// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation using System; namespace Pulumi { public partial class Config { /// /// ConfigTypeException is used when a configuration value is of the wrong type. /// private class ConfigTypeException : RunException { public ConfigTypeException(string key, object? v, string expectedType) : this(key, v, expectedType, innerException: null) { } public ConfigTypeException(string key, object? v, string expectedType, Exception? innerException) : base($"Configuration '{key}' value '{v}' is not a valid {expectedType}", innerException) { } } /// /// ConfigMissingException is used when a configuration value is completely missing. /// private class ConfigMissingException : RunException { public ConfigMissingException(string key) : base($"Missing Required configuration variable '{key}'\n" + $"\tplease set a value using the command `pulumi config set {key} `") { } } } }