Pat Gavlin 0a45f8d3ab
[codegen/go] Rewrite cyclic types. (#8049)
When computing the type name for a field of an object type, we must
ensure that we do not generate invalid recursive struct types. A struct
type T contains invalid recursion if the closure of its fields and its
struct-typed fields' fields includes a field of type T. A few examples:

Directly invalid:

    type T struct { Invalid T }

Indirectly invalid:

    type T struct { Invalid S }

    type S struct { Invalid T }

In order to avoid generating invalid struct types, we replace all
references to types involved in a cyclical definition with *T. The
examples above therefore become:

(1) type T struct { Valid *T }

(2) type T struct { Valid *S }

    type S struct { Valid *T }

We do this using a rewriter that turns all fields involved in reference
cycles into optional fields.

These changes also include an enhancement to the SDK codegen test
driver in the interest of making iterating and debugging more convenient:  if the -sdk.no-checks flag is passed, the driver will not run post-generation checks.
2021-09-28 07:33:14 -07:00

337 lines
9.8 KiB

package test
import (
// Defines an extra check logic that accepts the directory with the
// generated code, typically `$TestDir/$test.Directory/$language`.
type CodegenCheck func(t *testing.T, codedir string)
type sdkTest struct {
Directory string
Description string
// Extra checks for this test. They keys of this map
// are of the form "$language/$check" such as "go/compile".
Checks map[string]CodegenCheck
// Skip checks, identified by "$language/$check".
Skip codegen.StringSet
// Do not compile the generated code for the languages in this set.
// This is a helper form of `Skip`.
SkipCompileCheck codegen.StringSet
const (
// python = "python"
nodejs = "nodejs"
dotnet = "dotnet"
golang = "go"
var sdkTests = []sdkTest{
Directory: "naming-collisions",
Description: "Schema with types that could potentially produce collisions (go).",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "dash-named-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with a two part name (foo-bar)",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "external-resource-schema",
Description: "External resource schema",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(nodejs, golang),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "nested-module",
Description: "Nested module",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(dotnet, nodejs),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "nested-module-thirdparty",
Description: "Third-party nested module",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(dotnet, nodejs),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "plain-schema-gh6957",
Description: "Repro for #6957",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "resource-args-python-case-insensitive",
Description: "Resource args with same named resource and type case insensitive",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "resource-args-python",
Description: "Resource args with same named resource and type",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-enum-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with enum types",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-plain-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with plain properties",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-plain-schema-with-root-package",
Description: "Simple schema with root package set",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-resource-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with local resource properties",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-resource-schema-custom-pypackage-name",
Description: "Simple schema with local resource properties and custom Python package name",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-methods-schema",
Description: "Simple schema with methods",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(nodejs, dotnet, golang),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "simple-yaml-schema",
Description: "Simple schema encoded using YAML",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "provider-config-schema",
Description: "Simple provider config schema",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(dotnet),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "replace-on-change",
Description: "Simple use of replaceOnChange in schema",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(golang),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "resource-property-overlap",
Description: "A resource with the same name as its property",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(dotnet, nodejs),
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "hyphen-url",
Description: "A resource url with a hyphen in its path",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
Directory: "output-funcs",
Description: "Tests targeting the $fn_output helper code generation feature",
SkipCompileCheck: codegen.NewStringSet(dotnet),
Directory: "cyclic-types",
Description: "Cyclic object types",
Skip: codegen.NewStringSet("python/test"),
var genSDKOnly bool
func NoSDKCodegenChecks() bool {
return genSDKOnly
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&genSDKOnly, "sdk.no-checks", false, "when set, skips all post-SDK-generation checks")
// NOTE: the testing package will call flag.Parse.
type SDKCodegenOptions struct {
// Name of the programming language.
Language string
// Language-aware code generator; such as `GeneratePackage`.
// from `codegen/dotnet`.
GenPackage GenPkgSignature
// Extra checks for all the tests. They keys of this map are
// of the form "$language/$check" such as "go/compile".
Checks map[string]CodegenCheck
// `TestSDKCodegen` runs the complete set of SDK code generation tests
// against a particular language's code generator. It also verifies
// that the generated code is structurally sound.
// The tests files live in `pkg/codegen/internal/test/testdata` and
// are registered in `var sdkTests` in `sdk_driver.go`.
// An SDK code generation test files consists of a schema and a set of
// expected outputs for each language. Each test is structured as a
// directory that contains that information:
// testdata/
// my-simple-schema/ # i.e. `simple-enum-schema`
// schema.(json|yaml)
// go/
// python/
// nodejs/
// dotnet/
// ...
// The schema is the only piece that *must* be manually authored.
// Once the schema has been written, the actual codegen outputs can be
// generated by running the following in `pkg/codegen` directory:
// PULUMI_ACCEPT=true go test ./...
// This will rebuild subfolders such as `go/` from scratch and store
// the set of code-generated file names in `go/codegen-manfiest.json`.
// If these outputs look correct, they need to be checked into git and
// will then serve as the expected values for the normal test runs:
// go test ./...
// That is, the normal test runs will fail if changes to codegen or
// schema lead to a diff in the generated file set. If the diff is
// intentional, it can be accepted again via `PULUMI_ACCEPT=true`.
// To support running unit tests over the generated code, the tests
// also support mixing in manually written `$lang-extras` files into
// the generated tree. For example, given the following input:
// testdata/
// my-simple-schema/
// schema.json
// go/
// go-extras/
// tests/
// go_test.go
// The system will copy `go-extras/tests/go_test.go` into
// `go/tests/go_test.go` before performing compilation and unit test
// checks over the project generated in `go`.
func TestSDKCodegen(t *testing.T, opts *SDKCodegenOptions) { // revive:disable-line
testDir := filepath.Join("..", "internal", "test", "testdata")
// Motivation for flagging parallelism: not all tests are
// parallel-safe yet (for example, codegen/docs tests fail),
// and there are concerns about memory utilizaion in CI. It
// can be a nice feature for developing though.
parallel := os.Getenv("PULUMI_PARALLEL_SDK_CODEGEN_TESTS") != ""
for _, sdkTest := range sdkTests {
tt := sdkTest // avoid capturing loop variable `sdkTest` in the closure
t.Run(tt.Directory, func(t *testing.T) {
if parallel {
dirPath := filepath.Join(testDir, filepath.FromSlash(tt.Directory))
schemaPath := filepath.Join(dirPath, "schema.json")
if _, err := os.Stat(schemaPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
schemaPath = filepath.Join(dirPath, "schema.yaml")
files, err := GeneratePackageFilesFromSchema(schemaPath, opts.GenPackage)
require.NoError(t, err)
if !RewriteFilesWhenPulumiAccept(t, dirPath, opts.Language, files) {
expectedFiles, err := LoadBaseline(dirPath, opts.Language)
require.NoError(t, err)
if !ValidateFileEquality(t, files, expectedFiles) {
if genSDKOnly {
CopyExtraFiles(t, dirPath, opts.Language)
// Merge language-specific global and
// test-specific checks, with test-specific
// having precedence.
allChecks := make(map[string]CodegenCheck)
for k, v := range opts.Checks {
allChecks[k] = v
for k, v := range tt.Checks {
allChecks[k] = v
// Define check filter.
shouldSkipCheck := func(check string) bool {
// Only language-specific checks.
if !strings.HasPrefix(check, opts.Language+"/") {
return true
// Obey SkipCompileCheck to skip compile and test targets.
if tt.SkipCompileCheck != nil &&
tt.SkipCompileCheck.Has(opts.Language) &&
(check == fmt.Sprintf("%s/compile", opts.Language) ||
check == fmt.Sprintf("%s/test", opts.Language)) {
return true
// Obey Skip.
if tt.Skip != nil && tt.Skip.Has(check) {
return true
return false
// Sort the checks in alphabetical order.
var checkOrder []string
for check := range allChecks {
checkOrder = append(checkOrder, check)
codeDir := filepath.Join(dirPath, opts.Language)
// Perform the checks.
for _, checkVar := range checkOrder {
check := checkVar
t.Run(check, func(t *testing.T) {
if shouldSkipCheck(check) {
checkFun := allChecks[check]
checkFun(t, codeDir)