@echo off if defined PULUMI_RUNTIME_VIRTUALENV ( REM If python exists in the virtual environment, set PATH and run it. if exist "%PULUMI_RUNTIME_VIRTUALENV%\Scripts\python.exe" ( REM Update PATH and unset PYTHONHOME. set "PATH=%PULUMI_RUNTIME_VIRTUALENV%\Scripts;%PATH%" set PYTHONHOME= REM Run python from the virtual environment. "%PULUMI_RUNTIME_VIRTUALENV%\Scripts\python.exe" -u -m pulumi.dynamic %* exit /B ) else ( echo "%PULUMI_RUNTIME_VIRTUALENV%" doesn't appear to be a virtual environment exit 1 ) ) else ( REM Otherwise, just run python. We use `python` instead of `python3` because Windows REM Python installers install only `python.exe` by default. @python -u -m pulumi.dynamic %* )