# It may be tempting to add parens around each individual clause in this expression, but Travis then builds pushes anyway if: branch = master OR branch =~ ^release/ OR tag IS present jobs: include: - os: linux - os: osx language: go go: 1.9 sudo: true # give us 7.5GB and >2 bursted cores. env: - PULUMI_API=https://api.pulumi-staging.io git: depth: false before_install: - source ./build/travis/prepare-environment.sh - . "${PULUMI_HOME}/scripts/keep-failed-tests.sh" install: - source ./build/travis/install-common-toolchain.sh before_script: - ./build/travis/ensure-dependencies script: - make travis_${TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE} after_failure: - "${PULUMI_HOME}/scripts/upload-failed-tests" notifications: webhooks: https://ufci1w66n3.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/stage/travis