// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved. package cmd import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/apitype" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/engine" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/resource/config" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/workspace" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/archive" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/util/cmdutil" ) func newDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command { if usePulumiCloudCommands() { return newCloudDestroyCmd() } return newFAFDestroyCmd() } func newFAFDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command { var debug bool var preview bool var stack string var parallel int var summary bool var yes bool var cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "destroy", SuggestFor: []string{"down", "remove"}, Short: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources", Long: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources\n" + "\n" + "This command deletes an entire existing stack by name. The current state is\n" + "loaded from the associated snapshot file in the workspace. After running to completion,\n" + "all of this stack's resources and associated state will be gone.\n" + "\n" + "Warning: although old snapshots can be used to recreate an stack, this command\n" + "is generally irreversable and should be used with great care.", Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { stackName, err := explicitOrCurrent(stack) if err != nil { return err } cfg, err := getConfiguration(stackName) if err != nil { return err } var decrypter config.ValueDecrypter = panicCrypter{} if hasSecureValue(cfg) { decrypter, err = getSymmetricCrypter() if err != nil { return err } } if preview || yes || confirmPrompt("This will permanently destroy all resources in the '%v' stack!", stackName.String()) { localProvider := localStackProvider{decrypter: decrypter} pulumiEngine := engine.Engine{Targets: localProvider, Snapshots: localProvider} events := make(chan engine.Event) done := make(chan bool) go displayEvents(events, done, debug) if err := pulumiEngine.Destroy(stackName, events, engine.DestroyOptions{ DryRun: preview, Parallel: parallel, Summary: summary, }); err != nil { return err } <-done close(events) close(done) } return nil }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &debug, "debug", "d", false, "Print detailed debugging output during resource operations") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP( &preview, "preview", "n", false, "Don't actually delete resources; just preview the planned deletions") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &stack, "stack", "s", "", "Choose an stack other than the currently selected one") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP( ¶llel, "parallel", "p", 0, "Allow P resource operations to run in parallel at once (<=1 for no parallelism)") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &summary, "summary", false, "Only display summarization of resources and plan operations") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar( &yes, "yes", false, "Skip confirmation prompts, and proceed with the destruction anyway") return cmd } func newCloudDestroyCmd() *cobra.Command { var stack string var yes bool var cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "destroy", SuggestFor: []string{"down", "remove"}, Short: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources", Long: "Destroy an existing stack and its resources\n" + "\n" + "This command deletes an entire existing stack by name. After running to\n" + " completion, all of this stack's resources and associated state will be gone.\n" + "\n" + "Warning: this command is irreversable and should be used with great care.", Run: cmdutil.RunFunc(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { // Look up the owner, repository, and project from the workspace and nearest package. w, err := newWorkspace() if err != nil { return err } projID, err := getCloudProjectIdentifier(w) if err != nil { return err } // Default to the workspace settings if stack isn't provided. stackName := tokens.QName(stack) if stackName == "" { stackName = w.Settings().Stack } if stackName == "" { return errors.New("stack argument not set and workspace does not have selected stack") } // Zip up the Pulumi program's directory, which may be a parent of CWD. cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %v", err) } programPath, err := workspace.DetectPackage(cwd) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("looking for Pulumi package: %v", err) } if programPath == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no Pulumi package found") } // programPath is the path to the pulumi.yaml file. Need its parent folder. programFolder := filepath.Dir(programPath) archive, err := archive.EncodePath(programFolder) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("creating archive: %v", err) } if yes || confirmPrompt("This will permanently destroy all resources in the '%v' stack!", stackName.String()) { // Gather up configuration. // TODO(pulumi-service/issues/221): Have pulumi.com handle the encryption/decryption. textConfig, err := getDecryptedConfig(stackName) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "getting decrypted configuration") } // Destroy the program in the Pulumi Cloud. Uses same API shape as update. updateRequest := apitype.UpdateProgramRequest{ ProgramArchive: archive, Config: textConfig, } var updateResponse apitype.UpdateProgramResponse path := fmt.Sprintf("/orgs/%s/programs/%s/%s/stacks/%s/destroy", projID.Owner, projID.Repository, projID.Project, string(stackName)) if err = pulumiRESTCall("POST", path, &updateRequest, &updateResponse); err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("Destroying Stack '%s'...\n", string(stackName)) // Wait for the update to complete. status, err := waitForUpdate(path) fmt.Println() // The PPC's final message we print to STDOUT doesn't include a newline. if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("waiting for destroy: %v", err) } if status == apitype.StatusSucceeded { fmt.Println("destroy complete.") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("destroy unsuccessful: status %v", status) } return nil }), } cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP( &stack, "stack", "s", "", "Choose an stack other than the currently selected one") return cmd }