// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package plugin import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" "strconv" "strings" "sync/atomic" "time" multierror "github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror" "github.com/pkg/errors" "golang.org/x/net/context" "google.golang.org/grpc" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity" "google.golang.org/grpc/status" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/diag" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/logging" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/rpcutil" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/workspace" ) // MissingError is returned if a plugin is missing. type MissingError struct { // Info contains information about the plugin that was not found. Info workspace.PluginInfo } // NewMissingError allocates a new error indicating the given plugin info was not found. func NewMissingError(info workspace.PluginInfo) error { return &MissingError{ Info: info, } } func (err *MissingError) Error() string { if err.Info.Version != nil { return fmt.Sprintf("no %[1]s plugin '%[2]s-v%[3]s' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, "+ "install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install %[1]s %[2]s v%[3]s`", err.Info.Kind, err.Info.Name, err.Info.Version) } return fmt.Sprintf("no %s plugin '%s' found in the workspace or on your $PATH", err.Info.Kind, err.Info.String()) } type plugin struct { stdoutDone <-chan bool stderrDone <-chan bool Bin string Args []string Conn *grpc.ClientConn Proc *os.Process Stdin io.WriteCloser Stdout io.ReadCloser Stderr io.ReadCloser } // pluginRPCConnectionTimeout dictates how long we wait for the plugin's RPC to become available. var pluginRPCConnectionTimeout = time.Second * 10 // A unique ID provided to the output stream of each plugin. This allows the output of the plugin // to be streamed to the display, while still allowing that output to be sent a small piece at a // time. var nextStreamID int32 func newPlugin(ctx *Context, bin string, prefix string, args []string) (*plugin, error) { if logging.V(9) { var argstr string for i, arg := range args { if i > 0 { argstr += "," } argstr += arg } logging.V(9).Infof("Launching plugin '%v' from '%v' with args: %v", prefix, bin, argstr) } // Try to execute the binary. plug, err := execPlugin(bin, args, ctx.Pwd) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to load plugin %s", bin) } contract.Assert(plug != nil) // If we did not successfully launch the plugin, we still need to wait for stderr and stdout to drain. defer func() { if plug.Conn == nil { contract.IgnoreError(plug.Close()) } }() outStreamID := atomic.AddInt32(&nextStreamID, 1) errStreamID := atomic.AddInt32(&nextStreamID, 1) // For now, we will spawn goroutines that will spew STDOUT/STDERR to the relevant diag streams. runtrace := func(t io.Reader, stderr bool, done chan<- bool) { reader := bufio.NewReader(t) for { msg, readerr := reader.ReadString('\n') if readerr != nil { break } if strings.TrimSpace(msg) != "" { if stderr { ctx.Diag.Infoerrf(diag.StreamMessage("" /*urn*/, msg, errStreamID)) } else { ctx.Diag.Infof(diag.StreamMessage("" /*urn*/, msg, outStreamID)) } } } close(done) } // Set up a tracer on stderr before going any further, since important errors might get communicated this way. stderrDone := make(chan bool) plug.stderrDone = stderrDone go runtrace(plug.Stderr, true, stderrDone) // Now that we have a process, we expect it to write a single line to STDOUT: the port it's listening on. We only // read a byte at a time so that STDOUT contains everything after the first newline. var port string b := make([]byte, 1) for { n, readerr := plug.Stdout.Read(b) if readerr != nil { killerr := plug.Proc.Kill() contract.IgnoreError(killerr) // we are ignoring because the readerr trumps it. if port == "" { return nil, errors.Wrapf(readerr, "could not read plugin [%v] stdout", bin) } return nil, errors.Wrapf(readerr, "failure reading plugin [%v] stdout (read '%v')", bin, port) } if n > 0 && b[0] == '\n' { break } port += string(b[:n]) } // Parse the output line (minus the '\n') to ensure it's a numeric port. if _, err = strconv.Atoi(port); err != nil { killerr := plug.Proc.Kill() contract.IgnoreError(killerr) // ignoring the error because the existing one trumps it. return nil, errors.Wrapf( err, "%v plugin [%v] wrote a non-numeric port to stdout ('%v')", prefix, bin, port) } // After reading the port number, set up a tracer on stdout just so other output doesn't disappear. stdoutDone := make(chan bool) plug.stdoutDone = stdoutDone go runtrace(plug.Stdout, false, stdoutDone) // Now that we have the port, go ahead and create a gRPC client connection to it. conn, err := grpc.Dial(""+port, grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor( rpcutil.OpenTracingClientInterceptor(), )) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not dial plugin [%v] over RPC", bin) } // Now wait for the gRPC connection to the plugin to become ready. // TODO[pulumi/pulumi#337]: in theory, this should be unnecessary. gRPC's default WaitForReady behavior // should auto-retry appropriately. On Linux, however, we are observing different behavior. In the meantime // while this bug exists, we'll simply do a bit of waiting of our own up front. timeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), pluginRPCConnectionTimeout) for { s := conn.GetState() if s == connectivity.Ready { // The connection is supposedly ready; but we will make sure it is *actually* ready by sending a dummy // method invocation to the server. Until it responds successfully, we can't safely proceed. outer: for { err = grpc.Invoke(timeout, "", nil, nil, conn) if err == nil { break // successful connect } else { // We have an error; see if it's a known status and, if so, react appropriately. status, ok := status.FromError(err) if ok { switch status.Code() { case codes.Unavailable: // The server is unavailable. This is the Linux bug. Wait a little and retry. time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) continue // keep retrying case codes.Unimplemented, codes.ResourceExhausted: // Since we sent "" as the method above, this is the expected response. Ready to go. break outer } } // Unexpected error; get outta dodge. return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "%v plugin [%v] did not come alive", prefix, bin) } } break } // Not ready yet; ask the gRPC client APIs to block until the state transitions again so we can retry. if !conn.WaitForStateChange(timeout, s) { return nil, errors.Errorf("%v plugin [%v] did not begin responding to RPC connections", prefix, bin) } } // Done; store the connection and return the plugin info. plug.Conn = conn return plug, nil } func execPlugin(bin string, pluginArgs []string, pwd string) (*plugin, error) { var args []string // Flow the logging information if set. if logging.LogFlow { if logging.LogToStderr { args = append(args, "-logtostderr") } if logging.Verbose > 0 { args = append(args, "-v="+strconv.Itoa(logging.Verbose)) } } // Always flow tracing settings. if cmdutil.TracingEndpoint != "" { args = append(args, "--tracing", cmdutil.TracingEndpoint) } args = append(args, pluginArgs...) cmd := exec.Command(bin, args...) cmdutil.RegisterProcessGroup(cmd) cmd.Dir = pwd in, _ := cmd.StdinPipe() out, _ := cmd.StdoutPipe() err, _ := cmd.StderrPipe() if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { return nil, err } return &plugin{ Bin: bin, Args: args, Proc: cmd.Process, Stdin: in, Stdout: out, Stderr: err, }, nil } func (p *plugin) Close() error { if p.Conn != nil { closerr := p.Conn.Close() contract.IgnoreError(closerr) } var result error // On each platform, plugins are not loaded directly, instead a shell launches each plugin as a child process, so // instead we need to kill all the children of the PID we have recorded, as well. Otherwise we will block waiting // for the child processes to close. if err := cmdutil.KillChildren(p.Proc.Pid); err != nil { result = multierror.Append(result, err) } // IDEA: consider a more graceful termination than just SIGKILL. if err := p.Proc.Kill(); err != nil { result = multierror.Append(result, err) } // Wait for stdout and stderr to drain. if p.stdoutDone != nil { <-p.stdoutDone } if p.stderrDone != nil { <-p.stderrDone } return result }