Anton Tayanovskyy 3aa97a4b7d
Fanout build experiment (#7628)
* Experiment with gotestsum and test timings

* Fix to locating the helper script

* Fix the code for installing gotestsum

* Try alternative installation method

* Use go to compute test stats; Python fails parsing time values

* Try version without v

* Try with fixed gorelaser config

* Fix test time correlation

* Try a stable test stat sort finally

* Use more accurate test duration aggregation

* Include python and auto-api tests in the Go timing counts


* Fix test compilation

* Only top 100 slow tests

* Try to fracture build matrix to fan out tests

* Do not run Publish Test Results on unsuppored Mac

* Auto-create test-results-dir

* Fix new flaky test by polling for logs

* Try to move native tests to their own config

* Actually skip

* Do not fail on empty test-results folder

* Try again

* Try once more

* Integration test config is the crit path - make it smaller

* Squash underutilized test configurations

* Remove the test result summary box from PR - counts now incorrec

* Remove debugging step
2021-07-27 10:07:15 -04:00

63 lines
1.6 KiB

Wraps `go test`.
from test_subsets import TEST_SUBSETS
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import uuid
def options(options_and_packages):
return [o for o in options_and_packages if '/' not in o]
def packages(options_and_packages):
return [o for o in options_and_packages if '/' in o]
def filter_packages(packages, test_subset=None):
if test_subset is None:
return packages
if test_subset == 'etc':
s = set([])
for k in TEST_SUBSETS:
s = s | set(TEST_SUBSETS[k])
return [p for p in packages if p not in s]
s = set(TEST_SUBSETS[test_subset])
return [p for p in packages if p in s]
root = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent
test_subset = os.environ.get('PULUMI_TEST_SUBSET', None)
options_and_packages = sys.argv[1:]
packages = filter_packages(packages(options_and_packages), test_subset=test_subset)
if not packages:
print(f'No packages matching PULUMI_TEST_SUBSET={test_subset}')
options_and_packages = options(options_and_packages) + packages
if shutil.which('gotestsum') is not None:
test_run = str(uuid.uuid4())
test_results_dir = root.joinpath('test-results')
if not test_results_dir.is_dir():
json_file = str(test_results_dir.joinpath(f'{test_run}.json'))
junit_file = str(test_results_dir.joinpath(f'{test_run}.xml'))
sp.check_call(['gotestsum', '--jsonfile', json_file, '--junitfile', junit_file, '--'] + \
options_and_packages, shell=False)
sp.check_call(['go', 'test'] + options_and_packages, shell=False)