// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved. package workspace import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/marapongo/mu/pkg/diag" "github.com/marapongo/mu/pkg/errors" ) // Mufile is the base name of a Mufile. const Mufile = "Mu" // Muspace is a directory containing settings, modules, etc., delimiting a workspace. const Muspace = ".mu" // MuspaceStacks is the directory in which dependency modules exist, either local to a workspace, or globally. const MuspaceStacks = "stacks" // MuspaceWorkspace is the base name of a workspace settings file. const MuspaceWorkspace = "workspace" // Exts contains a list of all the valid Mufile and Mucluster extensions. var Exts = []string{ ".json", ".yaml", // Although ".yml" is not a sanctioned YAML extension, it is used quite broadly; so we will support it. ".yml", } // InstallRootEnvvar is the envvar describing where Mu has been installed. const InstallRootEnvvar = "MUROOT" // InstallRootLibdir is the directory in which the standard Mu library exists. const InstallRootLibdir = "lib" // DefaultInstallRoot is where Mu is installed by default, if the envvar is missing. // TODO: support Windows. const DefaultInstallRoot = "/usr/lib/mu" // InstallRoot returns Mu's installation location. This is controlled my the MUROOT envvar. func InstallRoot() string { root := os.Getenv(InstallRootEnvvar) if root == "" { return DefaultInstallRoot } return root } // isTop returns true if the path represents the top of the filesystem. func isTop(path string) bool { return os.IsPathSeparator(path[len(path)-1]) } // pathDir returns the nearest directory to the given path (identity if a directory; parent otherwise). func pathDir(path string) string { // It's possible that the path is a file (e.g., a Mu.yaml file); if so, we want the directory. info, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil || info.IsDir() { return path } else { return filepath.Dir(path) } } // DetectMufile locates the closest Mufile from the given path, searching "upwards" in the directory hierarchy. If no // Mufile is found, an empty path is returned. If problems are detected, they are logged to the diag.Sink. func DetectMufile(path string, d diag.Sink) (string, error) { // It's possible the target is already the file we seek; if so, return right away. if IsMufile(path, d) { return path, nil } curr := pathDir(path) for { stop := false // Enumerate the current path's files, checking each to see if it's a Mufile. files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(curr) if err != nil { return "", err } for _, file := range files { name := file.Name() path := filepath.Join(curr, name) if IsMufile(path, d) { return path, nil } else if name == Muspace { // If we hit a .muspace file, stop looking. stop = true } } // If we encountered a stop condition, break out of the loop. if stop { break } // If neither succeeded, keep looking in our parent directory. curr = filepath.Dir(curr) if isTop(curr) { break } } return "", nil } // IsMufile returns true if the path references what appears to be a valid Mufile. If problems are detected -- like // an incorrect extension -- they are logged to the provided diag.Sink (if non-nil). func IsMufile(path string, d diag.Sink) bool { info, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil || info.IsDir() { // Missing files and directories can't be Mufiles. return false } // Ensure the base name is expected. name := info.Name() ext := filepath.Ext(name) base := strings.TrimSuffix(name, ext) if base != Mufile { if d != nil && strings.EqualFold(base, Mufile) { // If the strings aren't equal, but case-insensitively match, issue a warning. d.Warningf(errors.WarnIllegalMufileCasing.WithFile(name)) } return false } // Check all supported extensions. for _, mufileExt := range Exts { if name == Mufile+mufileExt { return true } } // If we got here, it means the base name matched, but not the extension. Warn and return. if d != nil { d.Warningf(errors.WarnIllegalMufileExt.WithFile(name), ext) } return false }