// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; import "provider.proto"; package pulumirpc; // ResourceMonitor is the interface a source uses to talk back to the planning monitor orchestrating the execution. service ResourceMonitor { rpc SupportsFeature(SupportsFeatureRequest) returns (SupportsFeatureResponse) {} rpc Invoke(InvokeRequest) returns (InvokeResponse) {} rpc ReadResource(ReadResourceRequest) returns (ReadResourceResponse) {} rpc RegisterResource(RegisterResourceRequest) returns (RegisterResourceResponse) {} rpc RegisterResourceOutputs(RegisterResourceOutputsRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} } // SupportsFeatureRequest allows a client to test if the resource monitor supports a certain feature, which it may use // to control the format or types of messages it sends. message SupportsFeatureRequest { string id = 1; // the ID of the feature to test support for. } message SupportsFeatureResponse { bool hasSupport = 1; // true when the resource monitor supports this feature. } // There is a clear distinction here between the "properties" bag sent across the wire as part of these RPCs and // properties that exist on Pulumi resources as projected into the target language. It is important to call out that the // properties here are in the format that a provider will expect. This is to say that they are usually in camel case. // If a language wants to project properties in a format *other* than camel-case, it is the job of the language to // ensure that the properties are translated into camel case before invoking an RPC. // ReadResourceRequest contains enough information to uniquely qualify and read a resource's state. message ReadResourceRequest { string id = 1; // the ID of the resource to read. string type = 2; // the type of the resource object. string name = 3; // the name, for URN purposes, of the object. string parent = 4; // an optional parent URN that this child resource belongs to. google.protobuf.Struct properties = 5; // optional state sufficient to uniquely identify the resource. repeated string dependencies = 6; // a list of URNs that this read depends on, as observed by the language host. string provider = 7; // an optional reference to the provider to use for this read. string version = 8; // the version of the provider to use when servicing this request. bool acceptSecrets = 9; // when true operations should return secrets as strongly typed. repeated string additionalSecretOutputs = 10; // a list of output properties that should also be treated as secret, in addition to ones we detect. repeated string aliases = 11; // a list of additional URNs that shoud be considered the same. } // ReadResourceResponse contains the result of reading a resource's state. message ReadResourceResponse { string urn = 1; // the URN for this resource. google.protobuf.Struct properties = 2; // the state of the resource read from the live environment. } // RegisterResourceRequest contains information about a resource object that was newly allocated. message RegisterResourceRequest { // PropertyDependencies describes the resources that a particular property depends on. message PropertyDependencies { repeated string urns = 1; // A list of URNs this property depends on. } // CustomTimeouts allows a user to be able to create a set of custom timeout parameters. message CustomTimeouts { string create = 1; // The create resource timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m. string update = 2; // The update resource timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m. string delete = 3; // The delete resource timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m. } string type = 1; // the type of the object allocated. string name = 2; // the name, for URN purposes, of the object. string parent = 3; // an optional parent URN that this child resource belongs to. bool custom = 4; // true if the resource is a custom, managed by a plugin's CRUD operations. google.protobuf.Struct object = 5; // an object produced by the interpreter/source. bool protect = 6; // true if the resource should be marked protected. repeated string dependencies = 7; // a list of URNs that this resource depends on, as observed by the language host. string provider = 8; // an optional reference to the provider to manage this resource's CRUD operations. map propertyDependencies = 9; // a map from property keys to the dependencies of the property. bool deleteBeforeReplace = 10; // true if this resource should be deleted before replacement. string version = 11; // the version of the provider to use when servicing this request. repeated string ignoreChanges = 12; // a list of property selectors to ignore during updates. bool acceptSecrets = 13; // when true operations should return secrets as strongly typed. repeated string additionalSecretOutputs = 14; // a list of output properties that should also be treated as secret, in addition to ones we detect. repeated string aliases = 15; // a list of additional URNs that shoud be considered the same. string importId = 16; // if set, this resource's state should be imported from the given ID. CustomTimeouts customTimeouts = 17; // ability to pass a custom Timeout block. bool deleteBeforeReplaceDefined = 18; // true if the deleteBeforeReplace property should be treated as defined even if it is false. bool supportsPartialValues = 19; // true if the request is from an SDK that supports partially-known properties during preview. } // RegisterResourceResponse is returned by the engine after a resource has finished being initialized. It includes the // auto-assigned URN, the provider-assigned ID, and any other properties initialized by the engine. message RegisterResourceResponse { string urn = 1; // the URN assigned by the engine. string id = 2; // the unique ID assigned by the provider. google.protobuf.Struct object = 3; // the resulting object properties, including provider defaults. bool stable = 4; // if true, the object's state is stable and may be trusted not to change. repeated string stables = 5; // an optional list of guaranteed-stable properties. } // RegisterResourceOutputsRequest adds extra resource outputs created by the program after registration has occurred. message RegisterResourceOutputsRequest { string urn = 1; // the URN for the resource to attach output properties to. google.protobuf.Struct outputs = 2; // additional output properties to add to the existing resource. }