joeduffy cfaa7c9310 Eliminate use of nonstandard tools
This change eliminates the use of nonstandard tools in our build:

* `go test` automatically uses `GOMAXPROCS` for its parallelism
  setting.  In modern Go, this is now set to the number of processors.
  So, there is no need to set it explicitly using `nproc`.

* We can avoid `realpath` in the `lumijs` executable by making it
  a Node.js file and using a relative require import of main.

* We can avoid `realpath` in our Makefiles by just using `pwd`.
2017-06-03 11:08:09 -07:00

27 lines
1.5 KiB

language: go
go: 1.8.2
# GoDep for Go dependency management.
- go get -v github.com/tools/godep
# Golint for good Go hygiene.
- go get -v github.com/golang/lint/golint
# Node.js 7.x for LumiJS and associated JS code.
- nvm install v7
# Install Yarn as per https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install-ci/#travis-tab.
- curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash -s -- --version 0.24.6
- export PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH
yarn: true
- godep restore -v
- pushd cmd/lumijs/ && yarn install && popd
- pushd lib/lumi/ && yarn install && popd
- pushd lib/aws/pack/ && yarn install && popd
- export PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/cmd/lumijs:$PATH
- export LUMIROOT=~/.lumi
script: make all
secure: tPhYdqclnOhFTiKhLn0EqY4/UhJ30c3SFRKHTMPYFfYflCQOyrIARYrzlm+oEOBISw/oNP0wR1LxawhLC2KfDb0ST9Zph8wKyQ8dujk9jXGACuuRic1n/IU9yiu2grZQqcwlieLN6IvGvK+736D2ZxhcjUF5ZwORkpe9jl+nr65NzWH5H+pr4jVWXvYddB2gJ/49i+COydfbaRJ+6O3JORqmSP2VA4CtrArl0L/uDT0osvBwJkeoTSzKjkPWZUwI3ZlGOCSGe+6i5hto6WOzUnU74UgNVZ6dCUOKJrmu146DDzTYB7g4xTkiBi8W5jEo7E6PRqAA6/zGGzUp0J8AMmKcrYnmBf3ALaAIzwiQAFwn9m4V3cKEnnfwzN+SrrmrA3KpwWuj2PNS0UEaxFr35Lb7NNORibmBJi5gj9q138C+b9uD5MQ3poq0PpXG+ZPYTQU1QZODsxcHpR3OyyI89OXBugrP9CTcYpknUgPmiAJgOQn+7H+Xcmme3CB9G5292hC5McZZtyxUAoNwAtg316bXSWWH9MkFRmjTWt7lRGZZ99T1TO/iG0DntyCWxy8lHIbYvCdbY5oTN3WMN93NFrmFMiZJcmmV79meMe/6LNLWVIWVaTXZSpS8IflRmVFp1twveSh4i1+mogh8CsMs2Lqp2Ca7HdakLtRBxHzcH/4=