// Copyright 2016 Pulumi, Inc. All rights reserved. package diag import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "github.com/golang/glog" "github.com/pulumi/coconut/pkg/diag/colors" "github.com/pulumi/coconut/pkg/util/contract" ) // Sink facilitates pluggable diagnostics messages. type Sink interface { // Count fetches the total number of diagnostics issued (errors plus warnings). Count() int // Infos fetches the number of informational messages issued. Infos() int // Errors fetches the number of errors issued. Errors() int // Warnings fetches the number of warnings issued. Warnings() int // Success returns true if this sink is currently error-free. Success() bool // Infof issues an informational message. Infof(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) // Errorf issues a new error diagnostic. Errorf(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) // Warningf issues a new warning diagnostic. Warningf(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) // Stringify stringifies a diagnostic in the usual way (e.g., "error: MU123: Nut.yaml:7:39: error goes here\n"). Stringify(diag *Diag, cat Category, args ...interface{}) string // StringifyLocation stringifies a source document location. StringifyLocation(doc *Document, loc *Location) string } // Category dictates the kind of diagnostic. type Category string const ( Error Category = "error" Warning = "warning" Info = "info" ) // FormatOptions controls the output style and content. type FormatOptions struct { Pwd string // the working directory. Colors bool // if true, output will be colorized. } // DefaultSink returns a default sink that simply logs output to stderr/stdout. func DefaultSink(opts FormatOptions) Sink { return newDefaultSink(opts, map[Category]io.Writer{ Info: os.Stdout, Error: os.Stderr, Warning: os.Stdout, }) } func newDefaultSink(opts FormatOptions, writers map[Category]io.Writer) *defaultSink { contract.Assert(writers[Info] != nil) contract.Assert(writers[Error] != nil) contract.Assert(writers[Warning] != nil) return &defaultSink{ opts: opts, counts: make(map[Category]int), writers: writers, } } const DefaultSinkIDPrefix = "MU" // defaultSink is the default sink which logs output to stderr/stdout. type defaultSink struct { opts FormatOptions // a set of options that control output style and content. counts map[Category]int // the number of messages that have been issued per category. writers map[Category]io.Writer // the writers to use for each kind of diagnostic category. } func (d *defaultSink) Count() int { return d.Infos() + d.Errors() + d.Warnings() } func (d *defaultSink) Infos() int { return d.counts[Info] } func (d *defaultSink) Errors() int { return d.counts[Error] } func (d *defaultSink) Warnings() int { return d.counts[Warning] } func (d *defaultSink) Success() bool { return d.Errors() == 0 } func (d *defaultSink) Infof(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) { msg := d.Stringify(diag, Info, args...) if glog.V(3) { glog.V(3).Infof("defaultSink::Info(%v)", msg[:len(msg)-1]) } fmt.Fprintf(d.writers[Info], msg) d.counts[Info]++ } func (d *defaultSink) Errorf(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) { msg := d.Stringify(diag, Error, args...) if glog.V(3) { glog.V(3).Infof("defaultSink::Error(%v)", msg[:len(msg)-1]) } fmt.Fprintf(d.writers[Error], msg) d.counts[Error]++ } func (d *defaultSink) Warningf(diag *Diag, args ...interface{}) { msg := d.Stringify(diag, Warning, args...) if glog.V(4) { glog.V(4).Infof("defaultSink::Warning(%v)", msg[:len(msg)-1]) } fmt.Fprintf(d.writers[Warning], msg) d.counts[Warning]++ } func (d *defaultSink) Stringify(diag *Diag, cat Category, args ...interface{}) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer // First print the location if there is one. if diag.Doc != nil || diag.Loc != nil { buffer.WriteString(d.StringifyLocation(diag.Doc, diag.Loc)) buffer.WriteString(": ") } // Now print the message category's prefix (error/warning). if d.opts.Colors { switch cat { case Info: buffer.WriteString(colors.SpecInfo) case Error: buffer.WriteString(colors.SpecError) case Warning: buffer.WriteString(colors.SpecWarning) default: contract.Failf("Unrecognized diagnostic category: %v", cat) } } buffer.WriteString(string(cat)) if diag.ID > 0 { buffer.WriteString(" ") buffer.WriteString(DefaultSinkIDPrefix) buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(diag.ID))) } buffer.WriteString(": ") if d.opts.Colors { buffer.WriteString(colors.Reset) } // Finally, actually print the message itself. if d.opts.Colors { buffer.WriteString(colors.SpecNote) } buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(diag.Message, args...)) if d.opts.Colors { buffer.WriteString(colors.Reset) } buffer.WriteRune('\n') // TODO[pulumi/coconut#15]: support Clang-style expressive diagnostics. This would entail, for example, using the // buffer within the target document, to demonstrate the offending line/column range of code. s := buffer.String() // If colorization was requested, compile and execute the directives now. if d.opts.Colors { s = colors.Colorize(s) } return s } func (d *defaultSink) StringifyLocation(doc *Document, loc *Location) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer if doc != nil { if d.opts.Colors { buffer.WriteString(colors.SpecLocation) } file := doc.File if d.opts.Pwd != "" { // If a PWD is available, try to create a relative path. rel, err := filepath.Rel(d.opts.Pwd, file) if err == nil { file = rel } } buffer.WriteString(file) } if loc != nil && !loc.IsEmpty() { buffer.WriteRune('(') buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(loc.Start.Line)) buffer.WriteRune(',') buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(loc.Start.Column)) buffer.WriteRune(')') } var s string if doc != nil || loc != nil { if d.opts.Colors { buffer.WriteString(colors.Reset) } s = buffer.String() // If colorization was requested, compile and execute the directives now. if d.opts.Colors { s = colors.Colorize(s) } } return s }