# Pulumi Fabric Node.js SDK The Pulumi Fabric Node.js SDK lets you write cloud programs in JavaScript. ## Installing For now, we only support developers building from source. Eventually we will have a nice installer. ### Prerequisites To build and install the SDK, you will first need a few things. First, install Node.js 6.10.2. We recommend [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm), since it makes it easier to switch between versions of Node.js. Afterwards, run `nvm install 6.10.2`. Next, we suggest using [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/) for package management. NPM works too, but Yarn is faster and therefore preferred. Please follow the directions on Yarn's website. ### Building and Testing The first time you build, you must `make configure` to install and prepare native plugins for V8: $ make configure Make sure to run this after installing the right version of Node.js above, otherwise it may bind to the wrong version. To build the SDK, simply run `make` from the root directory (`sdk/nodejs/`). This will build the code, run tests, and then "install" the package (by `yarn link`ing the resulting `bin/` directory). We recommend putting `bin/` on your `$PATH`, since the `pulumi-langhost-nodejs` executable will be loaded dynamically by the `lumi` tool whenever it encounters a Node.js program. The tests will verify that everything works, but feel free to try running `lumi plan` and/or `lumi deploy` from the `examples/minimal/` directory. Remember to run `tsc` first, since `lumi` expects JavaScript, not TypeScript.