2017-05-18 14:51:52 -07:00

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// Licensed to Pulumi Corporation ("Pulumi") under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// Pulumi licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resource
import (
const providerPrefix = "lumi-resource"
// provider reflects a resource plugin, loaded dynamically for a single package.
type provider struct {
ctx *Context
pkg tokens.Package
plug *plugin
client lumirpc.ResourceProviderClient
// NewProvider attempts to bind to a given package's resource plugin and then creates a gRPC connection to it. If the
// plugin could not be found, or an error occurs while creating the child process, an error is returned.
func NewProvider(ctx *Context, pkg tokens.Package) (Provider, error) {
// Setup the search paths; first, the naked name (found on the PATH); next, the fully qualified name.
srvexe := providerPrefix + "-" + strings.Replace(string(pkg), tokens.QNameDelimiter, "_", -1)
paths := []string{
srvexe, // naked PATH.
workspace.InstallRoot(), workspace.InstallRootLibdir, string(pkg), srvexe), // qualified name.
// Now go ahead and attempt to load the plugin.
plug, err := newPlugin(ctx, paths, fmt.Sprintf("resource[%v]", pkg))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &provider{
ctx: ctx,
pkg: pkg,
plug: plug,
client: lumirpc.NewResourceProviderClient(plug.Conn),
}, nil
func (p *provider) Pkg() tokens.Package { return p.pkg }
// Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type.
func (p *provider) Check(t tokens.Type, props PropertyMap) ([]CheckFailure, error) {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(t=%v,#props=%v) executing", p.pkg, t, len(props))
req := &lumirpc.CheckRequest{
Type: string(t),
Properties: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, props, MarshalOptions{
PermitOlds: true, // permit old URNs, since this is pre-update.
RawURNs: true, // often used during URN creation; IDs won't be ready.
resp, err := p.client.Check(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(t=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, t, err)
return nil, err
var failures []CheckFailure
for _, failure := range resp.GetFailures() {
failures = append(failures, CheckFailure{PropertyKey(failure.Property), failure.Reason})
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Check(t=%v,...) success: failures=#%v", p.pkg, t, len(failures))
return failures, nil
// Name names a given resource.
func (p *provider) Name(t tokens.Type, props PropertyMap) (tokens.QName, error) {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Name(t=%v,#props=%v) executing", p.pkg, t, len(props))
req := &lumirpc.NameRequest{
Type: string(t),
Properties: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, props, MarshalOptions{
PermitOlds: true, // permit old URNs, since this is pre-update.
RawURNs: true, // often used during URN creation; IDs won't be ready.
resp, err := p.client.Name(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Name(t=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, t, err)
return "", err
name := tokens.QName(resp.GetName())
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Name(t=%v,...) success: name=%v", p.pkg, t, name)
return name, nil
// Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and returns its unique ID afterwards.
func (p *provider) Create(t tokens.Type, props PropertyMap) (ID, PropertyMap, State, error) {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(t=%v,#props=%v) executing", p.pkg, t, len(props))
req := &lumirpc.CreateRequest{
Type: string(t),
Properties: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, props, MarshalOptions{}),
resp, err := p.client.Create(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(t=%v,...) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, t, err)
return ID(""), nil, StateUnknown, err
id := ID(resp.GetId())
outs := resp.GetOutputs()
outprops := UnmarshalProperties(outs)
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Create(t=%v,...) success: id=%v,#outs=%v", p.pkg, t, id, len(outprops))
if id == "" {
return id, outprops, StateUnknown,
errors.Errorf("plugin for package '%v' returned empty ID from create '%v'", p.pkg, t)
return id, outprops, StateOK, nil
// Get reads the instance state identified by id/t, and returns a bag of properties.
func (p *provider) Get(id ID, t tokens.Type) (PropertyMap, error) {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Get(id=%v,t=%v) executing", p.pkg, id, t)
req := &lumirpc.GetRequest{
Id: string(id),
Type: string(t),
resp, err := p.client.Get(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Get(id=%v,t=%v) failed: err=%v", p.pkg, id, t, err)
return nil, err
props := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetProperties())
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Get(id=%v,t=%v) success: #props=%v", p.pkg, t, id, len(props))
return props, nil
// InspectChange checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties.
func (p *provider) InspectChange(id ID, t tokens.Type,
olds PropertyMap, news PropertyMap) ([]string, PropertyMap, error) {
contract.Requiref(id != "", "id", "not empty")
contract.Requiref(t != "", "t", "not empty")
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].InspectChange(id=%v,t=%v,#olds=%v,#news=%v) executing",
p.pkg, id, t, len(olds), len(news))
req := &lumirpc.ChangeRequest{
Id: string(id),
Type: string(t),
Olds: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, olds, MarshalOptions{
RawURNs: true, // often used during URN creation; IDs won't be ready.
News: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, news, MarshalOptions{
RawURNs: true, // often used during URN creation; IDs won't be ready.
resp, err := p.client.InspectChange(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].InspectChange(id=%v,t=%v,...) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, t, err)
return nil, nil, err
replaces := resp.GetReplaces()
changes := UnmarshalProperties(resp.GetChanges())
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,t=%v,...) success: #replaces=%v #changes=%v",
p.pkg, id, t, len(replaces), len(changes))
return replaces, changes, nil
// Update updates an existing resource with new values.
func (p *provider) Update(id ID, t tokens.Type, olds PropertyMap, news PropertyMap) (State, error) {
contract.Requiref(id != "", "id", "not empty")
contract.Requiref(t != "", "t", "not empty")
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,t=%v,#olds=%v,#news=%v) executing",
p.pkg, id, t, len(olds), len(news))
req := &lumirpc.ChangeRequest{
Id: string(id),
Type: string(t),
Olds: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, olds, MarshalOptions{
PermitOlds: true, // permit old URNs since these are the old values.
News: MarshalProperties(p.ctx, news, MarshalOptions{}),
_, err := p.client.Update(p.ctx.Request(), req)
if err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,t=%v,...) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, t, err)
return StateUnknown, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Update(id=%v,t=%v,...) success", p.pkg, id, t)
return StateOK, nil
// Delete tears down an existing resource.
func (p *provider) Delete(id ID, t tokens.Type) (State, error) {
contract.Requiref(id != "", "id", "not empty")
contract.Requiref(t != "", "t", "not empty")
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,t=%v) executing", p.pkg, id, t)
req := &lumirpc.DeleteRequest{
Id: string(id),
Type: string(t),
if _, err := p.client.Delete(p.ctx.Request(), req); err != nil {
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,t=%v) failed: %v", p.pkg, id, t, err)
return StateUnknown, err
glog.V(7).Infof("resource[%v].Delete(id=%v,t=%v) success", p.pkg, id, t)
return StateOK, nil
// Close tears down the underlying plugin RPC connection and process.
func (p *provider) Close() error {
return p.plug.Close()