Pat Gavlin 843ce9943b
[query] Do not access config with a nil Target. (#7460)
Query mode does not fill out the Target field of EvalRunInfo before
booting its resource monitor. These changes fix a recent update to query
mode that attempts to dereference the nil Target.

Note that the missing target is by design, and other portions of the
query infrastructure have identical code to compensate.
2021-07-08 19:57:47 -07:00

537 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2018, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deploy
import (
pbempty "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty"
opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
pulumirpc "github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3/proto/go"
// QuerySource is used to synchronously wait for a query result.
type QuerySource interface {
Wait() result.Result
// NewQuerySource creates a `QuerySource` for some target runtime environment specified by
// `runinfo`, and supported by language plugins provided in `plugctx`.
func NewQuerySource(cancel context.Context, plugctx *plugin.Context, client BackendClient,
runinfo *EvalRunInfo, defaultProviderVersions map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version,
provs ProviderSource) (QuerySource, error) {
// Create a new builtin provider. This provider implements features such as `getStack`.
builtins := newBuiltinProvider(client, nil)
reg, err := providers.NewRegistry(plugctx.Host, nil, false, builtins)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to start resource monitor")
// Allows queryResmon to communicate errors loading providers.
providerRegErrChan := make(chan result.Result)
// First, fire up a resource monitor that will disallow all resource operations, as well as
// service calls for things like resource ouptuts of state snapshots.
// NOTE: Using the queryResourceMonitor here is *VERY* important, as its job is to disallow
// resource operations in query mode!
mon, err := newQueryResourceMonitor(builtins, defaultProviderVersions, provs, reg, plugctx,
providerRegErrChan, opentracing.SpanFromContext(cancel), runinfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to start resource monitor")
// Create a new iterator with appropriate channels, and gear up to go!
src := &querySource{
mon: mon,
plugctx: plugctx,
runinfo: runinfo,
runLangPlugin: runLangPlugin,
langPluginFinChan: make(chan result.Result),
providerRegErrChan: make(chan result.Result),
cancel: cancel,
// Now invoke Run in a goroutine. All subsequent resource creation events will come in over the gRPC channel,
// and we will pump them through the channel. If the Run call ultimately fails, we need to propagate the error.
// Finally, return the fresh iterator that the caller can use to take things from here.
return src, nil
type querySource struct {
mon SourceResourceMonitor // the resource monitor, per iterator.
plugctx *plugin.Context // the plugin context.
runinfo *EvalRunInfo // the directives to use when running the program.
runLangPlugin func(*querySource) result.Result // runs the language plugin.
langPluginFinChan chan result.Result // communicates language plugin completion.
providerRegErrChan chan result.Result // communicates errors loading providers
done bool // set to true when the evaluation is done.
res result.Result // result when the channel is finished.
cancel context.Context
func (src *querySource) Close() error {
// Cancel the monitor and reclaim any associated resources.
src.done = true
return src.mon.Cancel()
func (src *querySource) Wait() result.Result {
// If we are done, quit.
if src.done {
return src.res
select {
case src.res = <-src.langPluginFinChan:
// Language plugin has exited. No need to call `Close`.
src.done = true
return src.res
case src.res = <-src.providerRegErrChan:
// Provider registration has failed.
return src.res
case <-src.cancel.Done():
return src.res
// forkRun evaluate the query program in a separate goroutine. Completion or cancellation will cause
// `Wait` to stop blocking and return.
func (src *querySource) forkRun() {
// Fire up the goroutine to make the RPC invocation against the language runtime. As this executes, calls
// to queue things up in the resource channel will occur, and we will serve them concurrently.
go func() {
// Next, launch the language plugin. Communicate the error, if it exists, or nil if the
// program exited cleanly.
src.langPluginFinChan <- src.runLangPlugin(src)
func runLangPlugin(src *querySource) result.Result {
rt := src.runinfo.Proj.Runtime.Name()
langhost, err := src.plugctx.Host.LanguageRuntime(rt)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to launch language host %s", rt))
contract.Assertf(langhost != nil, "expected non-nil language host %s", rt)
// Make sure to clean up before exiting.
defer contract.IgnoreClose(langhost)
// Decrypt the configuration.
var config map[config.Key]string
if src.runinfo.Target != nil {
config, err = src.runinfo.Target.Config.Decrypt(src.runinfo.Target.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return result.FromError(err)
var name string
if src.runinfo.Target != nil {
name = string(src.runinfo.Target.Name)
// Now run the actual program.
progerr, bail, err := langhost.Run(plugin.RunInfo{
MonitorAddress: src.mon.Address(),
Stack: name,
Project: string(src.runinfo.Proj.Name),
Pwd: src.runinfo.Pwd,
Program: src.runinfo.Program,
Args: src.runinfo.Args,
Config: config,
DryRun: true,
QueryMode: true,
Parallel: math.MaxInt32,
// Check if we were asked to Bail. This a special random constant used for that
// purpose.
if err == nil && bail {
return result.Bail()
if err == nil && progerr != "" {
// If the program had an unhandled error; propagate it to the caller.
err = errors.Errorf("an unhandled error occurred: %v", progerr)
return result.WrapIfNonNil(err)
// newQueryResourceMonitor creates a new resource monitor RPC server intended to be used in Pulumi's
// "query mode".
func newQueryResourceMonitor(
builtins *builtinProvider, defaultProviderVersions map[tokens.Package]*semver.Version,
provs ProviderSource, reg *providers.Registry, plugctx *plugin.Context,
providerRegErrChan chan<- result.Result, tracingSpan opentracing.Span, runinfo *EvalRunInfo) (*queryResmon, error) {
// Create our cancellation channel.
cancel := make(chan bool)
// Create channel for handling registrations.
providerRegChan := make(chan *registerResourceEvent)
// Create a new default provider manager.
d := &defaultProviders{
defaultVersions: defaultProviderVersions,
providers: make(map[string]providers.Reference),
config: runinfo.Target,
requests: make(chan defaultProviderRequest),
providerRegChan: providerRegChan,
cancel: cancel,
go func() {
for e := range providerRegChan {
urn := syntheticProviderURN(e.goal)
inputs, _, err := reg.Check(urn, resource.PropertyMap{}, e.goal.Properties, false)
if err != nil {
providerRegErrChan <- result.FromError(err)
_, _, _, err = reg.Create(urn, inputs, 9999, false)
if err != nil {
providerRegErrChan <- result.FromError(err)
e.done <- &RegisterResult{State: &resource.State{
Type: e.goal.Type,
URN: urn,
// New up an engine RPC server.
queryResmon := &queryResmon{
builtins: builtins,
providers: provs,
defaultProviders: d,
cancel: cancel,
reg: reg,
// Fire up a gRPC server and start listening for incomings.
port, done, err := rpcutil.Serve(0, queryResmon.cancel, []func(*grpc.Server) error{
func(srv *grpc.Server) error {
pulumirpc.RegisterResourceMonitorServer(srv, queryResmon)
return nil
}, tracingSpan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
monitorAddress := fmt.Sprintf("", port)
var config map[config.Key]string
if runinfo.Target != nil {
config, err = runinfo.Target.Config.Decrypt(runinfo.Target.Decrypter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var name string
if runinfo.Target != nil {
name = string(runinfo.Target.Name)
queryResmon.callInfo = plugin.CallInfo{
Project: string(runinfo.Proj.Name),
Stack: name,
Config: config,
DryRun: true,
Parallel: math.MaxInt32,
MonitorAddress: monitorAddress,
queryResmon.addr = monitorAddress
queryResmon.done = done
go d.serve()
return queryResmon, nil
// queryResmon is a pulumirpc.ResourceMonitor that is meant to run in Pulumi's "query mode". It
// performs two critical functions:
// 1. Disallows all resource operations. `queryResmon` intercepts all resource operations and
// returns an error instead of allowing them to proceed.
// 2. Services requests for stack snapshots. This is primarily to allow us to allow queries across
// stack snapshots.
type queryResmon struct {
builtins *builtinProvider // provides builtins such as `getStack`.
providers ProviderSource // the provider source itself.
defaultProviders *defaultProviders // the default provider manager.
addr string // the address the host is listening on.
cancel chan bool // a channel that can cancel the server.
done chan error // a channel that resolves when the server completes.
reg *providers.Registry // registry for resource providers.
callInfo plugin.CallInfo // information for call calls.
var _ SourceResourceMonitor = (*queryResmon)(nil)
// Address returns the address at which the monitor's RPC server may be reached.
func (rm *queryResmon) Address() string {
return rm.addr
// Cancel signals that the engine should be terminated, awaits its termination, and returns any
// errors that result.
func (rm *queryResmon) Cancel() error {
return <-rm.done
// Invoke performs an invocation of a member located in a resource provider.
func (rm *queryResmon) Invoke(ctx context.Context, req *pulumirpc.InvokeRequest) (*pulumirpc.InvokeResponse, error) {
tok := tokens.ModuleMember(req.GetTok())
label := fmt.Sprintf("QueryResourceMonitor.Invoke(%s)", tok)
providerReq, err := parseProviderRequest(tok.Package(), req.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prov, err := getProviderFromSource(rm.reg, rm.defaultProviders, providerReq, req.GetProvider())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetArgs(), plugin.MarshalOptions{
Label: label,
KeepUnknowns: true,
KeepSecrets: true,
KeepResources: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal %v args", tok)
// Do the invoke and then return the arguments.
logging.V(5).Infof("QueryResourceMonitor.Invoke received: tok=%v #args=%v", tok, len(args))
ret, failures, err := prov.Invoke(tok, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invocation of %v returned an error", tok)
mret, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(ret, plugin.MarshalOptions{
Label: label,
KeepUnknowns: true,
KeepResources: req.GetAcceptResources(),
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal return")
var chkfails []*pulumirpc.CheckFailure
for _, failure := range failures {
chkfails = append(chkfails, &pulumirpc.CheckFailure{
Property: string(failure.Property),
Reason: failure.Reason,
return &pulumirpc.InvokeResponse{Return: mret, Failures: chkfails}, nil
func (rm *queryResmon) StreamInvoke(
req *pulumirpc.InvokeRequest, stream pulumirpc.ResourceMonitor_StreamInvokeServer) error {
tok := tokens.ModuleMember(req.GetTok())
label := fmt.Sprintf("QueryResourceMonitor.StreamInvoke(%s)", tok)
providerReq, err := parseProviderRequest(tok.Package(), req.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return err
prov, err := getProviderFromSource(rm.reg, rm.defaultProviders, providerReq, req.GetProvider())
if err != nil {
return err
args, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetArgs(), plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal %v args", tok)
// Synchronously do the StreamInvoke and then return the arguments. This will block until the
// streaming operation completes!
logging.V(5).Infof("QueryResourceMonitor.StreamInvoke received: tok=%v #args=%v", tok, len(args))
failures, err := prov.StreamInvoke(tok, args, func(event resource.PropertyMap) error {
mret, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(event, plugin.MarshalOptions{Label: label, KeepUnknowns: true})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal return")
return stream.Send(&pulumirpc.InvokeResponse{Return: mret})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "streaming invocation of %v returned an error", tok)
var chkfails []*pulumirpc.CheckFailure
for _, failure := range failures {
chkfails = append(chkfails, &pulumirpc.CheckFailure{
Property: string(failure.Property),
Reason: failure.Reason,
if len(chkfails) > 0 {
return stream.Send(&pulumirpc.InvokeResponse{Failures: chkfails})
return nil
// Call dynamically executes a method in the provider associated with a component resource.
func (rm *queryResmon) Call(ctx context.Context, req *pulumirpc.CallRequest) (*pulumirpc.CallResponse, error) {
tok := tokens.ModuleMember(req.GetTok())
label := fmt.Sprintf("QueryResourceMonitor.Call(%s)", tok)
providerReq, err := parseProviderRequest(tok.Package(), req.GetVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prov, err := getProviderFromSource(rm.reg, rm.defaultProviders, providerReq, req.GetProvider())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args, err := plugin.UnmarshalProperties(
req.GetArgs(), plugin.MarshalOptions{
Label: label,
KeepUnknowns: true,
KeepSecrets: true,
KeepResources: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal %v args", tok)
argDependencies := map[resource.PropertyKey][]resource.URN{}
for name, deps := range req.GetArgDependencies() {
urns := make([]resource.URN, len(deps.Urns))
for i, urn := range deps.Urns {
urns[i] = resource.URN(urn)
argDependencies[resource.PropertyKey(name)] = urns
options := plugin.CallOptions{
ArgDependencies: argDependencies,
// Do the call and then return the arguments.
"QueryResourceMonitor.Call received: tok=%v #args=%v #info=%v #options=%v", tok, len(args), rm.callInfo, options)
ret, err := prov.Call(tok, args, rm.callInfo, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "call of %v returned an error", tok)
mret, err := plugin.MarshalProperties(ret.Return, plugin.MarshalOptions{
Label: label,
KeepUnknowns: true,
KeepSecrets: true,
KeepResources: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to marshal return")
returnDependencies := map[string]*pulumirpc.CallResponse_ReturnDependencies{}
for name, deps := range ret.ReturnDependencies {
urns := make([]string, len(deps))
for i, urn := range deps {
urns[i] = string(urn)
returnDependencies[string(name)] = &pulumirpc.CallResponse_ReturnDependencies{Urns: urns}
var chkfails []*pulumirpc.CheckFailure
for _, failure := range ret.Failures {
chkfails = append(chkfails, &pulumirpc.CheckFailure{
Property: string(failure.Property),
Reason: failure.Reason,
return &pulumirpc.CallResponse{Return: mret, ReturnDependencies: returnDependencies, Failures: chkfails}, nil
// ReadResource reads the current state associated with a resource from its provider plugin.
func (rm *queryResmon) ReadResource(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.ReadResourceRequest) (*pulumirpc.ReadResourceResponse, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Query mode does not support reading resources")
// RegisterResource is invoked by a language process when a new resource has been allocated.
func (rm *queryResmon) RegisterResource(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.RegisterResourceRequest) (*pulumirpc.RegisterResourceResponse, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Query mode does not support creating, updating, or deleting resources")
// RegisterResourceOutputs records some new output properties for a resource that have arrived after its initial
// provisioning. These will make their way into the eventual checkpoint state file for that resource.
func (rm *queryResmon) RegisterResourceOutputs(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.RegisterResourceOutputsRequest) (*pbempty.Empty, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Query mode does not support registering resource operations")
// SupportsFeature the query resmon is able to have secrets passed to it, which may be arguments to invoke calls.
func (rm *queryResmon) SupportsFeature(ctx context.Context,
req *pulumirpc.SupportsFeatureRequest) (*pulumirpc.SupportsFeatureResponse, error) {
hasSupport := false
return &pulumirpc.SupportsFeatureResponse{
HasSupport: hasSupport,
}, nil
// syntheticProviderURN will create a "fake" URN for a resource provider in query mode. Query mode
// has no stack, no project, and no parent, so there is otherwise no way to generate a principled
// URN.
func syntheticProviderURN(goal *resource.Goal) resource.URN {
return resource.NewURN(
"query-stack", "query-project", "parent-type", goal.Type, goal.Name)