# Experimental .NET Language Provider An early prototype of a .NET language provider for Pulumi. ## Building and Running To build, you'll want to install the .NET Core 3.0 SDK or greater, and ensure `dotnet` is on your path. Once that it does, running `make` in either the root directory or the `sdk/dotnet` directory will build and install the language plugin. Once this is done you can write a Pulumi app written on top of .NET. See the `sdk/dotnet/examples` directory showing how this can be done with C#, F#, or VB. Your application will need to reference the `Pulumi.dll` built above. Here's a simple example of a Pulumi app written in C# that creates some simple AWS resources: ```c# // Copyright 2016-2019, Pulumi Corporation using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Pulumi; using Pulumi.Aws.S3; class Program { static Task Main() => Deployment.RunAsync(() => { var config = new Config("hello-dotnet"); var name = config.Require("name"); // Create the bucket, and make it public. var bucket = new Bucket(name, new BucketArgs { Acl = "public-read" }); // Add some content. var content = new BucketObject($"{name}-content", new BucketObjectArgs { Acl = "public-read", Bucket = bucket.Id, ContentType = "text/plain; charset=utf8", Key = "hello.txt", Source = new StringAsset("Made with ❤, Pulumi, and .NET"), }); // Return some values that will become the Outputs of the stack. return new Dictionary { { "hello", "world" }, { "bucket-id", bucket.Id }, { "content-id", content.Id }, { "object-url", Output.Format($"http://{bucket.BucketDomainName}/{content.Key}") }, }; }); } ``` Make a Pulumi.yaml file: ``` $ cat Pulumi.yaml name: hello-dotnet runtime: dotnet ``` Then, configure it: ``` $ pulumi stack init hello-dotnet $ pulumi config set name hello-dotnet $ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2 ``` And finally, preview and update as you would any other Pulumi project.