// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/compiler/core" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/eval" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" "github.com/pulumi/lumi/pkg/util/contract" ) func newPackEvalCmd() *cobra.Command { var configEnv string var dotOutput bool var cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "eval [package] [-- [args]]", Short: "Evaluate a package and print the resulting objects", Long: "Evaluate a package and print the resulting objects\n" + "\n" + "A graph is a topologically sorted directed-acyclic-graph (DAG), representing a\n" + "collection of resources that may be used in a deployment operation like plan or apply.\n" + "This graph is produced by evaluating the contents of a blueprint package, and does not\n" + "actually perform any updates to the target environment.\n" + "\n" + "By default, a blueprint package is loaded from the current directory. Optionally,\n" + "a path to a package elsewhere can be provided as the [package] argument.", Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { contract.Assertf(!dotOutput, "TODO[pulumi/lumi#235]: DOT files not yet supported") // First, load and compile the package. result := compile(cmd, args) if result == nil { return nil } // Now fire up an interpreter so we can run the program. e := eval.New(result.B.Ctx(), nil) // If configuration was requested, load it up and populate the object state. if configEnv != "" { envInfo, err := initEnvCmdName(tokens.QName(configEnv), args) if err != nil { return err } if err := deploy.InitEvalConfig(result.B.Ctx(), e, envInfo.Target.Config); err != nil { return err } } // Finally, execute the entire program, and serialize the return value (if any). packArgs := dashdashArgsToMap(args) if obj, _ := e.EvaluatePackage(result.Pkg, packArgs); obj != nil { fmt.Print(obj) } return nil }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar( &configEnv, "config-env", "", "Apply configuration from the specified environment before evaluating the package") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &dotOutput, "dot", false, "Output the graph as a DOT digraph (graph description language)") return cmd } // dashdashArgsToMap is a simple args parser that places incoming key/value pairs into a map. These are then used // during package compilation as inputs to the main entrypoint function. // IDEA: this is fairly rudimentary; we eventually want to support arrays, maps, and complex types. func dashdashArgsToMap(args []string) core.Args { mapped := make(core.Args) for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ { arg := args[i] // Eat - or -- at the start. if arg[0] == '-' { arg = arg[1:] if arg[0] == '-' { arg = arg[1:] } } // Now find a k=v, and split the k/v part. if eq := strings.IndexByte(arg, '='); eq != -1 { // For --k=v, simply store v underneath k's entry. mapped[tokens.Name(arg[:eq])] = arg[eq+1:] } else { if i+1 < len(args) && args[i+1][0] != '-' { // If the next arg doesn't start with '-' (i.e., another flag) use its value. mapped[tokens.Name(arg)] = args[i+1] i++ } else if arg[0:3] == "no-" { // For --no-k style args, strip off the no- prefix and store false underneath k. mapped[tokens.Name(arg[3:])] = false } else { // For all other --k args, assume this is a boolean flag, and set the value of k to true. mapped[tokens.Name(arg)] = true } } } return mapped }