// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. package errors // Eval errors are in the [1000,2000) range. var ( ErrorUnhandledException = newError(1000, "An unhandled exception terminated the program: %v") ErrorUnhandledInitException = newError(1001, "An unhandled exception in %v's initializer occurred: %v") ErrorPackageHasNoDefaultModule = newError(1002, "Package '%v' is missing a default module") ErrorModuleHasNoEntryPoint = newError(1003, "Module '%v' is missing an entrypoint function") ErrorFunctionArgMismatch = newError(1004, "Function expected %v arguments, but only got %v") ErrorFunctionArgIncorrectType = newError(1005, "Function argument has an incorrect type; expected %v, got %v") ErrorFunctionArgNotFound = newError(1006, "Function argument '%v' was not supplied") ErrorFunctionArgUnknown = newError(1007, "Function argument '%v' was not recognized") ErrorIllegalReadonlyLValue = newError(1008, "A readonly target cannot be used as an assignment target") )