joeduffy 4d708c8567 Fix asset diffing
This change brings the same typed serialization we use for RPC
to the serialization of deployments.  This ensures that we get
repeatable diffs from one deployment to the next.
2017-07-17 10:38:57 -07:00

418 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2017, Pulumi Corporation. All rights reserved.
package resource
import (
// PropertyKey is the name of a property.
type PropertyKey tokens.Name
// PropertySet is a simple set keyed by property name.
type PropertySet map[PropertyKey]bool
// PropertyMap is a simple map keyed by property name with "JSON-like" values.
type PropertyMap map[PropertyKey]PropertyValue
// NewPropertyMap turns a struct into a property map, using any JSON tags inside to determine naming.
func NewPropertyMap(s interface{}) PropertyMap {
return NewPropertyMapRepl(s, nil, nil)
// NewPropertyMapRepl turns a struct into a property map, using any JSON tags inside to determine naming. If non-nil
// replk or replv function(s) are provided, key and/or value transformations are performed during the mapping.
func NewPropertyMapRepl(s interface{},
replk func(string) (PropertyKey, bool), replv func(interface{}) (PropertyValue, bool)) PropertyMap {
m, err := mapper.Unmap(s)
contract.Assertf(err == nil, "Struct of properties failed to map correctly: %v", err)
return NewPropertyMapFromMapRepl(m, replk, replv)
// NewPropertyMapFromMap creates a resource map from a regular weakly typed JSON-like map.
func NewPropertyMapFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) PropertyMap {
return NewPropertyMapFromMapRepl(m, nil, nil)
// NewPropertyMapFromMapRepl optionally replaces keys/values in an existing map while creating a new resource map.
func NewPropertyMapFromMapRepl(m map[string]interface{},
replk func(string) (PropertyKey, bool), replv func(interface{}) (PropertyValue, bool)) PropertyMap {
result := make(PropertyMap)
for k, v := range m {
key := PropertyKey(k)
if replk != nil {
if rk, repl := replk(k); repl {
key = rk
result[key] = NewPropertyValueRepl(v, replk, replv)
return result
// PropertyValue is the value of a property, limited to a select few types (see below).
type PropertyValue struct {
V interface{}
// Computed represents the absence of a property value, because it will be computed at some point in the future. It
// contains a property value which represents the underlying expected type of the eventual property value.
type Computed struct {
Element PropertyValue // the eventual value (type) of the computed property.
// Output is a property value that will eventually be computed by the resource provider. If an output property is
// encountered, it means the resource has not yet been created, and so the output value is unavailable. Note that an
// output property is a special case of computed, but carries additional semantic meaning.
type Output struct {
Element PropertyValue // the eventual value (type) of the output property.
type ReqError struct {
K PropertyKey
func IsReqError(err error) bool {
_, isreq := err.(*ReqError)
return isreq
func (err *ReqError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("required property '%v' is missing", err.K)
// HasValue returns true if the slot associated with the given property key contains a real value. It returns false
// if a value is null or an output property that is awaiting a value to be assigned. That is to say, HasValue indicates
// a semantically meaningful value is present (even if it's a computed one whose concrete value isn't yet evaluated).
func (m PropertyMap) HasValue(k PropertyKey) bool {
v, has := m[k]
return has && v.HasValue()
// Mappable returns a mapper-compatible object map, suitable for deserialization into structures.
func (m PropertyMap) Mappable() map[string]interface{} {
return m.MapRepl(nil, nil)
// MapRepl returns a mapper-compatible object map, suitable for deserialization into structures. A key and/or value
// replace function, replk/replv, may be passed that will replace elements using custom logic if appropriate.
func (m PropertyMap) MapRepl(replk func(string) (string, bool),
replv func(PropertyValue) (interface{}, bool)) map[string]interface{} {
obj := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, k := range m.StableKeys() {
key := string(k)
if replk != nil {
if rk, repk := replk(key); repk {
key = rk
obj[key] = m[k].MapRepl(replk, replv)
return obj
// StableKeys returns all of the map's keys in a stable order.
func (m PropertyMap) StableKeys() []PropertyKey {
sorted := make([]PropertyKey, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
sorted = append(sorted, k)
sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return sorted[i] < sorted[j] })
return sorted
func NewNullProperty() PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{nil} }
func NewBoolProperty(v bool) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewNumberProperty(v float64) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewStringProperty(v string) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewArrayProperty(v []PropertyValue) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewAssetProperty(v Asset) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewArchiveProperty(v Archive) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewObjectProperty(v PropertyMap) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewComputedProperty(v Computed) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func NewOutputProperty(v Output) PropertyValue { return PropertyValue{v} }
func MakeComputed(v PropertyValue) PropertyValue {
return NewComputedProperty(Computed{Element: v})
func MakeOutput(v PropertyValue) PropertyValue {
return NewOutputProperty(Output{Element: v})
// NewPropertyValue turns a value into a property value, provided it is of a legal "JSON-like" kind.
func NewPropertyValue(v interface{}) PropertyValue {
return NewPropertyValueRepl(v, nil, nil)
// NewPropertyValueRepl turns a value into a property value, provided it is of a legal "JSON-like" kind. The
// replacement functions, replk and replv, may be supplied to transform keys and/or values as the mapping takes place.
func NewPropertyValueRepl(v interface{},
replk func(string) (PropertyKey, bool), replv func(interface{}) (PropertyValue, bool)) PropertyValue {
// If a replacement routine is supplied, use that.
if replv != nil {
if rv, repl := replv(v); repl {
return rv
// If nil, easy peasy, just return a null.
if v == nil {
return NewNullProperty()
// Else, check for some known primitive types.
switch t := v.(type) {
case bool:
return NewBoolProperty(t)
case float64:
return NewNumberProperty(t)
case string:
return NewStringProperty(t)
case Asset:
return NewAssetProperty(t)
case Archive:
return NewArchiveProperty(t)
case Computed:
return NewComputedProperty(t)
// Next, see if it's an array, slice, pointer or struct, and handle each accordingly.
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
switch rk := rv.Type().Kind(); rk {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
// If an array or slice, just create an array out of it.
var arr []PropertyValue
for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
elem := rv.Index(i)
arr = append(arr, NewPropertyValueRepl(elem.Interface(), replk, replv))
return NewArrayProperty(arr)
case reflect.Ptr:
// If a pointer, recurse and return the underlying value.
if rv.IsNil() {
return NewNullProperty()
return NewPropertyValueRepl(rv.Elem().Interface(), replk, replv)
case reflect.Map:
// If a map, create a new property map, provided the keys and values are okay.
obj := PropertyMap{}
for _, key := range rv.MapKeys() {
var pk PropertyKey
switch k := key.Interface().(type) {
case string:
pk = PropertyKey(k)
case PropertyKey:
pk = k
contract.Failf("Unrecognized PropertyMap key type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(key))
if replk != nil {
if rk, repl := replk(string(pk)); repl {
pk = rk
val := rv.MapIndex(key)
pv := NewPropertyValueRepl(val.Interface(), replk, replv)
obj[pk] = pv
return NewObjectProperty(obj)
case reflect.Struct:
obj := NewPropertyMapRepl(v, replk, replv)
return NewObjectProperty(obj)
contract.Failf("Unrecognized value type: type=%v kind=%v", rv.Type(), rk)
return NewNullProperty()
// HasValue returns true if a value is semantically meaningful.
func (v PropertyValue) HasValue() bool {
return !v.IsNull() && !v.IsOutput()
// BoolValue fetches the underlying bool value (panicking if it isn't a bool).
func (v PropertyValue) BoolValue() bool { return v.V.(bool) }
// NumberValue fetches the underlying number value (panicking if it isn't a number).
func (v PropertyValue) NumberValue() float64 { return v.V.(float64) }
// StringValue fetches the underlying string value (panicking if it isn't a string).
func (v PropertyValue) StringValue() string { return v.V.(string) }
// ArrayValue fetches the underlying array value (panicking if it isn't a array).
func (v PropertyValue) ArrayValue() []PropertyValue { return v.V.([]PropertyValue) }
// AssetValue fetches the underlying asset value (panicking if it isn't an asset).
func (v PropertyValue) AssetValue() Asset { return v.V.(Asset) }
// ArchiveValue fetches the underlying archive value (panicking if it isn't an archive).
func (v PropertyValue) ArchiveValue() Archive { return v.V.(Archive) }
// ObjectValue fetches the underlying object value (panicking if it isn't a object).
func (v PropertyValue) ObjectValue() PropertyMap { return v.V.(PropertyMap) }
// ComputedValue fetches the underlying computed value (panicking if it isn't a computed).
func (v PropertyValue) ComputedValue() Computed { return v.V.(Computed) }
// OutputValue fetches the underlying output value (panicking if it isn't a output).
func (v PropertyValue) OutputValue() Output { return v.V.(Output) }
// IsNull returns true if the underlying value is a null.
func (v PropertyValue) IsNull() bool {
return v.V == nil
// IsBool returns true if the underlying value is a bool.
func (v PropertyValue) IsBool() bool {
_, is := v.V.(bool)
return is
// IsNumber returns true if the underlying value is a number.
func (v PropertyValue) IsNumber() bool {
_, is := v.V.(float64)
return is
// IsString returns true if the underlying value is a string.
func (v PropertyValue) IsString() bool {
_, is := v.V.(string)
return is
// IsArray returns true if the underlying value is an array.
func (v PropertyValue) IsArray() bool {
_, is := v.V.([]PropertyValue)
return is
// IsAsset returns true if the underlying value is an object.
func (v PropertyValue) IsAsset() bool {
_, is := v.V.(Asset)
return is
// IsArchive returns true if the underlying value is an object.
func (v PropertyValue) IsArchive() bool {
_, is := v.V.(Archive)
return is
// IsObject returns true if the underlying value is an object.
func (v PropertyValue) IsObject() bool {
_, is := v.V.(PropertyMap)
return is
// IsComputed returns true if the underlying value is a computed value.
func (v PropertyValue) IsComputed() bool {
_, is := v.V.(Computed)
return is
// IsOutput returns true if the underlying value is an output value.
func (v PropertyValue) IsOutput() bool {
_, is := v.V.(Output)
return is
// TypeString returns a type representation of the property value's holder type.
func (v PropertyValue) TypeString() string {
if v.IsNull() {
return "null"
} else if v.IsBool() {
return "bool"
} else if v.IsNumber() {
return "number"
} else if v.IsString() {
return "string"
} else if v.IsArray() {
return "[]"
} else if v.IsAsset() {
return "asset"
} else if v.IsArchive() {
return "archive"
} else if v.IsObject() {
return "object"
} else if v.IsComputed() {
return "computed<" + v.ComputedValue().Element.TypeString() + ">"
} else if v.IsOutput() {
return "output<" + v.OutputValue().Element.TypeString() + ">"
contract.Failf("Unrecognized PropertyValue type")
return ""
// Mappable returns a mapper-compatible value, suitable for deserialization into structures.
func (v PropertyValue) Mappable() interface{} {
return v.MapRepl(nil, nil)
// MapRepl returns a mapper-compatible object map, suitable for deserialization into structures. A key and/or value
// replace function, replk/replv, may be passed that will replace elements using custom logic if appropriate.
func (v PropertyValue) MapRepl(replk func(string) (string, bool),
replv func(PropertyValue) (interface{}, bool)) interface{} {
if replv != nil {
if rv, repv := replv(v); repv {
return rv
if v.IsNull() {
return nil
} else if v.IsBool() {
return v.BoolValue()
} else if v.IsNumber() {
return v.NumberValue()
} else if v.IsString() {
return v.StringValue()
} else if v.IsArray() {
var arr []interface{}
for _, e := range v.ArrayValue() {
arr = append(arr, e.MapRepl(replk, replv))
return arr
} else if v.IsAsset() {
return v.AssetValue()
} else if v.IsArchive() {
return v.ArchiveValue()
return v.ObjectValue().MapRepl(replk, replv)
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface to add slightly more information to the output.
func (v PropertyValue) String() string {
if v.IsComputed() || v.IsOutput() {
// For computed and output properties, show their type followed by an empty object string.
return fmt.Sprintf("%v{}", v.TypeString())
// For all others, just display the underlying property value.
return fmt.Sprintf("{%v}", v.V)
// Property is a pair of key and value.
type Property struct {
Key PropertyKey
Value PropertyValue
// SigKey is sometimes used to encode type identity inside of a map. This is required when flattening into ordinary
// maps, like we do when performing serialization, to ensure recoverability of type identities later on.
const SigKey = PropertyKey("4dabf18193072939515e22adb298388d")
// HasSig checks to see if the given property map contains the specific signature match.
func HasSig(obj PropertyMap, match string) bool {
if sig, hassig := obj[SigKey]; hassig {
return sig.IsString() && sig.StringValue() == match
return false