Pat Gavlin 9b23badedd
[codegen/hcl2] Improve ConversionFrom perf. (#7545)
- Lazily produce conversion failure diagnostics. This lowers the
  allocation volume and cuts down on execution time by avoiding the
  conversion of source and dest types to strings.
- Add a fast path for union conversions that checks if the source type
  is identical to any of the union's element types. Type equality
  checks are generally much faster than type conversion checks.

These changes lead to a significant speedup in codegen time in
2021-07-16 09:56:26 -07:00

158 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
// ListType represents lists of particular element types.
type ListType struct {
// ElementType is the element type of the list.
ElementType Type
// NewListType creates a new list type with the given element type.
func NewListType(elementType Type) *ListType {
return &ListType{ElementType: elementType}
// SyntaxNode returns the syntax node for the type. This is always syntax.None.
func (*ListType) SyntaxNode() hclsyntax.Node {
return syntax.None
// Traverse attempts to traverse the optional type with the given traverser. The result type of traverse(list(T))
// is T; the traversal fails if the traverser is not a number.
func (t *ListType) Traverse(traverser hcl.Traverser) (Traversable, hcl.Diagnostics) {
_, indexType := GetTraverserKey(traverser)
var diagnostics hcl.Diagnostics
if !InputType(NumberType).ConversionFrom(indexType).Exists() {
diagnostics = hcl.Diagnostics{unsupportedListIndex(traverser.SourceRange())}
return t.ElementType, diagnostics
// Equals returns true if this type has the same identity as the given type.
func (t *ListType) Equals(other Type) bool {
return t.equals(other, nil)
func (t *ListType) equals(other Type, seen map[Type]struct{}) bool {
if t == other {
return true
otherList, ok := other.(*ListType)
return ok && t.ElementType.equals(otherList.ElementType, seen)
// AssignableFrom returns true if this type is assignable from the indicated source type. A list(T) is assignable
// from values of type list(U) where T is assignable from U.
func (t *ListType) AssignableFrom(src Type) bool {
return assignableFrom(t, src, func() bool {
switch src := src.(type) {
case *ListType:
return t.ElementType.AssignableFrom(src.ElementType)
case *TupleType:
for _, src := range src.ElementTypes {
if !t.ElementType.AssignableFrom(src) {
return false
return true
return false
// ConversionFrom returns the kind of conversion (if any) that is possible from the source type to this type. A list(T)
// is safely convertible from list(U), set(U), or tuple(U_0 ... U_N) if the element type(s) U is/are safely convertible
// to T. If any element type is unsafely convertible to T and no element type is safely convertible to T, the
// conversion is unsafe. Otherwise, no conversion exists.
func (t *ListType) ConversionFrom(src Type) ConversionKind {
kind, _ := t.conversionFrom(src, false, nil)
return kind
func (t *ListType) conversionFrom(src Type, unifying bool, seen map[Type]struct{}) (ConversionKind, lazyDiagnostics) {
return conversionFrom(t, src, unifying, seen, func() (ConversionKind, lazyDiagnostics) {
switch src := src.(type) {
case *ListType:
return t.ElementType.conversionFrom(src.ElementType, unifying, seen)
case *SetType:
return t.ElementType.conversionFrom(src.ElementType, unifying, seen)
case *TupleType:
conversionKind := SafeConversion
var diags lazyDiagnostics
for _, src := range src.ElementTypes {
if ck, why := t.ElementType.conversionFrom(src, unifying, seen); ck < conversionKind {
conversionKind, diags = ck, why
if conversionKind == NoConversion {
return conversionKind, diags
return NoConversion, func() hcl.Diagnostics { return hcl.Diagnostics{typeNotConvertible(t, src)} }
func (t *ListType) String() string {
return t.string(nil)
func (t *ListType) string(seen map[Type]struct{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("list(%s)", t.ElementType.string(seen))
func (t *ListType) unify(other Type) (Type, ConversionKind) {
return unify(t, other, func() (Type, ConversionKind) {
switch other := other.(type) {
case *TupleType:
// If the other element is a list type, prefer the list type, but unify the element type.
elementType, conversionKind := t.ElementType, SafeConversion
for _, other := range other.ElementTypes {
element, ck := elementType.unify(other)
if ck < conversionKind {
conversionKind = ck
elementType = element
return NewListType(elementType), conversionKind
case *SetType:
// If the other element is a set type, prefer the list type, but unify the element types.
elementType, conversionKind := t.ElementType.unify(other.ElementType)
return NewListType(elementType), conversionKind
case *ListType:
// If the other type is a list type, unify based on the element type.
elementType, conversionKind := t.ElementType.unify(other.ElementType)
return NewListType(elementType), conversionKind
// Prefer the list type.
kind, _ := t.conversionFrom(other, true, nil)
return t, kind
func (*ListType) isType() {}