Paul Stack 02ffff8840
Addition of Custom Timeouts (#2885)
* Plumbing the custom timeouts from the engine to the providers

* Plumbing the CustomTimeouts through to the engine and adding test to show this

* Change the provider proto to include individual timeouts

* Plumbing the CustomTimeouts from the engine through to the Provider RPC interface

* Change how the CustomTimeouts are sent across RPC

These errors were spotted in testing. We can now see that the timeout
information is arriving in the RegisterResourceRequest

           Type:                    "aws:s3/bucket:Bucket",
           Name:                    "my-bucket",
           Parent:                  "urn:pulumi:dev::aws-vpc::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::aws-vpc-dev",
           Custom:                  true,
           Object:                  &structpb.Struct{},
           Protect:                 false,
           Dependencies:            nil,
           Provider:                "",
           PropertyDependencies:    {},
           DeleteBeforeReplace:     false,
           Version:                 "",
           IgnoreChanges:           nil,
           AcceptSecrets:           true,
           AdditionalSecretOutputs: nil,
           Aliases:                 nil,
           CustomTimeouts:          &pulumirpc.RegisterResourceRequest_CustomTimeouts{
               Create:               300,
               Update:               400,
               Delete:               500,
               XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral: struct {}{},
               XXX_unrecognized:     nil,
               XXX_sizecache:        0,
           XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral: struct {}{},
           XXX_unrecognized:     nil,
           XXX_sizecache:        0,

* Changing the design to use strings

* CHANGELOG entry to include the CustomTimeouts work

* Changing custom timeouts to be passed around the engine as converted value

We don't want to pass around strings - the user can provide it but we want
to make the engine aware of the timeout in seconds as a float64
2019-07-16 00:26:28 +03:00

669 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { util } from "protobufjs";
import { ResourceError, RunError } from "./errors";
import { all, Input, Inputs, interpolate, Output, output } from "./output";
import { readResource, registerResource, registerResourceOutputs } from "./runtime/resource";
import { getProject, getStack } from "./runtime/settings";
import * as utils from "./utils";
export type ID = string; // a provider-assigned ID.
export type URN = string; // an automatically generated logical URN, used to stably identify resources.
* createUrn computes a URN from the combination of a resource name, resource type, optional parent,
* optional project and optional stack.
export function createUrn(name: Input<string>, type: Input<string>, parent?: Resource | Input<URN>, project?: string, stack?: string): Output<string> {
let parentPrefix: Output<string>;
if (parent) {
let parentUrn: Output<string>;
if (Resource.isInstance(parent)) {
parentUrn = parent.urn;
} else {
parentUrn = output(parent);
parentPrefix = parentUrn.apply(parentUrnString => parentUrnString.substring(0, parentUrnString.lastIndexOf("::")) + "$");
} else {
parentPrefix = output(`urn:pulumi:${stack || getStack()}::${project || getProject()}::`);
return interpolate`${parentPrefix}${type}::${name}`;
// inheritedChildAlias computes the alias that should be applied to a child based on an alias applied to it's parent.
// This may involve changing the name of the resource in cases where the resource has a named derived from the name of
// the parent, and the parent name changed.
function inheritedChildAlias(childName: string, parentName: string, parentAlias: Input<string>, childType: string): Output<string> {
// If the child name has the parent name as a prefix, then we make the assumption that it was
// constructed from the convention of using `{name}-details` as the name of the child resource. To
// ensure this is aliased correctly, we must then also replace the parent aliases name in the prefix of
// the child resource name.
// For example:
// * name: "newapp-function"
// * opts.parent.__name: "newapp"
// * parentAlias: "urn:pulumi:stackname::projectname::awsx:ec2:Vpc::app"
// * parentAliasName: "app"
// * aliasName: "app-function"
// * childAlias: "urn:pulumi:stackname::projectname::aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::app-function"
let aliasName = output(childName);
if (childName.startsWith(parentName)) {
aliasName = output(parentAlias).apply(parentAliasUrn => {
const parentAliasName = parentAliasUrn.substring(parentAliasUrn.lastIndexOf("::") + 2);
return parentAliasName + childName.substring(parentName.length);
return createUrn(aliasName, childType, parentAlias);
* Resource represents a class whose CRUD operations are implemented by a provider plugin.
export abstract class Resource {
* @internal
* A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public readonly __pulumiResource: boolean = true;
* @internal
* The optional parent of this resource.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public readonly __parentResource: Resource | undefined;
* @internal
* The child resources of this resource. We use these (only from a ComponentResource) to allow
* code to dependOn a ComponentResource and have that effectively mean that it is depending on
* all the CustomResource children of that component.
* Important! We only walk through ComponentResources. They're the only resources that serve
* as an aggregation of other primitive (i.e. custom) resources. While a custom resource can be
* a parent of other resources, we don't want to ever depend on those child resource. If we do,
* it's simple to end up in a situation where we end up depending on a child resource that has a
* data cycle dependency due to the data passed into it.
* An example of how this would be bad is:
* ```ts
* var c1 = new CustomResource("c1");
* var c2 = new CustomResource("c2", { parentId: c1.id }, { parent: c1 });
* var c3 = new CustomResource("c3", { parentId: c1.id }, { parent: c1 });
* ```
* The problem here is that 'c2' has a data dependency on 'c1'. If it tries to wait on 'c1' it
* will walk to the children and wait on them. This will mean it will wait on 'c3'. But 'c3'
* will be waiting in the same manner on 'c2', and a cycle forms.
* This normally does not happen with ComponentResources as they do not have any data flowing
* into them. The only way you would be able to have a problem is if you had this sort of coding
* pattern:
* ```ts
* var c1 = new ComponentResource("c1");
* var c2 = new CustomResource("c2", { parentId: c1.urn }, { parent: c1 });
* var c3 = new CustomResource("c3", { parentId: c1.urn }, { parent: c1 });
* ```
* However, this would be pretty nonsensical as there is zero need for a custom resource to ever
* need to reference the urn of a component resource. So it's acceptable if that sort of
* pattern failed in practice.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public __childResources: Set<Resource> | undefined;
* urn is the stable logical URN used to distinctly address a resource, both before and after
* deployments.
public readonly urn: Output<URN>;
* @internal
* When set to true, protect ensures this resource cannot be deleted.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
private readonly __protect: boolean;
* @internal
* A list of aliases applied to this resource.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
readonly __aliases: Input<URN>[];
* @internal
* The name assigned to the resource at construction.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
private readonly __name: string;
* @internal
* The set of providers to use for child resources. Keyed by package name (e.g. "aws").
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
private readonly __providers: Record<string, ProviderResource>;
public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Resource {
return utils.isInstance<Resource>(obj, "__pulumiResource");
// getProvider fetches the provider for the given module member, if any.
public getProvider(moduleMember: string): ProviderResource | undefined {
const memComponents = moduleMember.split(":");
if (memComponents.length !== 3) {
return undefined;
const pkg = memComponents[0];
return this.__providers[pkg];
* Creates and registers a new resource object. [t] is the fully qualified type token and
* [name] is the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object.
* dependsOn is an optional list of other resources that this resource depends on, controlling
* the order in which we perform resource operations.
* @param t The type of the resource.
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
* @param custom True to indicate that this is a custom resource, managed by a plugin.
* @param props The arguments to use to populate the new resource.
* @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
constructor(t: string, name: string, custom: boolean, props: Inputs = {}, opts: ResourceOptions = {}) {
if (opts.parent && !Resource.isInstance(opts.parent)) {
throw new Error(`Resource parent is not a valid Resource: ${opts.parent}`);
if (!t) {
throw new ResourceError("Missing resource type argument", opts.parent);
if (!name) {
throw new ResourceError("Missing resource name argument (for URN creation)", opts.parent);
this.__name = name;
// Make a shallow clone of opts to ensure we don't modify the value passed in.
opts = Object.assign({}, opts);
if (opts.provider && (<ComponentResourceOptions>opts).providers) {
throw new ResourceError("Do not supply both 'provider' and 'providers' options to a ComponentResource.", opts.parent);
// Check the parent type if one exists and fill in any default options.
this.__providers = {};
if (opts.parent) {
this.__parentResource = opts.parent;
this.__parentResource.__childResources = this.__parentResource.__childResources || new Set();
if (opts.protect === undefined) {
opts.protect = opts.parent.__protect;
// Make a copy of the aliases array, and add to it any implicit aliases inherited from its parent
opts.aliases = [...(opts.aliases || [])];
for (const parentAlias of opts.parent.__aliases) {
opts.aliases.push(inheritedChildAlias(name, opts.parent.__name, parentAlias, t));
this.__providers = opts.parent.__providers;
if (custom) {
const provider = (<CustomResourceOptions>opts).provider;
if (provider === undefined) {
if (opts.parent) {
// If no provider was given, but we have a parent, then inherit the
// provider from our parent.
(<CustomResourceOptions>opts).provider = opts.parent.getProvider(t);
} else {
// If a provider was specified, add it to the providers map under this type's package so that
// any children of this resource inherit its provider.
const typeComponents = t.split(":");
if (typeComponents.length === 3) {
const pkg = typeComponents[0];
this.__providers = { ...this.__providers, [pkg]: provider };
else {
// Note: we checked above that at most one of opts.provider or opts.providers is set.
// If opts.provider is set, treat that as if we were given a array of provider with that
// single value in it. Otherwise, take the array or map of providers, convert it to a
// map and combine with any providers we've already set from our parent.
const providers = opts.provider
? convertToProvidersMap([opts.provider])
: convertToProvidersMap((<ComponentResourceOptions>opts).providers);
this.__providers = { ...this.__providers, ...providers };
this.__protect = !!opts.protect;
// Collapse any `Alias`es down to URNs. We have to wait until this point to do so because we do not know the
// default `name` and `type` to apply until we are inside the resource constructor.
this.__aliases = [];
if (opts.aliases) {
for (const alias of opts.aliases) {
this.__aliases.push(collapseAliasToUrn(alias, name, t, opts.parent));
if (opts.id) {
// If this resource already exists, read its state rather than registering it anew.
if (!custom) {
throw new ResourceError(
"Cannot read an existing resource unless it has a custom provider", opts.parent);
readResource(this, t, name, props, opts);
} else {
// Kick off the resource registration. If we are actually performing a deployment, this
// resource's properties will be resolved asynchronously after the operation completes, so
// that dependent computations resolve normally. If we are just planning, on the other
// hand, values will never resolve.
registerResource(this, t, name, custom, props, opts);
function convertToProvidersMap(providers: Record<string, ProviderResource> | ProviderResource[] | undefined) {
if (!providers) {
return {};
if (!Array.isArray(providers)) {
return providers;
const result: Record<string, ProviderResource> = {};
for (const provider of providers) {
result[provider.getPackage()] = provider;
return result;
(<any>Resource).doNotCapture = true;
* Constant to represent the 'root stack' resource for a Pulumi application. The purpose of this is
* solely to make it easy to write an [Alias] like so:
* `aliases: [{ parent: rootStackResource }]`.
* This indicates that the prior name for a resource was created based on it being parented directly
* by the stack itself and no other resources. Note: this is equivalent to:
* `aliases: [{ parent: undefined }]`
* However, the former form is preferable as it is more self-descriptive, while the latter may look
* a bit confusing and may incorrectly look like something that could be removed without changing
* semantics.
export const rootStackResource: Resource = undefined!;
* Alias is a partial description of prior named used for a resource. It can be processed in the
* context of a resource creation to determine what the full aliased URN would be.
* Note there is a semantic difference between properties being absent from this type and properties
* having the `undefined` value. Specifically, there is a difference between:
* ```ts
* { name: "foo", parent: undefined } // and
* { name: "foo" }
* ```
* The presence of a property indicates if its value should be used. If absent, then the value is
* not used. So, in the above while `alias.parent` is `undefined` for both, the first alias means
* "the original urn had no parent" while the second alias means "use the current parent".
* Note: to indicate that a resource was previously parented by the root stack, it is recommended
* that you use:
* `aliases: [{ parent: pulumi.rootStackResource }]`
* This form is self-descriptive and makes the intent clearer than using:
* `aliases: [{ parent: undefined }]`
export interface Alias {
* The previous name of the resource. If not provided, the current name of the resource is
* used.
name?: Input<string>;
* The previous type of the resource. If not provided, the current type of the resource is used.
type?: Input<string>;
* The previous parent of the resource. If not provided (i.e. `{ name: "foo" }`), the current
* parent of the resource is used (`opts.parent` if provided, else the implicit stack resource
* parent).
* To specify no original parent, use `{ parent: pulumi.rootStackResource }`.
parent?: Resource | Input<URN>;
* The previous stack of the resource. If not provided, defaults to `pulumi.getStack()`.
stack?: Input<string>;
* The previous project of the resource. If not provided, defaults to `pulumi.getProject()`.
project?: Input<string>;
// collapseAliasToUrn turns an Alias into a URN given a set of default data
function collapseAliasToUrn(
alias: Input<Alias | string>,
defaultName: string,
defaultType: string,
defaultParent: Resource | undefined): Output<URN> {
return output(alias).apply(a => {
if (typeof a === "string") {
return output(a);
const name = a.hasOwnProperty("name") ? a.name : defaultName;
const type = a.hasOwnProperty("type") ? a.type : defaultType;
const parent = a.hasOwnProperty("parent") ? a.parent : defaultParent;
const project = a.hasOwnProperty("project") ? a.project : getProject();
const stack = a.hasOwnProperty("stack") ? a.stack : getStack();
if (name === undefined) {
throw new Error("No valid 'name' passed in for alias.");
if (type === undefined) {
throw new Error("No valid 'type' passed in for alias.");
return createUrn(name, type, parent, project, stack);
* ResourceOptions is a bag of optional settings that control a resource's behavior.
export interface ResourceOptions {
* An optional existing ID to load, rather than create.
id?: Input<ID>;
* An optional parent resource to which this resource belongs.
parent?: Resource;
* An optional additional explicit dependencies on other resources.
dependsOn?: Input<Input<Resource>[]> | Input<Resource>;
* When set to true, protect ensures this resource cannot be deleted.
protect?: boolean;
* Ignore changes to any of the specified properties.
ignoreChanges?: string[];
* An optional version, corresponding to the version of the provider plugin that should be used when operating on
* this resource. This version overrides the version information inferred from the current package and should
* rarely be used.
version?: string;
* An optional list of aliases to treat this resource as matching.
aliases?: Input<URN | Alias>[];
* An optional provider to use for this resource's CRUD operations. If no provider is supplied,
* the default provider for the resource's package will be used. The default provider is pulled
* from the parent's provider bag (see also ComponentResourceOptions.providers).
* If this is a [ComponentResourceOptions] do not provide both [provider] and [providers]
provider?: ProviderResource;
* An optional customTimeouts configuration block.
customTimeouts?: CustomTimeouts;
export interface CustomTimeouts {
* The optional create timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m, 40s, 1d.
create?: string;
* The optional update timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m, 40s, 1d.
update?: string;
* The optional delete timeout represented as a string e.g. 5m, 40s, 1d.
delete?: string;
* CustomResourceOptions is a bag of optional settings that control a custom resource's behavior.
export interface CustomResourceOptions extends ResourceOptions {
* When set to true, deleteBeforeReplace indicates that this resource should be deleted before its replacement
* is created when replacement is necessary.
deleteBeforeReplace?: boolean;
* The names of outputs for this resource that should be treated as secrets. This augments the list that
* the resource provider and pulumi engine already determine based on inputs to your resource. It can be used
* to mark certain ouputs as a secrets on a per resource basis.
additionalSecretOutputs?: string[];
* When provided with a resource ID, import indicates that this resource's provider should import its state from
* the cloud resource with the given ID. The inputs to the resource's constructor must align with the resource's
* current state. Once a resource has been imported, the import property must be removed from the resource's
* options.
import?: ID;
* ComponentResourceOptions is a bag of optional settings that control a component resource's behavior.
export interface ComponentResourceOptions extends ResourceOptions {
* An optional set of providers to use for child resources. Either keyed by package name (e.g.
* "aws"), or just provided as an array. In the latter case, the package name will be retrieved
* from the provider itself.
* In the case of a single provider, the options can be simplified to just pass along `provider: theProvider`
* Note: do not provide both [provider] and [providers];
providers?: Record<string, ProviderResource> | ProviderResource[];
* CustomResource is a resource whose create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations are managed
* by performing external operations on some physical entity. The engine understands how to diff
* and perform partial updates of them, and these CRUD operations are implemented in a dynamically
* loaded plugin for the defining package.
export abstract class CustomResource extends Resource {
* @internal
* A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public readonly __pulumiCustomResource: boolean;
* @internal
* Private field containing the type ID for this object. Useful for implementing `isInstance` on
* classes that inherit from `CustomResource`.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public readonly __pulumiType: string;
* id is the provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource. It is set during
* deployments and may be missing (undefined) during planning phases.
public readonly id: Output<ID>;
* Returns true if the given object is an instance of CustomResource. This is designed to work even when
* multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is CustomResource {
return utils.isInstance<CustomResource>(obj, "__pulumiCustomResource");
* Creates and registers a new managed resource. t is the fully qualified type token and name
* is the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object.
* dependsOn is an optional list of other resources that this resource depends on, controlling
* the order in which we perform resource operations. Creating an instance does not necessarily
* perform a create on the physical entity which it represents, and instead, this is dependent
* upon the diffing of the new goal state compared to the current known resource state.
* @param t The type of the resource.
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
* @param props The arguments to use to populate the new resource.
* @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
constructor(t: string, name: string, props?: Inputs, opts: CustomResourceOptions = {}) {
if ((<ComponentResourceOptions>opts).providers) {
throw new ResourceError("Do not supply 'providers' option to a CustomResource. Did you mean 'provider' instead?", opts.parent);
super(t, name, true, props, opts);
this.__pulumiCustomResource = true;
this.__pulumiType = t;
(<any>CustomResource).doNotCapture = true;
* ProviderResource is a resource that implements CRUD operations for other custom resources. These resources are
* managed similarly to other resources, including the usual diffing and update semantics.
export abstract class ProviderResource extends CustomResource {
/** @internal */
private readonly pkg: string;
* Creates and registers a new provider resource for a particular package.
* @param pkg The package associated with this provider.
* @param name The _unique_ name of the provider.
* @param props The configuration to use for this provider.
* @param opts A bag of options that control this provider's behavior.
constructor(pkg: string, name: string, props?: Inputs, opts: ResourceOptions = {}) {
super(`pulumi:providers:${pkg}`, name, props, opts);
this.pkg = pkg;
/** @internal */
public getPackage() {
return this.pkg;
* ComponentResource is a resource that aggregates one or more other child resources into a higher
* level abstraction. The component resource itself is a resource, but does not require custom CRUD
* operations for provisioning.
export class ComponentResource extends Resource {
* @internal
* A private field to help with RTTI that works in SxS scenarios.
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
public readonly __pulumiComponentResource: boolean;
* Returns true if the given object is an instance of CustomResource. This is designed to work even when
* multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is ComponentResource {
return utils.isInstance<ComponentResource>(obj, "__pulumiComponentResource");
* Creates and registers a new component resource. [type] is the fully qualified type token and
* [name] is the "name" part to use in creating a stable and globally unique URN for the object.
* [opts.parent] is the optional parent for this component, and [opts.dependsOn] is an optional
* list of other resources that this resource depends on, controlling the order in which we
* perform resource operations.
* @param t The type of the resource.
* @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
* @param unused [Deprecated]. Component resources do not communicate or store their properties
* with the Pulumi engine.
* @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
constructor(type: string, name: string, unused?: Inputs, opts: ComponentResourceOptions = {}) {
// Explicitly ignore the props passed in. We allow them for back compat reasons. However,
// we explicitly do not want to pass them along to the engine. The ComponentResource acts
// only as a container for other resources. Another way to think about this is that a normal
// 'custom resource' corresponds to real piece of cloud infrastructure. So, when it changes
// in some way, the cloud resource needs to be updated (and vice versa). That is not true
// for a component resource. The component is just used for organizational purposes and does
// not correspond to a real piece of cloud infrastructure. As such, changes to it *itself*
// do not have any effect on the cloud side of things at all.
super(type, name, /*custom:*/ false, /*props:*/ {}, opts);
this.__pulumiComponentResource = true;
// registerOutputs registers synthetic outputs that a component has initialized, usually by
// allocating other child sub-resources and propagating their resulting property values.
// ComponentResources should always call this at the end of their constructor to indicate that
// they are done creating child resources. While not strictly necessary, this helps the
// experience by ensuring the UI transitions the ComponentResource to the 'complete' state as
// quickly as possible (instead of waiting until the entire application completes).
protected registerOutputs(outputs?: Inputs | Promise<Inputs> | Output<Inputs>): void {
registerResourceOutputs(this, outputs || {});
(<any>ComponentResource).doNotCapture = true;
(<any>ComponentResource.prototype).registerOutputs.doNotCapture = true;
/** @internal */
export const testingOptions = {
isDryRun: false,