// Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package engine import ( "fmt" "sort" "github.com/blang/semver" "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/resource/deploy" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v2/resource/deploy/providers" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/resource/plugin" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/tokens" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/util/cmdutil" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/util/contract" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/util/logging" "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/common/workspace" ) const ( preparePluginLog = 7 preparePluginVerboseLog = 8 ) // pluginSet represents a set of plugins. type pluginSet map[string]workspace.PluginInfo // Add adds a plugin to this plugin set. func (p pluginSet) Add(plug workspace.PluginInfo) { p[plug.String()] = plug } // Union returns the union of this pluginSet with another pluginSet. func (p pluginSet) Union(other pluginSet) pluginSet { newSet := newPluginSet() for _, value := range p { newSet.Add(value) } for _, value := range other { newSet.Add(value) } return newSet } // Values returns a slice of all of the plugins contained within this set. func (p pluginSet) Values() []workspace.PluginInfo { var plugins []workspace.PluginInfo for _, value := range p { plugins = append(plugins, value) } return plugins } // newPluginSet creates a new empty pluginSet. func newPluginSet() pluginSet { return make(map[string]workspace.PluginInfo) } // gatherPluginsFromProgram inspects the given program and returns the set of plugins that the program requires to // function. If the language host does not support this operation, the empty set is returned. func gatherPluginsFromProgram(plugctx *plugin.Context, prog plugin.ProgInfo) (pluginSet, error) { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("gatherPluginsFromProgram(): gathering plugins from language host") set := newPluginSet() langhostPlugins, err := plugctx.Host.GetRequiredPlugins(prog, plugin.AllPlugins) if err != nil { return set, err } for _, plug := range langhostPlugins { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "gatherPluginsFromProgram(): plugin %s %s (%s) is required by language host", plug.Name, plug.Version, plug.ServerURL) set.Add(plug) } return set, nil } // gatherPluginsFromSnapshot inspects the snapshot associated with the given Target and returns the set of plugins // required to operate on the snapshot. The set of plugins is derived from first-class providers saved in the snapshot // and the plugins specified in the deployment manifest. func gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(plugctx *plugin.Context, target *deploy.Target) (pluginSet, error) { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): gathering plugins from snapshot") set := newPluginSet() if target == nil || target.Snapshot == nil { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): no snapshot available, skipping") return set, nil } for _, res := range target.Snapshot.Resources { urn := res.URN if !providers.IsProviderType(urn.Type()) { logging.V(preparePluginVerboseLog).Infof("gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): skipping %q, not a provider", urn) continue } pkg := providers.GetProviderPackage(urn.Type()) version, err := providers.GetProviderVersion(res.Inputs) if err != nil { return set, err } logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "gatherPluginsFromSnapshot(): plugin %s %s is required by first-class provider %q", pkg, version, urn) set.Add(workspace.PluginInfo{ Name: pkg.String(), Kind: workspace.ResourcePlugin, Version: version, }) } return set, nil } // ensurePluginsAreInstalled inspects all plugins in the plugin set and, if any plugins are not currently installed, // uses the given backend client to install them. Installations are processed in parallel, though // ensurePluginsAreInstalled does not return until all installations are completed. func ensurePluginsAreInstalled(plugins pluginSet) error { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): beginning") var installTasks errgroup.Group for _, plug := range plugins.Values() { _, path, err := workspace.GetPluginPath(plug.Kind, plug.Name, plug.Version) if err == nil && path != "" { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): plugin %s %s already installed", plug.Name, plug.Version) continue } // Launch an install task asynchronously and add it to the current error group. info := plug // don't close over the loop induction variable installTasks.Go(func() error { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): plugin %s %s not installed, doing install", info.Name, info.Version) return installPlugin(info) }) } err := installTasks.Wait() logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("ensurePluginsAreInstalled(): completed") return err } // ensurePluginsAreLoaded ensures that all of the plugins in the given plugin set that match the given plugin flags are // loaded. func ensurePluginsAreLoaded(plugctx *plugin.Context, plugins pluginSet, kinds plugin.Flags) error { return plugctx.Host.EnsurePlugins(plugins.Values(), kinds) } // installPlugin installs a plugin from the given backend client. func installPlugin(plugin workspace.PluginInfo) error { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("installPlugin(%s, %s): beginning install", plugin.Name, plugin.Version) if plugin.Kind == workspace.LanguagePlugin { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "installPlugin(%s, %s): is a language plugin, skipping install", plugin.Name, plugin.Version) return nil } logging.V(preparePluginVerboseLog).Infof( "installPlugin(%s, %s): initiating download", plugin.Name, plugin.Version) stream, size, err := plugin.Download() if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("[%s plugin %s-%s] installing\n", plugin.Kind, plugin.Name, plugin.Version) stream = workspace.ReadCloserProgressBar(stream, size, "Downloading plugin", cmdutil.GetGlobalColorization()) logging.V(preparePluginVerboseLog).Infof( "installPlugin(%s, %s): extracting tarball to installation directory", plugin.Name, plugin.Version) if err := plugin.Install(stream); err != nil { return err } logging.V(7).Infof("installPlugin(%s, %s): successfully installed", plugin.Name, plugin.Version) return nil } // computeDefaultProviderPlugins computes, for every resource plugin, a mapping from packages to semver versions // reflecting the version of a provider that should be used as the "default" resource when registering resources. This // function takes two sets of plugins: a set of plugins given to us from the language host and the full set of plugins. // If the language host has sent us a non-empty set of plugins, we will use those exclusively to service default // provider requests. Otherwise, we will use the full set of plugins, which is the existing behavior today. // // The justification for favoring language plugins over all else is that, ultimately, it is the language plugin that // produces resource registrations and therefore it is the language plugin that should dictate exactly what plugins to // use to satisfy a resource registration. Since we do not today request a particular version of a plugin via // RegisterResource (pulumi/pulumi#2389), this is the best we can do to infer the version that the language plugin // actually wants. // // Whenever a resource arrives via RegisterResource and does not explicitly specify which provider to use, the engine // injects a "default" provider resource that will serve as that resource's provider. This function computes the map // that the engine uses to determine which version of a particular provider to load. // // it is critical that this function be 100% deterministic. func computeDefaultProviderPlugins(languagePlugins, allPlugins pluginSet) map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version { // Language hosts are not required to specify the full set of plugins they depend on. If the set of plugins received // from the language host does not include any resource providers, fall back to the full set of plugins. languageReportedProviderPlugins := false for _, plug := range languagePlugins.Values() { if plug.Kind == workspace.ResourcePlugin { languageReportedProviderPlugins = true } } sourceSet := languagePlugins if !languageReportedProviderPlugins { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infoln( "computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): language host reported empty set of provider plugins, using all plugins") sourceSet = allPlugins } defaultProviderPlugins := make(map[tokens.Package]workspace.PluginInfo) // Sort the set of source plugins by version, so that we iterate over the set of plugins in a deterministic order. // Sorting by version gets us two properties: // 1. The below loop will never see a nil-versioned plugin after a non-nil versioned plugin, since the sort always // considers nil-versioned plugins to be less than non-nil versioned plugins. // 2. The below loop will never see a plugin with a version that is older than a plugin that has already been // seen. The sort will always have placed the older plugin before the newer plugin. // // Despite these properties, the below loop explicitly handles those cases to preserve correct behavior even if the // sort is not functioning properly. sourcePlugins := sourceSet.Values() sort.Sort(workspace.SortedPluginInfo(sourcePlugins)) for _, p := range sourcePlugins { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof("computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): considering %s", p) if p.Kind != workspace.ResourcePlugin { // Default providers are only relevant for resource plugins. logging.V(preparePluginVerboseLog).Infof( "computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): skipping %s, not a resource provider", p) continue } if seenPlugin, has := defaultProviderPlugins[tokens.Package(p.Name)]; has { if seenPlugin.Version == nil { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): plugin %s selected for package %s (override, previous was nil)", p, p.Name) defaultProviderPlugins[tokens.Package(p.Name)] = p continue } contract.Assertf(p.Version != nil, "p.Version should not be nil if sorting is correct!") if p.Version != nil && p.Version.GT(*seenPlugin.Version) { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): plugin %s selected for package %s (override, newer than previous %s)", p, p.Name, seenPlugin.Version) defaultProviderPlugins[tokens.Package(p.Name)] = p continue } contract.Failf("Should not have seen an older plugin if sorting is correct!\n %s-%s %s\n %s-%s - %s", p.Name, p.Version.String(), p.Path, seenPlugin.Name, seenPlugin.Version.String(), seenPlugin.Path) } logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof( "computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): plugin %s selected for package %s (first seen)", p, p.Name) defaultProviderPlugins[tokens.Package(p.Name)] = p } if logging.V(preparePluginLog) { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infoln("computeDefaultProviderPlugins(): summary of default plugins:") for pkg, info := range defaultProviderPlugins { logging.V(preparePluginLog).Infof(" %-15s = %s", pkg, info.Version) } } defaultProviderVersions := make(map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version) for name, plugin := range defaultProviderPlugins { defaultProviderVersions[name] = plugin.Version } return defaultProviderVersions }