// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package httpstate import ( "context" cryptorand "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "io" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/cheggaaa/pb" "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/skratchdot/open-golang/open" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/apitype" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend/display" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend/filestate" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/backend/httpstate/client" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/diag" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/diag/colors" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/engine" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/operations" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/config" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/logging" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/result" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/retry" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/workspace" ) const ( // PulumiCloudURL is the Cloud URL used if no environment or explicit cloud is chosen. PulumiCloudURL = "https://" + defaultAPIDomainPrefix + "pulumi.com" // defaultAPIDomainPrefix is the assumed Cloud URL prefix for typical Pulumi Cloud API endpoints. defaultAPIDomainPrefix = "api." // defaultConsoleDomainPrefix is the assumed Cloud URL prefix typically used for the Pulumi Console. defaultConsoleDomainPrefix = "app." // defaultAPIEnvVar can be set to override the default cloud chosen, if `--cloud` is not present. defaultURLEnvVar = "PULUMI_API" // AccessTokenEnvVar is the environment variable used to bypass a prompt on login. AccessTokenEnvVar = "PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN" ) // DefaultURL returns the default cloud URL. This may be overridden using the PULUMI_API environment // variable. If no override is found, and we are authenticated with a cloud, choose that. Otherwise, // we will default to the https://api.pulumi.com/ endpoint. func DefaultURL() string { return ValueOrDefaultURL("") } // ValueOrDefaultURL returns the value if specified, or the default cloud URL otherwise. func ValueOrDefaultURL(cloudURL string) string { // If we have a cloud URL, just return it. if cloudURL != "" { return cloudURL } // Otherwise, respect the PULUMI_API override. if cloudURL := os.Getenv(defaultURLEnvVar); cloudURL != "" { return cloudURL } // If that didn't work, see if we have a current cloud, and use that. Note we need to be careful // to ignore the local cloud. if creds, err := workspace.GetStoredCredentials(); err == nil { if creds.Current != "" && !filestate.IsFileStateBackendURL(creds.Current) { return creds.Current } } // If none of those led to a cloud URL, simply return the default. return PulumiCloudURL } // barCloser is an implementation of io.Closer that finishes a progress bar upon Close() as well as closing its // underlying readCloser. type barCloser struct { bar *pb.ProgressBar readCloser io.ReadCloser } func (bc *barCloser) Read(dest []byte) (int, error) { return bc.readCloser.Read(dest) } func (bc *barCloser) Close() error { bc.bar.Finish() return bc.readCloser.Close() } func newBarProxyReadCloser(bar *pb.ProgressBar, r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser { return &barCloser{ bar: bar, readCloser: bar.NewProxyReader(r), } } // Backend extends the base backend interface with specific information about cloud backends. type Backend interface { backend.Backend CloudURL() string DownloadPlugin( ctx context.Context, info workspace.PluginInfo, progress bool, opts display.Options) (io.ReadCloser, error) CancelCurrentUpdate(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) error StackConsoleURL(stackRef backend.StackReference) (string, error) } type cloudBackend struct { d diag.Sink url string stackConfigFile string client *client.Client currentProject *workspace.Project } // New creates a new Pulumi backend for the given cloud API URL and token. func New(d diag.Sink, cloudURL, stackConfigFile string) (Backend, error) { cloudURL = ValueOrDefaultURL(cloudURL) apiToken, err := workspace.GetAccessToken(cloudURL) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getting stored credentials") } // When stringifying backend references, we take the current project (if present) into account. currentProject, err := workspace.DetectProject() if err != nil { currentProject = nil } return &cloudBackend{ d: d, url: cloudURL, stackConfigFile: stackConfigFile, client: client.NewClient(cloudURL, apiToken, d), currentProject: currentProject, }, nil } // loginWithBrowser uses a web-browser to log into the cloud and returns the cloud backend for it. func loginWithBrowser(ctx context.Context, d diag.Sink, cloudURL, stackConfigFile string) (Backend, error) { // Locally, we generate a nonce and spin up a web server listening on a random port on localhost. We then open a // browser to a special endpoint on the Pulumi.com console, passing the generated nonce as well as the port of the // webserver we launched. This endpoint does the OAuth flow and when it completes, redirects to localhost passing // the nonce and the pulumi access token we created as part of the OAuth flow. If the nonces match, we set the // access token that was passed to us and the redirect to a special welcome page on Pulumi.com loginURL := cloudConsoleURL(cloudURL, "cli-login") finalWelcomeURL := cloudConsoleURL(cloudURL, "welcome", "cli") if loginURL == "" || finalWelcomeURL == "" { return nil, errors.New("could not determine login url") } // Listen on localhost, have the kernel pick a random port for us c := make(chan string) l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not start listener") } // Extract the port _, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(l.Addr().String()) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not determine port") } // Generate a nonce we'll send with the request. nonceBytes := make([]byte, 32) _, err = cryptorand.Read(nonceBytes) contract.AssertNoErrorf(err, "could not get random bytes") nonce := hex.EncodeToString(nonceBytes) u, err := url.Parse(loginURL) contract.AssertNoError(err) // Generate a description to associate with the access token we'll generate, for display on the Account Settings // page. var tokenDescription string if host, hostErr := os.Hostname(); hostErr == nil { tokenDescription = fmt.Sprintf("Generated by pulumi login on %s at %s", host, time.Now().Format(time.RFC822)) } else { tokenDescription = fmt.Sprintf("Generated by pulumi login at %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC822)) } // Pass our state around as query parameters on the URL we'll open the user's preferred browser to q := u.Query() q.Add("cliSessionPort", port) q.Add("cliSessionNonce", nonce) q.Add("cliSessionDescription", tokenDescription) u.RawQuery = q.Encode() // Start the webserver to listen to handle the response go serveBrowserLoginServer(l, nonce, finalWelcomeURL, c) // Launch the web browser and navigate to the login URL. if openErr := open.Run(u.String()); openErr != nil { fmt.Printf("We couldn't launch your web browser for some reason. Please visit:\n\n%s\n\n"+ "to finish the login process.", u) } else { fmt.Println("We've launched your web browser to complete the login process.") } fmt.Println("\nWaiting for login to complete...") accessToken := <-c // Save the token and return the backend if err = workspace.StoreAccessToken(cloudURL, accessToken, true); err != nil { return nil, err } return New(d, cloudURL, stackConfigFile) } // Login logs into the target cloud URL and returns the cloud backend for it. func Login(ctx context.Context, d diag.Sink, cloudURL, stackConfigFile string, opts display.Options) (Backend, error) { cloudURL = ValueOrDefaultURL(cloudURL) // If we have a saved access token, and it is valid, use it. existingToken, err := workspace.GetAccessToken(cloudURL) if err == nil && existingToken != "" { if valid, _ := IsValidAccessToken(ctx, cloudURL, existingToken); valid { // Save the token. While it hasn't changed this will update the current cloud we are logged into, as well. if err = workspace.StoreAccessToken(cloudURL, existingToken, true); err != nil { return nil, err } return New(d, cloudURL, stackConfigFile) } } // We intentionally don't accept command-line args for the user's access token. Having it in // .bash_history is not great, and specifying it via flag isn't of much use. accessToken := os.Getenv(AccessTokenEnvVar) accountLink := cloudConsoleURL(cloudURL, "account", "tokens") if accessToken != "" { // If there's already a token from the environment, use it. _, err = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Logging in using access token from %s\n", AccessTokenEnvVar) contract.IgnoreError(err) } else if !cmdutil.Interactive() { // If interactive mode isn't enabled, the only way to specify a token is through the environment variable. // Fail the attempt to login. return nil, errors.Errorf( "%s must be set for login during non-interactive CLI sessions", AccessTokenEnvVar) } else { // If no access token is available from the environment, and we are interactive, prompt and offer to // open a browser to make it easy to generate and use a fresh token. line1 := fmt.Sprintf("Manage your Pulumi stacks by logging in.") line1len := len(line1) line1 = colors.Highlight(line1, "Pulumi stacks", colors.Underline+colors.Bold) fmt.Printf(opts.Color.Colorize(line1) + "\n") maxlen := line1len line2 := "Run `pulumi login --help` for alternative login options." line2len := len(line2) fmt.Printf(opts.Color.Colorize(line2) + "\n") if line2len > maxlen { maxlen = line2len } // In the case where we could not construct a link to the pulumi console based on the API server's hostname, // don't offer magic log-in or text about where to find your access token. if accountLink == "" { for { if accessToken, err = cmdutil.ReadConsoleNoEcho("Enter your access token"); err != nil { return nil, err } if accessToken != "" { break } } } else { line3 := fmt.Sprintf("Enter your access token from %s", accountLink) line3len := len(line3) line3 = colors.Highlight(line3, "access token", colors.BrightCyan+colors.Bold) line3 = colors.Highlight(line3, accountLink, colors.BrightBlue+colors.Underline+colors.Bold) fmt.Printf(opts.Color.Colorize(line3) + "\n") if line3len > maxlen { maxlen = line3len } line4 := " or hit to log in using your browser" var padding string if pad := maxlen - len(line4); pad > 0 { padding = strings.Repeat(" ", pad) } line4 = colors.Highlight(line4, "", colors.BrightCyan+colors.Bold) if accessToken, err = cmdutil.ReadConsoleNoEcho(opts.Color.Colorize(line4) + padding); err != nil { return nil, err } if accessToken == "" { return loginWithBrowser(ctx, d, cloudURL, stackConfigFile) } } } // Try and use the credentials to see if they are valid. valid, err := IsValidAccessToken(ctx, cloudURL, accessToken) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if !valid { return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid access token") } // Save them. if err = workspace.StoreAccessToken(cloudURL, accessToken, true); err != nil { return nil, err } return New(d, cloudURL, stackConfigFile) } func (b *cloudBackend) StackConsoleURL(stackRef backend.StackReference) (string, error) { stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return "", err } path := b.cloudConsoleStackPath(stackID) url := b.CloudConsoleURL(path) if url == "" { return "", errors.New("could not determine clould console URL") } return url, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) Name() string { if b.url == PulumiCloudURL { return "pulumi.com" } return b.url } func (b *cloudBackend) URL() string { user, err := b.CurrentUser() if err != nil { return cloudConsoleURL(b.url) } return cloudConsoleURL(b.url, user) } func (b *cloudBackend) CurrentUser() (string, error) { return b.client.GetPulumiAccountName(context.Background()) } func (b *cloudBackend) CloudURL() string { return b.url } func (b *cloudBackend) ParseStackReference(s string) (backend.StackReference, error) { split := strings.Split(s, "/") var owner string var projectName string var stackName string switch len(split) { case 1: stackName = split[0] case 2: owner = split[0] stackName = split[1] case 3: owner = split[0] projectName = split[1] stackName = split[2] default: return nil, errors.Errorf("could not parse stack name '%s'", s) } if owner == "" { currentUser, userErr := b.client.GetPulumiAccountName(context.Background()) if userErr != nil { return nil, userErr } owner = currentUser } if projectName == "" { currentProject, projectErr := workspace.DetectProject() if projectErr != nil { return nil, projectErr } projectName = currentProject.Name.String() } return cloudBackendReference{ owner: owner, project: projectName, name: tokens.QName(stackName), b: b, }, nil } // CloudConsoleURL returns a link to the cloud console with the given path elements. If a console link cannot be // created, we return the empty string instead (this can happen if the endpoint isn't a recognized pattern). func (b *cloudBackend) CloudConsoleURL(paths ...string) string { return cloudConsoleURL(b.CloudURL(), paths...) } // serveBrowserLoginServer hosts the server that completes the browser based login flow. func serveBrowserLoginServer(l net.Listener, expectedNonce string, destinationURL string, c chan<- string) { handler := func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { tok := req.URL.Query().Get("accessToken") nonce := req.URL.Query().Get("nonce") if tok == "" || nonce != expectedNonce { res.WriteHeader(400) return } http.Redirect(res, req, destinationURL, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) c <- tok } mux := &http.ServeMux{} mux.HandleFunc("/", handler) contract.IgnoreError(http.Serve(l, mux)) } // CloudConsoleStackPath returns the stack path components for getting to a stack in the cloud console. This path // must, of course, be combined with the actual console base URL by way of the CloudConsoleURL function above. func (b *cloudBackend) cloudConsoleStackPath(stackID client.StackIdentifier) string { return path.Join(stackID.Owner, stackID.Project, stackID.Stack) } // Logout logs out of the target cloud URL. func (b *cloudBackend) Logout() error { return workspace.DeleteAccessToken(b.CloudURL()) } // DownloadPlugin downloads a plugin as a tarball from the release endpoint. The returned reader is a stream // that reads the tar.gz file, which should be expanded and closed after the download completes. If progress // is true, the download will display a progress bar using stdout. func (b *cloudBackend) DownloadPlugin(ctx context.Context, info workspace.PluginInfo, progress bool, opts display.Options) (io.ReadCloser, error) { // Figure out the OS/ARCH pair for the download URL. var os string switch runtime.GOOS { case "darwin", "linux", "windows": os = runtime.GOOS default: return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported plugin OS: %s", runtime.GOOS) } var arch string switch runtime.GOARCH { case "amd64": arch = runtime.GOARCH default: return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported plugin architecture: %s", runtime.GOARCH) } // Now make the client request. result, size, err := b.client.DownloadPlugin(ctx, info, os, arch) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to download plugin") } // If progress is requested, and we know the length, show a little animated ASCII progress bar. if progress && size != -1 { bar := pb.New(int(size)) result = newBarProxyReadCloser(bar, result) bar.Prefix(opts.Color.Colorize(colors.SpecUnimportant + "Downloading plugin: ")) bar.Postfix(opts.Color.Colorize(colors.Reset)) bar.SetMaxWidth(80) bar.SetUnits(pb.U_BYTES) bar.Start() } return result, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) GetStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (backend.Stack, error) { stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } stack, err := b.client.GetStack(ctx, stackID) if err != nil { // If this was a 404, return nil, nil as per this method's contract. if errResp, ok := err.(*apitype.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Code == http.StatusNotFound { return nil, nil } return nil, err } return newStack(stack, b), nil } func (b *cloudBackend) CreateStack( ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, _ interface{} /* No custom options for httpstate backend. */) ( backend.Stack, error) { stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } tags, err := backend.GetEnvironmentTagsForCurrentStack() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error determining initial tags") } apistack, err := b.client.CreateStack(ctx, stackID, tags) if err != nil { // If the status is 409 Conflict (stack already exists), return StackAlreadyExistsError. if errResp, ok := err.(*apitype.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Code == http.StatusConflict { return nil, &backend.StackAlreadyExistsError{StackName: stackID.Stack} } return nil, err } stack := newStack(apistack, b) fmt.Printf("Created stack '%s'\n", stack.Ref()) return stack, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) ListStacks( ctx context.Context, projectFilter *tokens.PackageName) ([]backend.StackSummary, error) { var cleanedProjectName *string if projectFilter != nil { clean := cleanProjectName(string(*projectFilter)) cleanedProjectName = &clean } apiSummaries, err := b.client.ListStacks(ctx, cleanedProjectName) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Convert []apitype.StackSummary into []backend.StackSummary. var backendSummaries []backend.StackSummary for _, apiSummary := range apiSummaries { backendSummary := cloudStackSummary{ summary: apiSummary, b: b, } backendSummaries = append(backendSummaries, backendSummary) } return backendSummaries, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) RemoveStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, force bool) (bool, error) { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return false, err } return b.client.DeleteStack(ctx, stack, force) } func (b *cloudBackend) RenameStack(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, newName tokens.QName) error { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return err } return b.client.RenameStack(ctx, stack, string(newName)) } // cloudCrypter is an encrypter/decrypter that uses the Pulumi cloud to encrypt/decrypt a stack's secrets. type cloudCrypter struct { backend *cloudBackend stack client.StackIdentifier } func (c *cloudCrypter) EncryptValue(plaintext string) (string, error) { ciphertext, err := c.backend.client.EncryptValue(context.Background(), c.stack, []byte(plaintext)) if err != nil { return "", err } return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext), nil } func (c *cloudCrypter) DecryptValue(cipherstring string) (string, error) { ciphertext, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(cipherstring) if err != nil { return "", err } plaintext, err := c.backend.client.DecryptValue(context.Background(), c.stack, ciphertext) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(plaintext), nil } func (b *cloudBackend) GetStackCrypter(stackRef backend.StackReference) (config.Crypter, error) { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &cloudCrypter{backend: b, stack: stack}, nil } func getStack(ctx context.Context, b *cloudBackend, stackRef backend.StackReference) (backend.Stack, error) { stack, err := b.GetStack(ctx, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if stack == nil { return nil, errors.New("stack not found") } return stack, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) Preview(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { stack, err := getStack(ctx, b, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } // We can skip PreviewtThenPromptThenExecute, and just go straight to Execute. opts := backend.ApplierOptions{ DryRun: true, ShowLink: true, } return b.apply( ctx, apitype.PreviewUpdate, stack, op, opts, nil /*events*/) } func (b *cloudBackend) Update(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { stack, err := getStack(ctx, b, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } return backend.PreviewThenPromptThenExecute(ctx, apitype.UpdateUpdate, stack, op, b.apply) } func (b *cloudBackend) Refresh(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { stack, err := getStack(ctx, b, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } return backend.PreviewThenPromptThenExecute(ctx, apitype.RefreshUpdate, stack, op, b.apply) } func (b *cloudBackend) Destroy(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { stack, err := getStack(ctx, b, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } return backend.PreviewThenPromptThenExecute(ctx, apitype.DestroyUpdate, stack, op, b.apply) } func (b *cloudBackend) Query(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation) result.Result { stack, err := b.GetStack(ctx, stackRef) if err != nil { return result.FromError(err) } return b.query(ctx, stack, op, nil /*events*/) } func (b *cloudBackend) createAndStartUpdate( ctx context.Context, action apitype.UpdateKind, stack backend.Stack, op backend.UpdateOperation, dryRun bool) (client.UpdateIdentifier, int, string, error) { stackRef := stack.Ref() stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", err } stackConfigFile := b.stackConfigFile if stackConfigFile == "" { f, err := workspace.DetectProjectStackPath(stackRef.Name()) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", err } stackConfigFile = f } workspaceStack, err := workspace.LoadProjectStack(stackConfigFile) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", errors.Wrap(err, "getting configuration") } metadata := apitype.UpdateMetadata{ Message: op.M.Message, Environment: op.M.Environment, } update, err := b.client.CreateUpdate( ctx, action, stackID, op.Proj, workspaceStack.Config, metadata, op.Opts.Engine, dryRun) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", err } // Start the update. We use this opportunity to pass new tags to the service, to pick up any // metadata changes. tags, err := backend.GetMergedStackTags(ctx, stack) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", errors.Wrap(err, "getting stack tags") } version, token, err := b.client.StartUpdate(ctx, update, tags) if err != nil { return client.UpdateIdentifier{}, 0, "", err } // Any non-preview update will be considered part of the stack's update history. if action != apitype.PreviewUpdate { logging.V(7).Infof("Stack %s being updated to version %d", stackRef, version) } return update, version, token, nil } // apply actually performs the provided type of update on a stack hosted in the Pulumi Cloud. func (b *cloudBackend) apply( ctx context.Context, kind apitype.UpdateKind, stack backend.Stack, op backend.UpdateOperation, opts backend.ApplierOptions, events chan<- engine.Event) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { actionLabel := backend.ActionLabel(kind, opts.DryRun) if !op.Opts.Display.JSONDisplay { // Print a banner so it's clear this is going to the cloud. fmt.Printf(op.Opts.Display.Color.Colorize( colors.SpecHeadline+"%s (%s):"+colors.Reset+"\n"), actionLabel, stack.Ref()) } // Create an update object to persist results. update, version, token, err := b.createAndStartUpdate(ctx, kind, stack, op, opts.DryRun) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } if opts.ShowLink && !op.Opts.Display.JSONDisplay { // Print a URL at the end of the update pointing to the Pulumi Service. var link string base := b.cloudConsoleStackPath(update.StackIdentifier) if !opts.DryRun { link = b.CloudConsoleURL(base, "updates", strconv.Itoa(version)) } else { link = b.CloudConsoleURL(base, "previews", update.UpdateID) } if link != "" { defer func() { fmt.Printf(op.Opts.Display.Color.Colorize( colors.SpecHeadline+"Permalink: "+ colors.Underline+colors.BrightBlue+"%s"+colors.Reset+"\n"), link) }() } } return b.runEngineAction(ctx, kind, stack.Ref(), op, update, token, events, opts.DryRun) } // query executes a query program against the resource outputs of a stack hosted in the Pulumi // Cloud. func (b *cloudBackend) query( ctx context.Context, stack backend.Stack, op backend.UpdateOperation, callerEventsOpt chan<- engine.Event) result.Result { stackRef := stack.Ref() q, err := b.newQuery(ctx, stackRef, op.Proj, op.Root) if err != nil { return result.FromError(err) } // Render query output to CLI. displayEvents := make(chan engine.Event) displayDone := make(chan bool) go display.ShowQueryEvents("running query", displayEvents, displayDone, op.Opts.Display) // The engineEvents channel receives all events from the engine, which we then forward onto other // channels for actual processing. (displayEvents and callerEventsOpt.) engineEvents := make(chan engine.Event) eventsDone := make(chan bool) go func() { for e := range engineEvents { displayEvents <- e if callerEventsOpt != nil { callerEventsOpt <- e } } close(eventsDone) }() // Depending on the action, kick off the relevant engine activity. Note that we don't immediately check and // return error conditions, because we will do so below after waiting for the display channels to close. cancellationScope := op.Scopes.NewScope(engineEvents, true /*dryRun*/) engineCtx := &engine.Context{ Cancel: cancellationScope.Context(), Events: engineEvents, BackendClient: httpstateBackendClient{backend: b}, } if parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSpan != nil { engineCtx.ParentSpan = parentSpan.Context() } res := engine.Query(engineCtx, q, op.Opts.Engine) // Wait for dependent channels to finish processing engineEvents before closing. <-displayDone cancellationScope.Close() // Don't take any cancellations anymore, we're shutting down. close(engineEvents) // Make sure that the goroutine writing to displayEvents and callerEventsOpt // has exited before proceeding <-eventsDone close(displayEvents) return res } func (b *cloudBackend) runEngineAction( ctx context.Context, kind apitype.UpdateKind, stackRef backend.StackReference, op backend.UpdateOperation, update client.UpdateIdentifier, token string, callerEventsOpt chan<- engine.Event, dryRun bool) (engine.ResourceChanges, result.Result) { contract.Assertf(token != "", "persisted actions require a token") u, err := b.newUpdate(ctx, stackRef, op.Proj, op.Root, update, token) if err != nil { return nil, result.FromError(err) } // displayEvents renders the event to the console and Pulumi service. The processor for the // will signal all events have been proceed when a value is written to the displayDone channel. displayEvents := make(chan engine.Event) displayDone := make(chan bool) go u.RecordAndDisplayEvents( backend.ActionLabel(kind, dryRun), kind, stackRef, op, displayEvents, displayDone, op.Opts.Display, dryRun) // The engineEvents channel receives all events from the engine, which we then forward onto other // channels for actual processing. (displayEvents and callerEventsOpt.) engineEvents := make(chan engine.Event) eventsDone := make(chan bool) go func() { for e := range engineEvents { displayEvents <- e if callerEventsOpt != nil { callerEventsOpt <- e } } close(eventsDone) }() // The backend.SnapshotManager and backend.SnapshotPersister will keep track of any changes to // the Snapshot (checkpoint file) in the HTTP backend. persister := b.newSnapshotPersister(ctx, u.update, u.tokenSource) snapshotManager := backend.NewSnapshotManager(persister, u.GetTarget().Snapshot) // Depending on the action, kick off the relevant engine activity. Note that we don't immediately check and // return error conditions, because we will do so below after waiting for the display channels to close. cancellationScope := op.Scopes.NewScope(engineEvents, dryRun) engineCtx := &engine.Context{ Cancel: cancellationScope.Context(), Events: engineEvents, SnapshotManager: snapshotManager, BackendClient: httpstateBackendClient{backend: b}, } if parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSpan != nil { engineCtx.ParentSpan = parentSpan.Context() } var changes engine.ResourceChanges var res result.Result switch kind { case apitype.PreviewUpdate: changes, res = engine.Update(u, engineCtx, op.Opts.Engine, true) case apitype.UpdateUpdate: changes, res = engine.Update(u, engineCtx, op.Opts.Engine, dryRun) case apitype.RefreshUpdate: changes, res = engine.Refresh(u, engineCtx, op.Opts.Engine, dryRun) case apitype.DestroyUpdate: changes, res = engine.Destroy(u, engineCtx, op.Opts.Engine, dryRun) default: contract.Failf("Unrecognized update kind: %s", kind) } // Wait for dependent channels to finish processing engineEvents before closing. <-displayDone cancellationScope.Close() // Don't take any cancellations anymore, we're shutting down. close(engineEvents) contract.IgnoreClose(snapshotManager) // Make sure that the goroutine writing to displayEvents and callerEventsOpt // has exited before proceeding <-eventsDone close(displayEvents) // Mark the update as complete. status := apitype.UpdateStatusSucceeded if res != nil { status = apitype.UpdateStatusFailed } completeErr := u.Complete(status) if completeErr != nil { res = result.Merge(res, result.FromError(errors.Wrap(completeErr, "failed to complete update"))) } return changes, res } func (b *cloudBackend) CancelCurrentUpdate(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) error { stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return err } stack, err := b.client.GetStack(ctx, stackID) if err != nil { return err } if stack.ActiveUpdate == "" { return errors.Errorf("stack %v has never been updated", stackRef) } // Compute the update identifier and attempt to cancel the update. // // NOTE: the update kind is not relevant; the same endpoint will work for updates of all kinds. updateID := client.UpdateIdentifier{ StackIdentifier: stackID, UpdateKind: apitype.UpdateUpdate, UpdateID: stack.ActiveUpdate, } return b.client.CancelUpdate(ctx, updateID) } func (b *cloudBackend) GetHistory(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) ([]backend.UpdateInfo, error) { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } updates, err := b.client.GetStackUpdates(ctx, stack) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Convert apitype.UpdateInfo objects to the backend type. var beUpdates []backend.UpdateInfo for _, update := range updates { // Convert types from the apitype package into their internal counterparts. cfg, err := convertConfig(update.Config) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "converting configuration") } beUpdates = append(beUpdates, backend.UpdateInfo{ Kind: update.Kind, Message: update.Message, Environment: update.Environment, Config: cfg, Result: backend.UpdateResult(update.Result), StartTime: update.StartTime, EndTime: update.EndTime, ResourceChanges: convertResourceChanges(update.ResourceChanges), }) } return beUpdates, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) GetLatestConfiguration(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (config.Map, error) { stackID, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } return b.client.GetLatestConfiguration(ctx, stackID) } // convertResourceChanges converts the apitype version of engine.ResourceChanges into the internal version. func convertResourceChanges(changes map[apitype.OpType]int) engine.ResourceChanges { b := make(engine.ResourceChanges) for k, v := range changes { b[deploy.StepOp(k)] = v } return b } // convertResourceChanges converts the apitype version of config.Map into the internal version. func convertConfig(apiConfig map[string]apitype.ConfigValue) (config.Map, error) { c := make(config.Map) for rawK, rawV := range apiConfig { k, err := config.ParseKey(rawK) if err != nil { return nil, err } if rawV.Secret { c[k] = config.NewSecureValue(rawV.String) } else { c[k] = config.NewValue(rawV.String) } } return c, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, logQuery operations.LogQuery) ([]operations.LogEntry, error) { stack, err := b.GetStack(ctx, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } if stack == nil { return nil, errors.New("stack not found") } target, targetErr := b.getTarget(ctx, stackRef) if targetErr != nil { return nil, targetErr } return filestate.GetLogsForTarget(target, logQuery) } func (b *cloudBackend) ExportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (*apitype.UntypedDeployment, error) { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } deployment, err := b.client.ExportStackDeployment(ctx, stack) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &deployment, nil } func (b *cloudBackend) ImportDeployment(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, deployment *apitype.UntypedDeployment) error { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return err } update, err := b.client.ImportStackDeployment(ctx, stack, deployment) if err != nil { return err } // Wait for the import to complete, which also polls and renders event output to STDOUT. status, err := b.waitForUpdate( ctx, backend.ActionLabel(apitype.ImportUpdate, false /*dryRun*/), update, display.Options{Color: colors.Always}) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "waiting for import") } else if status != apitype.StatusSucceeded { return errors.Errorf("import unsuccessful: status %v", status) } return nil } var ( projectNameCleanRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]") ) // cleanProjectName replaces undesirable characters in project names with hyphens. At some point, these restrictions // will be further enforced by the service, but for now we need to ensure that if we are making a rest call, we // do this cleaning on our end. func cleanProjectName(projectName string) string { return projectNameCleanRegexp.ReplaceAllString(projectName, "-") } // getCloudStackIdentifier converts a backend.StackReference to a client.StackIdentifier for the same logical stack func (b *cloudBackend) getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef backend.StackReference) (client.StackIdentifier, error) { cloudBackendStackRef, ok := stackRef.(cloudBackendReference) if !ok { return client.StackIdentifier{}, errors.New("bad stack reference type") } return client.StackIdentifier{ Owner: cloudBackendStackRef.owner, Project: cleanProjectName(cloudBackendStackRef.project), Stack: string(cloudBackendStackRef.name), }, nil } type DisplayEventType string const ( UpdateEvent DisplayEventType = "UpdateEvent" ShutdownEvent DisplayEventType = "Shutdown" ) type displayEvent struct { Kind DisplayEventType Payload interface{} } // waitForUpdate waits for the current update of a Pulumi program to reach a terminal state. Returns the // final state. "path" is the URL endpoint to poll for updates. func (b *cloudBackend) waitForUpdate(ctx context.Context, actionLabel string, update client.UpdateIdentifier, displayOpts display.Options) (apitype.UpdateStatus, error) { events, done := make(chan displayEvent), make(chan bool) defer func() { events <- displayEvent{Kind: ShutdownEvent, Payload: nil} <-done close(events) close(done) }() go displayEvents(strings.ToLower(actionLabel), events, done, displayOpts) // The UpdateEvents API returns a continuation token to only get events after the previous call. var continuationToken *string for { // Query for the latest update results, including log entries so we can provide active status updates. _, results, err := retry.Until(context.Background(), retry.Acceptor{ Accept: func(try int, nextRetryTime time.Duration) (bool, interface{}, error) { return b.tryNextUpdate(ctx, update, continuationToken, try, nextRetryTime) }, }) if err != nil { return apitype.StatusFailed, err } // We got a result, print it out. updateResults := results.(apitype.UpdateResults) for _, event := range updateResults.Events { events <- displayEvent{Kind: UpdateEvent, Payload: event} } continuationToken = updateResults.ContinuationToken // A nil continuation token means there are no more events to read and the update has finished. if continuationToken == nil { return updateResults.Status, nil } } } func displayEvents(action string, events <-chan displayEvent, done chan<- bool, opts display.Options) { prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s...", cmdutil.EmojiOr("✨ ", "@ "), action) spinner, ticker := cmdutil.NewSpinnerAndTicker(prefix, nil, 8 /*timesPerSecond*/) defer func() { spinner.Reset() ticker.Stop() done <- true }() for { select { case <-ticker.C: spinner.Tick() case event := <-events: if event.Kind == ShutdownEvent { return } // Pluck out the string. payload := event.Payload.(apitype.UpdateEvent) if raw, ok := payload.Fields["text"]; ok && raw != nil { if text, ok := raw.(string); ok { text = opts.Color.Colorize(text) // Choose the stream to write to (by default stdout). var stream io.Writer if payload.Kind == apitype.StderrEvent { stream = os.Stderr } else { stream = os.Stdout } if text != "" { spinner.Reset() fmt.Fprint(stream, text) } } } } } } // tryNextUpdate tries to get the next update for a Pulumi program. This may time or error out, which results in a // false returned in the first return value. If a non-nil error is returned, this operation should fail. func (b *cloudBackend) tryNextUpdate(ctx context.Context, update client.UpdateIdentifier, continuationToken *string, try int, nextRetryTime time.Duration) (bool, interface{}, error) { // If there is no error, we're done. results, err := b.client.GetUpdateEvents(ctx, update, continuationToken) if err == nil { return true, results, nil } // There are three kinds of errors we might see: // 1) Expected HTTP errors (like timeouts); silently retry. // 2) Unexpected HTTP errors (like Unauthorized, etc); exit with an error. // 3) Anything else; this could be any number of things, including transient errors (flaky network). // In this case, we warn the user and keep retrying; they can ^C if it's not transient. warn := true if errResp, ok := err.(*apitype.ErrorResponse); ok { if errResp.Code == 504 { // If our request to the Pulumi Service returned a 504 (Gateway Timeout), ignore it and keep // continuing. The sole exception is if we've done this 10 times. At that point, we will have // been waiting for many seconds, and want to let the user know something might be wrong. if try < 10 { warn = false } logging.V(3).Infof("Expected %s HTTP %d error after %d retries (retrying): %v", b.CloudURL(), errResp.Code, try, err) } else { // Otherwise, we will issue an error. logging.V(3).Infof("Unexpected %s HTTP %d error after %d retries (erroring): %v", b.CloudURL(), errResp.Code, try, err) return false, nil, err } } else { logging.V(3).Infof("Unexpected %s error after %d retries (retrying): %v", b.CloudURL(), try, err) } // Issue a warning if appropriate. if warn { b.d.Warningf(diag.Message("" /*urn*/, "error querying update status: %v"), err) b.d.Warningf(diag.Message("" /*urn*/, "retrying in %vs... ^C to stop (this will not cancel the update)"), nextRetryTime.Seconds()) } return false, nil, nil } // IsValidAccessToken tries to use the provided Pulumi access token and returns if it is accepted // or not. Returns error on any unexpected error. func IsValidAccessToken(ctx context.Context, cloudURL, accessToken string) (bool, error) { // Make a request to get the authenticated user. If it returns a successful response, // we know the access token is legit. We also parse the response as JSON and confirm // it has a githubLogin field that is non-empty (like the Pulumi Service would return). _, err := client.NewClient(cloudURL, accessToken, cmdutil.Diag()).GetPulumiAccountName(ctx) if err != nil { if errResp, ok := err.(*apitype.ErrorResponse); ok && errResp.Code == 401 { return false, nil } return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "getting user info from %v", cloudURL) } return true, nil } // GetStackTags fetches the stack's existing tags. func (b *cloudBackend) GetStackTags(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference) (map[apitype.StackTagName]string, error) { stack, err := b.GetStack(ctx, stackRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } if stack == nil { return nil, errors.New("stack not found") } return stack.(Stack).Tags(), nil } // UpdateStackTags updates the stacks's tags, replacing all existing tags. func (b *cloudBackend) UpdateStackTags(ctx context.Context, stackRef backend.StackReference, tags map[apitype.StackTagName]string) error { stack, err := b.getCloudStackIdentifier(stackRef) if err != nil { return err } return b.client.UpdateStackTags(ctx, stack, tags) } type httpstateBackendClient struct { backend Backend } func (c httpstateBackendClient) GetStackOutputs(ctx context.Context, name string) (resource.PropertyMap, error) { // When using the cloud backend, require that stack references are fully qualified so they // look like "//" if strings.Count(name, "/") != 2 { return nil, errors.Errorf("a stack reference's name should be of the form " + "'//'. See https://pulumi.io/help/stack-reference for more information.") } return backend.NewBackendClient(c.backend).GetStackOutputs(ctx, name) } func (c httpstateBackendClient) DownloadPlugin(ctx context.Context, plug workspace.PluginInfo) (io.ReadCloser, error) { return c.backend.DownloadPlugin(ctx, plug, false, display.Options{}) }