Pat Gavlin ded3882afd
Fix synchronization with the event renderer (#2290)
The event rendering goroutine in the remote backend was not properly
synchronizing with the goroutine that created it, and could continue
executing after its creator finished. I believe that this is the root
cause of #1850.
2018-12-13 19:58:26 -08:00

347 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package display
import (
// ShowEvents reads events from the `events` channel until it is closed, displaying each event as
// it comes in. Once all events have been read from the channel and displayed, it closes the `done`
// channel so the caller can await all the events being written.
func ShowEvents(
op string, action apitype.UpdateKind, stack tokens.QName, proj tokens.PackageName,
events <-chan engine.Event, done chan<- bool, opts Options, isPreview bool) {
if opts.DiffDisplay {
ShowDiffEvents(op, action, events, done, opts)
} else {
ShowProgressEvents(op, action, stack, proj, events, done, opts, isPreview)
type nopSpinner struct {
func (s *nopSpinner) Tick() {
func (s *nopSpinner) Reset() {
// ShowDiffEvents displays the engine events with the diff view.
func ShowDiffEvents(op string, action apitype.UpdateKind,
events <-chan engine.Event, done chan<- bool, opts Options) {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s...", cmdutil.EmojiOr("✨ ", "@ "), op)
var spinner cmdutil.Spinner
var ticker *time.Ticker
if opts.IsInteractive {
spinner, ticker = cmdutil.NewSpinnerAndTicker(prefix, nil, 8 /*timesPerSecond*/)
} else {
spinner = &nopSpinner{}
ticker = time.NewTicker(math.MaxInt64)
defer func() {
seen := make(map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case event := <-events:
out := os.Stdout
if event.Type == engine.DiagEvent {
payload := event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload)
if payload.Severity == diag.Error || payload.Severity == diag.Warning {
out = os.Stderr
msg := RenderDiffEvent(action, event, seen, opts)
if msg != "" && out != nil {
fprintIgnoreError(out, msg)
if event.Type == engine.CancelEvent {
func RenderDiffEvent(action apitype.UpdateKind, event engine.Event,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata, opts Options) string {
switch event.Type {
case engine.CancelEvent:
return ""
// Currently, prelude, summar, and stdout events are printed the same for both the diff and
// progress displays.
case engine.PreludeEvent:
return renderPreludeEvent(event.Payload.(engine.PreludeEventPayload), opts)
case engine.SummaryEvent:
return renderSummaryEvent(action, event.Payload.(engine.SummaryEventPayload), opts)
case engine.StdoutColorEvent:
return renderStdoutColorEvent(event.Payload.(engine.StdoutEventPayload), opts)
// Resource operations have very specific displays for either diff or progress displays.
// These functions should not be directly used by the progress display without validating
// that the display is appropriate for both.
case engine.ResourceOperationFailed:
return renderDiffResourceOperationFailedEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourceOperationFailedPayload), opts)
case engine.ResourceOutputsEvent:
return renderDiffResourceOutputsEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourceOutputsEventPayload), seen, opts)
case engine.ResourcePreEvent:
return renderDiffResourcePreEvent(event.Payload.(engine.ResourcePreEventPayload), seen, opts)
case engine.DiagEvent:
return renderDiffDiagEvent(event.Payload.(engine.DiagEventPayload), opts)
contract.Failf("unknown event type '%s'", event.Type)
return ""
func renderDiffDiagEvent(payload engine.DiagEventPayload, opts Options) string {
if payload.Severity == diag.Debug && !opts.Debug {
return ""
return opts.Color.Colorize(payload.Prefix + payload.Message)
func renderStdoutColorEvent(payload engine.StdoutEventPayload, opts Options) string {
return opts.Color.Colorize(payload.Message)
func renderSummaryEvent(action apitype.UpdateKind, event engine.SummaryEventPayload, opts Options) string {
changes := event.ResourceChanges
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf("%sResources:%s\n", colors.SpecHeadline, colors.Reset)))
var planTo string
if event.IsPreview {
planTo = "to "
var changeCount = 0
var sameCount = changes[deploy.OpSame]
// Now summarize all of the changes; we print sames a little differently.
for _, op := range deploy.StepOps {
if op != deploy.OpSame {
if c := changes[op]; c > 0 {
opDescription := string(op)
if !event.IsPreview {
opDescription = op.PastTense()
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf(" %s%d %s%s%s\n", op.Prefix(), c, planTo, opDescription, colors.Reset)))
summaryPieces := []string{}
if changeCount >= 2 {
// Only if we made multiple types of changes do we need to print out the total number of
// changes. i.e. we don't need "10 changes" and "+ 10 to create". We can just say "+ 10 to create"
summaryPieces = append(summaryPieces, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d %s%s",
colors.Bold, changeCount, english.PluralWord(changeCount, "change", ""), colors.Reset))
if sameCount != 0 {
summaryPieces = append(summaryPieces, fmt.Sprintf("%d unchanged", sameCount))
if len(summaryPieces) > 0 {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, " ")
for i, piece := range summaryPieces {
if i > 0 {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, ". ")
fprintfIgnoreError(out, "\n")
// For actual deploys, we print some additional summary information
if !event.IsPreview {
// Round up to the nearest second. It's not useful to spit out time with 9 digits of
// precision.
roundedSeconds := int64(math.Ceil(event.Duration.Seconds()))
roundedDuration := time.Duration(roundedSeconds) * time.Second
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(fmt.Sprintf("\n%sDuration:%s %s\n",
colors.SpecHeadline, colors.Reset, roundedDuration)))
return out.String()
func renderPreludeEvent(event engine.PreludeEventPayload, opts Options) string {
// Only if we have been instructed to show configuration values will we print anything during the prelude.
if !opts.ShowConfig {
return ""
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(
fmt.Sprintf("%sConfiguration:%s\n", colors.SpecUnimportant, colors.Reset)))
var keys []string
for key := range event.Config {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, " %v: %v\n", key, event.Config[key])
return out.String()
func renderDiffResourceOperationFailedEvent(
payload engine.ResourceOperationFailedPayload, opts Options) string {
// It's not actually useful or interesting to print out any details about
// the resource state here, because we always assume that the resource state
// is unknown if an error occurs.
// In the future, once we get more fine-grained error messages from providers,
// we can provide useful diagnostics here.
return ""
func renderDiffResourcePreEvent(
payload engine.ResourcePreEventPayload,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata,
opts Options) string {
seen[payload.Metadata.URN] = payload.Metadata
if payload.Metadata.Op == deploy.OpRefresh {
return ""
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
if shouldShow(payload.Metadata, opts) || isRootStack(payload.Metadata) {
indent := engine.GetIndent(payload.Metadata, seen)
summary := engine.GetResourcePropertiesSummary(payload.Metadata, indent)
details := engine.GetResourcePropertiesDetails(
payload.Metadata, indent, payload.Planning, opts.SummaryDiff, payload.Debug)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(summary))
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(details))
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(colors.Reset))
return out.String()
func renderDiffResourceOutputsEvent(
payload engine.ResourceOutputsEventPayload,
seen map[resource.URN]engine.StepEventMetadata,
opts Options) string {
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
if shouldShow(payload.Metadata, opts) || isRootStack(payload.Metadata) {
indent := engine.GetIndent(payload.Metadata, seen)
refresh := false // are these outputs from a refresh?
if m, has := seen[payload.Metadata.URN]; has && m.Op == deploy.OpRefresh {
refresh = true
summary := engine.GetResourcePropertiesSummary(payload.Metadata, indent)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(summary))
if !opts.SuppressOutputs {
if text := engine.GetResourceOutputsPropertiesString(
payload.Metadata, indent+1, payload.Planning, payload.Debug, refresh); text != "" {
fprintfIgnoreError(out, "%v%v--outputs:--%v\n",
payload.Metadata.Op.Color(), engine.GetIndentationString(indent+1), colors.Reset)
fprintIgnoreError(out, opts.Color.Colorize(text))
return out.String()
// isRootStack returns true if the step pertains to the rootmost stack component.
func isRootStack(step engine.StepEventMetadata) bool {
return isRootURN(step.URN)
func isRootURN(urn resource.URN) bool {
return urn != "" && urn.Type() == resource.RootStackType
// shouldShow returns true if a step should show in the output.
func shouldShow(step engine.StepEventMetadata, opts Options) bool {
// For certain operations, whether they are tracked is controlled by flags (to cut down on superfluous output).
if step.Op == deploy.OpSame {
// If the op is the same, it is possible that the resource's metadata changed. In that case, still show it.
if step.Old.Protect != step.New.Protect {
return true
return opts.ShowSameResources
return true
func fprintfIgnoreError(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
func fprintIgnoreError(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
_, err := fmt.Fprint(w, a...)