter) } func (tok Token) HasModule() bool { return tok.Delimiters() > 0 } func (tok Token) HasModuleMember() bool { return tok.Delimiters() > 1 } func (tok Token) Simple() bool { return tok.Delimiters() == 0 } func (tok Token) String() string { return string(tok) } // delimiter returns the Nth index of a delimiter, as specified by the argument. func (tok Token) delimiter(n int) int { ix := -1 for n > 0 { // Make sure we still have space. if ix+1 >= len(tok) { ix = -1 break } // If we do, keep looking for the next delimiter. nix := strings.Index(string(tok[ix+1:]), TokenDelimiter) if nix == -1 { break } ix += 1 + nix n-- } return ix } // Name returns the Token as a Name (and assumes it is a legal one). func (tok Token) Name() Name { contract.Requiref(tok.Simple(), "tok", "Simple") contract.Requiref(IsName(tok.String()), "tok", "IsName(%v)", tok) return Name(tok.String()) } // Package extracts the package from the token, assuming one exists. func (tok Token) Package() Package { if t := Type(tok); t.Primitive() { return "" // decorated and primitive types are built-in (and hence have no package). } if tok.HasModule() { return Package(tok[:tok.delimiter(1)]) } return Package(tok) } // Module extracts the module portion from the token, assuming one exists. func (tok Token) Module() Module { if tok.HasModule() { if tok.HasModuleMember() { return Module(tok[:tok.delimiter(2)]) } return Module(tok) } return Module("") } // ModuleMember extracts the module member portion from the token, assuming one exists. func (tok Token) ModuleMember() ModuleMember { if tok.HasModuleMember() { return ModuleMember(tok) } return ModuleMember("") } // Package is a token representing just a package. It uses a much simpler grammar: // Package = // Note that a package name of "." means "current package", to simplify emission and lookups. type Package Token func NewPackageToken(nm PackageName) Package { contract.Assertf(IsPackageName(string(nm)), "Package name '%v' is not a legal qualified name", nm) return Package(nm) } func (tok Package) Name() PackageName { return PackageName(tok) } func (tok Package) String() string { return string(tok) } // Module is a token representing a module. It uses the following subset of the token grammar: // Module = ":" // Note that a module name of "." means "current module", to simplify emission and lookups. type Module Token func NewModuleToken(pkg Package, nm ModuleName) Module { contract.Assertf(IsQName(string(nm)), "Package '%v' module name '%v' is not a legal qualified name", pkg, nm) return Module(string(pkg) + TokenDelimiter + string(nm)) } func (tok Module) Package() Package { t := Token(tok) contract.Assertf(t.HasModule(), "Module token '%v' missing module delimiter", tok) return Package(tok[:t.delimiter(1)]) } func (tok Module) Name() ModuleName { t := Token(tok) contract.Assertf(t.HasModule(), "Module token '%v' missing module delimiter", tok) return ModuleName(tok[t.delimiter(1)+1:]) } func (tok Module) String() string { return string(tok) } // ModuleMember is a token representing a module's member. It uses the following grammar. Note that this is not // ambiguous because member names cannot contain slashes, and so the "last" slash in a name delimits the member: // ModuleMember = "/" type ModuleMember Token func NewModuleMemberToken(mod Module, nm ModuleMemberName) ModuleMember { contract.Assertf(IsName(string(nm)), "Module '%v' member name '%v' is not a legal name", mod, nm) return ModuleMember(string(mod) + TokenDelimiter + string(nm)) } // ParseModuleMember attempts to turn the string s into a module member, returning an error if it isn't a valid one. func ParseModuleMember(s string) (ModuleMember, error) { if !Token(s).HasModuleMember() { return "", errors.Errorf("String '%v' is not a valid module member", s) } return ModuleMember(s), nil } func (tok ModuleMember) Package() Package { return tok.Module().Package() } func (tok ModuleMember) Module() Module { t := Token(tok) contract.Assertf(t.HasModuleMember(), "Module member token '%v' missing module member delimiter", tok) return Module(tok[:t.delimiter(2)]) } func (tok ModuleMember) Name() ModuleMemberName { t := Token(tok) contract.Assertf(t.HasModuleMember(), "Module member token '%v' missing module member delimiter", tok) return ModuleMemberName(tok[t.delimiter(2)+1:]) } func (tok ModuleMember) String() string { return string(tok) } // Type is a token representing a type. It is either a primitive type name, reference to a module class, or decorated: // Type = | | type Type Token func NewTypeToken(mod Module, nm TypeName) Type { contract.Assertf(IsName(string(nm)), "Module '%v' type name '%v' is not a legal name", mod, nm) return Type(string(mod) + TokenDelimiter + string(nm)) } // ParseTypeToken interprets an arbitrary string as a Type, returning an error if the string is not a valid Type. func ParseTypeToken(s string) (Type, error) { tok := Token(s) if !tok.HasModuleMember() { return "", errors.Errorf("Type '%s' is not a valid type token (must have format '*:*:*')", tok) } return Type(tok), nil } func (tok Type) Package() Package { if tok.Primitive() { return Package("") } return ModuleMember(tok).Package() } func (tok Type) Module() Module { if tok.Primitive() { return Module("") } return ModuleMember(tok).Module() } func (tok Type) Name() TypeName { if tok.Primitive() { return TypeName(tok) } return TypeName(ModuleMember(tok).Name()) } // Primitive indicates whether this type is a primitive type name (i.e., not qualified with a module, etc). func (tok Type) Primitive() bool { return !Token(tok).HasModule() } func (tok Type) String() string { return string(tok) }